
The Whispering Room Quotes

The Whispering Room by Dean Koontz

The Whispering Room Quotes
"The sky had never seemed so sky; the world had never seemed so world."
"You know that I come well prepared to a conference like this."
"Bound to his chair, Randall Larkin turned his head toward the sound."
"Ignoring his question, she leaned forward in her chair."
"You can’t get into the Dark Web with a standard search engine."
"These girls are charming and happy-acting and want to please."
"It’s not even about sex so much as it is about power."
"Do you hurt the girls, Randy? Does hurting them get you off?"
"Because the night I was there, I found a girl one of the guests had strangled to death."
"You think He’d bother listening to you, Randy?"
"You don’t have one iota of responsibility for what happened at the Veblen Hotel."
"I want you to tell me where and how I have the best chance of getting at D.J., past his security."
"If you don’t tell me how I can get to David James Michael and take him down, I’ll leave you to the rats."
"They’ll like a taste of something fresh. But it’s not just water."
"You’d never do it. You never would. Not this. It’s…it’s inhuman."
"From black despair he rises now to the hope of resurrection."
"No one back then ever heard of nanotechnology."
"It’s not your usual kind of school. Like I told you before, it’s a waiting school."
"You don’t need teaching, Harley, ’cause you’ll know it all when you’re sixteen."
"What kind of personality disorder cures itself when you turn sixteen?"
"No one takes anyone’s word for what happened without looking at how else it might have happened."
"Maybe even angels have to change with the times."
"The torment in his eyes moved her, though not to pity, which was for the distress and misfortune of others that one didn’t share."
"He had been shaken out of the life he’d been meant to live and into a life shaped for him."
"Nothing could be done for him. Slaves shackled could be freed by the cutting of chains, by the passage of laws."
"But the nanoweb spun across the surface of his brain, its fibers woven deep into his gray matter, allowed no casting off of chains."
"Don’t be afraid," she repeated, and though it sounded foolish, it was the only thing she could think to tell him."
"We’re taking you out of here," she promised."
"If we take their vehicles, they’ll be on us like flies on sugar."
"At least a dozen. To get here this fast, they must have come from the nearby resort."
"They stood like witnesses to some forthcoming and meaningful event to which they would one day testify."
"The land was the foundation on which a man and woman could build a life with hard work and love."
"The truth of the world is ideas, not material things."
"A young seventy-nine. She’s a cradle robber."
"Everything’s always falling apart, Jolie, but at the same time it’s always being rebuilt."
"All I can say, Jolie, is I’ll do everything I can to be sure we’re okay."
"This act is the closest thing to a transgression that he has the capacity to imagine."
"The tremor in his voice embarrasses Booth Hendrickson as he urgently conveys to Kleitner the need to use the whispering room."
"The ceiling at only eight feet, with its gray acoustic tiles, and the concrete walls and the concrete floor and the utter lack of windows summon in Booth Hendrickson thoughts of crypts."
"In cities and major suburbs and on interstate highways, the automatic license-reading program is better established."
"The world is full of people whose lives have no purpose."
"They wander through their meaningless existence, often in despair."
"We select those who are aimless and unhappy—and then we remove the reasons for their unhappiness and give them purpose."
"The decisions they make and the actions they take will seem always to be their choices."
"Their values and morals will be corrected with such subtlety that every change of opinion will seem to have been a product of their own reasoning."
"They will never be troubled by doubt or guilt, because they will know that they are always doing the best and right thing."
"There will be nothing left in the world to fear."
"I’m sure you believe in the existence of a conscience."
"A little inner voice that tells you right from wrong."
"I’m not here to hurt you, I just need some information."
"Only the insane are perfect in their paranoia."
"Because of the crew he hangs with, I want to use him to get to them."
"In the process, I can make him profoundly sorry he did to you what he did."
"Everything happening to me was so bizarre, surreal."
"The change in him was shocking. He’d always been so sweet, so…loving."
"Hypothermia is an effective torture. Iranians use it. North Koreans. Cubans."