
Everlost Quotes

Everlost by Neal Shusterman

Everlost Quotes
"The cars just came and went, never stopping, never even slowing."
"It didn’t hurt, all this banging and crashing. In fact he laughed."
"This was his place. He would go back to his games, and he’d play them tomorrow and the next day and the next, until the road itself was gone."
"Human brains, she knew, could be like computers, especially in the time that hung between sleep and wakefulness."
"Waking up in Everlost is like jumping into a cold pool. It’s a shock at first, but once you’re in, the water is fine."
"The worst part about it was that no matter how much time passed, you always remembered how many things you’d forgotten."
"We might be able to shake things up a little, and find a way to come up heads."
"Do not believe rumors that children leave Everlost. We are here to stay."
"How can eight hours of death remind us of being alive?"
"We’re Afterlights, just like you, so leave us alone."
"The things we dead folk do to amuse ourselves."
"The more happiness we bring back to this place, the more we honor it."
"Every Greensoul who comes here has to make a wish."
"Routine gives us comfort. It gives us purpose."
"You see all of this? A hundred years from now, all those people will be gone... but we will still be here."
"Believe what you want. Eternity is what it is—you can’t change it."
"It’s like our lives are CDs that started to skip on the very last note."
"You see emptiness," she said. "I see possibility."
"The world had become so small for the living."
"I died on a Wednesday, but I didn’t die alone."
"The very weight of your own absence is so unbearably heavy that you start to sink like a stone in water."
"Mary, Mary, Mary. Her face and name were locked in his mind…"
"I want to know about haunting—and how we can communicate with the living world."
"Wanderlust is a dangerous thing. In Everlost there’s safety in staying put."
"Being alone in the living world is punishment enough."
"No loss is acceptable," Mary said. "But sometimes we have to accept it anyway."
"Being trapped doing the same thing over and over again for all time is no way to spend eternity—and anyone who tells you so is wrong."
"I shouldn’t have done that, Allie told herself, but even so, she wanted to do it again."
"The only way to rescue them was to find others who could help her."
"Maybe one out of every thousand that met the wrecking ball was deemed worthy by God, or the universe, or whatever, to cross into Everlost."
"Safety in numbers. Mary’s little kingdom was simply the place to be in this part of the world."
"It took a few hours of calling, and making noise, but finally word had been relayed back to Johnnie-O, and he showed up at around noon."
"There ain’t no such place. Whadaya think I am, stupid?"
"‘Send her down!’ the other kids started yelling. ‘Down! Down!’"
"The hard part will be getting in. There’s a big steel door—not living-world steel, but steel that crossed over with the building. I pounded on it for hours and couldn’t make a dent."
"‘She devours kids’ souls,’ said another kid."
"Just a stupid story they tell to scare little kids about some witch who lives in the skies over Manhattan."
"All the while as they marched south toward the city, Purple-puss kept giving Allie dirty looks."
"‘For all we know,’ Heimlich said, ‘she could be leading us straight to the Sky Witch.’"
"‘Yeah,’ said Raggedy Andy baring his teeth and hooking his hands like claws. ‘She grabs you and takes a deep breath sucking your soul right up her nose. That’s why they also call her the ‘Queen of Snot.’"
"I heard that you were the devil’s pet dog, and you chewed through your leash."
"Pet dog? Who said I was a dog? I’ll put them on a leash!"
"‘Associates,’ said the boy with the unusually small head."
"‘Take them below!’ he said to a group of associates. ‘Find out what they can do, and make them do it.’"
"I order you to remember what you look like, or you’re going overboard."
"I’m your king and commander. I own you now."
"‘Ghost ships are the only exception to this rule. Like the Everlost buildings that remain on land long after leaving the ‘living world,’ ghost ships still do what they were built to do; that is, float—and nothing, not tidal wave, nor hurricane, nor torpedo could ever sink them. Just don’t get thrown off of one.’"
"‘That doesn’t matter,’ she told him, ‘all that matters is that you take the wheel and change course.’"
"Monsters only had the power that you gave them."
"Selfish ambition leaves friends in a pickle."
"You shall be the last. You shall be the first."
"Maybe there’s a reason why we’re here, and maybe there’s not."
"Finding answers to questions like that is what we ought to be doing, instead of getting lost in endless ruts."
"Nothing was worse than that limp, lonely feeling that he had no power over his own fate."
"You suddenly find that you have endless patience. Enough patience to wait until the end of the world."
"I'm not complaining, I'm doing something about it."
"Words aren't words unless you pound them out."
"Careful, you'll put out an eye with that thing."
"A brave man's life is worth a thousand cowardly souls."
"It’s a mess in there, I got them all tangled up."
"The McGill is such an odd beast-reveling in his own putrescence, and yet taking joy from the beauty of a world he was no longer a part of."
"Everything's going to be alright. I promise."
"Welcome to Everlost," the angel said as they crossed the field toward the silver blimp-thing. My name is Mary."
"Are there other kids like me in your balloon?" the girl asked.
"Just a couple," said Mary, "but there are lots more out there—and we’ll find them all, won’t we!"
"Everyone knew that an unwind order was irreversible, so screaming and fighting wouldn’t change a thing."
"Make them suffer. Let them know for the rest of their lives what a horrible mistake they made."
"Running away is the only way to save my life."
"These fingers here knew things the rest of me didn’t. Muscle memory, they call it."
"Stupid dreams. Even the good ones are bad, because they remind you how poorly reality measures up."
"Plenty of folks will get the benefit of your smarts, Mr. Starkey."
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"What’s the deal? Did your wife tell you she’d rather be kissed by a woman?"
"If you really want to do something for me, tell everyone I went down fighting, will you? Tell them I’m just like the Akron AWOL."
"Tranq me in the eye and explain to the harvest camp why the goods are damaged."
"They knew all his secret hiding places, and they told a parts pirate where to find him."