
Animation Quality Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"It looks and plays like a full-scale Pixar production."
"Moments where detail is sacrificed for fluidity, but not here. Impeccably detailed and as smooth as butter, this fight is the Naruto animation team giving 110%."
"It's a perfect display of the fluidity of animation that devs worked for."
"The DC animation has always been top quality."
"God, I thought the animations in the first game were crazy; the ones in this one were too straight mind-blowing."
"The animation in Blade of the Guardians truly stands out with how gorgeous the entire battle looked."
"The animation in this one is insane, the action and swinging scenes are so well choreographed and well realized."
"Tangled is great, a gorgeous return to form for Disney's traditional fairy tales after Princess and the Frog started to get there but fell a little short."
"The gap is gonna grow even more once it's in the anime. Like, the quality of the fights. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now we know what's going on. Now we may see this Conqueror's hockey clash and a Conqueror's hockey push. It may be like, 'Oh!'"
"Just look at it! The framing, the composition, the striking use of color, even ignoring the smooth animation and the breathtaking effects work, this show is beautiful."
"The animation is incredible and the action is all top-notch."
"All of her facial animations throughout her entire trail are so emotive." - Ash
"The animations are completely reworked and bring it to a new level."
"The animation team sure went out of their way to make this look amazing."
"Facial expressions now look correct, they move at the proper frame rate, it's much, much smoother."
"The animations you see in Pokemon camp, the overworld, and all the characters in the game are amazing."
"The openings of the Persona series are layered with symbolism that comes out not just in how they're animated, but how they're shot and edited."
"The combat's full of contextual animations for different enemy types."
"The animations of Samus and her foes are fluid and impressive."
"Everything is just polished there's very little latency between animations playing everything's very fast-paced all of the tools worked very well together it just feels very clean."
"Balrog is a very well-animated, good looking heavy character. I think this is a very cool version of him as well, a better evolution of his just like ripped shorts gym look. I think they did a damn good job on Balrog."
"Hell of a Boss fires on all cylinders. It is truly one of a kind."
"The combination of ridiculously good animation, amazing choreography, and cinematography made for a breathtakingly amazing battle."
"Betty thought it was a sign that what had happened to them was possibly from out of this world."
"People clearly spent time on all the cute little idle animations."
"Any spell animations that they show off are just ridiculously good looking."
"Just everything moves so beautifully, it really starts to look like a feature film."
"I have explicitly stated that the animations are fine and the reuse is not an issue."
"Unbelievable animation quality... every single frame is redrawn."
"They must have brought in outside consultants... some of the most amazing animation I've ever seen."
"Every single frame is redrawn... unbelievable animation quality."
"Like, the design is doing all of the appeal work here, and the animation is doing just enough to make that design look… alive."
"That is legitimately a LOT of great presentational changes."
"Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time is actually really good, with emotion, suspense, and phenomenal animation."
"But the clean animation and character filled voice acting makes it pleasant enough in the moment."
"The animation this arc... really elevated the overall quality."
"Animations are way better, holy [ __ ], this is awesome!"
"That animation has so much timing, the timing of it all, everything has such kind of weight to it."
"The characters look unbelievably clean now, the animation is top freaking notch too."
"Final season's work stands out in a way that few people give it credit for."
"The book of life presented a passionate love story that's filled with beautifully detailed animation."
"It was able to take someone like me who isn't much of a fan of the first movie and make me just overwhelmed by how amazingly crafted this is in terms of its writing and animation."
"Tron uprising is genuinely one of the nicest stylized shows Disney XD had a knack for having amazing shows that came along with a unique look in slick animation."
"Even the animation is great, with Batman’s cape taking a frame or two to settle after moving."
"Truly great sakuga cuts act as animated autographs for the artists behind them."
"I'm gonna give this movie an 8 out of 10 just because of how good the animation is."
"I hope you guys have watched and enjoyed that video cuz it took a long time to make and I think it has the best animations we've ever done."
"The swinging had fluidity and style not seen in any other Spider-Man game."
"It's really really beautifully animated it's nicely written it's extremely violent."
"Starting with the presentation, animations are smooth and chained together fluidly. All the cutscenes are directed well and the whole thing has a sleek tech look to it."
"With this newfound confidence in self expression Chinese animations are looking better than ever And most importantly"
"Prince of Persia would be critically lauded upon its release, with pundits hailing the quality of its animations as well as its Hollywood-inspired sense of action."
"Some of the best animation I have ever seen."
"Special running back animations further help elite running backs stand out."
"The animation looks great, the story is the best from any Pokémon film."
"The horse animation in this game is some of the best I've seen; it feels fantastic and looks fantastic."
"It's exhilarating stuff and the quality of the animations makes every move satisfying to pull off."
"Every punch is lovingly crafted to be satisfying to watch and it just makes this whole fight rather striking."
"For Burn the Witch, the animation really carries it."
"Our favorite definitely has to be the awesome animation and rebooted backstory of Broly."
"That was so great dear lord I have missed attack on time for glorious moments such as these incredible animation mixed with brilliant use of CGI."
"I liked it because it used those things along with incredible animation to tell a compelling emotional story."
"The stop motion without question is some of the most beautiful animation that has been made in years."
"Is it Studio bones's best? What [ __ ] I'm gonna go on let me say it is Studio bones's best work."
"Mihoyo is outdoing themselves with these cutscenes."
"The animations look good, the fatalities look fun... putting them in a universe where brutality is the norm is... exciting."
"Final point, this duel has the coolest summoning animation for an Egyptian god card."
"Each character's actions have a smooth pace with a feeling of weight behind each blow."
"Definitely some odd drawings here and there but for the most part it was well done."
"The animation techniques that you use are vastly more important than your frame rate."
"Anyone with eyes can obviously tell that Mushoku Tensei had the best animation of the year."
"Yes, if anything, this video is a bit short. Chainsaw Man's first opening Kickback has rightfully garnered a ton of attention for its consistently incredible animation, copious pop culture references, and simply for being a straight up banger."
"The first Shrek film is an incredibly tight 90-minute animated package with unreal comedy and character."
"It really is cool the animations the boss fights it's just so much work and it really does prove to be worth it at the end."
"Great lip sync draws no attention to itself and instead allows the focus to be in the narrative."
"While a good story can save bad animation, good animation cannot save a bad story."
"I really gotta give it to Gray Matter, he looks great."
"It's well animated with some genuine sentimental moments."
"I do love how expressive the faces are... animation team's definitely done a stellar job."
"Those animations are so smooth, oh my god, it looks so good."
"It's a very attractive game the animation is so fluid."
"It's just unusual to see such complex angled geometry and high-quality animated textures like this."
"LR Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta's active is the best animation in the game."
"Yeah, I think that sums it up. I can say with complete confidence that I've never been more engaged, entertained, and impressed with the Vivziepop animation in my life."
"Hair Love is a fantastic short... it had emotion, it had laughter, it had great animation, it was just really, really good."
"This animation is better than most TV shows nowadays."
"The animations feel quite fluid and smooth, and there's some awesome ragdolls when you kill people."
"The ocean has never looked more alive in the animation."
"One of Disney's strongest animated features."
"Fantastic animation, one of the finest two-player modes out there, and timeless gameplay."
"Even if you don't know it, you get a feeling; you can see the power, control, and technique in an animation like this."
"Players have a lot of mobility and combat options in this game, sending Spider-man flying all over the place, and most of the animations look brilliant with smooth blending."
"John Kelly has become more and more openly political."
"Great thinking, then, not to mention the great animation too."
"There is no single animation in any marvel mobile game that even comes close to the insane realistic transference of the emotion and the space and the story of Wandavision like these two uniforms do."
"The animation here is astounding and the entire scene is intense."
"The animations and visuals of the cat are astounding too."
"Mob Psycho fans, we're going to be loving it. People, Mob Psycho 100 Season 3, it's about to have some crisp art animation and it's ready to release right now."
"Seeing this in-game, its animations and the way it moves, this is so cool."
"The animation is jaw-dropping... it's just crazy."
"The music slaps, the animation's fantastic, and it's all wrapped up in a wholesome family-friendly package."
"Beautiful animation is not just the means to tell him a story but an end in itself."
"It's a show that animates incredibly and looks so goddamn beautiful while doing it."
"The animation especially going back to season 4, the animation was spectacular."
"This actually looks good man, this generally looks like one of the better animated shows of this season."
"The campaign is the first time you're exposed to the top tier truly exceptional third-person animations that this team brought to the table and what is easily the most functional cover system ever introduced into a video game."
"There's a real richness and adult maturity underneath it all that just gives it... it's one of my top-ranked animation trilogies ever in my opinion."
"It's just a silent ride... creates a very silent and sovereign feeling here."
"Spider-Gwen, becoming a favorite, interesting animations."
"Carnage, fan favorite, hilarious animations."
"The movements are so fluid, the smears are amazing."
"It gives us a cohesive style for everything that's very clean well animated and all that jazz which helps the game feel immersive."
"Animation is one of the things Andromeda got lambasted for the most."
"Excellent animation and visuals round out one heck of an adventure."
"The show is far beyond pretty much every American Western cartoon released in the last decade."
"The animation on display here is just constantly overachieving."
"Fluid animation, defined visuals. This is really a work of art."
"Oversimplified makes amazing content, puts a lot of work into animation."
"The reboot is brilliant with their transformations, they're beautifully animated and show the personality and abilities of the aliens through very visually creative means."
"Superior. The Super Mario Brothers movie is not great. That being said, it's perfect. I haven't felt like this for an animated movie since the 2014 Lego Movie. Stunning animation and music by Brian Tyler."
"Princess Mononoke really pushed up the bar when it came out."
"It's just the little details that add just that extra layer of polish to the animation."
"Making it not look so jerky and robotic and actually makes it look professional and clean."
"Wolfwalkers isn't only the best film that studio has created, which is saying something, it's one of the most spectacular animations of the past decade or so."
"It's captivating to watch with amazing visuals and smooth animation."
"The animation in 'Arcane,' some of the most beautiful I've ever seen."
"There are better movements in this animation, more realistic and believable motions."
"The animations of the characters and the world around them was simply incomparable."
"This is easily the best of the animated shorts they've ever done."
"Dragon Ball franchise: Redefining the west's perspectives on action and animation."
"Deathloop's guns boom with cartoony violence, and this is coupled with flashy animations and sweet per-object motion blur that made the general shooting and slashing in the game really satisfying."
"I really like the black and white look with the film grain and the animation is surprisingly polished and Sleek looking considering it's a 10 year old Flash game."
"The animation is at a much higher budget and there were a lot of great moments and shots told through the story visually."
"Pixar's 'Soul' had great animation and a good storyline, and it felt like it had the extra level of depth Pixar's more recent movies have lacked."
"The fauna has improved dramatically... better animations... even the AI has been improved."
"This is not just Fate's best animated fight to date but one of anime's best."
"Every character has so much individual personality baked into them through their animations."
"It's an incredibly entertaining action show that dazzles the audience with beautiful animation and intense battles while simultaneously mocking and celebrating the very concept of the caped crusader."
"First of all, has a hand-drawn animation look because it is hand-drawn animation applied to the characters in the video game, but it's also a lot of fun to play, very challenging, and it's legit gameplay."
"I'm really excited to see this like the animation looks over though his whole intro so though I'm so excited."
"Everything in this game from the pixel art to the spells and to like the explosions and everything else is very very well animated."
"It's the pinnacle of mixing hype at storyline with S-tier animation."
"The animation style becomes one of the show's greatest aspects."
"I definitely like how rapid fire and quick the combat is though and they've got enough animations in there to make it all look pleasing and good."
"The animation of Frozen 2 was breathtakingly gorgeous."
"If the animator is happy, it's coming out as good as quality as possible."
"The animations just look amazing for this mod."
"There's actual animations and a proper representation of the Monopoly board game."
"Character performance and animation have also improved tenfold."
"The new season of Johnny Test looks better than ever."
"I thought the animation, the action was done better here and it had almost everything about Dragon Ball Z that I liked in it."
"I just love the animation of it, it's so smooth."
"Every little animation and move feels like an extension of her character..."
"Animation, animated textures, animated things bring a bill to live."
"The animation tricks used in this series are just so CLEVER."
"The Cuphead show is a visual wonderland with so much attention to detail it's almost criminal."
"An attack that's very well animated to begin with but gains a huge boost from its fantastic custom particle effects."
"The animation in 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure' is unparalleled."
"Animation could be beautiful and entertaining while also containing dark moments and heavy themes."
"Seeing Deku cry from his dream coming true was definitely powerful."
"This final fight was awesome with some stellar animation to go with all the ridiculously cool attacks thrown by Deku and All Might."
"The Pirates! Band of Misfits may not be as good as Aardman's past films, but it's still really enjoyable with good humor, great use of animation, and lovable characters."
"Land of the Lustrous should win Best CGI. Let's be honest, they're so far ahead."
"Avatar The Last Airbender... The gold standard for what's been a Golden Age of animated programming."
"It almost seems like they made the animation smoother."
"Honestly so far they're destroying this battle in terms of animation quality."
"Pop star Janet: The animation is really cool."
"The animations for blast them is one of the best animations I've seen."
"Call of Duty is significantly smoother with polished traversal and much cleaner animation work."
"That's just so pretty, I love it. It's such a good, simple animation."
"Hit will fit in perfectly because of how beautiful the animation is in this move."
"The water animation in this whole segment is so good, look at that!"
"It's a gorgeous game too painting the screen full of color and great animation."
"Primal is one of the best things to come out recently for animation, please check it out."
"Expressive character models stretch and squish in both cinematics and gameplay while gorgeous per pixel motion blur accentuates every movement."
"Every single frame of that was so beautifully animated."
"The animations are not bad, they look like they were motion captured and they're pretty nice and fluid."
"The detail gone into the lightsaber combat animations are to die for, gorgeous!"
"The animation for the characters was great, I loved how they used that CGI to be able to replicate the characters in the same style of the actual purpose from the show itself."
"All these attacks are so well animated, this is game ready."
"The animation is so smooth and expressive in this movie."
"I like that reload animation though. Very snappy, very tight."
"This is visually the most insane thing I've ever seen projected in a movie theater at this point in time. This is the Pinnacle of Animation. It melted my brain in the best way."
"One of the best fights I've probably seen in an anime movie."
"Thundercats was universally praised by critics for its quality of writing and production."
"UFO Table certainly has up to their name as one of if not the best compositing teams in Japan."
"Arcane is a goddamn masterpiece. Animation wise, this is one of the most gorgeous and impactful blends of 2D and 3D I have ever seen."
"Shira is over. I am still nervous about He-Man, but at least I know the animation will be good because the studio is actually very good."
"The animations are back to being very, very in-depth in detail."
"It's charming, it's beautiful, the animation, the characters."
"There are some good quality animations in this game... it looks good unfortunately the sound assets don't keep up with it."
"The animation is subtle and minimalistic, and intelligent storytelling will appeal to those who appreciate a thought-provoking series."
"A solid story, a wonderful guest star, an amazing attention to detail with the backgrounds, and some good jokes."
"The fight between Vegeta and Broly will go down as one of the best if not the best combat animation of all time."
"The animators absolutely knocked it out of the park."
"It's not just good, it's not just great, it's a new tier of animation."
"Animations, if you happen to see the Last of Us 2 trailer, you'll notice that the animations are absolutely breathtaking."
"You can tell a lot of work was put into this animation."
"The level of detail and the animations is so cool."
"This movie manages to somehow be even more animated than the first one."