
Exposure Quotes

There are 2404 quotes

"The louder you are, the more targets you've got."
"The victim control dynamic destroys social groups, and so for this reason, I decided to expose it today."
"The market nowadays is going to expose anybody that's being inauthentic."
"The truth of the matter is, the people who are showing that kind of ingenuity... expose themselves to a huge number of patterns."
"God is tired of the lies; he's sick of the nonsense. Exposure is here."
"I hope that we have systems in place to prepare them for the things that we're exposing them to so young."
"The psychology of fear and the necessity of willful exposure to combat that fear."
"If you exposed people to say three things they were afraid of, they would go out voluntarily and expose themselves to all sorts of other things that they were afraid of. So, you didn't make them less afraid; you made them braver, which is very different."
"Exposure is how vast your mind will actually be. Once you are exposed to something, your mind continues to grow and will never collapse again."
"You have to structure a life in which you're being regularly exposed to people without any pressure. This is why people say like go and volunteer or take a class."
"Belief and exposure are two of the most powerful things that can happen to a person."
"Muckrakers...wanted to expose scandal, corruption, and societal ills."
"Exposing her on this show last year, I left the stage and burst into tears because exposing her was awful."
"You can achieve a lot of happiness in life through actually reducing your exposure to certain things."
"Eventually, reality has to hit, and we're starting to see a lot of the bad actors now be exposed."
"I didn't start out thinking I'm going to create a business... I said I need to tell this truth, I need to expose this thing."
"The mindset changes when you're exposed to more things."
"Anything that can be exposed, any light that can be shed on the evil out there, especially against children, is just an overall good thing."
"I want to be more out there. I just don't want to be restricted to just being on YouTube. I want more exposure."
"Education exposes people to new ideas and new practices."
"It's about you know, exposure leads to expansion."
"Allah has a plan for you to be able to interpret all kinds of speech... you're going to be exposed to very different worlds."
"Hollywood got exposed. Angelina Jolie, mother freaking Kevin Hart, Leonardo DiCaprio, all of these people were involved."
"Why am I making a video where I am talking about exposing a Christian leader?... Here's the reason why."
"You don't protect your children; in fact, you do the opposite. You expose them to the world as much as you possibly can, and you make them strong. That's the best antidote to their vulnerability."
"I'm truly convinced that iPhone 14 pro Max has more detail, better exposure."
"The general guideline with exposure is that if you're not sure, you want to expose your image to be just a tiny bit darker."
"Are we exposing young people to new and damaging experiences we often don't see and don't understand?"
"When you're shooting a portrait, for example, with somebody backlit, we want to ignore the bright light and want the metering to happen on the person."
"The solution there is to never underexpose HLG, and in fact, overexposing a little bit is probably best."
"Let's take a look at how far you should overexpose the different gammas as well as how to reliably evaluate that exposure while shooting."
"So just like Goldilocks, we want our exposure to be just right - for the sake of simplicity let's just call this the optimum exposure."
"You are not protecting them, you are introducing them to the world."
"Technology has not changed us. Technology has exposed us."
"My friends, technology has not changed us. Technology has exposed us."
"With every meticulously dissected detail, Turley's words cut through the fog of deception, exposing the dark underbelly of power and privilege."
"It's a lot of shenanigans that are just getting easily exposed because their evidence is so weak."
"At least one corrupt case got exposed that involved a corrupt judge and a corrupt prosecutor."
"You are supposed to expose the evil doers and have nothing to do with them."
"I think she's been trying to expose the inner workings of the royal family, so that something better can come out of that."
"Social media exposes, it speeds up the exposure of interesting."
"If someone's shitty, you should expose it. People should know."
"If I'm guilty of anything, it's guilty of exposing you."
"You don't protect your children, you expose them to the world and make them strong."
"I just want the world to see more of me, of who I truly am and the artist that I am, and my potential."
"I think my answer always comes back to education... it's about exposing young people to all sorts of ideas and encouraging them to think critically."
"When it comes to Beijing's malign influence and interference in American politics and policy, we will continue to expose it."
"You've made a fatal, fatal mistake. You've given away your position."
"Bearing your soul is naked; it's like if I do this, someone's gonna be like 'this is [__]' and it's gonna hurt."
"The only way to stop them is by shining the light on what they're doing."
"Our heroes plan to use the temple of communication to transmit a broadcast everywhere exposing Hargrove and his actions over the years."
"The beauty of the TikTok platform is its potential for mass exposure."
"Giving kids the exposure to other ideas is part of what's going to help raise the next generation."
"Nazis say, 'Keep exposing what we do, keep commenting what we do, keep pointing out our hate symbols. It only makes us stronger.' And then they get weaker."
"That experience of being exposed to so much just made me hungry for more."
"I pray this leads to a domino effect and we expose all these elite monsters that ruin generations upon generations."
"Money talk is different... You will get exposed if you don't know what you're talking about."
"The revelations surrounding Epstein's crimes have exposed a disturbing underbelly of society."
"He's asking questions that expose our nonsense."
"If your content is bad, no amount of reactions will save it; if your content is good, then it will get exposure naturally."
"A conspiracy of infamy so black, when it is finally exposed, its principles shall be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest man."
"Their machine that they've used for decades to manipulate Humanity in the worst possible kinds of ways is actually being exposed in real time."
"The internal divisions were now on public display."
"Put your camera where your mouth is, put your face where your work to go."
"James O'Keefe over at Project Veritas has once again uncovered people in the media making asses of themselves."
"Fear is what's driving all of this fear of those who are the perpetrators their fear of exposure."
"He's got the guts and the courage that few have to come out and put this stuff up here at his own risk."
"I love that every day I get exposed...to different ideas and opinions. I think there's value in that, whether you or I change our minds or not."
"Don't pray against the person, you come against them. Expose them. Once you shut down the altars, they're powerless."
"Darkness coming to the light, revelations are coming out, secrets are being revealed."
"Anytime you get to expose blatant corporate greed, it's usually a pretty exciting time."
"This is one of the best lawsuits to expose what critical race theory is all about."
"I think that Trump is the person who brought that to light and drained the swamp and he expo he did expose a lot of people and I think people were really happy about that."
"It's just astonishing how he was able to get away with it for so long, how no one until now said you know this might be bullsh*it."
"What that proved is that James O'Keefe's initial success was luck not any like actual sense of cunning he's just he's just in the he just puts himself out there and he occasionally gets somebody to say something on camera."
"You're slowly exposing yourself to things that allow you to grow."
"You're about to get exposed for these reality stars."
"You have to check it exactly as it is... we need more people to continue to engage in the art of exposure and storytelling."
"Content is king. You just gotta do the good work, expose it, put it out there."
"If you put yourself out there, you're just subject to criticism like anyone."
"Dad has successfully exposed Nexpo, Inside a Mind, Night Docs, and their cohorts for being in a cult of YouTubers known as The Dark Party."
"The truth needs to be heard now. This is the year of exposure."
"The brave efforts undertaken by Pung to publicly unmask the unspoken depths and wrongdoings of China's Untouchables might just provide her vindication down the line."
"A high-profile exposure whose positive ramifications can reach farther than ever imagined."
"I think he's going to expose everything, the government's going to freak out."
"This is fantastic stuff and it gives them a window to the world to showcase their talent."
"If they can't hear the hateful ideas, they can't become hateful."
"Congratulations are in order to exposing this, frankly."
"Exposure builds resilience and mindset which makes you better prepared."
"Stetson Kennedy made the decision, 'I am going to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan, learn their secrets, and expose them.'"
"Thankfully, people familiar with chemistry quickly exposed the person, and warned people not to follow the instructions."
"These guys are thieves these guys are cockroaches and when you shine a light on cockroaches scatter."
"Photographers go to the extreme edges of human experience to show people what's going on."
"This is an opportunity for them to show themselves."
"Hey this is great what you did was you exposed me to something a new way of thinking."
"For us as the public, the only thing we could do is be faithful and expose their wrongdoings."
"I don't want to be famous. I want this to be exposed. I want no more women to be abused. I want no more children to be abused. I don't want this to exist."
"Time matters. Experience and exposure often take time."
"TD Jakes and I want to say it's um it's a reckoning it's a reckoning this is the year of Revelation okay all the people all these fraudulent people are being exposed and he is one of them."
"Because they're backed into a corner and the time when a con artist is the most dangerous is right before they're exposed."
"Exposing good content to a broad audience is inherently helpful."
"It's not impossible, we did it, you can do it too."
"When the light shines into the dark, bad deeds are exposed."
"Despite being in daily contact with patients who presumably had their highest possible viral load, none of them got COVID."
"The media was very, very quiet with this... I went and I just basically put it all together."
"Embrace whatever has been exposed or any mistake you've made... Acceptance has nothing to do with condoning something or condemning something."
"In order for a wound to heal, it has to be exposed to air."
"Shame can't survive the light. It's like exposing germs to sunlight."
"We got a wheelbarrow of national party corruption dirt shoveled right in our mouths."
"Covert narcissists do share very common behaviors that will end up exposing their true nature."
"But it turns out he could sort of just had to overinflate the numbers by spamming it on everyone's feed."
"I plan to continue my work exposing the subversive programs of the Chinese Communist Party."
"Evil is being surfaced that was under the surface and it's being exposed for what it is."
"You're going to have a period of seconds where the targets are probably the most exposed they are going to be."
"Those ugly totems...all of these collectivist detritus...are now being exposed fully to the light."
"Lou Elizondo is a whistleblower as well, one that has taken action based on what he's seen and learned."
"A huge name teased to AEW, great national exposure...Tony Giovanni seems to be pretty excited about it."
"I love being able to get like a real look at what my exposure is going to be."
"If you put in one, two, three percent, it's not gonna move the needle for you, but we'll get you some exposure to the asset."
"Chris Hansen was working with Anonymous Gene the entire time."
"I believe that my job is to cut through those narratives to expose to the public."
"To dream that you are naked suggests being found out and exposed over your activities, you feel that you're being misjudged."
"If you're a racist homophobic person behind closed doors, you should be exposed."
"Symbolism is their downfall, they always sign their crimes."
"If you want to be successful, sometimes we have to put ourselves out there and take the risk."
"Reaching out to potential clients means putting yourself out there."
"You're going to be exposing the justice system."
"What better retribution can I get than exposing your behavior to the world?"
"Complete Vatican disclosure... completely exposed."
"Ida Tarbell exposed such practices for the first time to many in the nation."
"Exposure is important; it's where the change really happens."
"He's exposed how bullshit so many other people are."
"Sometimes it is a little nerve-wracking when you know that it's about to go out to the public and that people that you've never met before are able to judge you and your life."
"What's in the dark will come to light. I want to see these people walking the plank."
"It's a PR stunt, get this out there and let everyone see it."
"The anger at Julian Assange is so misplaced... he's exposed a lot of very ugly things that the United States has done."
"Vault 7 is like an instruction manual for how the CIA can hack into cars, smart TVs, web browsers..."
"We must break from the not-so-obvious establishment and we must vigorously do it, we must expose them."
"You can't win with this. New ruling changes the game. Veritas open the doors."
"He has exposed the depth of the corruption in Twitter and, I think, broadly in our ruling class."
"Truth will be revealed, and darkness will be exposed."
"Things behind the scenes are getting brought up to the surface."
"Our battle plan is simple: we take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness; instead, we expose them."
"Don't hold back and maybe expose the world to something that they've never seen before."
"You can only rise to the height of what you've been exposed to."
"Fluency is not based on the number of years you've spent learning a language, but on motivation and exposure."
"He's risking everything to expose the elite and just how corrupt and illegal it is."
"Exposure to ongoing virus builds up good immune defense."
"Any opportunity for those to get more exposure is great."
"The greatest way to fight evil is to expose it and be willing to fight it."
"It's important to call out their [people in power] because you have to expose them for who they are."
"The reason these kids end up being so hysterical is because they never hear counter ideas."
"Thank you for the leadership your providers said the Judicial Watch could expose what this whole gang was up to in trying to bring down a president of the United States."
"Fear comes from ignorance and not in lack of exposure."
"You can go along with people's lies, let them keep lying and lying and lying in order to let them be exposed by other people."
"Searchers found him here this morning; he just died of exposure apparently," - Dr. Gordon Are Not
"All hands have to be on deck. We have to put these people on the summer jam screen. Their name has to be synonymous with their racist deeds."
"We think getting it in front of more people and for more time will help build a better idea of how it feels with the community."
"There is nowhere to hide, there is no doubt."
"Only what is broken will be impacted. If that thing is exposed, the solution will come naturally for sure."
"Exposure is the only thing that's going to save us; we have to get out, experience other things."
"I had a source... who had just done this incredibly courageous act he unraveled his whole life to show the world the truth."
"It all started with a video, when non-humans decided to come in light."
"We gotta start getting these weasels out of the darkness and exposing who they are. This is us getting on Coles. We gotta get busy."
"Why are we allowing these people so much airtime? Quite often it's because there just are so few people willing to defend their position."
"Let's expose it for what it is, name it and shame it."
"You have an opportunity to be exposed to life, you have an opportunity to be exposed to living."
"You have this extraordinary capacity to get these powerful people to expose themselves."
"Exposing people because if you don't they're winning."
"Exposing them... they do not want to be exposed for any reason whatsoever."
"There's a fear of not fitting in, of standing out, and everything now is out there in the open for everyone to witness."
"Whatever is done in the dark will come to the light."
"Every dark corner of this entire scam world operation that we can shine a flashlight on is a victory to us."
"Part of my stupidity is that by publicizing this maybe it'll stop because it's never been publicized in the past like it's been now."
"But what people are mostly caught up upon is this, the biggest myth of everything in the music industry which is if you get in front of more eyeballs and more people see you then you're going to have this amazing successful career."
"Gran Turismo merely exposed it to a wider audience, but the 2J being the way it is made the 2J famous."
"Those people aren't going to die with no one knowing what really happened to them... that thing will be exposed to the world."
"The full moon brings things to light. Things will come out, things will be exposed."
"This clip ended up getting more exposure than anything else I've done on my channel."
"At a point it wasn't even about selling the music, it was just about being heard."
"There's just less exposure all the time to broader views."
"Nobody's exempt from being exposed and we must do it. Stay tuned, this is going to be like a really, really good one."
"There is no hiding anymore and we are just getting started."
"Expose yourself to people of different cultures, races, religions, and political ideologies."
"The thing is, it's very simple really, we've already discussed it: the more you put yourself out there, the better you're gonna get at it."
"Your platform, Truck and Hustle, it helps bring exposure out to entrepreneurs like me."
"Draw what you love to draw, you know, put yourself out there." - Chrissie Zullo
"Owners who don't know what they're doing have ended up being exposed."
"If you embarrass the liars in our government and expose their lies, jail for you for a very, very long time."
"Hello everyone and welcome to the vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed." - Michael Voris
"I would have worked for free just for the exposure and just for people to see what I've been doing for years."
"When a person's dark side gets exposed, it shouldn't be scary."
"The Democrats know they are busted, the Spygate controversies have been exposed."
"It's about a sustained effort. That's why I continue to talk about this stuff, continue to point out what they're pushing, continue to expose them."
"You're more likely to encounter higher doses of radiation in a nuclear weapon than you ever would in normal life."
"You gotta grind it out, keep fighting, keep exposing."
"Now that all of her lies have been exposed, Helen's demeanor changes significantly."
"Someone was trying to steal from you; it's been exposed."
"The importance of exposure over education, because education is about retention."
"Giving more exposure to that scene will introduce tons of really talented artists to the Americans."