
Bias Quotes

There are 1924 quotes

"It was an establishment witch hunt, pure and simple."
"If you take any information and you conform it to what you already believe, you're not critically thinking."
"People have no problem with bias as long as you're honest about it."
"It's interesting where people choose to start the history."
"The irony of being biased to show insights that let us avoid calculations is that the way people often train up the intuitions to find those insights in the first place is by doing piles and piles of calculations."
"They go after their political opponents with the DOJ or the FBI."
"I might be biased, but uh, I'd actually watch Peppa Pig if it were like this."
"When you start to filter feedback like that, you can start to get very skewed results."
"America's top colleges are no longer seen as bastions of Excellence but partisan outfits."
"A lot of bad thinking is done in the service of prosecuting one's political agenda."
"The hunter Biden laptop story was so important for me was literally watching the media collapse."
"If you're resorting to photoshopping black people as white to prevent people from hearing them speak, you probably need to hear some different opinions."
"It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
"One of the disappointed lawyers said the treatment went 'Way Beyond preferential.'"
"I think there's a lot of political ground to be gained in pandering to your own side and confirming their biases. I strive not to do that."
"We live in a curated reality where Google can amplify particular stories and news feeds, and true information can be excluded."
"In today's biased news media and social media, within academic journals, on college campuses, in government agencies, and ivory towers, we are losing the freedom to obtain and distribute information."
"If you're so consumed and convinced that the world's against you, you're going to find the evidence for it."
"People can carry unconscious biases that can affect them in ways they're not entirely familiar with."
"It's selective, it's distorted, and it's not the full truth of what's happening."
"Rest assured, the media is going to take this and spin it."
"It only benefits us as biased interpreters of reality to take in other people's perspectives and use that to build a more open, worldly, inclusive, and joyful view of the world."
"We’re all products of our environment, our upbringing, and the concentric circles of our confirmed biases."
"The best that you can be is not someone who is hyper articulate about discussing bias against other people; there's so much more to do."
"Advertising-funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers."
"Every bit of information you absorb is filtered through your worldview and your cultural values."
"Police, like everybody else, hold implicit biases."
"I think it's very obvious, isn't it? People go searching for stats that suit their agenda."
"The social media and algorithmic bias, the radical asymmetric information warfare, and the lack of information broadcast controls combined with the increase in narrative and info warfare, all of that is unique to the current situation."
"The media and government institutions have their biases. Who's looking out for everyday investors?"
"The very metric we're using to declare black people's increased relative criminality is frequency of occurrence in the criminal justice system, which we've just proven is biased against them."
"Journalistic integrity is rotting on both sides of the fence."
"The Western media will ignore this story. They have been ignoring the story."
"The ultimate paradox of experts is that they are supposed to be independent and objective, yet for some reason, each party's expert always says what that party wants that expert to say."
"If you have names like Tyrone, Laquisha, Asha, or Chanel, you are much less likely to get a callback on your resume."
"You can't escape bias in life... Everyone's influenced by different ideas, thoughts, different information, and we come out with different conclusions."
"We're all biased toward viewing our behavior in the most positive of lights."
"The blindness of the media to their own bias is one of the reasons why people don't trust the media."
"Leave it at the door. Don't go in with any type of bias."
"Bias is why it's useful, how to make it, and how to apply it to finish an edge."
"Bias will contour really nicely to a curve, like to my neckline."
"The only people who could intervene to keep the media truly free benefit from the way that it is biased."
"It's not recognizing that you have bias that is dangerous."
"Everyone has bias, myself included. It doesn't make anybody inherently wrong. It's something that's worthy of exploring."
"The question is, have you seriously considered all sides of an issue, removing as much bias as possible?"
"History tends to be written by the victors and so history is always suspect."
"In Britain, you're not allowed to do this because they are afraid that it will bias the jurors if you actually film people outside."
"Everybody will be partisan on this, let's face it."
"Experts are no longer neutral but tools and accomplices in misleading the public under CCP rule."
"Science, as great as it is as a tool for investigation, is led by people—flawed human beings that are just as prone to group think and biases as you and I."
"The thing with unconscious bias is, it's actually no one's fault, but once it's been pointed out or identified within yourself, you then need to make it right."
"People are very good at picking out what's subjective in the opinions others have that don't agree with them but they're very bad at figuring out what's subjective when it comes to their own opinion."
"Anderson Cooper isn't speaking to me for criticizing him; he's speaking to the resistance left, doing this performative bit."
"Bias is essentially ubiquitous, meaning it's impossible to avoid completely."
"Believing women just means don't reflexively disbelieve women."
"When valuations go bad, it's not because of the numbers; it's because of three big problems: bias, uncertainty, and complexity."
"The perception of any individual about the Supreme Court whether it's neutral and objective or instead political and biased tends to be rooted 95 percent of whether you like what it's doing or not."
"Finding out the truth of what happened in the past is hard enough, especially in a topic like this where biases are impossible to avoid."
"We have a mainstream media that lives in a defensive posture about being called liberal or having a liberal bias. Instead, they present false equivalencies between facts and lies all the time."
"It's not just right-wing news, it's information. They don't want out there will not get out there because NewsGuard decides that it shouldn't be out there."
"The impulse to erase the history is specifically an instinct of those who wish to fictionalize what happened in order to make it sound much worse than it actually was."
"I think it's really important...we're all human at the end of the day and we're all susceptible to kind of like weird biases because of the groups that we're part of."
"Society really, really hates teenage girls and hates the things that they're into even more."
"We have to say, what are my own biases as a scholar, as a researcher, and how do I step back from those and approach it in a kind of a neutral and even-handed way?"
"We all carry a bunch of personal biases and when we analyze situations, we do not have enough scope to grasp the entirety of the situation."
"If you don't put the other side when there is such a big other side, you are misinforming the public. Period. That's just propaganda at that point."
"If you're already going in with a certain dislike of somebody, you're just waiting for them to say something you can pop off on."
"Every single person on earth is biased and lives within a biased reality."
"Racial inequity can also be a product of implicit or explicit bias with no policy, and it can also be evidence of historical inequality that is not addressed by race-neutral policy."
"There is no such thing as being unbiased because like, neutrality in the face of injustice is siding with the oppressor."
"Even the greatest of scholars can be blind to their own desires."
"Machines can learn the same color biases as people and start to learn that oh blue must mean that it is this type of galaxy."
"You create a narrative, and then you cherry-pick the facts and you twist the truth so that it can fit the narrative because the truth actually doesn't fit the narrative, because the narrative is a lie."
"There has never been any evidence demonstrated that any social media platform specifically biases themselves against conservatives. It has never been demonstrated, not once."
"What matters is not the reality of bias or prejudice but its appearance."
"If you're only concerned about voter fraud when it happens on one side of the aisle, you are not really concerned about voter fraud."
"Imagine with me if instead of the Holy Quran, it was the pride flag that was burnt. Just visualize with me the headlines... from the Western media."
"Imagine growing up in a world where you are taught that your own people are the only good ones, and everyone else around you is bad."
"It's worth noting that if the data you collect is unrepresentative, then the conclusions you will draw will be similarly biased."
"It's hard to get a man to understand a problem when his salary depends on not understanding it."
"It's a little bit too literal, but I don't know, maybe they'd get the message."
"He can certainly say this politically motivated prosecution brought by my political opponent is corrupt."
"The research tells us very clearly that if we are willing to confront that... we actually can check the bias before it becomes discriminatory behavior."
"The conservative complaint that people on the right were being specifically targeted on ideological grounds and censored was real."
"We live in a world right now of media companies who cherry-pick what they want."
"The swamp cannot be in charge of judging the swamp."
"It's pretty clear that this website has yet again set up the idea that women are the universal victim and men are the universal perpetrator."
"As per usual it really depends on where you're going to find your information because everyone has an agenda."
"The craziness extends across the aisle. I saw an entire democratic party look the other way or cheer while cities burn during the summer."
"At this point in history, it's time for us to stop allowing the victors to tell our history."
"Pure objectivity is impossible; we all have biases."
"We need to be aware of our own bias when assessing tragic events."
"They only have ever seen red. They hear that blue is bad, they don't know anything about blue."
"Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story."
"The one prediction I've gotten more confident in making is that the media is lying to me."
"You can be a really smart person, but your brain can just be dunked in ideology."
"I think that today in many universities there's sort of a crippling sort of left of center left ideology."
"Even there are many prominent YouTube personalities, independent uh, personalities who are progressive or liberal and it's remarkable how either they are completely incompetent or are just outright lying."
"You don't have any credibility when you only want to look at one side of the coin."
"The mainstream media is not the same as Fox News; Fox News is worse in some regards."
"We've replaced all of our concerns with a single one and we are being told to hate the people who are on a different side of a single line."
"When it comes to that sexism thing, they can never win."
"This is fully the fault of the media here, right?"
"The fact is, it's not that the media are pro free speech..."
"The left's contention is that it's the right that has moved right. This is a lie."
"I've been living with this camera, using it commercially as a studio photographer, using it casually as my day-to-day camera with my kids and family and dog."
"Bias is kinda like a chinese finger trap– if you try to brute force your way out of it, it’s just gonna squeeze harder."
"Democrats aren't doing this instead they're doing this on an ad-hoc basis and so Trump feels like he's being screwed."
"There's a story about a Democrat that would be a front-page story if it were a Republican."
"It's simpler for me to believe that this is mostly mud throwing and muck raking on the Republican side."
"Basing your view of your health off of political tribalism is really a bad idea."
"We all carry an enormous amount of internalized bias, not just about body weight and fatness, but about all sorts of things."
"The Republicans have no intention of offering Dr. Ford a fair hearing. Fair is out of the question."
"They never see reality, only their version of it."
"The left is operating under a delusion, they believe the people running around screaming the sky is falling."
"So like, I don't want to put pieces of it so it makes Marlena look bad in a certain way."
"The media is so deceptive, they are the fake news media."
"The real tragedy of the New York Times is that their propaganda isn't even interesting."
"You're gonna believe what you want to believe because you want to believe it."
"The reason with the heavy emphasis on Russia and the hostility towards Russia is because the Democrats completely control Ukraine."
"We all have biases and one of the things I respect... is that he acknowledges that he has bias."
"What bothers me isn't that people act from their bias because we all do that."
"Pointing out bias in an argument is one of the most effective ways of delegitimizing it."
"Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions. It's all about recognizing our own biases and stigmas."
"A fair jury is a jury that's just not yet ready to lynch."
"Considering the game one of your favorites of all time because of these small parts would be strange and perhaps even requires you to ignore greater flaws with the games in more significant areas."
"It's a bit Rich to be like they targeted this... give a realistic view of it as well."
"I just, I'm incredibly angry about the way that this entire situation has been treated by the media and the way that it's been downplayed for partisan purposes."
"The media only shows the violence, not the whole picture."
"All humans are biased, but in the future, if we're going to be interfacing with an AI as a gateway to the entire internet, we need to make sure it's as neutral as possible."
"Every film is going to have bias because it's going to be told from a certain perspective."
"Ground news is super cool it's a website and app that shows you the latest breaking news stories how biased the coverage is left-leaning right-leaning or in the middle how accurate and factual the sources are."
"Fox News is an absolute lie Factory. It was before this and it will be after it."
"It's pretty much impossible to have some kind of bias-free stance. Like, you can be pretty neutral, but everyone's got a slight lean, no matter which way you are."
"The court disagrees, this judge is absolutely practicing law From the Bench."
"Now you're going to have many left as an activist using it as a left-wing activist hub. That's all it really is."
"Prosecutorial overreach, what if he really is a BLM supporter?"
"Laws and policies do not support us the people in general anymore but they support actually some police officers and the minority groups."
"The DNC did everything in its power to make sure that Bernie Sanders was not successful."
"Why are you picking on only Israel, the only Jewish state in the world?"
"How blatant and hellbent these creators are when it comes to shaping truth to fit their lives."
"The media coverage of this is as bad as it was to Russiagate."
"There really is an asymmetry in what is allowed in our politics. Republican politicians are allowed to mock and deride and describe as terrible whole parts of the country Americans that they like as not being real."
"CNN is trash news... the mainstream media promotes fake narratives and then doubles down when they get caught."
"They've over embraced Dr. Fauci and they'll never give accurate criticisms of him."
"They don't give a [ __ ] about saving lives. They don't care at all about investigation or furthering our understanding. It is just about attacking. It's a witch hunt, is what it is, and that is not the context in which this is acceptable."
"Surprisingly tight and not cringy or racist."
"There is no neutral history; there can be no untainted traditionalism that doesn't contain some of the values of the present being projected back."
"There's a lot of anti-China sentiment when you see that on your food."
"Bias whether unconscious or conscious has no place in modern policing."
"Evidence is not 'oh you're a lefty that you care about the evidence.'"
"If your filter is calibrated differently, you will see things that others have decided are bad."
"Employees become more aware of their own potential bias, entrenched ways of thinking that can otherwise blind them to key information."
"You become married to your own narrative and you don't question anymore. It's very dangerous."
"This film molds the audience's assumptions through omission of facts."
"If people are taking money from the very entities that they're supposed to be critically covering, they are submitting themselves to the bias of the for-profit incentive."
"Just because you're biased doesn't mean that you're owned by a hedge fund or you're controlled by a hedge fund."
"Let's talk about who actually rigged the 2020 presidential election, and the answer is your media. Your beloved establishment journalistic bettors."
"The mainstream media... they're not interested in journalism anymore."
"We must always be in search of the truth and challenge our own acknowledged bias."
"All humans have bias. We are none of us without bias."
"The conservative justices are coming to conservative conclusions and then justifying it by finding the fragments in the historical record to support what they want to do."
"The job that the media's done so well is we all revolve around the poll of Trump."
"Do not ignore history to make the conclusion you want to believe in be more valid."
"The media's demagoguery on this issue is just absurd."
"All information is produced by someone, but it’s also produced for a purpose."
"There's a very clear double standard in the MCU now, and it's slanted very clearly in one direction: men in general and white men in particular have basically been relegated to the lowest tier of the Marvel hierarchy."
"Every story nowadays is framed to appeal to our inane prejudice and personal bias."
"The narrative is presented without challenge."
"They had to make Michael Peterson completely unlikable, to make the jury hate him."
"McCowen had a criminal history and restraining orders against him."
"Why is the corporate media showering Elizabeth Warren with attention?"
"The fact that you can't believe that Jews are capable of doing this doesn't mean that they're not capable of doing it it just means your this is an argument from incredulity."
"Biasing against homophobes would make the world less homophobic."
"It's sad... the ideology comes first before justice or before actual action points. It's extremely unfair."
"There's a selective engagement and endorsement... when protests are against targeted governments."
"People who are racist and people who dislike racism both view things through the lens of race."
"The radical left wants to push a view on America of America that is not a view of American history in the round."
"Fox is a propaganda Network... that's just what it is."
"Let us challenge our own biases, question the narratives we encounter, and engage in thoughtful dialogue with others."
"Much of human history is tainted by perspective and bias."
"History is always written not just by the victors but by the most privileged members of society."
"There's nothing more bidable or malleable than a white liberal journalist."
"User scores are important. Sometimes critics miss things, sometimes critics are biased, sometimes critics are just wrong."
"Media's coverage of FTX Legacy Media has been the single greatest failure I have ever seen in terms of narrative honesty and objectivity."
"Just because something's biased doesn't mean it's necessarily untrue."
"Even if you are a biased individual even if you are somebody who believes in a particular narrative it doesn't mean that you ignore the facts."
"What if we know the beginning, the story was told the wrong way?" - Raul Peck
"Isn’t it so scary that we can become so wrapped up in our biases that we can turn into the worst versions of ourselves?"
"I believe that we deserve an open media that's not owned and co-opted by financial interests."
"Extraordinarily instructive with regard to confirmation bias."
"To be a little bit biased, to be honest, he got away with it."
"Would you treat a murderer because they speak well and dress in a suit?"
"If you say the same thing that Joe Biden said, which is hundreds of thousands of people will die by the end of the year, and you're a Democrat, this is you telling hard truths to the American people."
"Fanboying is loving something so much to the point where you overlook all flaws and continue to defend it forever."
"Republicans are racist and they only care about the rich."
"Why is it even being prosecuted at all? It's because it's political."
"If you're a fan who's susceptible to recency bias then stay humble and try not to let your emotions ruin good conversations."
"I'm starting the guy that may seem like I'm a little biased towards it but it was just so good."
"Case closed. There was no good faith basis for the raid on President Trump's home."