
Cardiovascular Disease Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Oral health is not just about having clean, straight, white teeth and fresh breath. It's about all of that and it's also about reducing cardiovascular disease and irritable bowel syndrome."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And you have to take a sort of world view of this, right? If you, like what's the most prevalent cause of death globally? Cardiovascular disease."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The fact that cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer of men and women worldwide is simply unacceptable because we know what causes it, how to diagnose it, and how to treat, prevent, and cure it, all around surrounds the endothelial production of nitric oxide."
"If you get less than six hours of sleep on average, then your risk of death from cardiovascular disease is up 200 percent."
"Trans fat never helps you, that is the basic source of heart attacks and strokes."
"I had a blockage in my main artery that they call your widowmaker, 99."
"We really have to pay attention to all of those lifestyles. High blood pressure, you know, a lot of high blood pressure is a big factor in heart disease."
"Rather than worrying about how much saturated fat we're consuming, we should be worried about factors that increase our clotting risk."
"If your triglyceride levels are elevated, you're definitely proven to be at increased risk of heart attack."
"High HDL and low triglycerides appear to be a very low risk factor for cardiovascular disease."
"Weak association between higher cholesterol and cardiovascular disease."
"Hypertension is not only a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, it's also a very important risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease."
"High blood pressure is a silent killer. Coronary artery disease may not raise its ugly head until you're dead."
"Your ultimate risk is because of inflammation. So you are increased risk of heart attacks, stroke."
"17 million people die every single year from cardiovascular related illness. And this is directly because of their meaty lifestyle."
"The number one killer of humans is heart disease, you know that right? 17 million people a year... it's the number one killer of human beings."
"Most weight problems are underpinned by excessive insulin secretion, most heart disease is driven by diabetic vascular inflammation."
"Populations that eat higher amounts of Cocoa flavanol have lower cardiovascular disease and improved cholesterol levels."
"Cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack, suffers when you're not getting sufficient sleep."
"Too much red meat is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer."
"Cardiovascular disease is another issue that can contribute to depression in a lot of people."
"Dedicated to finding cures for cardiovascular disease."
"If you improve endothelial dysfunction, you can reverse cardiovascular disease."
"But the research has shown that eating excess eggs is associated with increased cardiovascular disease, and is associated with increased mortality, and absolutely can lead to increased cholesterol levels which is one of the main drivers of cardiovascular disease."
"Higher levels of Ergo thionine were associated with about a 20% decreased risk of cardiovascular disease mortality."
"Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Several studies suggest that cardiovascular diseases don't have to be as common as we think, and dietary changes can play a significant role in prevention."
"...if you can do more than 10, every single push-up over 10 increases your chances of not getting cardiovascular disease."
"One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease."
"The three most important things for cardiovascular disease are lipoproteins, inflammation, and endothelial function."
"Magnesium deficiency can lead to fatigue, muscle cramping, elevated blood pressure, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Don't just focus on LDL cholesterol. High triglycerides are a significant, often overlooked risk factor for cardiovascular disease."
"Cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer worldwide."
"People who skip breakfast have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Patients have absolutely vanquished this disease, which really brings to the fore the question of why isn't it that every single patient with cardiovascular disease should at least be offered this, perhaps as an option?"
"When people were able to adhere to the UK dietary guidelines, they could see around a one-third reduction in cardiovascular disease."
"Intensive treatment with an SBP target of 110 to 130 substantially lowers the incidence of CVD events over standard treatment with a target of 130 to 150."
"Sitting in a sauna 2 to three times per week led to a 22% reduction in cardiovascular disease risk."
"Green tea and Resveratrol work together to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing plaque formation."
"Hypertension is considered to be the most modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, even more than smoking and diabetes."
"Strength training long term and consistently: 20% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, lung cancer, and all-cause mortality."
"I think knowing my dad's history with cardiovascular disease... inspired me motivated me to look a little bit deeper at my diet."
"It's interesting if you look at cardiovascular disease events over the past 50, 60 years. They go up, but they go up because population has grown."
"There's really no evidence from randomized controlled trials showing that when you consume a low-fat and specifically a low saturated fat diet that there's any Improvement or significant reduction in cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular disease mortality."
"The more you consume these foods, the higher your risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease."
"The evidence that shows high APO B is causal for atherosclerotic disease is so immense."
"Heart disease is the number one killer globally."
"Chronic inflammation is known to contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease."
"Begin statin therapy in any patient with clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease."
"Loss of nitric oxide production is really the earliest event in the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease."
"When you have a thickened intima-media thickness, you know the patient has an increased risk of heart attack and stroke."
"Cardiovascular disease is an inflammatory process, not just about cholesterol."
"Intermittent fasting enables all of this inflammation to be reduced, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the leading global cause of morbidity and mortality."
"When you can reduce cholesterol by 50%, that's a significant advantage in terms of susceptibility to cardiovascular disease."
"The big question that comes up is about clogging of arteries, heart attack, stroke... How do we unclog this? What is the best thing that we can do from a nutritional and medicinal point to do something naturally?"
"Lack of vitamin D is a big risk factor in the etiology of cardiovascular disease."
"Obesity is more prone to cardiovascular disease, particularly central obesity."
"Blood viscosity is arguably one of the more important drivers to the development of cardiovascular disease that goes unnoticed."
"Low testosterone is associated with cardiovascular disease because it leads to diabetes and metabolic syndrome."
"The higher the LDL cholesterol, the more likely you are to have atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, death, mortality from cardiovascular disease and non-cardiovascular disease."
"Cardiovascular disease is a really important problem for humans, and it's critical that we are careful in our consideration of this disease."
"Atherosclerosis is the buildup of plaque, not to be confused with arteriosclerosis which is the stiffening of the arteries."
"High LDL is the single best predictor we have from a lipid panel as far as predicting atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease."
"Trans fats are linked to problems associated with cardiovascular disease."