
Princess Of The Silver Woods Quotes

Princess Of The Silver Woods by Jessica Day George

Princess Of The Silver Woods Quotes
"I grow weary of your whining, Kestilan," said the King Under Stone.
"Our home crumbles around us! Something must be done!"
I assure you this is not the case," he said. "The truth of the matter is that the Kingdom Under Stone is dying because it was meant to contain our father, and our father is gone.
"I've faced worse than you," she announced.
"Our father ruled for centuries, yet the palace was ever new," he said again.
"Do you think I merely sit here night after night and gloat over my kingdom?"
"She means it," Maria said, and Petunia was decidedly irritated by the dismay in her maid’s voice.
They are not getting my mother’s ruby earrings," she said. "Nor the necklace that Papa gave me for my sixteenth birthday. I’ve only gotten to wear it twice.
"But what little she had was in a cedar jewelry case under Maria’s seat."
Of course not," the king said. "We need only to collect a few things to enable our escape.
"She’s completely mad. But very good with a needle."
"I have promised your royal father that I would hunt down these two-legged wolves."
"We cannot have you languishing here in that beautiful gown."
"It must be a dream, it's not like before: I didn't walk here through the silver wood; I just went to sleep and whoosh."
"I don’t know what it means, except that we must be cautious."
"We’re just as guilty. More so, since we’re older and should know better."
"But I would like a queen to sit by my side."
"I abducted Princess Petunia last week. I didn’t harm her; I delivered her to the Grand Duchess Volenskaya, but now she is in terrible danger."
"My father died in service to the crown, leading a regiment in the war with Analousia."
"I have always loved how you all pretend to have any choice in the matter."
"As if you were not born for this very purpose, to marry us, and bear our sons."
"This will be our room, Petunia, when we are wed."
"If you can do what you like to us in our dreams, then we should have the same freedom."
"I am not being foolish, I am merely taking my cue from you, Your Majesty."
"A soldier needs his weapons close during a war."
"You will have nothing but what we give you."
"There’s simply no way to sneak into the Kingdom Under Stone."
"I would be delighted to have a tour of the hot houses tomorrow."
"I am in love with Petunia, and I want to help her."
"The others yelled at her to stop, and she just … disappeared."
"Petunia wouldn’t have been able to resist a rose that bloomed in the wintertime."
"We know precisely where she is. It’s getting her out that’s going to be the difficulty."
"I am here as a prisoner, as are my sisters."
"The trouble is that we are here against our will."
"I will dance all night if that is what is required of me, but I refuse to do so while Kestilan hisses in my ear about my being his kitten."
"My one consolation is that the princes are all very good dancers."
"We wouldn’t have come if we didn’t think we could succeed."
"I am not going to be given as a prize to the man who tricked me into coming here!"
"Say no to me one more time, and I will have you killed. And if you think I won’t, and if you think Rionin won’t, then you don’t know either of us very well."
"It’s just not fair, Iris was saying shrilly. Why can’t I be with Blathen? And you’ve always had your eyes on Rose, Derivos, don’t deny it!"
"Any cloak that can save you from a fire so hot it can melt silver is worth mending."
"I didn’t pardon you and restore your earldom so that you could loll around in my gardens flirting with my daughters."
"I like him, he whispered loudly in her ear."
"These are excellent, Oliver said, eating half of it in one bite."
"It’s all I’ve got, and it had better be enough."