
Diabetes Prevention Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Anything you do that affects your energy balance...is enough to substantially protect against diabetes."
"When it comes to insulin resistance and avoiding diabetes, the best things you can do are live an active, healthy lifestyle... maintain a good body composition, and then pick the right parents, because genetics play a big role there as well."
"With a 5% weight loss, you can reduce your risk of developing Diabetes by 50%."
"If we get the consumption of sugar down by at least 20% in the next few years...we could very easily reverse the type 2 diabetes epidemic within 3 years."
"Too much insulin over time is the main driver of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes."
"When you reverse insulin resistance, you're literally dramatically lowering your risk for pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes."
"Research shows that a 7% personal body weight can reduce the risk of Diabetes by around 60 percent."
"I was like a tenth of a point away from being diabetic he said you do exactly what I tell you to do for 10 weeks and I guarantee you I'll change your life."
"Regular physical activity can boost our insulin sensitivity long-term, thereby helping to ward off diabetes progression."
"The best way to not ever get diabetes is to understand where it starts."
"Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable; it's not inevitable."
"Just eat real food; if we just ate real food, the chance of developing type 2 diabetes would be very low indeed."
"We're working towards a unifying model of type 2 diabetes."
"Maintaining healthy body weight is number one as far as prevention of type 2 diabetes."
"Stop the weight regain, keep the diabetes from coming back."
"If you consume at least two to three servings of full fat dairy per day, you will have a 23% less chance of getting type 2 diabetes."
"Contrary to popular belief, insulin resistance can be reversed by following an insulin resistance diet and does not always result in pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes."
"Reversing insulin resistance, regaining energy, controlling blood sugar cravings, and lowering the risk of many lifestyle-related problems all start with minor lifestyle changes."
"Whole fruits have a lot of fiber in them, right? So that also helps regulate your blood sugar and weight, especially before you become diabetic."
"Switching to whole grains reduces the risk of diabetes by 30%; switching to beans reduces it by 60%."
"Beating diabetes is still beating diabetes, and the principles that work in 2023 will work in five years, ten years from now, even a hundred years from now."
"If you eat the Mediterranean diet, if you adopt it now, you have an 85% lower chance of ever getting diabetes."
"A 10-minute walk after meals is twice as effective as metformin for preventing or reversing type 2 diabetes."
"With what we know today, we should be able to prevent all or at least most cases of type 2 diabetes."
"Follow a plant-based diet and you never worry about diabetes."
"So the best way to reverse this process and the best way for you not to develop to type 2 diabetes is weight loss."
"Adopting a plant-based lifestyle can help you prevent diabetes by about 23%."
"Just replacing a little bit of your food every day with a plant protein can greatly reduce your risk of diabetes."
"If you can lose 10% of your body weight, then you cut the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 90%."
"Avocados have been shown to help you control your weight and lower your risk of being overweight or getting type 2 diabetes."
"Eating a healthy balanced diet, engaging in physical activity, and stopping leading a sedentary lifestyle, you probably will not develop either type 2 diabetes or erectile dysfunction."
"Plant proteins tend to be lower in the branched-chain amino acids, which are associated with insulin resistance—the cause of type 2 diabetes."
"Defining the 'appropriate upper limits' of animal protein intake may offer a great chance for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and obesity."
"Consistent coffee consumption actually can lead to a potential 25% reduction in type 2 diabetes risk."
"All you have to do is follow along, and you're going to start to reduce your risk for diabetes."
"For every 10% increase in muscle mass, insulin resistance reduces by 11% and prevalence of diabetes reduces by 12%."
"Prevention is probably one of the most important goals, especially when it comes to diabetes."
"Vaccination is associated with a lower risk of developing diabetes should you get COVID-19."
"People who eat more fruits have a much lower risk of type 2 diabetes."
"Just a 5% weight loss may cut your risk of developing diabetes in half."
"A plant-based diet helps prevent diabetes and can help reverse it when it's occurred."
"Subjects that had higher amounts of anthocyanins ended up having about a 15 percent less chance of developing type 2 diabetes."
"With pre-diabetes, the staggering statistic is that 9 out of 10 of those diagnosed don't even know they have it."
"Eating healthy and exercising moderately for about half an hour five days a week can prevent the development of pre-diabetes."
"Knowing that you have it may allow people to make changes to their diet and physical activity, to prevent progression to Type 2 diabetes."
"Reducing sugar intake is one of the key ways to prevent diabetes."
"The diabetes will be prevented with exercise and will be significantly improved with the workouts of many different ways."
"Exercise is so great for preventing diabetes because we're creating a space for the glucose to go where it's supposed to go, and we're increasing our sensitivity to insulin."
"We may be able to actually modulate the neuroendocrine system as a novel way to complement existing strategies for preventing and treating diabetes."
"It's important for us to educate the patients straight off the bat when they're diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on how to prevent this problem."
"Multiple studies have shown that people with high intake of chocolate products and cocoa-derived flavanols experience a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes."
"For every 2.2 pounds of weight loss, the risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced by 13%."
"Changing lifestyles to prevent type 2 diabetes, we have an exciting session."
"Research shows that people with pre-diabetes who take part in a structured lifestyle change program can cut their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by more than half."
"Research has found that even ten years later, people who completed a diabetes prevention lifestyle change program are one-third less likely to develop type 2 diabetes."
"This really is our opportunity to make a significant impact on type two diabetes prevention."
"Exercising and especially if that leads to some weight loss can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes."
"The more muscle you have in your body, the more places glucose can go to, so it's much easier to become diabetic if you have very little muscle."
"Remember, incorporating broccoli into your diet adds a protective layer against diabetes."
"If you do not eat added sugar, there is almost a zero percent chance you're going to get diabetes."
"Having a higher amount of muscle is not known to be unhealthy; in fact, it's protective for various reasons, including protecting against diabetes."
"Time-restricted eating within a 9 to 12 hour time frame... reduces the type two diabetes risk by up to 25% over an 11-year period follow-up."