
Global Unity Quotes

There are 624 quotes

"We solemnly proclaim that God loves His children in every nation of the world."
"Absolutely breathtaking. I think everybody around the globe has just been so inspired by it all."
"Advances in medicine, communication, and education play a significant role in achieving global unity."
"Playing its part in a grander effort, we, the people of the Artemis Generation all around this beautiful world, will bear witness to what we are capable of together."
"If you could create one law that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be? Take care of one another."
"We are now irrevocably joined in an enormous coalition of seven billion people and growing. The opportunities for human enrichment at this scale are enormous, as are the dangers."
"The world has changed fundamentally... we no longer live in 193 separate boats, we live on 193 separate cabins on the same boat."
"Let's pray. Gracious God and Heavenly Father, be present now with people around the globe who need your healing touch."
"Adwa is a symbol of solidarity for all downtrodden people of the world."
"Almost all the world, in many important fields, belongs to a single civilization."
"We need unity and global solidarity more than ever before... this virus is dangerous."
"Dear children, I hear your voices. My voice is one alone, but it sums up the voice of the entire world."
"The message of God's merciful love... may be made known to all the peoples of the earth and fill their hearts with hope."
"All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you."
"The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war."
"We've got to start thinking properly globally and think of ourselves as one humanity, not selfishly keep it all to ourselves."
"It's pretty amazing how there is so many people from all over the world just joining together right now. It's pretty incredible."
"Now more than ever, it's important to recognize that water connects us all and it might be the one thing that unites us all."
"World peace has been achieved; all nations have approved the treaty."
"World leaders, business leaders, religious leaders, social leaders have all spoken about working towards this goal of a new world order."
"Global harmony without uniformity is like an orchestra in which every instrument is different, but they all play in harmony."
"We can only fix this world together; we can't let the desensitivity seep in."
"A world without borders appeals because it promises equality and global unity."
"Starting with the sustained colonization of the Americas over 500 years ago, humanity once again united into a single global system."
"We will develop an entity that will bring the world together...we will bring about a system of harmony, unity, oneness, and peace."
"Now is the time when things are shifting. We're gonna... there's gonna be a new world order out there, and we've gotta lead it. We've gotta unite the rest of the free world in doing it."
"Empathy for fellow members of the world... is something the world needs right now."
"As we move towards the golden age, there will be a dissolution of many of the national boundaries and divisions between people. We are moving towards one humanity."
"If you can get seven billion people to go up there and look down for just even 30 seconds, you would change them, all of them, forever."
"Our mission really is to bring the world together through play."
"The whole earth has been made a mosque for me."
"I believe as a global society against the extremists, we will win at the end of the day."
"This is something we do as a whole planet, all of us together."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if we started to be identified as a human race instead of a nationality?"
"I would do anything to go back in time to send a message to everyone inhabiting the planet, saying that we should have stood together."
"The world needs to come together in a borderless society."
"God is touching you right now, that's right. He cares about all of us. I don't care where you're at around the world, receive your healing."
"To become one, unified in one, that is His goal for us as a church, for us as a world."
"Across the world you realize we're all the same now."
"The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, is the only one that can bring true unity to the planet."
"Thousands of people from all around the world that did not know each other... were saying something very, very similar."
"Everybody from all countries from all walks of life can travel into space experience weightlessness see the Majesty of our planet from orbit and have that moment where you realize how fragile this is and how special it is."
"A genuine revolution of values means our loyalties must become ecumenical."
"China cannot punish each and every one of the freedom-loving countries of the world."
"Our planet has become remarkably more unified as we're now able to see, speak with, and relate to people all around the world."
"We gotta get over this building walls thing... in the long run for Humanity it's not gonna work."
"We all inhabit this small planet, cherish our children's futures, and we are all mortal."
"Good morning freedom-loving people from all over the globe."
"Let's first focus on protecting the largest community. It's the human race."
"Spaceflight brings us all closer together as a civilization."
"Solidarity should be universal not just within the United States."
"Welcome to Gamescom Opening Night Live... Tonight we bring the world together."
"This incredible man who essentially brought people together from all over the world."
"But perhaps having a common threat might for once and for all unite humanity together."
"How freaking cool was it to have so many people from all over the world?"
"But if they're already attacking us or threatening to, I don't know of any other time in history that the country and the world, in general, will have been more united than if this happened."
"Anonymous exists without borders, nationality, race, religion, or gender. It is the living, breathing consciousness of the free world."
"The spirit of God like a fire is calling the nations."
"If there's another species out there, it is a big deal. But what's the point in waiting?"
"I think overall it's probably best for us because we're gonna get, you know, we're not gonna... I think we'll end up pulling together as one planet because we know there's something else there that's not us as human beings."
"If you feel you want to embrace the whole world you have felt God."
"Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine strong moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends, it is not probable, but it is ever possible."
"It's love and that's what this world should be about."
"We just cannot stop selling copies of Mace Swinger Reload!"
"This is the actual manifestation of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ [the world is one family]."
"We want a world in which everybody lives in Freedom whether they're Jewish Christian or Muslim."
"It is the ultimate goal of mental health to help men live with their fellows in one world."
"It's clear that just as the virus has no borders. Its cure will have no borders."
"I will start it by influencing other people to spread love, peace, and unity to have world equality because after all, we all live under one sky and we breathe the same air and we all live from differences where love is universal."
"The world is one family, one Earth, one future."
"The struggle is what brings us all together, for we are simply one world and one people."
"Even if we rejected their advancements... this would probably unite humans across nations."
"Americans and Russians working together out of this world setting an example for all of us about what could be back here on Earth."
"I just hope people realize and want to keep this partnership together because it is right now really I guess one of the few things that unites all of humanity together."
"It's not just we the people in America, this is we the people all over the entire world. This is the battle between the tiny tiny portion of really bad people at top and the rest of us at the bottom."
"Anime is uniting the world. Who would have thought?"
"We're in this lifeboat together, this lifeboat called Earth."
"The world is getting closer together, moving towards a new beginning."
"In the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children's future, and we are all mortal."
"Reflex models are synonymous with models in machine learning."
"Borders don't matter, vast oceans don't matter. We're all in this same thing together."
"The major religions... are going to have to stop... and work together to build... the kingdom of god on earth."
"This might be not destroy ourselves and destroy the planet."
"The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement... we see the world as one organism with the human species as a singular family."
"The world needs to find more commonality with each other rather than what's different."
"We belong to the world. The world is a living being."
"We can build a world of peace, stability, prosperity, and happiness all together."
"Be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim church throughout the world."
"Jesus strategically came to all nations to make us one in him."
"Patriots worldwide are gonna help heal their lands as well."
"This truly takes a planet. Webb belongs to all of us, and starting today, the discoveries start and they're not going to stop."
"We're all just on this little bloody planet, connected."
"Every religion has a good thing to make our world a beautiful peaceful."
"The Olympics is like the the pinnacle or the Everest of that sporting experience, both for the athlete and also for the viewers at home."
"We must act as one family and actually take action."
"On a round planet, there are no choosing up sides."
"What is needed now is getting rid of our habits of thought that take back to the time when Every Little Valley on Earth was far removed from every neighboring Valley."
"Every last one of us has the same unalienable right to a place on this planet."
"Aviation is one of the most unifying industries worldwide because it is what brings the world together."
"Globally, we're meant to all scoop up together, help each other, and realize there are more things that are bringing us together."
"Manifesting the true Spirit of vasudev kutombakam or should I say the world is one family."
"Hold rock steady as a lighthouse and link to other lighthouses all over the world in that increasingly bright grid of light."
"Think of how many people are breathing in together here in this moment all over the world. And then a long exhale. Again, breathing out with people all over the world, connecting to the big picture."
"It's pretty incredible to watch humanity come together."
"That's the one border every human shares: Earth."
"Welcome and friends far and wide across expansion Earth."
"Never in my wildest imagination did I think that the thing that was going to bring humanity together was to be the need for a haircut."
"Are we across an event horizon? Totally unpredictable cause for global unity has shown up."
"If it was a verified alien signal, it would bring the world together to some great degree, really. Yeah, I do, I really do."
"We Are the World... it was powerful... extremely powerful."
"Make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race."
"We need a movement that unites people all over the world who strive for economic, social, racial, and environmental justice."
"Love you despite the differences. You prove that good people are the same throughout the world."
"God's not a respecter of people groups... we need to appreciate the diversity in the world."
"Unity among the rest of the world is very, very important."
"We're at a point globally where we have no choice but to bring each other along and support each other."
"We have to stand up and I'm glad it's not just American peg it is people."
"Most beloved president in human history, effectively creating peace around the world and unifying nations around him."
"From Malaysia to the US, the umah stands united."
"We close with good night, good luck, a merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good earth."
"A world that feels smaller and more full of love than I ever realized."
"This is the moment we must come together to save this planet."
"People all over the globe were celebrating as if they’d just won the lottery."
"You really have to unite the world together, and the only way to make that work is to destroy Reverse Mountain."
"This isn't about victory for a side, this is about victory for Humanity."
"Unless you're genuinely and legitimately building a society where it's acknowledged and understood by all that we're all participating together in a global organism and we all love one another."
"Imagine how the world could be if we all brought people together to drive change."
"Let's keep coming together... hopefully as a worldwide voice on this planet."
"Humanity has to choose between synchronizing and becoming a global unity or letting the rich elite billionaires rule the world."
"How do we bring people together country by country and internationally to tell the oligarchs that this world belongs to all of us?"
"We're all in this together as a global family."
"The world is one family and we're in this together."
"People of Berlin and people of the world... let us remember this history and answer our destiny and remake the world once again."
"Hope you are having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you are in the world."
"May all your dreams come true. Thanks and god bless patriots worldwide."
"BTS Army: creating a global community, uniting fans in positivity, kindness, and charity."
"I don't care if you ultimately don't like it, insofar as I care that I have fairly represented the story I want to tell."
"We're essentially an African people wherever we live on this earth."
"Now is the time to embrace global solidarity."
"For us, it's not about happy endings; it's about happy beginnings."
"It's kind of beautiful that everybody's in this together, the whole world is in this together."
"When sad things happen, it creates the biggest heart opening across the planet."
"I love every single one of you all around the world, peace, love, and a high five."
"We're going to see a lot more unity in the world in places we haven't expected."
"The false Messiah will then become the leader of the new world religion ultimately uniting the world under a single religion as the Antichrist."
"All mankind should support peace for the sake of our planet."
"It would be thrilling to open up a bottle of champagne again on the March equinox with all of you around the world."
"A time has come on this planet which is small and fragile for all of us to come together."
"Together, we share a dream of fostering iconic franchises that unite friends worldwide."
"A gift in support of a global love and healing."
"The families of the Earth are returning to worship God."
"I truly believe that is my purpose and I can't wait to join my Miss World sisters as we unite through the common goal of making this world a better place for all."
"If they were trying to explain Hinduism, they failed. If they were trying to show the world is one and there are many beautiful places in the world and we should appreciate them and have mutual respect, then yes."
"The only thing that could unify the world would be an alien invasion."
"We as a global community ended slavery and we did it without the benefit of social media and without the internet."
"We need to love on each other and love on our world."
"We need to distance ourselves from them and we need to work with, communicate with, understand, empathize with the working class of other countries."
"Borders will most certainly dissolve in the coming years absolutely because we will remember that we are Galactic citizens."
"Friendship is the reason, friends all over the world."
"Unity is gonna be the key theme on the planet."
"Lift your hands up all over the world and let's become grateful."
"Now is the time to appreciate our shared humanity."
"Human relations are much more important than nationalities, religions, citizenships, and even political views."
"Eventually the nations are going to come together... it's all going to become one world leader, Antichrist."
"We need the whole world to stand up as one to stop hesitating and start acting." - Kira Rudik
"The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."
"I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." - Ronald Reagan
"It shows the world that we are all the same."
"The only way to eradicate poverty is through sharing."
"I love everybody, man. No matter where you guys are from, the world is a beautiful place."
"Humanity could achieve so much more if it would simply cast aside the notion of borders and then operate as a singular cohesive unit."
"The earth filled with joy and the burden we have placed upon the earth of being lifted and humanity brought together."
"The world needs greater unity and determination to defeat Russian Terror faster and protect lives."
"We can create communities based on common perception of value across the world."
"Everything is connected from the glaciers in Greenland to the sea level in Kiribati. There is nothing like a common enemy to unite people."
"That's the beauty of our world our cultures are coming together and mixing."
"Assured that the citizens of the world, when united, can stop any regime."
"We are one Earth, one family, and we share one future."
"Let's pray against this wickedness, let's pray worldwide."
"The world is coming together in unity, and it took something this big for a situation to happen to bring the world together."
"Every single person is somewhere on that scale of color across our world."
"Humanity needs to unite at moments like pandemics, right? We can't be fighting over PPE."
"The Olympic flag basically represents the whole world."
"We're all in this together, we've got one planet, it's getting pretty serious."
"We're gonna get through this together, as communities, as a country, as the world."
"Different cultures, different music, but we're all under the same sun."
"This is a human race issue and we all have a part that we can play."
"What is being built here is a monument. It's like the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower."
"Humanity will fall if we don't overcome nationalism."
"The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth."
"The world has come together in solidarity with the indomitable people of Ukraine."
"The strength and the resolve of countries around the world to say no, this is a moment to stand for democracy..."
"All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee."
"He just wanted to matter. He just wanted to unite the world, maybe achieve world peace, bring us closer to realizing our proverbial world is bigger than our actual world, and maybe be satisfied with himself."
"Children of the world, all right my friends."
"I occasionally think how quickly hard difference is worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
"We're here to change lives, we're here to bring people together from all over the world and teach light, love, and positivity."
"We're going to bring humans together all over the world through light, love, and positivity."
"What would happen over many years when social psychologists suggest that it might help to unite the world if the visitors from space proved to be an enemy?"