
Classic Games Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Luigi's Mansion 3 has already solidified itself as a classic."
"What makes a game a classic? Is it the number of copies sold or the review scores it receives? Maybe it's something not quantifiable, something special, something magic."
"Pac-Man 256, based on the classic Pac-Man game, allows you to go around a standard Pac-Man screen, of course trying to defeat the ghosts by collecting the various power-ups along the way."
"There's a deep desire among us on the classic team to make brand new, never before seen classic raid content."
"Overall the lesson to be taken away from New Vegas is that this is a classic game that if you haven't experienced and if you're a fan of open-world RPGs you absolutely owe it to yourself to go back through this game and give it a shot."
"The double-oh-seven name wasn't what made Goldeneye such a classic, but rather the brilliantly designed gameplay and mechanics."
"There's something magical about classic gaming back on the Atari back on the Nintendo back on the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo in that games were mostly focused on being fun."
"Chrono Trigger I know it's not a final fantasy but um it's [ __ ] awesome."
"Super Nintendo Entertainment System: the go-to system when thinking of the best games ever made."
"Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition is more than just AOE 2's glammed up zombie."
"Windows Millennium Edition had the first iteration of 3D Pinball Space Cadet."
"Shadowman Remastered is a triumph of modernizing a classic."
"Haunting ground is a true Capcom classic and a hidden gem."
"It's just a classic PS1 game, really. What is there more to say?"
"Not only do I consider it the best Saturn game, it's one of the best games of that era, period."
"Later titles like Blood, Shadow Warrior, and Redneck Rampage are generally well remembered."
"The Ocarina of Time - a game worthy of bearing the name The Legend of Zelda."
"It's a blast... if you've ever played Super Mario Brothers."
"The best Sonic experience is Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Sonic 3 and Knuckles has everything that makes the Sonic series appealing in a single, well-made package."
"Secret of Mana is what I refer to as the most flawed classic on the Super Nintendo."
"The classic arcade shoot-em-up Radiant Silvergun is coming to Nintendo Switch."
"Zelda 2's uniqueness makes it stand out from other games of its type."
"If you've never played Trials of Mana, don't wait for the remake to come out to start it. The original holds up perfectly and deserves to be played as it is."
"If you want a better playing version of Secret of Mana without compromising any of the gameís character, this is it."
"The Genesis Virtual Console had a truly spectacular lineup, with most of Sega's own hits represented."
"Super Metroid is one of the best games ever made."
"This is an actual travesty as the classic fallout games hold some of the best stories when it comes to the main plot especially in the entire fallout universe."
"Arcade treasures vol 1: eight to twelve games that I think you need to absolutely play at some point in your life."
"For anyone who plays through the full lineup of these games is going to get a ton of value for their money here especially compared to the NES classic."
"We need to preserve the classic versions of these games."
"Donkey Kong Country: many instant classic games on the Super Nintendo."
"In other news, Nintendo's mini NES comes pre-loaded with 30 classic games for just $59.99."
"I'm laying, oh that's right, link to the past."
"There's something undeniably charming and engaging about this RPG classic."
"The NES version of Contra is one of the best 8-bit games ever made."
"If you don't play this one you are absolutely missing out on one of the best 2D Platformers ever."
"The best 16-bit ERA Castlevania game is Rondo of Blood followed by Castlevania Bloodlines onto 16-bit Sega Genesis."
"Streets of Rage 2... widely considered to be one of the best beat 'em up games of all time."
"The basic design of Doom is incredibly elegant."
"This game is so different than San Andreas. I love it, man. It's a [ __ ] classic."
"Silent Hill 2 is a masterpiece of high art, Silent Hill 3 is a classic depiction of the universal struggle to live."
"Black Forest Games has taken a beloved cult classic and completely revitalized it with some gorgeous new visuals."
"Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, all-time classics."
"Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is a classic that has stood the test of time to a spectacular degree and is one of the best sequels in gaming."
"Doom on PS1, without a shadow of a doubt, gets the salvage today."
"Stick with it and you will fall in love with this amazing little game."
"If you want a great version of Pac-Man, this wonderful package has it."
"Konami is set to revive Metal Gear, Castlevania, and Silent Hill."
"Mario 3 will always be like definitely like one of the best games of all time. I mean, it holds up today like so damn well."
"It's a shame that most people miss this game because it's one of the best adventures on the nes."
"The Bioshock games are heavily discounted... classics... phenomenal value."
"Super Mario Land and Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins have to be on there."
"Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters has to be on there."
"Game and Watch Gallery has to be included, it's a classic."
"More Nintendo 64 games are on the way. Pilotwings 64, Mario Party, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 3, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Stadium 2, 1080 Snowboarding, Excitebike 64."
"From Mario to Zelda, the Nintendo 64 Classic brings back the greatest hits of gaming."
"This is like Mike Tyson punch-out. It's NHL 94. This is Tecmo Super Bowl."
"The 1999 release of NFL 2K will forever be a sports gaming classic."
"Would I recommend it? If you liked the Fallout 1 & 2, Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale stuff like that, yeah, you're damn right I would recommend it."
"Innovation and risk-taking have given us a smorgasbord of gaming classics."
"Let's just gain some perspective and remember or imagine what it was like to play Doom back then for the first time."
"Remember play Kid Icarus Uprising for the love of God."
"There was no definitive way to beat the game, and therefore people made speedruns with different rules, such as having three hearts only, no sword, or the winning sword only."
"Despite what the sequel may have brought, Zelda 1 has remained a slightly aged classic."
"Luigi's Mansion remains to be one of my all-time favorite games."
"Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy marked a significant shift in game design."
"Chess has persisted forever, it's a certified classic."
"Portal hailed worldwide as an instant classic."
"Even classical openings offer trap opportunities."
"Shinobi, without a doubt, one of the greatest games ever made."
"When you are well-slept, you are just much more effective, and you are much more efficient."
"Older games are great. In a lot of ways, when I look at older single player games, they always stand the test of time."
"Runescape Classic is a long, storied, and often forgotten part of the history of Jagex and the Runescape franchise at large."
"System Shock is a classic...a wholly enjoyable experience with a ton of Great Moments."
"Castlevania is pretty up there with the greats of retro gaming."
"System Shock is a classic...an excellent sci-fi Dungeon Crawl."
"Old habits die hard. I fucking loved System Shock 1."
"Bloodlines stands out as one of the best side scrollers from the 16-bit era."
"Think of the Mega Buster like the whip in classic Castlevania."
"Sonic the hedgehog is still a solid game that deserves its place in gaming history."
"It looks like a return to the style of even Mario Brothers three."
"In my opinion, the best Legend of Zelda game was linked to the past. Um, it's basically it's arguably the classic game for the Super Nintendo."
"Double Dash still looks great, just like Wind Waker or Sunshine."
"It's still worth playing, a good old-fashioned classic."
"If we're playing Halo, I want to go back to death match, I want to go back to capture the flag, king of the hill."
"Night Dive Studio is the guys who are making this, they've done a lot of work making remakes of classic games and I really respect them for that."
"Super Metroid: One of the very best games ever made, period."
"You can put like anyone down in front of a 'Mario' game and it still handles beautifully."
"Other old school games that hold up super freaking well."
"Pac-Man was kind of like the original collectathon game in a sense."
"It's easy to see why this title became an instant classic."
"DMC 1 is a true classic, but some of the later games like DMC 3 are just legendary."
"Paper Mario still holds up incredibly well, offering up a fun and refreshing take on the long-standing narrative of Mario games."
"It's surprisingly cool to see Classic Sonic continue 27 years after its inception."
"Bosses in Rise of the Triad are a little more involved than you'd expect from the genre at the time it came out."
"Super Mario World remains today as one of the best."
"Symphony of the Night... where's its Super Metroid influence on its elegantly tailored sleeve."
"Rollercoaster tycoon 2 is a classic and if you haven't played it before you're really missing out."
"We're not trying to replace the original game, but to accompany it as a new spin-off on a beloved classic."
"Left 4 Dead 1... a time capsule untouched by updates... responsible for not one but two of the greatest video games of all time."
"Bomberman act 0 perfectly exemplifies the Mantra if it ain't broke don't fix it."
"It was the first platform that I saw Policenauts on the classic Konami adventure that was similar to Snatcher."
"The Revenge of Shinobi is just simply that good."
"I think this one's pretty obvious where it's going. Super Smash Bros 64."
"Mario games have always prioritized the raw gameplay and level design."
"When it comes to multiplayer shooters, I don't think anything has aged as well as Halo 3."
"I think still hold up today and are a lot of fun to still play on the PS1."
"It was called Street Fighter and it really was the granddaddy of all beat em up."
"Street Fighter 2's influence cannot be overstated."
"Super Mario RPG is a classic... I used to love Super Mario RPG from back in the day."
"If you play Chrono Trigger, it's gonna be one of your favorite games of all time. I'm just telling you what happens here, I'm telling you the truth."
"The original Kingdom Hearts really opened my eyes to what a great game story could be."
"And boy does this system have games. 21 games in all and there's something for everyone."
"Silent Hill 1 is pretty much ingrained into my DNA as a gamer."
"Silent Hill: an absolutely kino horror game and it's gone on to become one of the most undisputed classics for the genre."
"The game was another mega hit for Atari and is still loved today."
"It's worth playing 20 years later and it's still going to be worth playing 100 years later."
"Jen 1 & 2 are perfect games and no one can ever insult them."
"CS Online Club is basically Counter-Strike 1.6 but in the browser. This game is sick!"
"You're in a parallel world, it's like in a Link to the Past."
"Strider - one of the best games ever made, the pinnacle of action gaming."
"Contra 3 gave way to some rather unique conversions that go well beyond expectations."
"You gotta love the old LEGO games—first-class masterpiece."
"Resident Evil 4 is still an absolute masterpiece."
"Symphony of the Night truly is a fantastic game."
"Nintendo Switch Online introduces Super NES games with a variety of classic titles."
"Monster World IV is a game in the Wonder Boy series."
"It enabled a whole new group of individuals to experience Final Fantasy VII for the first time."
"Wow isn't that wonderful does anyone remember the handheld star trek game where you have to avoid asteroids if I ever step at ships man it's great."
"Famicom Detective Club is coming to North America."
"Playing WoW Classic because it's simple, easy to understand, intuitive."
"The game on the old CPC is treated to its own version."
"There's something about the games from the 80s and 90s that fill me with unending joy."
"This is why everyone likes Symphony of the Night so much. Oh man, I understand why people like what this became. I was a fool."
"Classic gaming is so good, there's no BS involved in it."
"I know when people talk about Atari games it looks stupid or whatever, but this is an example of a game that actually is really fun to play even today."
"Super Mario 64: a classic platformer loved by casual and hardcore fans alike."
"Streets of Rage 2 was one of the greatest games ever made for the Mega Drive."
"I would love to do a video series on the original Thief games... They did a lot right in that series that we have not seen a lot of anymore."
"Blizzard was dead wrong when they said you think you do but you don't. The people did, and we likely always will want a classic experience."
"You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget just how incredibly valuable Symphony of the Night is as a Castlevania game."
"Fallout 2 is fondly remembered for its humor."
"People are still playing Morrowind and it's a 22 year old game, which is crazy."
"Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Perfect game."
"OG gamers will remember Berserk, it was really scary and good."
"Great games become classics when our heroes respond to the ultimate test."
"We now have a pretty fully functioning game of Pong."
"That's what a lot of us want to see, a lot of us who are classic Tomb Raider fans."
"People still go back and play the original Half-Life... because the gameplay lasts."
"A significant chunk of the course is going to be concerned with learning how to play several classic games."