Ballad: A Gathering Of Faerie Quotes
"People talk too much, and generally if you listen to the first thing they say and the last, the middle will take care of itself."
"I think the school thought we would get along together because both our instruments had reeds or something, because we certainly didn’t have anything else in common."
"You're fulfilling my ‘helping students who remind me of myself when I was young and stupid’ quota."
"I fell out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans."
"I hated the phone at that moment – not just the phone in my room, but all phones that had ever rung before noon."
"Very logical, seeing as you’re an English teacher."
"I wouldn’t miss your fascinating class for all the tea in China."
"Your lectures and bright smile are the highlight of my days here at Thornking-Ash."
"Playing the pipes is a multidisciplinary activity: equal parts music, physical education, puzzle-solving, and memory training."
"I felt like I could be anywhere in the world. Anywhere in the universe. This hill was its own planet."
"It was a gorgeous fall afternoon, the sort companies like to print on glossy paper."
"I grabbed a pen from the top of the dresser, found a bare spot of skin on the base of my thumb, and wrote exorcism."
"I scrambled up into the corner of my bed, jerking from sleep."
"Like fleets of angels were singing me to slumber."
"I tried out various sentences in my head: I have unusual depth."
"I don’t want your dreams. I don’t want what you have to offer."
"I awarded him a thin line of teeth, equal parts smile and grimace."
"You’re the only one who can see me right now."
"They sound fine. You're obsessing. You're friggin' brilliant, like you are every other day."
"You have such a winning way about you, Nuala."
"The hill where I normally practiced was strategically placed."
"I could hear every word he sang, though I still couldn't understand what it meant."
"If you can think of a wilder and crazier time that you can do for this assignment—that has something to do with Hamlet and/or metaphor—I’m happy to look at outlines for it."
"About my favorite casserole recipes. About whatever’s freaking your roommate out."
"I’m giving you a pass today because you’re going to go meet with Gregory Normandy."
"I was planning on having the class heckle you until you agreed to come, but this is much easier."
"James slept a lot. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that he slept when he was bored or unhappy."
"It was easiest for me to send an agonizingly beautiful dream—something so breathtaking that the dreamer was absolutely bereft upon waking."
"I don’t want what you have to offer. Get out of here."
"The only way I’m making it through this right now is because you’re so bad ass."
"Grow a set," I suggested, and he laughed weakly. "Help me up."
"You’ll really need those balls," I said, "because I think you’re going to have to carry me."
"Now say my name back to me," I whispered. "So I know you won’t screw it up and I won’t forget you."
"I should’ve told James I loved him before I went. But there wasn’t time for that either."
"I don’t think you understand, human. They’re taking her cloverhand powers."
"I just want your voice when you’re done with it," Delia said.
"Beautiful cacophony, sugar upon lips, dancing to exhaustion."
"It’s a long road, but it’s the only one we’ve got, right?"
"The most dangerous and wonderful creature alive is a human."