
Religious Teachings Quotes

There are 673 quotes

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. ...And the second is liken unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
"All religions teach people to be good; all religions are the same. It doesn't matter what religion you believe in, as long as you believe or as long as you follow the teachings. And I think this is not in line with the teachings of the Buddha."
"Jesus tells everyone to deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me."
"In Islam, I receive the reward for helping you with that...because Islam has taught me that I will get a reward for helping humanity."
"Go and be dutiful and kind to her, and Allah will forgive your major sin."
"Service to others is an important characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ."
"Never avenge yourselves; leave that to God, for he has said that he will repay those who deserve it."
"Jesus came to a man one time that was lonely and sick and paralyzed... and he became his friend that day and he healed him."
"No one ever went away from Jesus but what it was night."
"Fasting is one of the teachings of Jesus, one of the most important teachings of Jesus."
"Charity is the primary call of what the church is to be to others."
"The Lord isn't really being slow about his promises as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent."
"Believe that he loves you, believe that he died on a cross for sinners."
"Our Bible teaches us to serve those in prison, our Bible teaches us to serve the poor."
"In Buddhist philosophy...there are hundreds, if not thousands, of precepts, terms, ideas, and so forth that comprise what Buddhism is."
"Christ himself said in the Bible that you look here and you look there for the kingdom of heaven, yet you do not look within you."
"The world is watching, and Jesus Christ himself said the way that people will know that you are my disciples is the way that we love one another."
"Jesus talked more about Satan than anyone in the entire Bible."
"Do not be ignorant of Satan's devices, lest he has an advantage over you."
"God has always taught us to be honest. There's no exceptions to those rules."
"Salvation comes to people who follow what God wants, which means you treat other people well and you help those in need."
"I desire compassion and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
"Jesus said that offenses would come, but blessed be those who don't get offended in Him."
"The Bible describes the end times as the conclusion of the current system of things."
"Many great teachings have been given to us through the law, the prophets, and the others that followed them."
"Christianity is usually thought of as a religion based on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Well, is that what Jesus' own religion was about? Was that what he was preaching? And if not, then isn't Christianity the religion about Jesus rather than the religion of Jesus?"
"The recipe for a good world is all there in these ten sublime Commandments."
"You must enlarge your souls toward others if you would do like Jesus."
"My peace I give to you; not as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled."
"Because of the Savior's Atonement, His gospel provides an invitation to keep changing, growing, and becoming more pure."
"God has humbly hidden Himself as a human, not showing off Himself at all, only persistently expressing the truth to purify and save man."
"The Quran is not just there to entertain you with a story... it demands a change in the way they think, a change in the way they feel, a change in the way they control themselves."
"We are not permitted to run from the devil, we are to fight back."
"Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments."
"The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword."
"The word of God cuts in half or separates soul and spirit."
"You are supposed to expose the evil doers and have nothing to do with them."
"Husbands love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it."
"Unless you've spent a lifetime getting to know the voice and the character... the enemy is going to play you for the fool every single time."
"Various types of hope are recognized in the Quran."
"Jesus never wrote a word, but he gave us the mass."
"Jesus thought that his second coming was so important that he preached one of his longest sermons about this topic."
"Gentleness reflects the character of Christ, it's strength under control, marked by humility and consideration for others."
"Christ spent time with sinners but he always told them go sin no more."
"Jesus said, 'If you look at a woman and lust for her, you commit adultery.'"
"When you're talking about the universe being made of water, the Prophet Muhammad explained that to say that before there was nothing, only Allah. Then Allah had the Arsh and water, and from that element of water, then the creation began."
"Sabbath was made for [ARAMAIC], not [ARAMAIC] for the Sabbath. Therefore, [ARAMAIC] is the Lord of the Sabbath."
"You know, in Matthew 19:9, the Bible gives only one scriptural reason for divorce and that is fornication."
"Christ's words are a call for us to be ready at the onset of the worst time in history."
"God takes special interest in the poor, widows, orphans, and foreigners."
"A religion that has taught the world not just tolerance, but acceptance."
"The Bible says if you honor him, he'll honor you."
"The worst sin in Islam is shirk, associating partners with God."
"God's not going to do what he asked you to do."
"Jesus cared about helping the less fortunate."
"You must forgive... So that your heavenly father could forgive you."
"Faith without works is dead broke, faith without works is dead it's big a dog you could wish all this to happen in your life who could just wish me this yeah but if you ain't putting dinner work."
"In every command of God, there is a good reason for what God is asking, and He wants us to have faith in Him that He has our best interest in mind. He wants us to obey and love Him willingly."
"Paradise lies beneath the feet of your mothers."
"Islam teaches you how to get close to your creator and tells you who your creator is."
"God is still here today as a servant, washing his children's feet."
"We teach that if one wants to approach God, you can't go on sinning."
"Blessed are they who will repent and hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God, for these are they that shall be saved."
"If you can handle power and you can't handle pain you're not fit for the kingdom."
"Jesus clearly says the greatest among you will be a servant but there seems to be two types of leaders today those who lead for their own glory and those who lead for the glory of god."
"Humility is the path God desires for us, portrayed as The Virtuous alternative to Pride."
"When Jesus says 'my Father' and 'your Father,' it means they share the same Father, which is God."
"And what manner of men and women ought you to be? And I say unto you even as I am."
"God's word is designed to transform your whole life."
"This is exactly what Jesus and the apostles were trying to share with the world."
"Listen to what Jesus is saying here. Look at the scene as it plays out and think: What is happening here right now?"
"It is important to understand what the Bible says and promises about the second coming."
"If it is not bringing you to your knees at the feet of the Savior in conviction over your sin and his lordship, it won't matter in the end."
"God wants us to live lives that are above reproach and in accordance with the laws of the land."
"Americans will feel the impact in the coming weeks of these rounds."
"Maybe there is no God, but maybe that's not the whole point of these teachings. The whole point is to teach us how to get along, how to live."
"Prophecy takes time to be fulfilled, we have to understand there is prophecy that is short term and prophecy that takes years."
"What an anchor to our souls are these truths, especially during these times when the tempest is raging."
"A companion is a sahib, someone who drags you to paradise or hellfire."
"You will be resurrected with the people that you love."
"Jesus had enough time to say that the Pharisees are adulterous hypocrites but never said 'I am God, worship Me.'"
"I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God."
"Jesus's teachings are a warm embrace not a cold shoulder that he didn't let pro- this or anti that opinions prohibit him from seeing the value of all people."
"If we allow Him to teach us, and leads us in the way that we should go, peace like a river comes."
"Jesus' charge to care for the poor even at the expense of the rich is an idea which I carry into my politics."
"Jesus did so much while on earth that the world could not contain the books..."
"When a Christian and a Muslim argue, they should worry less about who's right and more about how much they've moved away from their prophets' teachings."
"If you want to be more like Jesus, exercise the principle of mercy."
"The entire Bible timeline first and second coming of Christ is all inside of the feast days of the Lord even Paul says that we should keep the Feast of Passover."
"Jesus Himself said believers will do even greater things than He did."
"God is addressing to all of humanity and God is saying that all mankind, oh humanity, I have created you from one single male and one single female and made you into nations and peoples and tribes that you get to know each other."
"Certainly, those who took the calf for worship, wrath from their Lord and humiliation will come upon them in the life of this world."
"Jesus didn't just choose death, he chose the path of suffering to death."
"Most people find the broad path to hell. Do you find the narrow path to heaven?" - Jesus
"Jesus taught the disciples how to pray and what to pray. He teaches us how to pray."
"So Jesus affirms Daniel and Daniel says that the world is going to be ruled by four great Empires it's going to culminate with the rise of the Antichrist and it's going to end with the return of the real Christ."
"I have made oppression and injustice forbidden for myself."
"Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. You're not your own, you're bought with a price. Glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."
"Generally speaking, they are equal in front of God but they're not the same."
"Obedience is better than sacrifice. So before you give out what you think he wants, how about you just do what he asked you to do?"
"Maintain that place of abiding and you will bear great fruit."
"Obedience does bring blessing, but your ability to obey is preceded by my gift of Mercy."
"Jesus didn't teach hate, he washed feet. He gets us all."
"Gospel methodology, concepts, and insights can help us to do what the world cannot do in its own frame of reference…."
"The Lord refers to Joseph as 'my servant' 94 times. That's just interesting that He's trying to teach us how to become His servants."
"Jesus tells us it's going to be unexpected, quick, unannounced."
"Justice is mentioned more in the Bible than love. The Bible calls me to be just."
"The only difference scripture gives us between the two is one was offered in faith and the other was not."
"He didn't give us authority to keep us busy till he returned he gave us authority to make a difference in the world we live in."
"We serve a God who hates idolatry, as a matter of fact, the Bible says that our God is a very jealous God."
"There's just so much goodness in scripture, and I truly love talking about it."
"Focus on Jesus the Christ, his truth, his words, and the gospel he came to proclaim and die for."
"You cannot be comfortable and be Christ-like."
"Get equipped with the scripture. The scripture dictates that what you're dealing with is an alien demonic deception."
"When Jesus said 'It is finished,' he means you are not."
"Spurgeon sermons live on in the minds and hearts of countless people throughout the world."
"The word of Elohim is sharper than any double-edged sword."
"When you preach the gospel, you're basically preaching the kingdom."
"I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds."
"We know the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 are going to the entire world."
"Don't let that spook you out of knowing what the Bible says about the last days."
"Don't just obey in my presence. Obey God even more in my absence."
"For God is not a God of confusion but of peace."
"Jesus came not to overthrow kingdoms... but to beat sin and death itself."
"God created all folks... Just like God created the pig, the pig is haram for us to consume, and we don't consume it."
"If you walk in the spirit, you will never fulfill the desires of the flesh."
"Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus tell us that our religion was Christianity."
"There's some great wisdom in the teachings of Jesus."
"God doesn't say you can't help the non-muslim poor person he just says help the poor."
"When you start to give in to the whims of man over God, you're not going to get blessed. I'm sorry, just not."
"He did exactly what the prophet saws told him to do."
"Do not treat someone differently because they're not a Muslim."
"Jesus warned his disciples not to fast for public acclaim...if your goal in avoiding food is for others to compliment you on how spiritual you appear, then their approval will be your reward."
"The gospel is a person, he kept saying 'I am going to die and I am going to be buried.' He talked about the kingdom."
"Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be born again. Don't be shocked that such a radical change is required."
"Do not be deceived. Jesus never sold any miracle and neither did the apostles."
"Prophets are fallible and prophetic voices are fallible, but God's word is infallible."
"The Quran talks about the commonality of the universe."
"If the enemy can mess us up on our view of God then he has injured our capacity to represent the goodness of a perfect father."
"Patience and perseverance are keys to seeking knowledge and guidance."
"In Islam, it should be between you and Allah."
"It is better to be thrown into the ocean with a millstone around your neck than to have led one of these astray."
"If you lose your life for my sake in the gospel, you'll find it."
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life."
"All the commands of God are meant to lead you into greater life and greater joy."
"Everyone who wants to be a disciple must take up their cross and follow Jesus."
"Focus on Salaah, I will relate the stories to them so that they may contemplate and think."
"The foundation of the church is not men but it's the word of God."
"Pure and undefiled religion before God is... to visit orphans and widows in their trouble."
"Jesus taught that people would be destroyed, not tormented."
"Animals are very important, God made that clear to Noah."
"You have the best of parents: Jesus Christ as the father figure, and the Church as the symbol of our mother in this spiritual rebirth."
"To truly live out God's call is to be people of love, people of light."
"Islam teaches that prophets brought the same message, just adapted to their time and place."
"To be caught in a lie is nothing new for Donald Trump."
"Jesus did these powerful works because of the spirit of God."
"As we look to the future one of the most important effects of the revelation on the priesthood is its divine call to abandon attitudes of prejudice against any group of God's children."
"If God is not the number one priority, religion says that you can have God somewhere on the totem pole of priorities but revival says that God has to be number one."
"The only thing Jesus told us to do was to look after the poor." - Carl
"The church is teaching regarding these matters does not change."
"God is more concerned about who you are versus what you do."
"Jesus really cared about those people and included them and brought them to a place of elevated dignity."
"Jesus was very clear when He said that He came to bring a sword, not peace."
"Jesus miracles were to demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God."
"As we love others, we show that we love God."
"Stay brave, stay wise, stay intellectually curious."
"The Torah laid a revolutionary foundation for standards beyond human constructs."
"The law of God is fulfilled in us when we love him."
"God picked a group of people because they were a group of people, not because of their pigmentation."
"There's great wisdom in the teachings of Jesus."
"Jesus was prophesied in the beginning of the Bible."
"Allah didn't give you rules to take away your joy or comfort."
"The whole Bible is God solving the sin problem."
"We've got true Christians that have struggles in this very area."
"Jesus Christ is teaching us that there needs to be repentance."
"God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."
"Woke Marxism seeks power over others, whereas Jesus teaches forgiveness for others."
"If they really wanted to deal with abortion, preachers would preach on fornication."
"The gospel is not to coddle the culture but to confront it."
"We belong to each other in the family of God."
"The bottom line is Quran says in chapter 4 verse number 116 that God is willing to forgive all the sins."
"Isn't that antithetical to Christ's teaching?"
"The Quran emphasizes God's responsiveness to humans."
"You got to treat people with the same dignity because that is the commandment of the lord towards you."
"The idea of turning the other cheek doesn't mean being taken advantage of; it's not what Jesus taught."
"You know when Jesus said resist not evil that that's something he literally meant."
"God is actually going to reveal that this person requires love, mercy, and compassion."
"The truth of that becomes quite clear when we remove the traditions and ideas that we get from the world that don't align with the scriptures and we then seek to worship the father in spirit and in truth as he desires."
"Shaitan's goal is to make us reject Allah's blessings by not being grateful."
"Shaytan is your enemy. Take him as your enemy."
"Cast down every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God."
"When you get into disobedience, the music stops."
"God Himself is the judge. Fear Him, leave off from your sins, and forget your iniquities. He will deliver you from all trouble."
"The word of God is the deliverance. Knowing the scriptures against sickness, poverty, lies, and gossip is crucial."
"The suffering and the confusion and the betrayal of the disciples is embedded in the resurrection, in the death, betrayal, and resurrection of Christ, because we go through the same stuff."
"The Bible's historical and prophetic writings tell us where we came from, where we're going, what's going on today, and how it's going to end."
"Jesus doesn't even know the day or the hour when it's gonna happen."
"He hears the footsteps of those who have come to bury him." - Hadith mentioning the deceased's ability to hear after burial.
"There are ways in for us to enjoy the fullness of what God want us to enjoy."