
The House In The Pines Quotes

The House In The Pines by Ana Reyes

The House In The Pines Quotes
"This is where the fireplace goes. If you look deeply enough, a spark will ignite. And if you blow on it, that spark will bloom into a blaze, a warm light in this cold dark forest."
"Turn around and here come the walls, shyly, like deer emerging from the trees. Frozen concrete becomes an area rug. Take off your shoes, stay a while."
"She and Dan might have looked like opposites, but if you looked closely, you’d see that there was something in each of their postures—a slight leaning down on his part toward her, and an upward tilt to her stance as if to meet him halfway."
"The cabin was in the clearing, ringed by a wall of trees. Two rocking chairs sat empty on the porch. The door was locked, but asleep, Maya always had the key."
"Danger in its coziness, its warmth. Danger even in the sound of the stream, its gentle gurgle—it was getting louder."
"The mind will always try to explain what it can’t understand—it will make up stories, theories, whole belief systems..."
"It’s like space is made of water, just one big ocean, and the sun is a pebble tossed onto its surface . . . It sends out ripples in the water."
"The sense of God having vacated the garden."
"Silver Lake glitters just beyond, obsidian in the dusk."
"Born to yearn, as some people are, for more magical times."
"The Queen of the Night, she says in Spanish, was my mother’s favorite flower."
"The beauty of this place makes him want to cry, makes him yearn for something he can’t name."
"The guilt she felt, her secret certainty that Aubrey would still be alive if Maya hadn’t brought Frank into their lives."
"I could’ve stopped her from dying, but I didn’t. So yes, I blame him, and I blame her for falling for him, but most of all I blame myself."
"The boat rocks forward, then back, a real-world version of the swinging ship ride at a fair. She grips the edge, panicked."
"The problem with Steven’s theory about Cristina’s damaged heart was that it didn’t explain what happened to Aubrey."
"Being friends is better anyway. Friendships never have to end."
"He’s taking you to a cabin in the woods. What is this, a horror movie?"
"The harder she searched for Frank, the more people she questioned, the more obvious it was that Maya was never going to find the answer outside of herself."
"The source of the sound. As Brenda got closer, she saw that it wasn’t a mechanical bird but an old typewriter making all that noise."
"She had always wanted children, but this wasn’t what she’d pictured. She knew it would be hard to raise a child on her own..."
"Alcohol was the one thing she knew would loosen the vise that withdrawal had clamped around her head."
"I’ve always been interested in why people do what they do."
"The bridge before her isn’t just abandoned—it’s crumbling."
"The problem with the word addict was that it meant you were supposed to do something about it, as if Maya didn't have enough to deal with."
"Dr. Oren Bellamy's 'proprietary therapeutic method' apparently had a 100 percent success rate when it came to curing a long list of 'life-crippling ailments' such as addiction, phobias, anxiety, and depression, as well as facilitating weight loss, smoking cessation, and 'moving past grief.'"
"Frank had hypnotized her, not just once but repeatedly, then hidden the memories from her inside her own head."
"I don’t agree with that. I don’t think my true home is some other place. I think it’s here."
"Maybe she had never deserved his trust anyway."