
Inflation Quotes

There are 3501 quotes

"Financial experts thought we were in the clear... then the inflation data came out higher than expected."
"Now we have to face the reality that this inflation is becoming stagnation and soon enough it will become a recession."
"High inflation imposes significant hardship as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"We continue to make good progress on bringing inflation down."
"We're committed to getting inflation back to 2%."
"They see how much they're paying at the grocery store, they see how much they're paying at the gas pump, they see the results of inflation, they see their 401(k)s."
"When you have inflation running hot and rates being artificially suppressed, that means negative real rates, which is the most bullish backdrop for gold possible."
"Inflation is a sneaky way to help employers cut wages without employees feeling like their wages were actually cut."
"Inflation has increased notably in recent months. The 12-month change in PCE prices was 3.6 percent in April and will likely remain elevated in coming months before moderating."
"Inflation, like alcoholism, the good effects come early... The hangover comes later."
"Consumer expectations for inflation are absolutely critical to what the Federal Reserve does."
"Inflation, maybe; what started to happen is because of the cancellations, because of the pilot shortages... the demand for private flights is through the roof."
"As you know, inflation is hitting everyone, but it's really hitting the young people."
"Inflation down to 2.97%, unemployment down to 3.6%, U.S. manufacturing is now number one globally."
"If banks create money and it's used for productive business investment, that gives us economic growth without inflation."
"AI could actually decrease inflation, as it will make labor cheaper and we'll be able to produce things at lower prices."
"True inflation may have peaked in late 2022 at 18% and still hovers around 8%."
"You can hike interest rates and they will lower inflation because they will kill demand, but sure, that's a little bit like if you kill the patient, he won't have asthma anymore."
"The first secret of inflation is that monetary inflation at the Fed causes price inflation."
"The third secret of inflation is that monetary inflation is the cause of the booms and busts of the business cycle."
"Keynesian economics is just inflation apologia; it's just propaganda to justify inflationism."
"Inflation is an addiction once the government gets down the path of spending money to solve its problems."
"Printing money can cause inflation because it gives people more spending power."
"Hyperinflation is of course a catastrophe, but inflation is also just a slow-motion catastrophe."
"We can fight inflation and protect worker gains by investing in growth right here at home and building a more inclusive economy."
"We need to get inflation back down to two percent over time again, there are factors that we don't control, but those factors do tend to wash out over time."
"We're looking for compelling evidence that inflation is coming down, and we don't have that."
"We understand that high inflation imposes significant hardship, especially on those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"Inflation remains well above our longer-run goal of two percent."
"High inflation imposes significant hardship as it reduces purchasing power, especially for those living paycheck to paycheck."
"Inflation has begun to slow not stop but groceries are still expensive because we have so few big chains."
"The concern is that if you do this too much and you do it without anything backing up the pieces of paper you now print and give to your debtors, then there'll be a problem."
"The U.S. dollar in the fiat money world is in a hyperinflationary collapse right now against Bitcoin."
"The average cost of going to college has increased by as much as 2,700% in some cases, or about 4.6 times the rate of inflation during the last 50 years."
"If you print money, it's gonna find its way into inflation."
"Inflation... once again the latest CPI data and one of the worst things that could happen right now for the central bank is for us to go into this reacceleration of inflation."
"Inflation now is a hidden tax; it's a silent tax. It affects the people who don't understand money and it disproportionately affects the poor and the financially uneducated."
"There are three concepts that you have to understand: excess speculation, risk, number three inflation. And they all tie in together."
"Inflation becomes the natural remedy... prices start to go higher and higher to reduce that desire for risk and excess demand."
"If you don't invest, inflation's killing you anyways. You got to invest."
"Markets are supposed to grow your wealth at the rate of inflation over time, to protect your purchasing power parity 10, 20, 30 years from now."
"It will take substantially more evidence to give comfort that inflation is actually declining. And by any standard, inflation remains far too high."
"Our inflation goal is for total inflation, of course, as food and energy prices matter a great deal for household budgets."
"Inflation is eroding and degrading the spending power of everyday Americans."
"We're talking in general terms about inflation and if we don't get a handle on housing inflation, the American people will still be hammered by this."
"We're a long way from a full recovery," and "I'm much more worried about falling short of a complete recovery and losing people's careers and lives...than about the possibility of higher inflation."
"Low and stable inflation is essential for a well-functioning economy."
"Inflation is extremely high and it's hurting the working people of this country badly. We are taking the only measures we have to bring inflation down."
"Our mandate is to provide maximum employment and price stability. We're using those tools now to restore price stability at a time of the highest inflation in 40 years."
"If my mandate is to protect capital from both inflation, taxation, and bad decisions, then the idea of seeking to find endurance is very important."
"Maybe companies need to start paying people proportionally to things like inflation, rising costs of housing, and rising taxes."
"Inflation is hard to reverse... that's what makes this so uncomfortable."
"Higher inflation, potentially new recession, basically we're entering an era of stagflation."
"Inflation is extremely high and it is hurting the working people of this country badly."
"As the President is making fighting inflation his top economic priority, it is really important that we recognize that we can take on inflation from a position of relative economic strength."
"Inflation is a real deal, it is real, and it sucks."
"Unanticipated inflation hurts lenders with fixed interest rates and benefits borrowers."
"We now understand better how little we understand about inflation."
"When stuff and services get more expensive, your dollars can buy less of them. That's called inflation, and it's a problem because investors want to fund future consumption."
"In the 2021 paper 'U.S. Inflation and Global Asset Returns,' the authors study the relationship between U.S. inflation and the performance of global assets."
"Inflation is when your money is worth less over time, goods and services go up in relation to your money, and deflation is the opposite."
"The goal right now is to stabilize prices and get inflation rates back to around 2.5%, which is what the Federal Reserve sees as sustainable levels."
"Once the inflation genie is out of the bottle, it's not going back in."
"Inflation is a tax, so instead of sending your money to the government, you send your purchasing power."
"Inflation is not going away, it's here to stay."
"The beauty of capitalism is that it's always reducing prices... but what's also not changing is that government always increases prices through inflation."
"People's expectations, their views of the future inflation actually results in higher inflation. That's the problem."
"You look at the central bank balance sheets exploding right now and you say there's going to be inflation."
"Nobody likes inflation. Nobody wants to pay higher prices for anything, really."
"The people who manage the US economy prefer to keep inflation around 2%."
"Economists believe that expectations are the primary driver of inflation."
"Gold does very well in an inflationary environment. Gold and silver...should be owned instead of cash, not instead of investments. Gold is not an investment; it's money, it's a store of value."
"Real estate could operate very well as an inflationary hedge."
"We've spent a lot of this interview talking about inflation, which is here, and you've got to deal with that, but don't rule out deflation."
"I'm a big fan of investing and having your money work for you; you don't just want it sitting there, you want it to at least beat inflation and make you more on top of that."
"Higher interest rates help to cool down inflation but that also slows down the economy."
"When inflation is high, you have to spend more money to get less stuff."
"High inflation is slowing down the economy because when you're buying less stuff, that means less businesses are making money."
"The Federal Reserve Bank is working to fight inflation. They have said time and time again that the number one goal is to fight inflation and bring it down."
"Affordable cars no longer exist in our market, and the middle class has been sliced and diced by inflation for the past 2 to 3 years."
"The U.S rate of inflation was running higher than it has at any time since the end of the Cold War."
"Inflation is in fact theft and that money printing is legalized counterfeiting."
"Don't expect it to go back as low as it was before, but once the inflation monster is more or less slain, the Fed will for a whole bunch of reasons probably go back to at least bringing rates down to a more manageable level."
"Home prices adjusted for inflation are at their highest level of all time here in 2022, even higher than they were back in the bubble of '06."
"Around the 1970s, that's when the United States dollar was taken off of the gold standard, and that's when we started printing more money, which caused more inflation, which caused the value of our dollars to be diluted, which made the price of everything else go up."
"Millennials really dealt the short end of the stick because between 1970 and now, wages have gone up by around 70%, which is good news. But do you know what has gone up by more than 70% since 1970? Your rent costs, your housing prices, your college costs, and your standard of living."
"The country's annual inflation rate has surged past 100 percent, hitting a three-decade high."
"When prices are rising by 84%, you need your wages to be rising by 84% just to maintain your standard of living."
"What would be a great gift this year? To take away inflation for someone."
"Corporate profits were up 75% 5 times the rate of inflation. That's a rip off on a grander scale. That's greedflation."
"Consumers are feeling positive now about job and wage growth, the strong stock market gains, and expectations that inflation will continue to ease."
"By investing in the stock market, you are able to beat inflation, so your money is not losing value and it's worth more."
"35% of all U.S. dollars that have ever been printed were printed in the last 10 months."
"We're experiencing pretty near record local inflation, dealing with a lot of real civic issues, and I feel like in times like these, there are some people who want to distract from those issues and lock us in an interminable culture war debate over things that don't really mean anything."
"We are going to have high inflation coming out of this."
"People often...are too simplistic, they say 'well if inflation's too high then raise rates, if inflation's too low then cut rates' whereas really you have to go deeper."
"Taxes are bad for the rich and the poor, but inflation is bad just for the poor."
"Cash is a liability in an inflationary environment because your cash sits there flat while the price of everything else keeps going up."
"Inflation has now dropped to its lowest point in two years. When the Inflation Reduction Act was passed a year ago today, inflation was 8.3 percent. It's now down to 3.2 percent, the lowest among the world's leading economies."
"My colleagues and I are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship, as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"We know that this is a time for us to be tightly focused on the path ahead and on getting inflation back down to two percent."
"We have both the tools and the resolve to get inflation back down, and no one should doubt our resolve in doing that."
"Inflation is way too high, and we need to bring it down. We're going to use our tools to do that."
"By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens." - John Maynard Keynes
"If we do succeed at building that industrial plant over that time frame, then that inflation rate will come down and we'll have supply chains that are shorter, simpler, cheaper, and closer to the end consumer."
"If you ain't making no damn money and you got to get two jobs to pay the same prices or to buy the same amount of stuff that you used to buy and the price is higher than it used to be because of inflation, then guess what, what are you really accomplishing?"
"Convert the money that you do have into an asset that will grow in value because of this inflation."
"If you own real estate investments, you're getting this cash flow, and if inflation happens, you also get to increase your rent."
"Our nation's authorities are now openly admitting to having completely missed the flashing red lights of inflation," on the failure to anticipate economic challenges.
"The battle between a deflationary asset and an inflationary asset, that's a big deal."
"It means that if you have 50k in the bank, in 10 years it's going to be 50k still, but the equivalent worth of 25k."
"Governments just said we can never have a recession or depression again... they just printed money infinitely."
"We can't get our heads around levels of 8% which is something we haven't seen since the 1970s."
"Inflation is much too high, and we understand the hardship it is causing. We're moving expeditiously to bring it back down."
"From the standpoint of our Congressional mandate to promote maximum employment and price stability, the current picture is plain to see: the labor market is extremely tight, and inflation is much too high."
"The big pain is in not dealing with inflation and allowing it to become entrenched in the economy."
"Bitcoin and gold will benefit from central bank money printing."
"The biggest reason why you must invest is because inflation is the biggest threat to your wealth."
"Inflation, as Milton Friedman once said, is anywhere and everywhere a monetary phenomenon."
"Inflation continues to ravage America's paychecks and it's increasingly shown up in rising rents."
"The price of a Big Mac across America has gone up by 280% over the last two decades."
"Inflation is intimately connected to record corporate profits and widening inequality."
"Are things getting more expensive, or is it that companies are getting more greedy? The answer is yes to all of that."
"Every time they print money, they are taking the purchasing power of your dollar away."
"It's theft and enslavement... It's theft and it's enslavement if you take away a portion of person's wealth by causing by diluting the currency supply and causing prices to rise."
"Consumer prices are the highest we've seen in 30 years. Inflation is certainly here to stay."
"Inflation has eased from its highs, and this has come without a significant increase in unemployment. That's very good news."
"The United States of America has printed 40% of all the money in the history of our country in the past 10 months."
"Bank of America is telling us that the CPI inflation for the year should end up continuing to moderate."
"We're entering a new chapter for monetary policy, a divergence from almost 15 years of policy experimentation in an age really defined by stubbornly low inflation."
"We have seen that the economy can sustain historically higher levels of employment without causing a troubling rise in inflation."
"Cardi B respect. Cardi came out ranting about, or outraged about inflation costs, the rising costs of rent, wondering how are people surviving this."
"A little bit of inflation is considered good because that two percent inflation is what drives economic growth and expansion."
"During inflation, space erupted from its tiny beginnings into an unknowably huge volume."
"The more dollars you print, the more inflation you create; inflation's just a tax, they're just stealing wealth from you, full stop."
"Inflation has eased to three percent in June, the slowest pace in more than two years."
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
"Inflation is a tax that we all pay for the fraud of money printing."
"87% of Americans said that inflation and the rising costs of everyday goods is what's driving their stress."
"Inflation is always and everywhere caused by one thing: too much excess money being created by a central bank."
"One way to fight inflation is to drive down wages and make Americans poorer. I think I have a better idea to fight inflation: lower your costs, not your wages."
"Stocks actually do well in inflationary times; they tend to actually have pricing power, and corporations do very well when inflation comes into the economy."
"Remember that time when the Biden Administration said that inflation was transitory, and then it just kept rising? Now they're saying, well, it might not be super transitory."
"I'm really focused on cash flows. I think a lot of investors are rightfully concerned about inflation and want to hedge against it... Focus on cash flow, markets where there's a higher rental yield where you don't have to pay as much to get cash flow day one."
"You can't shut down the entire United States economy indefinitely without any sort of expectation as to when the economy is gonna open without inflating the currency."
"Inflation is at its highest rate in 39 years, and Canadians are feeling the pressure."
"Restoring price stability when inflation is high can require measures that are not popular in the short term as we raise interest rates to slow the economy."
"As we move further into the year, we'll start seeing some of those inflationary pressures abate, which will allow us to not be so dramatic in our policy actions."
"In 2022, because of the persistence and the extremeness of inflation, we actually saw interest rates rise at the fastest level that we have seen since the 1980s."
"The key is inflation expectations. They're collapsing."
"Every single big recession over the last 50 years has managed to bring down inflation too."
"The lesser of two evils is probably inflation."
"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen... said she thought that the Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation could be effective without significantly increasing the unemployment rate."
"If you're fed up with inflation, with the cost of food skyrocketing...it's because politicians in Washington cannot stop spending money that we don't have."
"The economy is strong, yet inflation-adjusted retail sales aren't growing."
"Inflation can destroy the middle class and it disproportionately hurts the middle class and the financially poor."
"The amount of money they're creating out of nothing is just incredible, 1.2 trillion in the last ten years."
"With inflation and cost of living going up... if your income stays the same year after year, you are getting 3% poorer every single year."
"Get over your fear of investing...hoarding your cash in a bank account is a losing proposition because inflation will slowly but surely destroy the purchasing power of your cash."
"Inflation is just destroying things right now in the economy."
"The only way to outpace inflation is to invest."
"Inflation is what happens when too much money is chasing too few goods and services."
"We need to be able to tackle logistical costs because when you look at what affects our inflation, there's logistical cost to a large extent."
"The inflation tax hurts the poor and low-middle income especially because they end up with an inflation rate much faster than those who are rich."
"The year-over-year inflation rate rising 3.2%, a big improvement from 3.7% the month before."
"Towering inflation and deepening economic unease plant issues like abortion rights atop the list of voter concerns."
"You're going to probably see higher interest rates because growth will be stronger, inflation will be stronger."
"We will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2% for some time so that inflation averages 2% over time."
"We are in a good position to take on inflation."
"Inflation, a disease of money caused by government."
"The fed printed fifty, 5-0 percent of all the money that's existed in the history of our republic in the past 24 months. Insanity."
"Inflation is the most regressive of all taxes. Nothing changes in our life, but a family of four living from paycheck to paycheck has to start asking the questions: Do I go with meat, or do I go with a substitute?"
"The lack of available new GPUs at the high end has caused insane inflation at the lower end and used market."
"Inflation is the idea that prices rise over time."
"Over the last two and a half years, look at food prices at home up 20%, electricity up 21%, gasoline prices up 72%."
"Housing, rent payments rose 25%, median mortgage payments up 85%, and very importantly, wage growth has trailed inflation consistently."
"Lower inflation generally is good news, but there's a couple of points to remember: first of all, inflation is cumulative."
"The reality is, the cash in the bank... is losing value to inflation every single day."
"Your savings account is not growing while the price of everything else around you keeps getting more and more expensive."
"The transition to net-zero carbon emissions will cause energy supply and demand mismatches, pushing inflation back up."
"The biggest risk factor is inflation. When inflation goes up, then the Federal Reserve is likely to increase interest rates, and when they do that, real estate prices can suffer very quickly."
"All spending carries an inflation risk. It's not just government spending; it's also your external sector, your trade account if that's in surplus, government spending, and so can private consumption and investment spending."
"Fiat currency is going to go down guys, we're printing money like crazy."
"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value."
"82 percent of U.S. voters believe inflation's fueled by corporations jacking up prices."
"I think it makes sense for the Federal Reserve to recalibrate on inflation."
"We're already inflating the currency beyond all measure because sooner or later somebody has to pay for this crap."
"The value of houses hasn't actually kept up with the rate of money printing."
"It's kind of like the Federal Reserve they print money and even though we had a lot of inflation here recently we haven't had a groundbreaking like Weimar Republic style of inflation."
"Americans paying more and more for everything with each passing month. No, this is more than transitory inflation."
"Inflation's impact on globalization is concerning; we need a balanced approach."
"I think there is much more downside to a surge of inflation than upside."
"Most people just cannot afford to go to a grocery store and pay 12 for a pound of bacon. That's a fact."
"Inflation expectations are an important part of driving actual inflation, and we want them to be at levels that are consistent with 2% inflation over time."
"It would be a concern if inflation expectations were not to be consistent with the outcome that we seek."
"Tonight inflation's grip on American consumers not letting up that latest report from the government out today showing prices climbed 8.3 percent in April from a year ago."
"Inflation is a hidden tax; our standard of living is going down."
"Every major world currency is inflating now to a tremendous degree. In the U.S for example, 31 out of a hundred dollars in circulation now were printed in the last year."
"The value of the dollar is decreasing every day."
"Sure, inflation has hit a 40-year high in the US, but inflation has happened globally."