
The Little Shop Of Found Things Quotes

The Little Shop Of Found Things by Paula Brackston

The Little Shop Of Found Things Quotes
"Every soul that once trod this brutal earth leaves their imprint upon the things that mattered to them."
"Some have the ability, the sensitivity, the gift to be able to connect to those lost ones through these precious objects."
"But a family business needs a family, and this one was smashed like a porcelain platter dropped upon a flagstoned floor."
"Hope was all she had. Of late, she had become aware of a change, and her spirit has roused itself from its fitful slumber."
"There was never any question but that she would go into the family business."
"Margaret felt a tightening in her chest as she watched daughter help mother, who walked with difficulty and with the aid of sticks."
"There could be an awful lot of rubbish here."
"The older woman’s feet were tiny and looked still smaller in her flat pumps."
"For all the similarities, those multi-Floras and multi-Xanthes were somehow, crucially, not them."
"The day promised to be warm, and already the sun was touching everything with a soft golden glow."
"The sentence she had been given was three years, and it was not until she had been there four long months that her appeal was heard and she was released."
"This time the transition was far more swiftly achieved. Whether or not it was because she was actually wearing the chatelaine, Xanthe could not be certain."
"The thought of how terrible it would be for her, locked up in a damp, cold, dark jail that would have made the one she herself had once inhabited seem luxurious by comparison."
"The more she tried to piece things together the more she came to a single conclusion, and it was not a reassuring one: when she had taken the chatelaine into the blind house she had been transported to somewhere and some time other than her own time and place."
"However frustrating the situation was, she knew that to rush in and act without thinking would not help Alice, and would almost certainly end badly for herself."
"Xanthe had seen them do this before and knew that only painful manipulation would straighten them again."
"She had no option other than to bide her time, hoping that she might find a way to reach the girl under cover of darkness."
"And then, as Xanthe looked at the photo, as she felt the pull of home and of all that she knew and loved, everything began to fade."
"It was as if her journey back and fore through the centuries had left her suffering from an extreme version of jet lag."
"It doesn’t do to make enemies in this business, Xanthe. Remember that."
"You must prove my daughter’s innocence."
"Your love for your mother is a match for that which I hold for my daughter. That is plain to see."
"You think a spirit has no power of action? I may be unable to travel back to my own time, no matter how much I wish it. I have no influence over events then, which is why I must have your assistance. But be assured, I can effect matters in this day. I may cause things to happen as I wish. When I wish. How I wish."
"I see that you would do anything to protect her. Anything to keep her out of harm’s way."
"You must return. Go back to Great Chalfield."
"Finish the task. I tell you there is no other who might do it. Without your help my daughter will hang."
"She only has me. She can’t manage on her own. She needs me."
"I don’t want tea. I want an explanation."
"I am a hard worker as well as a good singer. I promise I will not disappoint on either count."
"We are short a maid. Mary can attend me, and you will take up her duties in the kitchens. One month’s trial."
"The habit of eavesdropping is a dangerous one, maid."
"Do not waste what breath you have on thanking me, mistress."
"They say a man lives on through his sons, and that may be so. Alas, the Lord has not seen fit to bless us with sons, but instead we have the gift of the sweetest, the most charming and dutiful daughter any parents could hope for."
"Come all ye young frolicsome jilts of the town / Whose trade like yourselves is uncertain / Since whoring and other professions goes down, / I’ll show you new way to good fortune!"
"I shall speak up for you, should the necessity arise."
"Every time she thought of her locked up in the dark—cold, hungry, scared, and trapped—her chest tightened and she felt panic rising inside her."
"If you care not for your own neck, spare a thought for the work of others and, I pray you, resist adding to their burden if you are able."
"Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, and little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum."
"I did, and I fear they are but a shadow of those for the original screen."
"If we cannot help one another when we are able to do so, then I fear for all our futures."
"Life is full of hidden perils. If we cannot help one another when we are able to do so, then I fear for all our futures."
"I wish only to help someone who has no one else to stand for her."
"It is easier to be brave for oneself than for someone we care about, don’t you think?"
"We are a young company of architects, mistress, only recently recognized as such."
"Can we allow ourselves to be ruled by fear?"
"Nothing lasting and beautiful was ever made or built without [vision and passion]."
"I confess to sinful pride at the thought of our work surviving through the decades. Mayhap centuries."
"You have an eye for such things. It is not something given to all."
"I am often conflicted when they request something that I consider unsuited to the building, or a poor fit."
"I believe we may speak freely in our own home. If not, then we have, in faith, allowed ourselves to become mute subjects, our tongues imprisoned behind the bars of our teeth."
"I was in conversation with Francis Tresham. He sees as I do that our individual freedoms, our rights to the very thoughts in our own heads, for pity’s sake, they are being taken from us one by one."
"In truth, mistress, at times I despair of my son’s ability to conduct himself in company."
"Your knowledge will be of great use, I am certain of it. It is my immense good fortune that you arrived at Great Chalfield when you did."
"You make a fair point, mistress. We are neither of us at our best, nor fit for company."
"You do not deserve such treatment. Father would view such behavior toward a guest with horror, as do I."
"There is something I wish you to see. Something… important. I can trust to your silence, can I not?"
"I have not seen such a sorry sight since last I joined the hunt with Lord Avebury! The hounds looked just so."
"Your secret is safe with me, I promise. We will help each other."
"I’m going, OK? Just make sure you keep yours and stay away from my mother."
"It was as if, by returning to their own time, they had been restored."
"Forgive me, Samuel, there was something I needed to do."
"My friend is a fellow player with the troupe I once worked with, a musician in fact."
"The weather was still wet and unsettled, with a brisk breeze rustling the few remaining brittle leaves."
"Courage," he said. "All is not yet lost."
"I feared he would leave before I could speak with him. There was not time."
"She has indeed fulfilled the requirement of the law as it pertains to claiming Benefit of Clergy."
"I would not see you harmed or ill used for all the riches in this world."
"You stir such passion in me, such desire, such a need for you."
"The truth of it is I do not wish you to step one pace from my side."
"Every minute I spend here is an hour in Alice’s time."
"I have said I will do what you ask. You have to let me do it my way."
"I will be. Once I’ve figured it all out."
"You can trust me, you know. If you need to tell me… stuff."
"Do you need a lift to a train station, or somewhere?"
"I’m sorry," she said. "But my stay here could never be permanent. I must find a troupe of players, and that means traveling to a city."
"Fear not on my account, for I come and go into and out of the house without being seen as I please. I am very good at it."
"She is a feckless maidservant, no more no less, and one who has yet to earn our trust."
"Frail. In a state of confusion. I believe she thought her fate set and was almost unable to accept such a change in her fortunes."
"And now at last," Master Lovewell was herding everyone back toward the door, "life may resume normality."
"I shan’t forget your kindness," she told him.