
Odd Child Out Quotes

Odd Child Out by Gilly Macmillan

Odd Child Out Quotes
"It's not personal; it’s just that I don’t like discussing my life with strangers."
"Please don’t forget that it can take a long time to recover from a period of depression."
"You have to preserve some professional distance, or you’re no good to anybody."
"Anything will do, if it gives me a chance to rejoin the game."
"Riding a wave of optimism, as I am, that doesn’t feel impossible."
"He’s good-looking—broad-shouldered and square-jawed—though his wife thinks his ears protrude just a little bit far to be perfectly handsome."
"I’m very proud to show you this body of work. It’s the work of a lifetime."
"Nights like this are very special because it’s not often that I get to gather together so many people who are important to me."
"What I’m trying to say is how proud I am of my family and how I couldn’t have done this without them."
"Sometimes it’s hard not to let other people’s misery seep into your own bones."
"Watching the blackness, hearing the noises, feeling the fear rise."
"Her skin looks an unhealthy shade of yellow under the lights."
"Her warm smile, politeness, and willingness to help others have always made her a well-liked girl."
"The thought of talking about everything ad nauseam terrifies me."
"Noah’s Bucket List Item No. 4: Be normal (or as normal as possible)."
"Noah’s Bucket List Item No. 5: Watch an 18 certificate film."
"I am absolutely past my feelings for Emma Zhang, and there is no possibility of entering a relationship with her again."
"The streets were empty apart from a fox that stood panting in the shadow underneath a hedge."
"All the multicolored lights were reflected on the surface of the water."
"I wanted to feel brave, not hospital get-offered-a-crappy-sticker brave, but real-life brave."
"They give all appearance of being inseparable when Noah’s at school."
"His courage is nothing short of extraordinary."
"We’re immensely proud of what he’s been able to achieve."
"Noah’s Bucket List Item No. 10: Do something reckless. On purpose."
"Fear of dying is the biggest fear we have in life, and that’s why we can’t be happy."
"Death is also the end of consciousness, so it also can’t be emotionally painful."
"Noah’s Bucket List Item No. 13: Be in control when the end comes."
"You have to take responsibility for what you print. There are real people behind the stories. Real people. My son is real. Was real."
"Every time he’s in hospital I take a photograph, you know that. We agreed we wanted to document his journey."
"It’s just that you can’t deny that these people have had experiences that make them different."
"Noah was so desperate for a friend. He clung to that boy."
"How could you cold-call me when my son died yesterday? How could you?"
"I get all my photographs published. That’s what pays our bills."
"Noah was the most important thing in my life, too, but he wasn’t always perfect, particularly where friendships were concerned, so let’s be careful what we say or do."
"I did it because I thought it might help to get people’s attention so we can try to find out what happened."
"You don't know who people are. You don't always understand them."
"You must find my son. He's missing because his life fell apart."
"I want safe passage out of here and I'll let this boy go if you give it to me."
"Release the boy and we'll give you safe passage."
"He's my son. I'm asking you to find him and protect him."
"I feel angry with you for taking your own life, but I understand why you did it."
"You did it because you wanted to save yourself and your family and friends from seeing and feeling some horrible things."
"Your life's not over, Abdi. It's only just beginning."