
Go As A River Quotes

Go As A River by Shelley Read

Go As A River Quotes
"I’ve come to understand how the exceptional lurks beneath the ordinary, like the deep and mysterious world beneath the surface of the sea."
"I was not trying to be witty or catch his notice, but the angle of his pause and slight twist of smile showed that my response amused him."
"His dark eyes extended the invitation before he spoke it, and then he said, 'Care to walk with me? I mean right here,' he pointed by his side, 'in a proper way?'"
"He never rushed or fiddled nervously or found a length of silence between two people an awkward vessel to fill with chatter."
"Love is a private matter, to be nurtured, and even mourned, between two beings alone."
"From whatever place and experience, he and I had lived our seventeen years—perhaps a bit longer for him, perhaps a bit less—wholly unaware of the other’s existence on this earth."
"I lay my head on Wil’s broad shoulder and wondered where and who he’d come from, and how long a drifter ever stayed in one place."
"In the endless stumble toward ourselves, we harvest the crop we are given."
"All Iola thought her crazy but harmless enough to just let her be."
"For in those eyes, I had seen not only an unexpected kind of man, but some new part of myself that I didn’t want to let go."
"Like the farm, my father had withered a little bit each day, and now riding in his once strong arms felt like being carried by a feeble old mule."
"I couldn’t fathom it then, standing there suspended by his gaze, but I would come to learn that Wilson Moon didn’t experience time the way most people do."
"I felt as the explorers I had once studied in school must have when they glimpsed a far and mysterious shore from their seemingly eternal sea."
"God will take a life, God will give a life, and God will make a life unrecognizable. God won’t warn you what’s coming next."
"I filled the sink, standing on one foot to rest my ankle, and washed the dishes with absentminded strokes, recalling what it felt like to be in Wil’s arms, to look into his kind, penetrating eyes."
"My hope that hard work would somehow thrust Wil from my mind proved entirely unfounded."
"A girl of seventeen can be foolish, especially one who knows nothing of love’s extraordinary power until it overtakes her like a flash flood."
"Making love to Wil felt like arriving somewhere I had been crawling to get to for a very long time."
"I, Victoria, rose to my feet. I hefted the pack onto my back, ran my thumbs between the straps and my shoulder bones to adjust the fit, and began walking."
"The potent life force kicking so insistently to be free had vanished."
"Perhaps I wasn’t as foolish a girl as I believed, for I had made this new life and I had given it passage."
"The first time my baby nursed, after the drama and euphoria of his birth, my milk was as rich and yellow as butter."
"When warmth or milk was not enough, we both cried."
"I worried that the fragrant juices of birth might attract animals, but I could not muster the energy to rise and remove them."
"There is a kind of sadness that transcends sadness, that runs like hot syrup into every crevice of your being."
"I lay on the forest floor, still hypnotized by the hawk’s constant circling, and pressed my right hand—the very last part of me that had touched my child—firmly to my cheek."
"I imagined the imprint of his tiny head to be carved in the lines and folds of my palm and stroked my face over and over again, hoping he could somehow feel my touch."
"I replayed the day in my mind. When I had set out for help, I had had no intention of giving my son away."
"The hollowness with which I conducted my days and tended the farm grew daily."
"Go as a river," I whispered to her, as Wil might have done, and, I swear, I felt her spirit rise.
"The notion that Lukas pushed Max from the tree remained another family myth."
"Everyone is from somewhere or a mixture of something, half this, half that."