
Always You Quotes

Always You by Kirsty Moseley

Always You Quotes
"I can't believe I have to go to this stupid school!"
"Junior year was probably the worst time to start a new school."
"Looks like I wasn’t going to fit in here very well after all…."
"I sighed contentedly as all the stress and strain, loneliness and heartache that I’d felt for the last month, just ebbed out of my body at the mere sight of him."
"I rolled my eyes knowing that was my cue to leave."
"You can call me anytime of the day or night, you know that."
"I’m not giving up, I'll come here every week and ask you out until you say yes."
"I am nothing like him; I think he literally slept with all the girls in the school."
"Everyone always thought that Clay and I were together, our parents even thought we would get married one day and used to tease us about it."
"I love my best friend to pieces; he was so sweet and thoughtful all the time."
"You're telling me to leave because I won't take advantage of you while you've been drinking and with your parents down the hall?"
"This might take a while, but I want to kiss every square inch of your body."
"You have no need to be jealous of him, but if you do make me choose it won't be you."
"I'm not letting you walk with no shoes so I'll carry you."
"I'm not gonna sleep with you. If you want to be with me, then we take things slow."
"I haven't even looked at another girl for the last 6 weeks."
"You're not a project, I just don't want to do anything you don't want me to."
"I thought you regretted it, you're a player Clay you've never even had a girlfriend."
"Riley bear, you're the only one for me, I don't want a girlfriend if it's not you."
"What I'm saying is that I want you to be my everything, my soul mate, my girlfriend, my whole world."
"I love you more than anything in the world Riley, I want to be married to you, I hoped we'd get married some day, it just happened sooner than I thought it would."
"Please don't be upset Riley, I can't stand to see you cry."
"I'm not gonna argue with you about this, you're my wife now, husbands and wives share everything."
"Riley, do you think you're ever going to want someone else?"
"Our age doesn't matter Riley, I'll be leaving school in a month."
"I love you so much Mrs Preston" he said putting his forehead to mine and stroking my face.
"If it's not legal then I'll just have to marry you again in a year" I said flirtily.
"I love Clay with all of my heart. I wanted to be Mrs Preston, and Brian was wrong it wouldn't fall to pieces because Clay and I were meant to be together."
"I'm tired baby." I said rubbing my eyes and yawning.
"We got married." Clay said proudly pulling me closer to his side grinning.
"I love you Riley." he whispered as he slid in the bed beside me tucking the sheets under my chin.
"You got married? Is this some fucking joke? Because if it is it's not funny." he growled looking at me warningly.
"We need to leave right now." I said stepping closer to him and pressing my face against his chest.
"No idea, Riley wants to leave. I'll speak to you later." Clay said quietly.
"Riley is everything ok? Has there been an accident or something? Has someone been hurt?" he asked desperately.
"Please calm down! You can't just stay stopped here in the middle of the road." I said wincing.
"Why?" he asked his face hardening slightly. "Did he call you again?" his other hand tightened on the steering wheel.
"I think I can manage." he mumbled starting the car again and pulling out.
"Did he hurt you Riley bear?" he asked his voice almost shaking from anger.
"But he didn't hurt you?" he asked cupping my face in his hands looking at me worriedly.
"You are so hot Riley bear, I swear one of these days you're going to kill me." he mumbled.
"I'd better go see what your mothers doing, probably spilling paint on your floor knowing her." Richard said.
"Have you been crying Jailbait?" he asked, it surprised me how soft and tender his voice was.
"Please don't," I begged as uncontrollable tears rolled down my face.
"I love you baby, you’ll be fine I promise. Tomorrow I’m going to make you chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, I’ll even burn them slightly just the way you like," I whispered.
"He’s fine, their just being cautious, he’s fine," I stated, my voice sounded surprisingly calm and assured.
"He was strong, I had every confidence that he wouldn't leave me, he'd promised we would be together forever so there is no way he would let himself die on an operating table."
"I knew what needed to happen, if Clay were awake for this decision he would have already consented to this."
"Oh God please, please don't let my baby die please!"
"Clay would want this, there was no doubt in my mind that he would want to try everything, no matter what the risk was."
"I'm not stupid. Clay would want this, you know he would. If he were awake then he would sign the form himself and you know it."
"You don’t know that! Why can’t you wait for him to wake up and then let him make the decision with his life? It’s not for you to decide."
"That’s right. As next of kin I need you to make the decision on his behalf because he’s currently unconscious. You’ll need to sign a consent form."
"He smiled and nodded, 'Everything's going to be fine, Riley bear.'"
"I love you, Clay, and everything's going to be fine, I promise."
"I will always love Clay and I don’t care if he can’t walk, but he would and that’s the point here!"
"Maybe it was all about waiting after all, maybe the longer we waited the better it would get."
"I’ll buzz for the doctors," she said, her voice all husky and thick through sleep and crying.
"Because I woke up next to you, Riley," I croaked, trying to hide my face in her hair.
"It’s so crazy how something as small as a tiny movement can make everything seem right in the world."
"Thank you Riley bear. I’m gonna be a great husband, you won’t regret it."
"Everything’s just perfect, just the way it should be. I love you so much."