
Dental Care Quotes

There are 527 quotes

"Oral health is not just about having clean, straight, white teeth and fresh breath. It's about all of that and it's also about reducing cardiovascular disease and irritable bowel syndrome."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By putting fluoride in the drinking water, they could prevent a large amount of tooth decay and cavities that would otherwise occur."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is the world's fastest toothbrush. It can brush your teeth in 10 seconds."
"Brush your teeth, floss, and then mouthwash because... the mouthwash will go in them [gums] and stuff."
"You'll spend approximately 38 days of your life brushing your teeth."
"Toothaches, mouth pain can bring down even the strongest of people."
"An emergency dental kit is just as essential. It is one of the least expensive preps you could add to your prepping supplies."
"Flossing regularly... it blows my mind that there are people that don't floss."
"I have yet to find someone or meet a patient that doesn't want whiter teeth."
"If you're maintaining great hygiene, it will decrease the amount of staining, but even if you have great hygiene, these are foods and drinks that tend to be absorbed by the tooth."
"The key to fresh breath is not only brushing your teeth but also cleaning your tongue."
"Teeth...shows hygiene, it shows cleanliness, and most importantly, it shows self-care."
"Your teeth health actually matters a lot, in fact, it connects pretty solidly, according to research, with your heart health."
"Filling children's teeth without sorting out what the problem is, it's just like replacing windows in a burning house. It should never be done."
"When you don't brush before bed, that's actually the most damaging thing. That's the most important time to brush."
"Tooth decay is the ultimate preventable condition."
"I've been taking really good care of my oral care and so I just want to keep that up."
"If I don't stay hydrated, will I keep my teeth?"
"Always brush your teeth. That's important, guys."
"Toothbrushes have blue bristles intertwined with white ones to fade out, signaling when it's time to replace them."
"If you mess up my teeth, you're messing up with your life."
"Just because you brush your teeth does it mean to say you will never go to the dentist? You still go."
"Linda is brushing her teeth and thinking how lucky she is to live in the 21st century—so many different ways to treat and care for teeth."
"Quip is the new electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibrations into an ultra slim design with guiding pulses to simplify better brushing at a fraction of the cost of bulkier brushes."
"You don't have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep."
"Brushing makes your breath smell super nice."
"Keep your teeth extra clean and extra healthy."
"Dental hygiene would be the main concern with this bat dad"
"Charcoal actually really helps to absorb all the toxins that cause staining and bad breath and helps to make your teeth really clean."
"Regular dental checkups every six months are essential."
"Brushing your teeth helps with diminishing the feeling of hunger."
"I have two fake teeth, really. Yeah, love them. I got them done and I was like do the whole mouth."
"This gift that I brought for Jasmine is meaningful because manually trying to clean your teeth is difficult. That thing's spinning, you know, at a high rate."
"I highly suggest flossing along with brushing your teeth."
"Dental health is directly related to their entire overall health and well-being of their body, especially heart health."
"The reason the dentist shields your body while leaving your head unprotected is because the brain and other tissues in the head are significantly less sensitive to radiation."
"You should be far more concerned about gum disease which carries a 12% higher risk of early death."
"Listen to your dentist, start flossing, it might just save your life."
"It is important to go see your dentist on a regular basis."
"All the babies, all three of those kiddos that I have had dentist appointments this morning and they did so good, I'm so proud of them."
"Negative on the dentist, I only went in for a chipped tooth."
"If you're unhappy with your smile, you do not have to be."
"It costs thousands less than traditional braces."
"It's the sleekest design you've ever seen for an electric toothbrush."
"I was just here 15 minutes ago, and they're fast, they're on point. Shout-out to you, my dentist people and dentist office, thank you."
"Free dental care... completely free VA Dental Care."
"If you don't floss as an adult you're still a child."
"Triphala mouthwash is effective for reducing plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation, promoting dental health."
"So Costco has taken a hundred dollars off of this electric Sonicare system here."
"I found out this group does the amalgam removal in a way that follows the most prestigious holistic method."
"Happy floss is truly compostable, made with Biosilk, and can break down in a compost bin in under six months."
"Since using Luminol, I have brighter teeth, fewer stains, my gums are pinker, and my breath is better."
"Activated charcoal... keep your teeth feeling and looking bright and white."
"I've just taken the strips off now. I actually cannot believe how white my teeth are. Wow."
"I'm sorry, but dental hygiene apparently is important."
"If you look after your teeth, they'll look after you."
"Get yourself a set up with Dr. Tong for better oral health."
"We saw you were interested in our dentistry, we would love to get to know you and would love to give you a free teeth cleaning."
"If you don't take care of your teeth, you are going to regret it, I promise you."
"We're here to save your teeth, not to pull them."
"It's going to incrementally get better for dental coverage."
"Definitely don't want to soak your teeth in coke."
"We can bring down dental care costs for Canadians by passing The Bill of the Fall economic state."
"If you've just got braces, I would definitely invest in one of these. It will make having braces so much easier."
"Make sure to avoid fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash."
"Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time."
"You really should have a good oral hygiene and good breath."
"There is a power that he has over you because he is in control of what's going on in your mouth for your teeth."
"The biggest moral of the whole story is get to your dentist really regularly."
"The dentist asked me once more if I felt the gas. I told him that it was starting to take effect but was not very strong."
"When my son was four he saw a commercial that said brushing alone is not enough to prevent cavities and tooth decay so he made us start brushing our teeth with him. It's been three years. Nobody tell him."
"Keep your own teeth as long as you can."
"It's prudent to consider a trial of switching from a mint or cinnamon flavor to a more fruity flavor."
"Nothing more youthful looking than someone with a white and bright smile."
"That thing gonna come out the top of your lip bro, watch out he needs braces."
"This fluoride kit is the best kit you can get, period."
"This electric toothbrush has six different modes, a travel case, eight toothbrush heads, and a 3-hour charge time that lasts 120 days."
"You look great with teeth, Fizzy."
"This toothbrush is going to change your life."
"They gave me 10,000 to fix my teeth."
"What's interesting is if someone used your recommendations and started eating sufficient protein and doing the three days a week stretching and lifting a little bit, their teeth would probably be in good condition even at an older age."
"If you've got an inkling that you would like to improve your smile in any way big or small then I could not recommend visiting him any more highly."
"That's the best thing, how my teeth doing? Are they blown out everywhere? Let's see. I'm suing my dentist."
"You won't lose. I've been on Invisalign for the last three years."
"Enhancing fluoride levels could reduce the number of teeth extracted because of Decay by up to 56%."
"People are literally pulling their teeth out using pliers. It's an experience that can be compared with extracting an answer from the Prime Minister at this dispatch box."
"One of the functions of the biofilm is to help re-mineralize demineralizing areas of the teeth and that essentially is reversing small cavities as they are happening."
"Don't neglect your oral health during your pregnancy. Dental issues can easily arise during a pregnancy."
"You don't need to clean your baby's teeth but, yeah, they don't have any."
"Take care of your teeth. Cannot drill this into your head, no matter the age—five years, 20 years, 80 years old. Take care of your teeth."
"Invest in your teeth, get them straight and white."
"Invest in your smile, that's what I say. It's worth it."
"So if you have a dental need, you're not going to take a pair of pliers and yank your tooth out. If you have a legal need, this is where an attorney can really, really assist you."
"I can't go back to Auntie Pam's until they see Dental x-ray anyway."
"Brush heads are automatically delivered on a dentist recommended schedule every three months for just $5."
"It's great to not have to ever think about going out and buying new toothbrushes and toothpaste again when it's too late."
"Over 1 million happy, healthy mouths do it."
"It's just surreal, oh my god, like I can smile and I can talk and not worry about people looking at my teeth."
"He said, 'I really think you should fix your teeth.'"
"They combed through the teeth and they didn't like what they saw, so now it's time to die."
"So guys, finally we get to brush our teeth!"
"This dental floss pick dispenser keeps your flossers more hygienic and easily dispensable."
"Take good care of your teeth and you won't have to go to the dentist often."
"Tongue Cleaner for dental hygiene is definitely a good investment."
"It makes it more bubbly, so another question for you guys is, do you rush your teeth like this?"
"Wisdom teeth aren't that useful either. The only thing they help us lose now is the money we spend extracting them."
"People spend so much money on preserving their teeth, but no other animal has to visit a dentist as we do."
"It's worth it. This is your smile that's what people see every day."
"I was really happy with the temporaries, and if those were my teeth for the rest of my life, I would have been stoked. But these are much better."
"Your teeth are really important to your health."
"You will come into my office, this ain't no Chop Shop veneers."
"If there's any dental concerns or anything like that, just call me, ask me anything."
"I just got back from the dentist."
"Why are Crest Whitening Strips banned here in the UK?"
"Plot twist: these soldiers have a serious dental situation."
"I'm on week 14 or 15 now, so I have been wearing the Invisalign for quite a while."
"Not all of us are pick people, so Quip also has refillable floss string that expands to clean."
"Please fix this. Nobody else deserves to be hurt in any type of way by somebody else's words in such a vulnerable state like that regarding their dental care."
"Overall the item is Sleek well built and fully functional with five Dental Care Solutions."
"Fluoride helps to rebuild and strengthen the tooth surface."
"Having beautiful white teeth and just keeping yourself maintained, you've got to clean your teeth because it will take the age off of you like no other."
"If you don't want to get a toothache, you need to take good care of your teeth by brushing them with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Toothpaste helps remove food that's stuck on your teeth, kills harmful bacteria, and keeps your teeth strong, healthy, and beautiful."
"You weren't born wanting to floss your teeth."
"I did just chip a tooth so I was just chewing on my popcorn occasionally get a kernel or two in there I just bit down and and I've chipped one of my back teeth right here."
"When a tooth is dead, you pull it out. You don't wait for it to get better."
"Sanuo is the world's first ultrasonic teeth cleaner with a camera, a great dental tool for smokers, wine, coffee, and tea drinkers."
"Sensodyne, simply brushing with Sensodyne twice a day, every day is going to give you that long-lasting 24/7 protection against sensitivity."
"...when we put this on your teeth your maintenance is so important..."
"Nothing is as good as your natural teeth."
"That is everything you can possibly want to know about root canals."
"I think root canals, crowns are super vital because nothing is as good as your natural teeth."
"If you see a general dentist, it's probably going to be anywhere from like $600 to $1,200."
"My teeth feel awful, just absolutely awful."
"You got to get your teeth squared away because everybody's always looking at your teeth."
"We need to take good care of your teeth by brushing them with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Toothpaste helps remove food that's stuck on your teeth, kills harmful bacteria, and keeps your teeth strong, healthy, and beautiful."
"Which would you rather have in your mouth? Would you rather have something that looks, feels and functions just like teeth? Or would you rather have something big and massive that feels like a denture, for the most part in your mouth?"
"No more hole in my tooth, it's all fixed up so it looks good"
"If you're gonna eat steak, get some sharper teeth, alright?"
"I just did my two fronts, one regular, two fronts, one regular, two fronts."
"Dental care is part of health care and cannot be ignored."
"Tomorrow I have to get up bright and early in the morning because I have to go to the dentist appointment."
"Every other teeth whitening strips I have used have literally made my teeth burn, like my gums, and just feel so weird, so I was a little bit skeptical about trying out these because I'm scared that my teeth would burn."
"Everybody likes white straight chicklet teeth."
"I want his teeth to be as shiny as mine."
"My teeth are big as [__] no yeah I was talking about though the same thing, uh I have a chip tooth but you guys [__] look at this, wait I said that right, it's an edible."
"I love teeth so I love getting teeth things."
"It changes the whole shape of your teeth."
"If you're dealing with some stained teeth or whatever... Go ahead and try out the Colgate Optic White line."
"Sensodyne toothpaste helps stop the pain and the domino effect."
"Luminos whitening products whiten teeth without causing sensitivity or compromising your tooth's enamel."
"The toothbrush is the right tool."
"...gleam the toothpaste for people who can't brush after every meal."
"If you mess up a tooth, you can just splice another one of these on there."
"Your smile is going to look great if you would like to improve your smile bite."
"The best time to buy a dental plan is within 30 to 60 days after coming off an employer plan."
"We love this dentist let me start with that."
"I don't have veneers, these are my real teeth."
"I need to brush my teeth, please don't tell me I'm all out of floss strings."
"He can fill your cavity no matter how big it is."
"I don't like going to the dentist at all, but you know what, when I'm in awful tooth pain, there's nothing I won't do to get to a dentist."
"You can never take too much care of those chompers."
"Number three, it's not going to affect too much the flexibility or strength of your clear aligners."
"I want to give a special shout out to Cal Dental USA, they're taking Dentistry to the next level."
"Toothpaste, toothbrush, gotta keep your chompers clean out there."
"If you'd like you can secure some floss to the body to accomplish the same thing however I prefer to use thread."
"I said, 'I don't want to have the last thing I want is to have a cavity that was already filled refilled when I didn't do anything wrong.'"
"Thanks for watching floss your teeth I hope you guys have been flossing your teeth since I have been reminding you please splash your teeth extremely important take care bye"
"If she was rich, she would have got veneers or like invisalign bro."
"it always feels great when your dentist tells you you've done a great job caring for your teeth"
"Getting braces...it's mostly to avoid catastrophe."
"My teeth weren't that bad they looked pretty bad but really what it was is this front tooth was crooked and so all the other teeth were pretty straight they just needed to move."
"That's why we love quip and that's why we think it's perfect for you."
"...a customer would have been extremely lucky if this could have failed. I don't think there are any teeth missing."
"If you take care of your teeth you can get your braces off sooner."
"Proper dental hygiene and whitening products can improve your smile."
"This will actually go like that and you'll be able to get a larger tooth profile."
"Number five: brush your teeth before you go to bed."
"Invest in Invisalign. That is one of the best investments you will ever make."
"But the good news is that hydroxyapatite which is the biomimetic material that is the material that is what our teeth are made up of is available now."
"Try and hang on to that tooth if you can. A natural tooth, whether it's alive or dead, still has that soft tissue ligament attachment to the jaw bone. It still moves a little bit. You can still feel pressure on the tooth. Can't do that with an implant."
"We're in a mall. You're talking some mega cavities there."
"I think probably the biggest lie Americans tell is when they go to the dentist."
"It's time to brush her teeth. Or paint the mirror, whatever floats your boat."
"I decided not to go with veneers."
"It's almost like doing a cross because it's not pushing the floss out of the way."
"Brush your teeth up and down and round and round."
"...I genuinely feel like it's helping my teeth instead of like wearing them down."
"Your veneers are so great because you went to one of the most expensive doctors in Beverly Hills but my second theory is because you didn't shave down your teeth they were popovers"
"I just love the crest 3d white line. It's my favorite. It helps my teeth to stay white and it just keeps your breath really, really fresh."
"If y'all are looking to like get your teeth whitened and you're in like the surrounding area this is like 100 like I would recommend this ten out of ten."
"He's legit. People go to him. Some people say he's actually better than like a real dentist. He's just sitting on these streets of New Delhi with a dental kit and he will pull the teeth right out of your head for free, baby."
"You've probably heard us talk about Quip a million times, but this is something brand new that rewards you and your mouth."
"Chicken feet are not only delicious for your dog but really aid in keeping their mouth and their teeth clean and their breath fresh."
"It's very important to brush your teeth twice a day."
"In an emergency, you may not be able to get to a dentist or a doctor and making sure your teeth are nice and healthy and clean is super important."
"A lot of women, once I got my teeth done, that was the first thing they'll say, they like, 'You got a nice smile.'"
"The Salesforce platform really helps us provide the best dental experience that we can."
"Remember to take good care of your teeth."
"Candid Co. helps people gain confidence through accessible and affordable orthodontic care. Candid makes the process of straightening your teeth convenient and easy by having the customer take the process into their own hands."
"I just want to make sure that the patients are happy and also that they're just gonna be happy with their smile in general."