
Global Issues Quotes

There are 1887 quotes

"There is another scourge sweeping the globe: attacks on your and my religious freedom."
"The urgency of the world right now should be entirely focused on ending this atrocity that unfortunately the world has become so complacent with."
"We really can improve the world if we set our minds to do it."
"We're living in a world that's becoming less safe."
"Committed to defending religious liberty and human rights worldwide."
"We really need to solve this problem; it's really important to the world."
"We're in danger of possibly a World War III."
"Philanthropists are putting record sums into tackling the world's most pressing problems."
"The international community is preoccupied with other global issues, leaving the Biafran situation largely unnoticed."
"It seems to me the only way we can get to a world in which we converge on the same kinds of moral, environmental, political, social solutions to global problems -- the only way we can get there is to have some kind of universal framework for talking about right and wrong and good and evil."
"The World Economic Forum in Switzerland...advertises conferences tackling issues such as climate change, creating jobs, and managing AI."
"The world is voting... you vote with your feet and you vote with your pocket B and you vote with... hopefully against war."
"A quarter of the world's deaths are from preventable environmental causes."
"I guess you could stay home today. Yay, father! The world is burning, but at least I get to play games."
"It's a collective effort, it's a planet issue, it's not a local issue, it's not a corporate issue, it's a global issue, or we do it together or no one will succeed."
"Evolving the Past - We are on Spin Cycle, with Past Energies and Storylines Showing up Globally and Personally."
"I tend to believe that in a post-scarcity society, we would be concerned with alleviating the needs of the impoverished in the global south."
"When was the last time you had to pay a bribe in America? That is so common in the world in so many countries."
"The world is in pain, a lot of people are, and they don't have the tools, they don't have the inspiration, and they aren't reminded of this enough."
"I learned how to solve many of the world's most important problems."
"The political situation of this world is mad. Completely insane."
"In a world where 34,000 children die every single day from poverty and preventable diseases, and where 50% of the world's population lives on less than two dollars a day, one thing is clear: something is very wrong."
"Genocide is what they're going with now. In response to the alarming trends of growing xenophobia, racism, intolerance, violent misogyny, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim hatred around the world."
"The bottom line is we are in very serious trouble, not just in America but around the world, and the only way out of it is if enough of us fundamentally come to terms with the problem and care enough to put in the effort to fix it."
"Integration is that all things are one. You can't stop the major zero-sum game that's happening on the planet today if you're unwilling to integrate."
"Let's get rid of fascism all around the world."
"Avoiding planetary scale destruction is really important for us."
"There's only one problem in the whole world, and that's ignorance."
"The world collectively produces enough food to feed all of humanity. In fact, the world produces more than enough food."
"The US-Mexico border is not an isolated issue but part of a larger global phenomenon."
"Being able to secure water must be a top prep in your inventory. It is also one of the biggest global problems right now."
"United Nations Agenda 21... it's something that everybody should be aware of because it has something to do with everybody that's here on earth."
"We're in a terribly dangerous situation that isn't obviously dangerous."
"This is about more than just Russia and Ukraine. It's about standing for what we believe in, for the future we want for our world."
"The world is actually becoming a much better place to live in than it ever was before."
"We are entering a phase where it's becoming increasingly obvious to a large number of people that a lot of the [stuff] going on in the world is not okay."
"It's so hard to like feel like I should allow myself to celebrate but feel bad because there are people literally going through hell right now."
"We have the tools to confront these challenges, to promote American values and interests around the world, to advance the safety, health, and economic well-being of all Americans."
"You're dealing with humans and the human experience, and the whole planet is very wounded. It's been very traumatized."
"I often say, so I don't need to worry about people like me. The reason I'm so loud about this is because I'm worried about the massive collapse in cultural and ethnic diversity the world is about to see."
"Poor countries are not poor because it is pre-ordained or because there is some failure of governance... poor countries are poor because of historical circumstances that are being lived out in the present."
"You cannot have seven billion people burning oil and gas and coal indefinitely."
"If there's a single person to blame for the high rising prices worldwide, it has to be Vladimir Putin at this point."
"Starvation in Sudan might not make the TV as much as atrocities in Ukraine, but it's going to happen, and probably more lives will be lost that way."
"There are some situations, such as beating ISIS, having a good economy, these are fantastically good things for human beings."
"Africa's development is one of the most critical issues on the global agenda."
"We remember the believers around the world who are being persecuted for their faith."
"Ignorance is the worst virus that can happen around the world."
"These are precisely the questions that need to be asked not just in the UK or the USA or Canada or Japan or Senegal or Finland but by all of us everywhere all of the time until there are some answers."
"Inflammation is probably the number one driver of all the misery we see in the world."
"Illnesses associated with water cause almost 3 million deaths annually."
"In a world with a continuous stream of tragic events that we can easily influence, our inaction kills on a daily basis."
"The problems we'll have in the world are so big that we all have to come together to solve it."
"These are revolutionary times all over the globe. Men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wombs of a frail world, new systems of justice and equality are being born."
"Trust is the power that will heal and make the world better right now."
"There are certain problems that we face today that can only be tackled by an international collaborative effort."
"We have to bear witness to our own agony and be with people who bear witness to others because we have an agonized world we have to address."
"I love your smile; how are you? I'm glad that you are able to brighten our day this morning with all the sad news going on in Nigeria."
"When you hear about the end of carbon-based fossil fuels or global tax regimes or corporate-governmental cooperation, a lot of that is coming from Davos and the World Economic Forum."
"Tonight, I want to have a conversation about this incredible global issue that's at the intersection of land use, food, and environment, something we can all relate to."
"You cannot deal with climate change, you cannot deal with cross-border crime, you cannot deal with terrorism without acting together."
"This is a global movement, brother. This is just the beginning."
"This was on the front cover of The Economist a few years ago and it actually reflects the situation where we have rising percentages of obesity and overweight in the world."
"In recent years, the world has seemingly been steadily pulled apart by forces either too subtle or too momentous to discern."
"Entrepreneurs are going to fix 95% of the world's problems."
"We live in a heterogeneous world, and we've all got to figure out a way to live together, not just here in the United States but internationally as well."
"We've seen the climate change; we see with pandemics, there is no national solution to these."
"It's the totality of all of our experiences that are going to offer solutions to the global phenomena we face."
"The Chinese Communist Party is the number one adversary not just to the Americans but also to free people around the world."
"Child trafficking knows no borders and boundaries, yet sovereign governments do."
"The Great Reset represents a critical examination of global liberal ideologies, posing existential questions about the direction of human progress."
"The greatest political, economic, social crisis of the world capitalist system certainly since the 1930s."
"Human trafficking is believed to be one of the largest criminal activities in the world, with an estimated 24.9 million people trapped in forced labor, domestic servitude, or commercial sex trafficking."
"You're talking about food shortages that are global in scale, that affect billions of people."
"It's a momentous time in the history of the world. The world's population just ticked over eight billion."
"The populations of the world have already been crying out for change, and change is exactly what we'll get."
"We are a species who has invented truth-and-reconciliation commissions in South Africa, in the Balkans, in Rwanda."
"More economic freedom lifts everybody out of poverty...the places around the world that are poverty-stricken is to bring them more economic freedom."
"Tantalum is one of those conflict metals so, you know, if stuff happens around the world like in South Africa and so on, this stuff can get very expensive."
"We're not just standing on the shoulders of giants... we are standing on the shoulders of slaves in foreign countries."
"Climate change is a problem, not the end of the world. If it's a problem, it's something that we should fix, along with all the other problems in the world."
"With the crush of business and global catastrophes and challenges, COVID somehow Hong Kong can get squeezed out of our focus, and that today has to change."
"Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war."
"The complexity of today's challenges, like climate change and authoritarianism, demands a comprehensive and unified response that transcends political and societal divisions."
"I think the biggest issue on the planet right now is that we live in different epistemic realities."
"The world is on fire, a realization of an apocalyptic nightmare we all share."
"The threats to navigation rights in the Red Sea are a global problem that requires global action."
"The global arms trade is being transformed by new demand, new technologies, and new security and political realities."
"I think as we speak, the world is going through a horrifying process, the extent to which we have never seen before in human history."
"The Green Swan is something that terrifies me. You know, when I think of what's happening in South Africa at the moment, the hundreds of people that are dying because of flood."
"When a supranational common good is clearly identified, it necessitates a special legal authority capable of facilitating solutions."
"We are witnessing a global assault on democracy and freedom."
"The world is facing an unprecedented rise in civil unrest."
"Centralization is the overarching problem of the world today."
"It seems significant for the New York Times to acknowledge there is indeed 'a global fertility crisis that is underway'."
"Best Things First: The 12 Most Efficient Solutions to the World's Poorest and our Global SDG Promises. This is a man who discusses climate change quite a bit, has studied it, and I would say takes a pretty reasonable approach, rational approach."
"Something global is emerging, and the elements are very much entwined."
"Humans are causing this, and it really is catastrophic. We're just now beginning to see how catastrophic."
"Our reporters are on the ground, fearlessly covering the human stories that shape our world."
"Reporters for Vice News traveled the world, putting a human face to the world's most important stories."
"It's not an Islamic issue, certainly not just an Israeli issue; it's socioeconomic."
"Examines both the staggering problems and astounding accomplishments of the 20th century."
"The poorest in the world pay for crises even when they've not benefited from the booms."
"It's so damn rare that a victim gets a win against their monster in any freaking capacity, and finally, this has happened on a world scale."
"The conflict is exacerbating concerns over food, fertilizer, fuel security, particularly in the developing countries."
"Growing geopolitical divisions, increasing inequality, the failure of nations to move quickly to tackle the climate crisis."
"Climate change is the greatest threat affecting our nations and peoples. There is no other problem so global in nature that it requires a united effort, one led by the United Nations."
"We must resist... the corruption of money is the most dangerous problem we face today in the world."
"The only way we can fix mental health and the problems that the world faces is together."
"The world is still too disparate, and men in power too greedy for the dollars created from the division and hatred."
"The necessity for a form of socialism is based on the observation that the world's present economic arrangements doom most of the world to misery." - James Baldwin
"The three biggest problems that everybody on the planet is now facing are nuclear war, climate change, and technological disruption."
"All the major problems of the world today are global problems."
"Yalta European Strategy decided to ignite these conversations for three main reasons: first, mankind is now in the center of big crises and big threats; second, we believe that mankind needs an action plan; and number three, we need a global conversation, global brainstorming on such an action plan with participation of the best thinkers on the planet."
"It's a horrifying and terrifying moment for these human beings, and it is a terrifying moment for us in the world as well."
"It may be that we come out of this entire experience with a whole new idea of the necessity for international cooperation."
"There are 600 million people across the world who still don't have access to clean, fresh drinking water."
"These people are dying from diarrhea and cholera and things that don't really exist in first world countries."
"Not just Belgium but the entire world could learn a thing or two from this team because we don't need to live this nightmare of solitude just because of our differences."
"I care about what's happening in the world and what's shaping things."
"The world deserves and expects its two largest economies to work together on these global problems and help find solutions."
"I hope and pray that the 74th session of the GA will bring peace and prosperity to the whole world and humanity."
"It is with no doubt that the General Assembly has a very fitting theme for the 74th session: galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action, and inclusion."
"The prospect that two-thirds of the world's population will have no access to fresh drinking water by 2025 has provoked the initial confrontations in a worldwide battle for control over the planet's most basic resource."
"I spend a lot of time thinking about the state of our world."
"This pen, this rather strange pen that I wear, describes one of the most important things going on on this planet right now."
"Let's try and find some balance in the world."
"Our earth is in distress and needs attention... a clarion call to start to love our earth."
"The world needs to come out of energy poverty. It needs to come out of economic poverty so that we can all begin to function at basic human levels now."
"Right now, a billion people are chronically hungry. That means they wake up hungry, they’re hungry all day, and they go to sleep hungry."
"Political reform in the United States is not going to solve all the problem globally...we have to remember that and work towards more secure global solutions."
"The reality of human history is that we went from a world where drugs were just another part of life to a world where drugs became deeply embedded in our global power structures."
"We're capable of world peace, it's a design problem."
"This shows that the global economy is starting to Creak."
"Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter for 43 billion dollars, roughly four times the projected annual cost to end Global hunger by 2030."
"Maybe social media might end up ending the world."
"Its promises of low risks and high rewards stalk the game at every level all across the world."
"Davos is a grift and a cult but it's also a bid for global domination."
"Everybody stuck and shut down, like a third of the eight billion people on the planet."
"It is also obviously the greatest engine of prosperity, but there's literally absolute poverty everywhere in the world."
"I just want to see positive change in the world."
"We're going to stand up for what we believe in and we're gonna help people across the world get the freedom that they all deserve."
"It's been brought to the global forefront, and with this attention, some solutions and endeavors to work together could help curb this recurrent crisis."
"I realized the world literally had to stop before the world cared about black people."
"More people than the population of America do not have access to clean water or toilets."
"Reducing poverty certainly worth trying to do something about."
"What bothers me so much is just the circus or the play that has been written that we're all in and don't recognize it. I mean, I believe in global warming. I believe it's insane to think that we don't have an effect on the planet."
"Lady Yoon appears randomly, she's making a news broadcast to everyone on Earth that this needs to be the last fight between humans after this everyone on the planet should strive for peace."
"They built global warming into the excuse side of things."
"The humanitarian impact threatens to be enormous."
"We are on the brink of a potentially enormous humanitarian crisis."
"This is about slavery and trafficking in persons."
"Preventing war and stopping atrocities, that's a win-win across the board."
"The world is spending hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons."
"There is genocide going on, and human rights atrocities happening."
"The world grappled with the devastating effects of COVID-19."
"Something ominous, something fearful is happening around the world."
"You don't need to give a shit if some fucking Chinese kids were tortured to make these. Not your fucking problem."
"I do hope you succeed in making ecological issues as one of the major major goals of the globe."
"It's nothing less than starting a whole new chapter in human civilization where in 20 years there would be no poverty on the planet, no pollution, unbelievable abundance."
"Reparations are due to all black people on earth."
"Over 70 million people are now at risk of going into extreme poverty, starvation, and that potentially could lead to civil unrest."
"Crypto can solve so many things, man. Like, the world is messed up."
"The world is not a happy place right now. There are fires in Australia, there is unrest in the world. I hope that we can all just use this little moment to realize that there's so many people in the world, we should all just be nice to each other."
"This is the largest amount of global inequality that we've seen since World War II."
"Free enterprise capitalism is the only instrument we have to end Hunger, poverty, and extreme poverty across our planet."
"I do have anxiety about the way the planet is hurting right now. I do feel like this is a time for extraordinary measures."
"I meet women coming from Somalia and Egypt and Iran which is a kind of you know talk about a Handmaid's Tale I mean that's like 1984 for women."
"Eliminating poverty is the dream of the world."
"How can we keep the populace distracted from world issues while they sit at home?"
"This plague should never have happened. It could have been stopped, but people chose not to stop it. And it's a very sad thing for the world."
"Your work takes courage. Please keep telling everyone who will listen what's happening in the toughest parts of the world. The world expects it, and America will be better off for it."
"It's important to recognize that if we don't see the meanness that exists within us, then we're not looking close enough."
"Pope Francis urges world to act fast on climate emergency."
"Hijacking the sense of the possible is very, very important... vital to this global game."
"A world full of ailments, war, conflict, turbulence, and unhappiness is a world out of alignment."
"Israel and the whole end of the world is all of these prophecies being revealed."
"I'm convinced that education is the key to world peace."
"You're looking at something that can amplify a microscopic error into a global catastrophe that tells you where we are and how much danger there is."
"If we do not defend the rights of the individual, then there is no point in trying to preserve the Petro dollar or any kind of Global Order."
"It's time to move on. This has got massive implications for the whole global vaccination campaign."
"They said there's international cooperation from militaries and governments around the world."
"Law is one thing but you gotta kind of put the law aside when you're looking at what's going on right now around the world."
"If we're just another Republic that's falling to corruption, we can help the World by exposing why this keeps happening."
"The world's resources are not equally distributed."
"Global warming is a real, serious threat to mankind."
"Human trafficking is worse now than it's ever been in the history of our world. It's a world's problem, it's a U.S. problem, but it's a world problem caused, to a certain extent, by the Internet."
"We're headed for Global disaster if we keep letting China get away with everything."
"This is like 15 of the world's biggest lies wrapped up in one ball."
"A difficult time for everyone, not a great time to be out of work."
"They were widely believed and proven really in many ways to be one of the worst human rights abusers... probably in the world."
"2022 was indeed pivotal, teetering on the brink of a global collapse."
"Global hunger: the worldwide addition. People may be almost 265 million people by the end of this year could be facing acute hunger."
"We're going to have to not just talk about the Injustice of Palestinians but really look at how the Injustice faced by Palestinians is part of a world order that is crumbling."
"Large parts of the world are suffering from deforestation."
"The world scares me where it is... there became a void of leadership around the world."
"Global trade halted: Suez Canal blockage costing millions."
"I will hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for unleashing the China virus upon the world."
"That's not the only problem with a world war. The second, and he says equally as important, is that it will distract."
"Always vegan, keep it low fat, and no matter where I am or what I'm doing, when the clock strikes ten, I go to sleep."