
Marabou Stork Nightmares Quotes

Marabou Stork Nightmares by Irvine Welsh

Marabou Stork Nightmares Quotes
"The only reality is the images and texts."
"I don’t need their quality, their world, that fucked-up place which made me the fucked-up mess I was."
"Humans are into animals whose qualities they covet, and hate ones whose characteristics they vainly like to feel are not at all ‘human’."
"As with all other events, I have great difficulty in recalling how Sandy Jamieson and I became friends."
"We’re alone and isolated in hostile terrain, without any supplies or equipment."
"The problem is it wouldn’t have been true. Moreover, Sandy would have known that I was lying."
"I knew that it was our bird, but pursuit was difficult, as I had little control over this vehicle."
"I suppose this awareness came from being huddled so close to other households in the ugly rabbit hutch we lived in."
"Pain I could stand. Them laughing at me; I couldn’t take that."
"I wanted to be invisible. I wanted nobody to see the misshapen, twisted Dumbo Strang."
"Life in the Republic had not been so rewarding for him."
"I’m only daein this cause if yir faither finds oot n he does it, ye’ll ken aw aboot it."
"We were silly laddies, but it was the best break I ever had."
"I’m a great believer in keeping business and family apart."
"You remember your dog, Winston, wasn’t it? What happened? He bit me."
"They seem friendly, they all do, that’s the way with them. But never forget, as a race, they are murderers and thieves. It’s in their blood."
"Nobody does it half as good as you do, Baby you’re the best."
"That’s the Marabou Stork. Bad bastards thaim, eh, but it’s nature like."
"I'm surrounded by homoerotic prats who can’t get it together to hunt those murderous beasts!"
"Kent ye hud brains, son, he would continually tell me."
"Computers, thing ay the future, he would say knowingly."
"Thank you, young man, in a patronising, jokey sort of way."
"You are going to die, Winners, I said soothingly."
"Justice, he urbanely remarked, is not a commodity we enjoy to any great extent."
"You’re surrounded by love, Roy. Your family, your friends. Let us in."
"In war ye dinnae huv tae be nice, ye only huv tae be right."
"Winners, Winners, Winalot, Winners, Winners, what you got?"
"Ah ken whit they cunts think ay us. Ah ken aw they cunts."
"All I’m looking for is a bit of respect. It’s my fuckin entitlement."
"They all had to fuckin learn who I was; aw the cunts."
"It was just ma wey ay saying tae the cunt: My name is Roy Strang: mind that night wi the chips ya cunt?"
"Yeah, I fuckin saw her stolen stares when we went oan tae the Red Hot Pepper Club."
"A sow’s goat tae realise that if they hing aroond wi top boys, they huv tae dae the biz. Examples must be made."
"It was that Christmas; it wis pretty strange."
"Ah’m askin ye, kin ye hear ays! Like ah sais, kin ye hear ays!"
"I was scared: scared of Lexo. If I shat out I was dead. That’s what I thought."
"The only fuckin reason it’ll no be able tae dae it again is cause it’s hud the best n the rest jist dinnae fuckin measure up."
"I realised what we had done, what we had taken. Her beauty was little to do with her looks."
"I’d never really gret before; no since I was a really wee bairn."
"I’d like to stay in the game in some capacity … I’d miss the camaraderie of the whole thing."
"I’m a man of not inconsiderable personal wealth. I have a family!"
"I just wanted to hug them all, to shake them by the hand."
"I was one with them and myself and I never wanted to lose it."
"I felt closer to these strangers than I did to anyone."
"I was the Silver Surfer, I looked into the laser lights and zapped across the universe a few times, surging and cruising with the music."
"It was euphoria … it was something that everyone should experience before they die if they can truly have said not to have wasted their life on this planet."
"It’s the same sad fuckin story, it’s always gaunny be the same sad fuckin story so go DEEPER."
"The problem was that it was so good that it made everything else seem shite."
"You can either use drugs as a validation of the joy of life or you can use them as an escape from its horrors."
"Life was okay; it was better than okay."
"I wasn’t embarrassed about being sappy."
"The spy who loved me is keeping all my secrets safe tonight."
"We’ve been companions ever since, sharing an interest in wildlife, particularly ornithology, and a concern for social justice and the environment."
"Cats are ruthless creatures, and I’ve had to hunt a few of them down in my time, once they’ve turned maneater."
"It’s not my problem. You’re my problem, or rather were. Now I’m your problem."
"This wasn’t about opting out. This was about the only resolution that made sense."
"The sun is rising behind me and my shadow spills out away from it, out in front of me."
"I have no visible ears, I never really had much in the way of ears, it was always my nose, Captain Beaky, they used to call me at the school …"
"I’m so tired … I spread my large, black wings…"
"She’s watching me smoking my own penis like a limp, wet cigar, staring with horror into my eyes that cannot shut."