
Outside In Quotes

Outside In by Maria V. Snyder

Outside In Quotes
"If you put enough sheep together, you have a herd—a force to be reckoned with."
"Change isn't just about big moments; it's about being prepared for them."
"In the vastness of Outer Space, it's our unity that keeps us moving."
"The only constant in life is change, and how we adapt defines us."
"True leadership isn't about power; it's about guiding others to see their own strength."
"Every end has a new beginning hidden in the echoes of silence."
"The journey of a thousand weeks begins with a single step into the unknown."
"In the heart of darkness, it's the light of hope that guides us home."
"Still afraid of me? Don’t flatter yourself. It’s disgust and not fear on my face."
"Unlike you, I’m quite content with my role as support personnel."
"Let’s skip the small talk crap. We need the names of those who know how to repair the Transmission."
"You risked your life for them, yet you have to beg for the Committee’s permission to do anything."
"I’m sure once the others see how we cleaned out the brig, they’ll be more cooperative."
"The rapid pace of changes in our society has been overwhelming to the majority of the people."
"Without them, we wouldn’t have found Gateway."
"Between the Travas’ attempts to erase files and the sheer amount of information, it was an utter mess."
"I had thought sixteen levels incomprehensible."
"I just need to sleep for about a hundred hours."
"Do you even know how much trouble you’re in?"
"No excuses, Trella. I have orders from the Committee to arrest you."
"You had your chance to explain down in waste handling, but you chose to run away."
"Thanks for not mentioning me," she said in a quiet voice. "I owe you one."
"It’s up to you. The Committee has a number of questions for you."
"ARE YOU SAYING THE COMMITTEE NO LONGER HAS the power to make decisions?"
"Yep. They’re just following orders. And so am I."
"They’re in the network, Trell. They don’t need air or water. Just electricity."
"Don’t let the Committee know I told you all this," she said.
"A tracer has been implanted into your arm," Domotor said.
"If you stray from level three for any reason, we will be informed."
"They’re armed with stunners, but they have no idea their weapons won’t work in here."
"Get in here before someone sees you."
"You might be able to use this information to your advantage."
"Then educate them. Recruit them. You can do it."
"Yes. A body produces a small electrical charge."
"Absolutely not." She shot me her fiercest frown.
"Any way to turn off the current?" "Yes. When you die, but that’s not an option."
"You’re going to put a little over twenty-eight hundred people on one ship?"
"The collar is also linked to your nervous system, which is why it causes such intense agony."
"Stop thinking about being a scrub or an upper. About being a Trava or an Ashon. We’re all Insiders."
"We have weapons. Blake, how many knives do you have in the kitchen?"
"They pretended to be the Controllers so they could get into our ship."
"You didn’t know the kill-zapper wouldn’t work."
"You should be happy. Your mother and friends will all be members of our new combined community."
"And since I’m one of the good guys, I can have whatever I desire."