
Threat Quotes

There are 3281 quotes

"I want to emphasize that self-diagnosis can be both a terrific, but also a very precarious thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"They will not stop until you're dead, Dan. They will not stop until you've lost everything."
"Freedom and democracy are under attack both at home and overseas."
"No, you're supposed to be scared because if you ever put your hands on my son again, you ain't going to jail. I'm going to jail."
"Detective, someone wants me dead. Find out who did it."
"Something's coming. This threat... An attack. Duty as director. Keep the Bureau safe."
"After years of threatening to burn the United States in a Sea of Fire, North Korea is on the verge of having an intercontinental ballistic missile."
"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs calls it the greatest threat facing the U.S. today."
"The threats to our democracy are of an existential nature."
"If you think for a second that you know me, that will be the last mistake of your life."
"For the Chinese Communist Party, Taiwan represents an existential threat."
"As I sacrifice my wife, I mean, I killed my own old wife, what do you think I'm gonna do to you?"
"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change."
"You'll regret not choosing me, Cassie. I'll be back."
"Watching them all band together against this threat...is a treat."
"Unchecked growth of SCP-001 will cause the annihilation of the entire multiverse."
"A potent cyber weapon could end civilization in the developed Western world."
"If he believed there was some unnatural or unexplainable threat to our town, I believed him."
"The Divide will come to you, and the Mojave. That'll be my message to you, like a courier."
"I think Trump would end democracy in one second flat if he got back into office; he's not leaving, so that's a mortal threat."
"He's producing his toxin on a massive scale. It's bad, real bad."
"He's building a bomb big enough to cover the entire East Coast in fear toxin."
"Trust me, if there's a weakness, Providence will find it."
"Pick a trench, Director, and make it a deep one because none of you are safe anymore."
"Every generation or so, a silent killer emerges, threatening our environment and the well-being of humanity."
"You think I didn't see you steal? You're gonna steal from this store; I'm gonna steal your life."
"Why are you stealing it? If I don't, they'll kill my son."
"Humans are the single most dangerous threat to this biodiversity crisis."
"It is important that people take this threat seriously."
"Right-wing extremism is the most vital threat that we face at the moment in the Federal Republic of Germany."
"White supremacy is a threat, it is anti-semitic, it is evil."
"If you have a roommate and they threaten to eat you, they're not a good roommate at all."
"If we don't fight back, it really will destroy our democracy."
"The land Kraken's power is spreading fast. I need to stop this before it's too late."
"If you make a single mistake, I'm going to eat you personally."
"The doctrine that life is for happiness is invalidated by the first sound of the jack boots kicking into your door."
"Humanity needs an external threat in order to be unified."
"The orcs of the 41st millennium are an ever-present threat and to be honest one of the most successful races in the galaxy."
"Nanobots are the real concern about wiping out humanity because they can be weapons of mass destruction."
"The true threat to the country is the authoritarian takeover of every major institution."
"Silence is compliance gang, we're a threat and we have to be eliminated."
"You better watch out, this demon is coming for you."
"This is just the start, the tip of the iceberg of the kind of financial Jihad they will act against average Americans who they think don't politically align with them."
"Be afraid of us because we're gonna raise hell."
"They're running from something, and whatever they're running from, it isn't us."
"The bull turns his horns towards each and every one of us."
"What is confirmed is that there are bombers in the air," these bombers we're hearing there are 14 of them.
"The mighty Stormsurge... just looks really quite threatening and scary for its cost."
"We've learned that near-earth objects fly by us all the time... Earth could be knocked out."
"Speech or action that reduces the humanity of any group of people poses a threat to us all."
"Something is coming, something hungry for blood."
"Facebook, not to mention YouTube, not to mention Twitter, together pose a meaningful threat to the stability of democracy."
"I don't mean to brag, but if I had forbidden ruins, you'd already be dead."
"We see that democratic values are under attack."
"The biggest national security threat to your presidency."
"Your mom is cute. I have your face and name. I know which schools you went to. I know every member of your family."
"Galactus is coming, it's happening, and this time I think he's going to win."
"China is singular in the threat it poses to those things. And I do think there's a consensus there. I've worked with Democrats on many important issues."
"To ignore the role religion and specifically white Christian nationalism played in the January 6th Insurrection would be to ignore a burgeoning threat to U.S democracy."
"Somebody is going to figure out how to do this and it's going to be devastating."
"China is a geopolitical foe with aggressive action on its mind."
"White Christian nationalism has become a serious threat to American democracy."
"I'm not the one to fear, Prime. There is a Darkness coming."
"He's going to kill you and your children. You don't realize how bad he is."
"In this cryptic and frightening video, one of the most powerful people in the world was directly threatened."
"You don't need to have the epic scale world-ending threat, you just need to have a threat that is legitimately scary to the protagonist or to you, yeah."
"If you don't stop prying.. I'll burn you." "I will burn..The heart out of you."
"I'll kick your ass. I will kick your ass, mother. He got me, he got me."
"This type of behavior, what is the purpose of this? It is meant to silence you. It is meant to send a message to you that nobody is safe."
"If they did this once - kidnapped and murdered - what's to say that they wouldn't do it a second time to some other victim?"
"There is a real national security threat from China as well."
"Artificial intelligence had gained such power and momentum that they now deemed it nothing less than a menace to mankind."
"The greatest existential threat to human beings is ourselves."
"I've been very outspoken about the fact that Donald Trump is an imminent threat to democracy and not just him but what he's created in trumpism."
"It could be the undoing of American democracy."
"They were meant to safeguard the world and threats like the old gods, N’zoth for example, they’re still out there."
"Drop a like on the video, or this centipede is going to crawl into your ear while you're falling asleep tonight."
"They're going to come to your house. They're going to come to your house."
"SCP-2460: The Black Knight Satellite, a dense anomaly with catastrophic potential."
"Imagine that, a glowing blue humanoid floating towards you with the attempt of sapping your bone marrow right on."
"If you don't know who I am, then maybe your best course… would be to tread lightly."
"But what is IT? What could possibly be so bad it was worth killing all of humanity?"
"My daughter, a new threat comes to our shores."
"I'll give you something, all right? How about a head to the... head?"
"It's almost as if you've got a big bully pointing a gun at your head saying you like me don't you and you just say yes because then he moves on to the next person."
"Anyone who threatens the American national interest... is going to have my full attention."
"I once worked for a news organization and we're getting spear phishing emails."
"If you have any sense of self-preservation, you probably want to run for it because the lions have come to the farm."
"There is a very real threat of disinformation, she's not wrong."
"It's not a threat, but we are willing to take all this ransom money and add it to the pot for those who can bring us to you, whoever you are."
"I'm gonna make you pay for this, girlie. That's a threat right?"
"You tell him I'm coming, and hell's coming with me."
"His killing is ridiculous, the threat of revenge is always there."
"Before the slime-coated figure could catch me, I stepped out of the room and slammed the door shut."
"Hacking people is one of the most dangerous threats we have facing us."
"Invasive species are among the greatest threats."
"The judgment has been made; it's only a matter of time until you meet your demise."
"Whether you’ve got secret advanced government technology derived from aliens, or you’re just an average Joe with a laptop and a cell phone, hackers are a very real threat to you and your data."
"You wake up in the morning and you know that if you cross these guys that's the Murdoch media empire." - "It's a bit like having an entire division of the SS dispatched against you."
"I think probably some benevolent ETS are in that mix somewhere saying, 'If you don't do it, we're going to do it for you. You won't like that.'"
"Inflation is a very serious subject. You could argue it's the way democracies die. It's a huge danger." - Charlie Munger
"But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I've acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."
"They tell you that they'll never come for you, but all that means is that if you're lucky, they'll kill you last."
"Stay involved... if we don't fight back, we're going to lose."
"In reaction to Putin's nuclear threat, a Global Alliance has been created against Russian aggression."
"A soldier wearing power armor is a very serious threat to anyone else on the battlefield."
"Well, you don't understand, he won't just kill you, he will literally... it'll be grizzly."
"It brought to the admiralty's mind for the first thing that the submarine was a real threat."
"With Nick Foles at quarterback he's a vertical threat bottom line."
"Climate change skeptics are directly harming the planet and because of that they deserve the yes rank for high influence and high amounts of threat."
"Since the initial issuing of the fatwa... there is still a price on his head."
"Mewtwo was still one of the scariest threats you could face, even in the Uber's tier."
"It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, no food was stirring, not even a mouse. Stockings were hung round dad's neck like a tie, along with a note that said, 'Presents or die.'"
"I know they're scared, and they should be scared, and Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party should be scared because their days are numbered."
"There is slouching Beast is out there and things could get very, very ugly."
"There's nothing more threatening to a dying Empire than a successful example."
"You need to make another installment of your blue flames special series or your beloved roommate dies."
"It's refreshing that she doesn't see it as a threat."
"All I have to do is will them to explode and this whole place comes down."
"Your God will come for you tonight, some God at least."
"Whoever you're working for won't get away with this. They'll be found out."
"I'm coming to kill you. You're on your last words."
"He looked like the complete heavyweight threat."
"If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills..."
"Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."
"Whatever you do to that spirit I will unleash on you tenfold. Let It Go Now."
"There isn't a single beat that hasn't been touched by this... this threat to democracy."
"If we don't unite, they're killing us off in different ways."
"It's not good, they're actually going to burn him alive."
"This feels like an actual threat to democracy and yet I don't hear anyone bitching about it."
"The show quickly establishes that the Goa'uld are an aggressive, highly advanced alien civilization."
"Walk the plank, you fool! You thought you could get the best of me. Now the fishes will be eating you at the bottom of the ocean."
"If you break the shackles, I'm gonna freak out and shoot you in the head."
"They're coming for everything. We need to blow this out."
"It would be the death of us, and I don't mean that metaphorically."
"Inflation is potentially a huge problem and a huge threat."
"Listen, I don't think you understand, but I'm extremely dangerous right now."
"Machines eventually develop an urge to slaughter humans and the DVS are no exception. They will stop at nothing until JD and his friends are dead."
"Is there currently a credible threat on your life? Yes."
"He had a fantasy of kidnapping a young girl, having his way with her, and then killing her."
"Omega Red's a bad weather one day I will tear out your tongue."
"You think this is over? You think you can vanquish one of our allies and get away with it?"
"He is a virus that grows exponentially, gorging on violence, mayhem, and suffering."
"It's a threat to your family's well-being, this place truly made me, my family feel not welcome."
"If he floods this place, I'm gonna kick him. Beware the wrath of God."
"A pokemon with this typing could absolutely be a major threat."
"We're gonna give you one more thing to actually cry about."
"Yeah, I wanted to have your mom killed and I was gonna have you killed too because I'm so angry."
"They're after us, they want this upgraded weapon here."
"It's fancy geopolitical speak for bro, I can [ __ ] you up anywhere on this earth."
"He literally comes up to me in the middle of the bar and just goes, 'I'm going to kill you.'"
"The fire-god returns... threatens the very existence of tyria."
"You would do well, Mr. Holmes, not to forget it, for I have no desire to do you an injury."
"The Chinese Communist Party is the greatest threat to the United States' economic and national security."
"You just can't stop someone who's determined to kill you."
"I swear to god if you keep buffering I will jump out the window."
"All it takes is one person with a gun at point blank range."
"I'll break your nose like Devin Booker, take you to the car and I'll treat you like a hooker."
"I'm about to make you believe in the danger right now."
"He was super paranoid when he walked into his apartment... so somebody was there with him."
"Homelander is now a threat on a global level, the ragtag team of revenge-seekers, mercenaries, and traumatized lab rats may be the only thing standing in the way of global annihilation."
"The threat to our democracy is a serious one. If they control all three branches of federal government, there wouldn't be meaningful checks and balances."
"The only thing that is a threat to democracy is darkness."
"I must warn you, my strikes are Swift and deadly."
"It will be difficult to report to him when you are dead, won't it?"
"I'm going to destroy everything in your life."
"If you don't shut your mouth, then I'll shut it for you permanently."
"I want to make it clear to the enemy: Run as far as you can because we will come and destroy you."
"You definitely do not want to end up in their deadly grasp."
"All liberties in America today are under siege."
"Say I'm the kind of man who'd gun down his own best friend. What do you think I'd do to some guy that I don't even like?"
"This is a wonderful decision, this is fantastic."
"I'm coming for you, and like big time. Not only are you gonna lose, but you're gonna lose by a lot."
"Nuclear weapons do not make the world secure, they are the greatest threat to security." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it's not going away anytime soon."
"I'll protect you, I promise. So it's my sister, man. I'll kill you myself."
"They're trying to kill me, I'm going to die."
"People have had enough of being menaced and threatened by those who claim to have God on their side."
"Your world will burn until its surface is but glass."
"You going to need all the j a security I'm coming after you bro."
"If they're coming for me, they're coming for you."
"If we are not successful in this, you're going to have a huge threat to policing here in the United States of America."
"Women are strong capable human beings who can mess you up and kill you if given the opportunity to."
"Brett then added that if Vince was still there by the time he finished getting dressed, he was going to knock him out."
"Can you imagine someone standing in front of you and telling you that your children are going to be sent someplace so that they can forget who they are?"
"Diddy Kong has been one of the most consistently threatening characters throughout the history of Smash."
"An attempt to subvert our democracy is threatening what makes America American."
"The greatest threat facing mankind is government, not climate change."
"I don't care if there's thousands of them threatening to round up certain minority ethnicities and put them in camps. Two dozen? I don't care."
"The mere idea of letting a man speak or a woman speak is so threatening that, if we do, the certainty of violence apparently was free speech that led to the rise of the nazis."
"He made it clear to her that she was going to be his next victim."
"Monsters come in all shapes and sizes and levels of intelligence."
"Poorly known but when they do emerge from their hiding places they can cause enormous problems."
"The threat of relegation was obvious in January."
"Stay out of the Bagwell case or you and your family will face the wrath of God."
"He's rapidly becoming one of the biggest threats on the outside."
"We let something loose in this world, something that could very well be our undoing."
"Do what we want or we will come get you. I don't like you people, I don't like you very much."
"You either can stop what you're doing, leave the area, or we'll kill you. Your choice."