
Scars Quotes

There are 295 quotes

"Scars show your willingness to get to the other side; they show your failures, your willingness to start from scratch."
"A true scar is permanent and there is no cream that is going to take it away."
"The impact of a scar on an individual's emotional well-being is not to be taken lightly whatsoever."
"I don't want to arrive in a perfectly preserved body... I want to come skidding in sideways, covered in scars, screaming, 'Yo, what a ride!'"
"I am left with some scars on my wrist from the ropes. But as time has gone on, I've actually considered them my Badge of Courage."
"Scars of history run deep on this landscape."
"Once a wound heals, it becomes a scar, which is a lot tougher skin than normal skin."
"This city is angry, scarred like me, but scars can transform us."
"Every Brontian warrior knows and can recount the history of every one of its scars."
"Scars are important, they remind you of mistakes that you made and don't make the mistake again."
"Don't have to cover up your scars. You're perfect just the way you are."
"Jesus stands right now at the right hand of God the Father, the King of Kings and the Lord of lords with scars, with scars."
"He isn't bothered and would fight anyone who would mock her scars," Holy proudly declares, unmoved by Leo's scar.
"Scars make everyone look cooler, that's just a fact."
"We don't get to remove our scars, but we can learn from them."
"The scars which are my miracles written in my skin."
"Scars serve as proof of what we have gone through, proof of what has not killed us."
"Acceptance of scars instead of covering them."
"Not a master who lorded over her, but as a master who had scars himself."
"All wounds leave a scar, so some of you, yeah, it's still a soft point."
"Your scars make you more beautiful."
"I mean, I have a 15-inch neck scar that tells a story."
"You want to know how I got these scars?"
"I collect scars, man. It's cool as [__], chicks dig scars."
"My scars tell a story when the police found me. I was told I was 10 days away from death."
"It's how the world works... It's better the scar is better than having no wounds at all."
"What I write now, I write for those who bear the marks, who wear the scars that testify to the truths within this book."
"You've got to let your wounds become scars."
"The war was long, so bloody and protracted that the scars ran deep across the Empire."
"Your inner and outer scars are marks of your soul's courage."
"That would be a good scar. Hunter S Thompson wasn't."
"Scars remind us that the past is real."
"Bullying is super toxic and can leave long-lasting scars on a person's mind and heart."
"We need to look good on the outside, it doesn't matter how many scars we have on the inside."
"It's not about having scars, it's about the lessons behind them."
"Chicks dig scars. Really, not that one."
"Your inner and outer scars are marks of your Soul's courage. They're signs of strength and survival."
"Some scars faded, but the emotional wounds never healed."
"How great would it have been had she like burned the other side of her face so that when they look at each other the scarred faces match up and the good faces match up too? That would have been awesome."
"I just wanted to know that I don't care about the scars."
"The Hulk still has a scar from his fight with abomination in The Incredible Hulk and in what if the Hulk straight up exploded. Granted that's not the easiest thing to heal from but hey Deadpool did it."
"Those are my war wounds. And I'm proud of them."
"The wound of infidelity and betrayal is one that takes a lifetime to heal and it always leaves a pretty big scar."
"Scars just the weird uncle that ruins Thanksgiving."
"There will always be the hint of what was once a gaping hole, but the beautiful thing about the scar is that it tells a story."
"Scars make us who we are and we are not meant to go back and fix the past because there is nothing broken about us that needs to be fixed."
"Those are battle wounds and I can show them what I want and I can hide them when I want."
"Look at all my beautiful scars and everything from growing up dancing all my wonderful leg bruises."
"The streets may be painted rainbow, but the past still left its scars in the form of rubble."
"The proof that the Lord is with you is His scars."
"You want to know how I got these scars? Shaving with a disposable razor actually."
"Scars are pretty cool, look like you've been in a battle and you've won."
"The Chancellor can't be trusted," Kira pointed to her scars.
"I still find the joy in the scars on YouTube. I don't find the joy in the scars as I once did on the PGA tour."
"Love and War in all its glory leaving similar scars."
"Scars are a symbol of being a miracle survivor."
"I think scars are sexy, don't you?"
"Isn't there like a really important person in Christianity who was whipped and then nailed to a cross? Wouldn't that guy have scars too?"
"The scars left by a lack of honesty serve as potent reminders."
"Scar Tissue stains us. It scars us."
"The scars of the past haunt us, shaping our present."
"The scars are a physical representation of the chapters and verses of the life that you have lived."
"He's gonna be scarred for a little while."
"At the end of the day, let us see the scar."
"You can have scars, you can have a robe, and you can still have a destiny of what God wants to do inside of your life."
"Baggage leaves you a scar, I believe it gives you a beauty mark."
"If you have scars, if you have dealt with what I've dealt with, don't be ashamed. I chose to cover my name in tattoos because I felt like I needed to do that for me."
"You're already sharing that story by wearing that scar as your beauty mark."
"This is the best scar of my life."
"But every single black person in America bears the scars."
"Sometimes the world seems against you, the journey may leave a scar."
"Many of us are ashamed of our scars and God says, 'That's what connects you with people. You are scarred for life.'"
"This is why we're doing this. I'm covered in so many scars, and they'll never heal. The world's hurt me bad, Sasuke, and I don't want it to hurt you or anyone else."
"Rejection can cause lasting scars that if they aren't dealt with appropriately they can become strongholds in your life."
"You've already healed me. My scars ran deeper than my skin."
"I applied it directly just on the targeted areas and scars. Within two to three weeks, the scars were noticeably lighter, some were undetectable."
"What do scars do? They fade, I guess. Scars are still scars. You gotta let go of that stuff from the past 'cause it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now."
"Scars are not markers of inferiority, but a vast untapped script of survival."
"Scars tell stories not just of pain, but of defiance, creativity, and ever-expanding potential."
"Our scars are covering us up to actually open up to another human being, whether it's a man or a woman."
"The days turned into weeks, and I slowly recovered physically, at least, the psychological scars ran deeper."
"The scars we bore were not just physical but mental, a testament to the night when the natural world revealed its most unnatural secrets."
"You can be emotionally, sexually, mentally scarred for the rest of your life, but if you kill your abuser, you're not a good victim anymore."
"The scars remind us that the past is real."
"It's like a two-edge sword. It cuts both ways. It heals me but then it scars me at the same time too."
"Time heals all wounds, but the scars are a constant reminder."
"Mom just said a house without scars isn't really a home."
"A house without scars isn't really a home."
"Just because my mum didn't have physical scars that everyone could see, she had emotional scars. Ones that never go away."
"Everyone I know who went out in the Sun during their first year post-op they all have darker scars their scars stay dark."
"How do you live with a scar? You carry the wounds."
"Women like men with scars. Mine were from battle."
"Scars heal. No, they don't. Yes, they do. Oh, yeah? What do scars do? They fade, I guess. I don't care what the scholars say."
"Scars heal, wounds heal, but scars fade."
"Long after the children had recovered from their physical scars, they carried with them the psychological scars of this event."
"The scar is not about the scar; it's about the lesson behind the scar."
"If you got a scar you've been healed."
"And when the heavens pass away, all your scars will still remain and forever they will say how much you love me."
"These scars we have, they make us who we are. We're not meant to go back and fix them."
"Whatever the cause of my scar is, you're never allowed to make fun of me because it's an act of plain inhumanity."
"The physical scars of that night 30 years ago have long gone, but for some, the memories remain."
"The church was used as a hospital during the American Revolution and it seems to have left a deep scar on the building."
"If I show you my scars, you'll believe your wounds can heal."
"I want people to believe that your wounds can heal because mine did."
"Think of your scars not as a reminder of the pain you've had to endure in the past, but proof you can survive anything."
"You're gonna have a scar, but no need to worry about it."
"...if you pick at them, they can scar."
"You took my scars, bruises, and broken heart. Numb all the pain, show me how to heal."
"All the scars you might have from any past experiences are only signs that you can heal and grow."
"Just look at these remarkable seats in the flag to define us that our scars."
"You're worth more than your scars and your scars make you damn beautiful."
"If anything worth remembering leaves a few scars as keepsakes," Garrett said.
"Scarring is part of the healing, and every cut will scar. Some scar more than others."
"Loving you is like a battle. We both end up with scars."
"Scars don't come where there is no wound."
"My old man let me tell you how I got these scars."
"Every severe wound leaves a scar behind. That scar may be an ill reminder of that past trauma to some, I prefer to see it as a memorial, a monument to a man who I will always love."
"He's got these scars too, like he is 100 covered in Christ."
"Those scars that we get along the way, well, they say that we showed up."
"War leaves an ugly scar on your soul."
"The money, the fame, it doesn't erase the trauma in my brain. It doesn't erase how I felt that day, doesn't erase how now I'm permanently scarred."
"Rex has been through a lot. Battles leave scars. Some you can't see."
"The pain and scars you would see,"
"Hurt scar you'll never ever break me, I'm wounded but I broken."
"Hurt scar you'll never ever break me, I'm wounded but not broken."
"Scars, they leave us with guilt, they leave us with condemnation, they leave us with shame. And shame is that painful posture of the mind shaped by humiliation, fear of what people think, fear of rejection, a loss of dignity and worth, distress and regret."
"My scars became a part of me, but it's important to share vulnerable moments to inspire others."
"There's a point where you're so scarred you're not afraid of getting cut anymore."
"Scars within us, they've been scratched deep into our hearts and our souls, and they'll never come out."
"...we have been gifted a rucksack full of scars inside and outside that we can repurpose into the service of others through stories."
"Your scars are going to be your scars but I recommend you look at them as battle wounds... The more times you are broken down and made a comeback, the more valuable you become."
"Typically, most people try to hide their scars. But your scars play a role in revealing the glorified version of you."
"The scars in your life are used for a purpose when you surrender them to Jesus," he explained.
"Don't ever be ashamed of your battle scars, because that's what made you the [__] that is looking back at you."
"I can bring my pain, okay? I got my heart rate, uh-huh. Yeah, I got my scars right here, okay?"
"...this whole area here is really scarred up from the fires that passed through. Sad to see."
"Every relationship has scars. Scars are okay because scars are the testimony to what you survived. Scars are perfectly fine."
"Healing is showing your scars but also showing how you live beyond them."
"It takes a full two years for scars to completely fade."
"Scars are cool because they're battle wounds of things that you have endured."
"On the last day, Jesus will look us over not for medals, diplomas, or honors but the scars."
"The wounds heal, but not the scars."
"When you're speaking from a scar, healing has taken place."
"Shocking footage of an 11ft long great white shark whose body was positively riddled with scars."
"You knew it still hurt underneath my scars when they pulled me apart."
"I hope you can see me beyond my scars."
"You drew Stars around my scars but now I'm bleeding."
"Though the scars may remain, I have emerged stronger, wiser."
"Some painful experiences will leave marks that are permanent. They will change us forever. They will be woven into the fabric of who we are from that point forward."
"Experience is a cruel teacher because experience will leave some scars on your behind that plastic surgery cannot get off."
"The God who is most beautiful with his scars has come for us and he can make you beautiful with all of your scars."
"The greatest strength is in the scares."
"The more scars you get, the more you come back to real life."
"I saw my original scars protruding... they were all clearly attached to me."
"There was something hot about scars, especially those acquired in pursuit of a woman's honor or her artwork."
"No one gets through life without acquiring some scars and bruises."
"You don't get through life without some wounds, some scars, some bruises as a child and even as an adult."
"Behind every scar there is a story, a lesson learned, a memory stored, a story to be told, a lesson learned to pay attention to what you're doing, a lesson learned to look where you're going."
"Some scars are visible, they are physical, but some scars are invisible, they are the emotional and psychological ones."
"Underneath his new clothes he would always carry the scars of what had been done to him."
"Nobody gets through life unscathed. We all carry scars."
"Those are the scars that tell our story. Those are the scars that give us strength."
"It's not my business why they're scarred; I'm just there to help them to move on."
"I will never stop wearing clothes that show my scar."
"I've learned to be grateful for those scars because they're a reminder."
"I carry scars in my being to embrace this, fly to the sky, getting high in my basement."
"Most important, a lot of people are worried about the scars of a facelift, and they're really well hidden."
"These scars are hard-earned trophies."
"At this age, I can only be with people who are scarred."
"Every scar has a story behind it and represents something from your past."
"In the end, we survived, but the scars were etched not just on our bodies but on our souls."
"Those scars are reminders; those of us who have no scars, you've never lived."
"These scars remind me of who I used to be, how I've become, my journey, my time cycle, my growth, my evolution."
"Scars are the stories that the body tells about their lives."
"The scars in so many ways represent who I am and everything they have tried to change."
"These scars on my wrists prove I'll try again."
"Can you tell I'm a man with these scars on my wrist to prove I'll try again?"
"I don't want to arrive at the end of my life in a perfectly preserved body; I want to come screaming sideways, covered in scars, battered, bruised, but screaming, 'Yeah, what a ride!'"
"Red boasted a towering muscular physique and was distinguished by the facial scars left by the torture mask he was forced to wear during his Sith training."
"Hast thou no scar? No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?"
"Every Christian I've ever met has some scars."
"Scars show us not only where pain was but what healing and restoration can really look like."
"Illumination comes so hard, makes me see but it leaves its scars."
"The marks of the emotional abuse will be significant."
"Now I'm wearing these scars and colors with only pride."
"We all have scars, they're just memories stored on the surface."
"He wears his experiences on his body, you know, he's covered in scars."
"I look at ordinary people in their suits; they have no scars on their faces, and I'm different from those people."
"The scars that Kimberly bears are the most beautiful thing about her."
"Scars are a memory that's stored on the surface."
"Your scars should never be covered up; they're a part of you, something that makes you unique."
"You can't be a warrior with no scars and tribulation."
"You can't take away your scars. Your scars are who you are, but it doesn't have to define you."
"Your scars are not your labels; they are proof that you have survived."
"Scars are quite nice; they kind of show a history on someone's body."
"Some scars are carved into our bones, a part of who we are, shaping what we become."
"The 19 stab wounds left 19 very visible scars."
"Shopping for homecoming dresses leaves only a few options because far too many dresses will show off her scars."
"This battle has led to permanent scars and two deaths of seasoned sorcerers."
"Now I don't have to hide my scars because you already showed me yours."