
Financial Sacrifice Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I'm happy to be broke for the rest of my life as long as I'm doing good."
"Sacrificing today for a better tomorrow becomes very challenging because we all want to live in big houses, drive fast cars, and make poor financial decisions while we're young that really eat us up down the road."
"The best gifts are the ones people gave you when they didn't have it to give."
"I'm extremely proud and happy of James Harden for taking the pay cut."
"Even if it's two and a half years of pure sacrifice with that number, that's a good thing. That should be celebrated."
"He's putting a substantial chunk of his vast fortune on the line to save free speech in America. This is a narrative conservatives love."
"He donated everything ahead of his wealth in the course of those who are more in need."
"Dave left a $50 million contract on the table and had it taken away from him."
"Some people really do worship her and were crying so I'm going into debt to get floor tickets because they want to get that close to her. It's idolatry in its highest form."
"Let's not let them win, even if it takes everything I've ever made."
"Is that not worth the loss of money? Think on eternity, sir, think on that."
"Tesla willingly walked away from $12 million in royalties in his day which today would be worth well over $300 million."
"To take a temporary hit to our income and the pace of our financial goals to create a sustainable life and job and career for myself that I love and I'm happy in is a thousand percent worth it."
"Disney executives are taking cuts to their salaries."
"Even if we don't have, we can give sacrificially."
"We're Manchester United. People should be taking wage cuts to come to our club. To think we might give Kane 300K, probably is begging to come to us as well."
"Frank Darabont took a huge pay cut to direct the movie himself."
"The men were to work and give every bit of their money to the church."
"He sold his last herd of cows to pay off my debt."
"You want the championship? To pay for it, yeah. You know what I mean? So you got players out here taking pay cuts for millionaires, taking pay cut for billionaires."
"I'm willing to go broke for what I believe in."
"Beautiful flowers for my Emma, I spent my last money on them."
"I commend the players that are opting out because they're missing millions and millions of dollars but they're actually putting their families first and that I guarantee you a lot of fans would not have expected to see."
"You got to give up something financially in the short term to have everything you want financially in the long term."
"That's cool though, yeah, give up the money and [__] it's a start, you know what I'm saying?"
"Harden understandably felt he had sacrificed enough already."
"It's a massive life change for you, isn't it?" "Yeah, I guess it was kind of...we'd been looking at sacrificing quite a lot financially and also what we reject our money."
"No amount of money is too much to keep you from coming home for Christmas."
"You know something, Judge? I don't need any money. She's gonna need everything that she has to take care of those kids."
"Our daughter is more important to me than anything. I'll prioritize her over our finances any day."
"The school fees was too much, I literally had to put all my savings on the school fee."
"Right now, my daughter's life is more important than money."
"Most middle class households in America cannot afford to go on vacation without sacrificing financially."
"I don't care if it's a billion zillion; if having you with me means being broke and starting all over again, so be it."
"She gave extravagantly what she could not afford; she gave her all."
"They do their important work not because the paycheck is large -- many of them are experts that could command a much higher salary in the private sector."
"You really had to love this craft because you certainly didn't do it for the money."
"I don't care if it saves one life, it was worth everything that I spent."
"I have a strong sense of justice, and sometimes I'll take a hit even if I know I'm not gonna come out financially ahead."
"I'm going to do everything I can, even if it's costing me a lot of money, to try and get back and play."
"...Amy gave the money out of her savings one Christmas when they didn't have money to buy presents for their kid."
"You got to sacrifice some money for quality of life, not all of it, the quality of life."