
Religious Freedom Quotes

There are 747 quotes

"Religious freedom allows each of us to decide for ourselves what we believe, how we live and act according to our faith and what God expects of us."
"There is no compulsion in religion; you can't force people to become Muslims."
"Obviously in a more liberal country there are other religions that can exist within that liberal country so long as religious freedoms are afforded to people."
"So, I agree that there are liberal governments that protect fundamental or basic freedoms that your religion might seek to infringe upon. I would consider that a positive."
"We offer free thought, we offer freedom of religion, and while we do not offer absolute freedom of speech, we allow freedom of speech."
"Two things that should never go together: Patriot politics and Pastor religion. There should always be a separation of church and state."
"The secular system and liberalism is attacking all religions, trying to stamp out religion."
"Omar then traveled to Jerusalem from Syria, accepted its surrender, and signed a pact with the inhabitants assuring them of religious freedom."
"It's really this is a Bonhoeffer moment for the church. It's the moment where our sacred beliefs are being threatened."
"I'm a very firm supporter of religious freedom."
"We don't worship government, we worship God."
"In America, we don't worship government; we worship God."
"Religious liberty has been called America's first liberty because freedom of the mind is logically and philosophically prior to all other freedoms protected by the Constitution."
"No matter the culture, color, creed, or country, God's love unites us to stand together to face down religious persecution."
"This is not a Christian nation; this is a nation where you are free to be Christian."
"The American Indian Religious Freedom Act, which finally lifted restrictions on the Sun Dance and Peyote Religion."
"Freedom of religion without also having freedom from religion is not possible."
"The First Amendment to the Constitution begins with the ringing words: 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.'"
"America got started by people who were escaping religious autocracy so they could have religious freedom."
"Rhode Island quickly became a diverse safe haven for members of often persecuted religious groups, home to large numbers of Baptists, Quakers, Catholics, and Jews."
"It is very difficult to legally pass laws in this country [America] that affect religious freedom because of our constitution. We thank Allah for the constitution; it is a very beneficial document in that regard."
"The separation of religion from state leaves religious people free to practice their religion, provided they don't infringe the freedoms of others and allows the non-religious to live without the imposition of religion through law, education, government, employment, or health."
"The plan to block you...failed. It actually sprung you forward even more."
"I believe we must maintain our commitment to religious tolerance and freedom in this country."
"The court holds that they had to reject it because the simple fact is that the free exercise clause requires non-discrimination between religion and non-religion."
"The Establishment Clause has come to mean that the establishment of religion is forbidden, ensuring freedom from having an established religion imposed upon you."
"Everybody is allowed to have their religious beliefs and to cherish their beliefs, and nobody's religion should be stereotyped."
"If people are not free to practice their faith, then all of the freedoms are at risk and, frankly, freedoms don't mean very much."
"When you raise your right hand and swear the oath to support and defend the Constitution and you join the United States military, you certainly give up some of your freedoms. But you do not give up your religious freedom when you serve this country."
"Freedom of religion is one of our greatest rights."
"We must continue to build partnerships and alliances with nations who share our commitment to advance religious freedom around the world."
"The importance of advancing religious freedom cannot be overstated; it must extend to all areas of our foreign policy."
"We live in a secular liberal democracy... it is the responsibility of a secular liberal democracy to ensure that all religions are permitted and accommodated, whilst none are given any more leniency than any other ideological proclivity."
"Religious freedom is a right that every single person should be allowed to enjoy, but we cannot let this red herring of religious freedom... be used as an excuse to misinform our children or to not inform them at all."
"Congress is to make no law respecting religion and religious exercise, and there must be a healthy separation between church and state."
"Religious liberty is incredibly important to me. I am a person of faith. My family is one of deep and abiding faith."
"Freedom from religion is the first clause of the First Amendment; freedom of religion is the second clause."
"The president also put an end to the Muslim ban, a policy rooted in religious animus and xenophobia."
"A secular society would defend all rights to religious belief more than any one religion does."
"I honestly wouldn't ban religion...I'd march on letting them believe in their God. It's your right to believe in whatever."
"Americans should not kneel. I don't respect a man who kneels to men literally or figuratively."
"She argued, 'Rights to the free exercise of religious beliefs ... protect the development and expression of an inner sanctum of personal religious faith.'"
"Religious freedom is a cornerstone of our democracy."
"It is modern-day slavery and Islam liberates us from that."
"You cannot have a society where you have death for blasphemy and freedom of religion; it's one or the other."
"Suppose someone with similarly pressing religious concerns had been elected County Clerk... how would you react if Kim Davis went to a county clerk... and they said, 'I'm sorry, it's against my deeply held religious beliefs'?" - Theoretical Bullshit
"The controversy is about whether the freedom to practice one's religion and title someone in Kim Davis's position to violate the constitutional rights of those she took an oath to serve and the answer legally is a big fat no."
"Now we're talking about whether or not someone's personal religious beliefs can be forced onto other people, that's the conversation we're having and the answer is a resounding no."
"Freedom From Religion is the same as freedom of religion."
"If someone said to you we need an internet troll we were thinking TJ Miller yes no one else that's it I know we're done."
"The government has an obligation to prioritize the Civil Right over that person's religious conviction."
"Religious people, religious business owners, have their rights as well. Tolerance is a two-way street."
"We recognize the popes, but you can also resist the popes, and it doesn't make you a bad Catholic."
"I try to get people to think about religious freedom and the separation of church and state in different ways, as two different spheres of law."
"I truly am astounded by people who have the intellectual honesty and fortitude to question deeply held beliefs."
"Religious freedom embodies equal justice under law, supported by a strong separation of church and state."
"Any man that will allow an unconstitutional tyrannical governor to close down their church and to keep it closed is a coward."
"If the Son set you free, you will be free indeed."
"I pray God you've give them the Freedom and the Liberty to say ouch the Freedom and the liberties say it hurt the Freedom and the Liberty to say I was afraid but I'm going to choose to be more amazing I'm afraid."
"We don't worship the government in America, we worship God. Amen."
"There is no compulsion in faith; a person has the choice." - Chapter 2 verse number 256
"State officials have violated the free speech and free exercise rights of religious Americans by treating religious gatherings and speech differently than the speech and mass gatherings of protests."
"The government cannot force Americans to abandon their constitutional rights as well as their religious convictions."
"Why can't I pray in school? Why do I have to check my religion at the door?"
"Each and every one of us have a choice. God does not force us; he does not bring about enforcing his will on ours. It's our choice to decide which part of which group we decide we want to be a part of."
"What if we Sabbath keepers are limited when it comes to buying and selling because we don't keep Sunday, we don't have that mark of the beast?"
"President would like churches to reopen and do it in accordance with the assignment provision of federal law."
"It is so good to be free of the quagmire of Seventh-day Adventism and rejoice in the consistent love of Jesus Christ."
"I support the most traditional Muslim, Jewish, Abrahamic believers to be Islamophobic and transphobic as they want because guess what, that's freedom of religion."
"Property rights and religious liberty are essential to liberty."
"It's terrifying that you can use public health to suppress religious expression."
"I believe people should be able to practice whatever religion they want however the constitution of the United States supersedes the fundamentalism of your religion."
"The First Amendment prohibits government discriminating against the basis of religious beliefs."
"We have always taught our son to be respectful of everyone's opinion and to be polite to others. He is entitled to properly express his faith and beliefs without being disciplined and suspended by Plainwell schools."
"It's like everyone can have a god and everyone like your relationship with God is your own."
"Meditate on John 8:36: 'If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.'"
"We are experiencing laws and actions impinging on religious freedom, eroding its protections and public esteem."
"Forcing religious speech to give way to the rights of those offended sets a dangerous precedent."
"The Supreme Court cares a lot about protecting religious expression."
"The hijab ban is a ban on Muslim women," says Iman Amal Rani. Well, I notice.
"The Church's teachings are meant to set us free, to unshackle us from the chains of the world."
"We support the right of each individual to believe or disbelieve as they choose."
"Your religious freedoms end where they begin to interfere with the rights and freedoms of others."
"No matter where you end up, the nice thing is that if you wind up giving that up and freeing yourself entirely from religion and superstition, you've already got multiple built-in communities ready to go."
"It's freedom of conscience that these things should not be forced on individuals and especially on Christians by the government."
"The apostates stigma has to go, because it isn't just used to hurt us, it's used to hurt anybody who steps away from religious dogma."
"We were going to push back and say they're not going to tell us we can't sing, that we cannot worship."
"That's what religious freedom requires. We have to have an atheism Society."
"Burning the Quran is something that you have to allow as well. That's an expression of religious freedom."
"Advocacy for religious freedom is just for the purpose of secularizing the Muslim world."
"We're standing up for persecuted Christians and religious minorities all around the world like nobody has ever done."
"Protection against interference and coercion is actually what the establishment clause... is about."
"The Supreme Court affirmed that religious organizations have broad protection against employment discrimination suits."
"The government is morality policing and telling you as a Christian, as a practitioner of Judaism or Islam, that your rights are second to Black Lives Matter."
"We were attacked, the whole goal was to silence the church, to get them to submit to evil."
"Freedom comes in the earthly sense of course from Jesus Christ and obeying to the scriptures."
"I believe the Amish should be left alone to live their freedom of religion rights."
"My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith."
"We should support freedom of religion, and this isn't freedom of religion."
"It's wrong that they're not allowed to learn about their own religion, that they're not allowed to seek out other like outsider information. That's by design."
"I'm gonna make a one-sheeter with my religious freedoms on them, and smack people in the face with it when they tell me I must do this thing."
"Forcing a service member to choose between their faith and serving their country is abhorrent to the Constitution and America's values." - First Liberty lawyer
"The process for seeking a religious exemption is nothing more than theater. The Navy merely rubber stamps each denial." - U.S. Judge Reed O'Connor
"In theory, Scientology offers an individual almost unprecedented freedom among other religions to set their own moral compass."
"The state's crusade against this Christian school is chilling if they can get away with this there's little to stop them from targeting other Christian schools on a purely ideological basis."
"A state need not subsidize private education but once a state decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious."
"Faith has to be a freely chosen thing, and so if there's any sort of coercion into this, that's a bad thing."
"Church-state separation protects religious beliefs from government intrusion."
"Religious freedom violations by the CCP represent the most troubling developments we saw in 2020."
"Nobody is compelled to do rituals within the Satanic Temple."
"Religious freedom is where everybody can practice their own religion."
"The freedom of religion entails the freedom from religion."
"Secular humanism allows you to be a Christian right up until you try to oppose it on others and then you get to keep being a Christian you just don't get to practice it in the way where you're imposing it on others."
"This system not only suppresses individual liberties and thought but seeks to stand between you and salvation."
"If you are attempting to crush private religious practice that has no impact on public policy because you don't like that religious practice, you are a bigot and you're a tyrant."
"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought conscience and religion."
"Ultimately John's Proclamation on God's right to set aside the Sabbath is a powerful witness to civil lawmakers."
"Since the UDHR Article 18 defends the freedom to manifest religious observance, the US Supreme Court's stipulation of secular reasons for Sabbath protections violated the right of religion."
"Keep church and state separate to protect the religious and the non-religious."
"Muslims are not being re-educated, they are being told to change their religion or tone it down."
"It is a very serious persecution of Muslims nonetheless in China today."
"I will defend the Judeo-Christian foundation our nation is built on and protect our religious liberty."
"You have the liberty in Christ to do such things, if it's a clean beast offered unto a false god."
"They said because he believes it should be illegal to not believe in God." - Tim Pool
"Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse republic."
"If the most influential American newspaper is doing such a sloppy job covering Falun Gong, there’s not much hope of that persecution being labeled a genocide."
"There is a wall of separation between church and state that protects your religious expression."
"The concept of untouchable demons armed with psychological warfare is horrifying to me."
"The Ad Com does not have the authority anywhere given to it to determine theological or spiritual matters for all members worldwide."
"We've seen the left come after actors like Chris Pratt for the great sin of going to a traditional church that suggests that men and women are different. How dare he?"
"Is it right that we have to beg for the basic right to Religious Freedom protected by the First Amendment of the U.S Constitution? No."
"Freedom of religion is what makes America great, right?"
"Freedom of worship is central to every human being."
"May next year be not the 22nd anniversary that we recognize the persecution but the first year we recognize the freedom of the people of Falun Gong and everybody throughout China to practice their faith freely." - Unnamed speaker
"Allowing people to practice their religion does not mean that religion controls the government."
"The world we are living in is becoming more and more dangerous for Christians and for anyone who wants to defend children from these ideologies that are destroying countless young lives."
"Massive pressure being put on military commanders and people in the hierarchy to deny religious objections."
"Freedom comes from Jesus Christ. If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed."
"The reason we know verse four and eight are right is because we actually went out and investigated and found out through science."
"There's a freedom in Christ, it's like a breath of fresh air."
"The Sabbath is finally over with all of its perceived restrictions and things I'm not allowed to do."
"Perhaps the single most nefarious way that a desperate publisher can try and entice you to play their game is to straight up lie about it."
"Leaving Islam didn't just happen in a vacuum. Something led them to those videos, mostly inside our families."
"I'm not gonna quit until someone that's a dalai lama could return to tibet."
"Employees must have the right to choose what's best for their individual faith and for their personal medical situations."
"It's about freedom, so Jesus set you free, you're free indeed, and our goal is restoring freedom to Pennsylvania."
"Recovering from religion has really helped empower me to be brave enough and open enough to say I am not a religious person and that is okay."
"The freedom of worship of other religions in an Islamic state has been a controversy from the very beginning of Islam."
"Nobody's point of view, nobody's religion, and nobody's love should ever dictate the neighbor next to you."
"It's not the will of God for you to live your life in a state of female slave conditioning."
"This is a huge religious liberty win not only for the Little Sisters of the Poor but also for all Americans."
"In a liberal democracy, we've earned the right across centuries to be free to follow whatever religion we wish to adhere to, but also to criticize and critique its religion."
"People leave Islam for many reasons, and that's completely fine."
"This is promoting and the promotion of free speech and religious liberty that's a big one that's as big as it gets, right?"
"No American should be forced to choose between the dictates of the federal government and the tenets of their faith."
"With this executive order, we are ending the attacks on your religious liberty and we are proudly reaffirming America's leadership role as a nation that protects religious freedom for everyone."
"Don't get forced into following a religion or a belief that you personally don't want to follow."
"Don't try to pull them back into your church if they're leaving, let them go. Those are blessed subtractions."
"I give you permission to believe your Bible."
"Freedom of conscience, belief, religion, speech, and association."
"Until such time that we receive the sign to march towards our freedom, to call a parade wherever that parade might be, but I know for sure that God will give the sword in our hands to take back what belongs to us as a minority group."
"You can say what you want even if it is dumbass stuff you can say it on religion you can believe what you want even if it's dumbass stuff you can go worship a golden calf in your backyard if you want to we believe in individual choice."
"Whether you're Christian or Jew or Muslim, whatever, I think you look at this and say they're coming for me next, we gotta stand up."
"Islamically, I have to respect your right to live how you want to live."
"Father, your word says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. There is liberty in you, King Jesus."
"We demand Liberty for all religious denominations in the state."
"People who want to go to church and want to gather and be wholesome."
"Israel is the only country in the Middle East that categorically allows freedom of worship."
"God has given us these freedoms to maintain them, not to hand them over to the bad guys so they can pimp our children for their pornographic demonic agenda."
"They think they can silence a church that the martyrs have already shed their blood for."
"There's no compulsion in religion, the truth is made clear from falsehood."
"As long as it's not a deity, you could be an atheist."
"I will fight for you to have your religious liberty."
"Protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities and always has been."
"They're trying to push out so, so this is a dangerous thing that there's a focus on us there's a focus that's why religious freedom is being threatened."
"Religious freedom constitutes an inviolable right of man."
"Thankfully our constitution protects and secures the right to remain free from religious persecution and coercion."
"I appreciate all different religions from a point of view that I think everyone is free to practice whatever they want."
"Never again can we allow government officials to treat the exercise of religion as simply non-essential."
"We cannot be equal or freer if our government grants select Americans a license to discriminate against their neighbors under the guise of religious freedom."
"If we lose, then essentially the way I would view that would almost be it's illegal to be a Christian."
"Everyone should have the right to religious freedom. It was kind of like this new idea, religious tolerance, like everyone should be free to worship whoever they want, etcetera."
"Freedom of religion is good for everyone, even for atheists."
"Whatever your religion is you have the right to practice it."
"The government cannot establish any one religion as the governing religion."
"Protecting the liberty of conscience is the duty of the state."
"We don't worship the government, we worship God."
"The myth must be destroyed in order for the body of Christ to be free."
"I don't care what the government says about marriage I don't care if people stay inside of church buildings about marriage I care what God says about marriage."
"The sad thing is the sino agreement has enabled the Chinese Communist Party to go to bishops and priests in the underground church saying that the Vatican has ordered you to join the patriotic church."
"No religious tests will ever be required for qualification of any office or public trust under the United States."
"The first amendment does not require us to have to go and push ourselves off to the corners in order to practice our faith especially if it's just simply taking a knee like he's tying a shoe in the middle of the field."
"Jehovah's Witnesses choose their own medical treatments."
"Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and we stand not on the ideology of science and the wickedness, the lies, and the propaganda of our times."
"A Prince Albert, Saskatchewan church has received a $14,000 coronavirus fine for singing without wearing masks. It's outrageous."
"Priests are free to ignore the decree because the decree is not backed by a dogmatic declaration."
"If I say Jesus Christ is the only way to God not Mohammed is it they're slandering or is a hate crime."
"The most important thing is to bring people to Christ. The second most important thing is to preserve the freedom to do the most important thing."
"Most reasonable people have the opinion that same-sex marriage is a good thing, but churches should not be forced to marry gay couples."