
Don't Look Back Quotes

Don't Look Back by Karin Fossum

Don't Look Back Quotes
"I realise that." - This quote reflects a moment of understanding and acceptance, emphasizing the themes of realization and coming to terms with difficult truths.
"We haven't even eaten yet." - This simple statement highlights everyday concerns and the mundane aspects of life, contrasting with the more dramatic or emotional moments in the story.
"I slept over last night." - This quote suggests a sense of casual intimacy and friendship, which can resonate with readers as a relatable and warm moment.
"It's only 8.15 a.m. The shops are closed." - This quote captures a moment of realization and practical thinking, emphasizing the importance of timing and routine in our lives.
"I have to go home. We're going out shopping." - This line, while simple, speaks to the normalcy and routine of daily life, grounding the story in relatable activities.
"I thought I'd air out my cabin." - This quote suggests a desire for simplicity and a return to basics, a theme that can resonate with readers seeking solace in nature and solitude.
"That's what it's like to be a child, and that's why they get lost." - This quote reflects on the nature of childhood and the inherent curiosity and lack of awareness that often lead to unexpected adventures or troubles.
"I didn't mean to kill you, it was something I was forced to do." - This powerful quote suggests internal conflict and remorse, highlighting themes of regret and the complexity of human actions.
"I don't have to open the door to just anyone." - This quote emphasizes the importance of caution and personal boundaries, resonating with themes of safety and self-preservation.
"I make the food and clean the house, just so you know!" - This quote highlights a sense of responsibility and pride in one's role, no matter how mundane it may seem.
"Not everybody is a car expert," Skarre said with a smile.
This omelette is dry," Skarre said. "It was in the frying pan too long.
"Irregularities. Anything at all out of the ordinary. Ask about Annie in the past too, about whether they think she had changed. Turn on the charm, whatever you've got of it, and make them open up."
"Imported, from China. Sold by all the discount chains."
"She wasn't interested in meeting people."
"She's just like a sculpture, he really is. A living sculpture!"
"She cried yesterday! Her father called me."
"She's dead. They're coming here to interrogate me. I knew they would come. I've been waiting for them."
"I don't know what you'd call successful."
"When someone is unhappy, he still hopes for something better. But when he gives up, sadness takes over."
"Every day, without fail, it takes me to Poppels Gaten, where I have a spice shop."
"Running along the streets is a clumsy way to find peace."
We were going to ask her," the husband said swiftly, "but the neighbours said she was too old for that now.
"That's how it goes. You don't have kids, Skarre?"
"We have to eat! It's not easy for Grandmother to get to the shops."
"Everything that the deceased is wearing in the casket ends up in the oven."
"Bones and teeth are ground up in a mill into a fine, almost sand-like, greyish powder."
"The ash is very clean, practically the cleanest thing that exists. Looks like fine sand."
"In reality it's nothing more than a hastening of the natural process. We are all going to return to ashes."
"The urn is porous so that air from the earth can get in and speed up the process. The urn will disappear too. There's something mysterious and grand about the fact that everything disappears, don't you think?"
"It's like having a double responsibility. It's not easy, no, it's not."
"Her lungs are enlarged. If she reacted as most people would, she first took a couple of deep breaths as she went under."
"She had a large tumour in her left ovary that had started spreading to her liver. Malignant."
"She would have been dead in a matter of months."
"A person can do lots of wrong things and still be law-abiding."
"I thought you wanted to talk about Annie."
"She was the only one who could handle him."
"Nothing could have been worse. Nothing in the world."
"Something had locked Annie up tighter than a sealed drum."
"He's the most considerate boy I've ever met."
"I didn't do it! Listen to me! I didn't do it!"
"You are not the hero of a detective novel. Try to keep an objective mind."
"I suppose I should pay the old man a visit. It's been a long time."
"I have no idea where it came from! She found it in the shed, that's all I know."
"The dog waited, his eyes shining, his ears alert."
"Not a living soul is going to get into this file, he thought despondently."
"But he did remember the title: For Your Eyes Only."
"He had to press his hand to his heart because it was beating so hard."
"It was a numeric password, said the expert, smiling again."
"The skull split open, and the contents splashed across the walls."
"To put under the dining-room table or in front of the TV. Indestructible, unique."
"He was going out to visit somebody. I think his name was Johnas."