
Fighting Spirit Quotes

There are 372 quotes

"I fought, and I will fight. I have a fight in me. I will fight."
"I respect you bro, as a fighter bro, some real stuff."
"It's really intriguing to see Zaraki approaching a fight from the underdog perspective."
"You have to get your people to fight. And if they don't fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don't fight."
"We're going to keep fighting for our children and for generations to come."
"As long as we have that mentality that we're here to fight... we'll continue to get those wins like we are doing right now."
"Just because you can't win doesn't always mean it's not worth fighting."
"I feel like I just hit puberty, like literally as a fighter, as a man and a fighter."
"Our children are worth fighting for and our future is worth fighting for."
"We're doing this because you fight for what we love."
"If you can fight and there's any chance of prevailing you should fight."
"We need to use the demoralization to motivate us to fight harder."
"These are the sort of fights that make you a [ __ ] Legend"
"This is a great moment for the left. People are figuring out, 'Oh, we're gonna have to fight, huh? Yeah, you're gonna have to fight if you want healthcare.'" - Jimmy Dore
"Fighting and losing is better than not fighting at all."
"You've got to fight for the next generation, and that's what we're here for."
"Fight with every fiber of your being. If you've been knocked down, get up."
"Fighting in order to live and living to fight."
"I'd rather fight a man than fight the government."
"They didn't care if you won or lost, they care how you fought. Did you go out and you fought, you showed bushido, you went out and you wore your spirit."
"Let's stay and fight and fix this... I'm a fighter."
"To be a fighter means never to be forgotten."
"I fight for Bulma, for Trunks, and Bull. I fight for the oath I made to a fellow warrior, for my Saiyan pride. I fight for all I've built and all I am."
"He's a freaking badass, loves to fight, has so many pros, very little cons."
"But you know what? I'm a fighter, and what I lack in muscle mass I make up for in tenacity."
"There's a lot to love about this fight that go beyond just 'hey go watch the first one it was three you know it was a track meet of of you know of grappling and and exchanging on the feet.'"
"Of the 14 fights, we're gonna win 11 of them."
"A real gangster fights in the name of truth, knowing the odds against him."
"He's a fighter at heart, champions don't lose their desire to fight."
"Negativity means nothing without positivity. We care about fighting only when we feel like there's something good worth fighting for."
"An incredible fighter. Character-wise as well, really fighting like absolute fighters."
"What I like about KTB, he keeps coming forward, you know? Even though he's getting popped around and getting kicked, oh, he keeps going forward. I like it, this guy's intense."
"Kyoto Animation will not give up. We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight."
"I'm the type of person that I feel like I'm supposed to fight to the end. So I'd rather be knocked out than to lose a decision."
"Beating someone from the crown family can't compare to fighting for my sister."
"Change your fighting style, surpass what you've done before, redefine yourself."
"Every fight is the most important fight because it got me to this fight right now."
"I'm fighting the best fighters in the world. I'm putting it all on the line every single time not for the money but for the Legacy for my name to be remembered."
"We are the party of fighters, we are the party of courageous people who will lay it all out on the field and fight for this nation because if we don't fight for it, who will?"
"Even in the darkest moments, Goku went down fighting."
"Out of all of that, something, a will to live, a will to fight through this stuff, is going to rise up."
"We're going to stay that way because we're going to fight. That's what we do on this show. Offense all the time. Go go go!"
"We all know what it means, but yeah, you know, I tell people this all the time, you're gonna have to drag me out of this fight feet first."
"Wonderful heart from both guys real Warriors spirit here we go."
"I'm gonna be a nightmare for people to fight."
"Hell yeah, Luke, you didn't win the fight but you definitely made an impression."
"Both of these guys have this aura and attitude that people love, and they're murderers, man. These guys go in to fight, these guys go in to finish."
"That's what I said. A girl worth fighting for."
"All Japan became a byword for incredible wrestling, fighting spirit, and the breathtaking but highly hazardous Kings Road style."
"Perhaps a fighter will emerge who can save him from his torment."
"How you remember me is like this: in a fight I couldn't win, I got up." - Chris Eubank Sr.
"He's just a fighter. He's a confident fighter."
"That's the definition of a warrior, that's the definition of a fighter, that's the definition of a modern-day samurai."
"I would rather fight and lose than surrender and lose because at least if you fight and lose there are some positive things that come with it."
"He's a genius... he fought the fight, the toughest fight you could fight... and he wanted."
"The fight would be incredible, there's a lot of people like a fight, there's a lot of opponents."
"I love you all, keep fighting the good fight."
"We haven't fought the fight that we should be fighting."
"Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up."
"We don't have to fight as dirty but we have to fight as aggressively and as relentlessly as they do."
"There's nothing in life that will faze a fighter."
"A fighter's mindset: You won't hear a final bell."
"Samantha was determined to fight for her life."
"He might be broken, but not his fighting spirit." (Repetition for emphasis)
"You really can't be in the training camps to see what these guys go through."
"Emmanuel Sanchez, there is not one little bit of quit in that guy."
"That is the energy you need people want to see fighters."
"You're the kind of fighter that no matter who you're fighting, every fighter goes, 'Oh, Tim Kennedy, okay, I'm in for a long night.'"
"Valor in your life is so important. It means that you care, that you are fighting for something that is worthwhile."
"You can't push a man back against the wall and think that he gonna come out swinging."
"I bring the heat no matter what. Warrior mentality, that's what I'm all about."
"If you want something bad, you have to fight for it."
"That's what fighting for charity actually means."
"America is worth the fight every single time."
"I keep fighting. I'm not on the couch or behind the desk. I'm out here, fighting and performing and fighting the best in the world."
"If you're gonna get in the fight, you may as well go for broke."
"Gabe's a fighter in the heart. Do you know what I mean?"
"Decisions eventually turned to the greater good and that's what defines them as the heroes trying to do good."
"We should go out swinging for what we believe in, by any means necessary."
"I love that feeling of power, even if you just got your ass kicked in the fight."
"The man nicknamed Cheeto is a sniper who is dangerous in every second of the fight."
"He fought for over 20 years every fight was an all-out assault."
"The crux, the whole main idea of this message, this fighting chance message, is that it is time for people in this room to start signing up to fight again."
"Let's go baby, we don't turn down fights over here."
"He ain't never lost a fight, the fight is fixed."
"It's not so much the size of the dog, it's the bark in the dog. I think that's what's important in this fight."
"He's battered, he's bruised, he's a warrior fighting hard till the end."
"There's nothing wrong with fighting for love."
"I'm here for a good time and I don't I am actually allergic to not even it's not even possible for me to have a boring fight."
"She's a proper fighter and a really, really nice person."
"He doesn't care who you are and will fight absolutely anybody."
"Get a lawyer that's going to fight for you. That's it. Wrong or right, guilty or innocent, you've got to get a lawyer that's going to fight and has a reputation of being a fighter."
"Frankie's fights can be accurately described as the wild card"
"Courage is the most important characteristic a fighter can possess."
"He doesn't want that fight. I wouldn't say it if I didn't want it."
"When you praise and when you fight for other people, you fight different."
"They have all this opportunity. Conor really does step up and fight anybody, anywhere, anytime. It's impressive, it's fun, and this is what makes you love the fight business."
"Being willing to fight for what you believe in, fight for what you desire, fight for this connection."
"Cancer may have taken him, but it never beat him."
"Strength, guts, courage. You're clearly a fighter."
"Fighters give hope to audiences in every crevice of the world that dreams can be materialized."
"If you're going to fight fight for all your worth."
"He is the guy that always stands back up, he will fight until the bitter end."
"It's like the physical manifestation of your fighting spirit."
"We're here to stay... Fight for it to the last breath in our body."
"She can fight and when you talk about dedication, she's committed to the game."
"It's just my style. I've always fought this way. I'm not one to back off, you know, back down from a fight."
"He had nothing to say, it's good here, he still fights but he doesn't want to be 5-1. Bends like the grass over nothing, lucky charm. See about that."
"For those who I wish to protect, I will fight you." - Cammy
"But even though I'm scared, I'm gonna make the walk, walk the walk, and do my job on the night of the fight. And that's how fighters should be."
"When they ring the bell and they close the cage and ring the bell, we go. You know, and we can, we're allowed to be us because we're fighters, we're professional."
"I'm the greatest fighter that has ever lived."
"He's also one of the most respected fighters in the game due to his style of fighting and his 'I don't give a [__] attitude'."
"I'm going to dominate, I'm a dog this fighter."
"He stands as the personification of fighting spirit and daring to be great."
"If they had to go down then go down fighting."
"Fight with everything you've got."
"If you're not a fighter at heart, you're never gonna be a fighter."
"She was going to fight like holy hell."
"She fights with a confidence that comes from some unknown sort of assurance."
"New York is very resilient. We fight."
"Without these feelings, I wouldn't go into this fight. I have to have these feelings to fight."
"I've never said no to a fight in my life and I don't plan on starting now. You know what I mean? I've not got to this top level and start to pick and choose people like that's just not my style."
"You just see the fight in him. He just tries hard all the time."
"This is some Japanese fighting spirit, and Ibushi looks like he's got the most."
"All living things die someday. If they die, they should die fighting rather than as prey."
"He will fight, he will win, he will bite, he will sing."
"I'm a fighter, and this last year if it's done anything to me it has made me want to fight harder than I've ever fought in my life."
"He's a street fighter, he's a ring fighter, he's an every fighter 'cause he's got heart."
"The fighting spirit of Kurt Angle."
"I distinctly remember thinking, 'I don't know what good a gun will do against evil spirits, but I'm not going down without a fight.'"
"We're fighters, this is what we do."
"Never count him out, he's a real fighter."
"I signed on the dotted line back in February of last year to do the ultimate fighter and to fight Conor. I don't care where it is, when it is, or what weight it is. That's what real Fighters do."
"I just want to wake up every morning and fight. That's it."
"I'm a fighter, and I don't like when I'm backed into a corner."
"He fights with the warrior spirit. Sometimes it's not the prettiest, sometimes it's not the most polished, but it's always nasty, it's always with bad intentions."
"Beyblade is fighting spirit. It's the feeling of wanting to win."
"If I'm losing, I'm going down swinging."
"I'd love to kick cancer's ass though."
"I don't know about her hair, Don, but if she's going to be fighting regardless, it's time to find out what she's willing to learn."
"I reckon I'm here today 'cause I'm a fighter."
"I'm here to fight. I'm the fight. That's what I'm here for, to fight."
"I'm not going out without a fight."
"Rocky got that heart. His eyes was clogged, 'I'm not done fighting.'"
"Azuku has been waiting for a fight like this."
"The foundation for Chris Beard is get in the fight."
"She absolutely loves a good fight and is a born Champion."
"He's so smart and I love the way he fights."
"I love people who fight, and that's what comes to the mind first and foremost."
"You got to keep fighting for life, keep fighting for freedom, keep fighting for health. It's a dogfight, man."
"Everything to him is a fight. It's in his personality, it's in his DNA. Everything is a fight."
"His coaches probably know something we don't know but what you're saying Elkins makes a decision that he's gonna fight his [__] balls off and that's it period, end the story."
"You have to have that belief if you're not going to go down fighting, then you don't deserve to be here."
"The way I'm feeling today, I've got a lot more fight in me."
"You just fight your ass off and you give the crowd everything they want."
"I'm a fighter, Doctor. There's one thing I never do, and that's give up."
"We want to fight because we're going to be real. You get one life, you better fight."
"He's a dog. He is a dog. He's a dog. He loves the fight."
"In the midst of her grief, she has chosen to face her cancer head-on, fighting for her life and her child's future."
"Messing Brink has got to keep on fighting those hands and just keep the effort right because he says that no one can keep his pace for that whole match."
"If I'm gonna go down, I'd like to at least go down swinging."
"He had a fight, he's showing the blood on the shirt, I love all that."
"Reengoku won this fight because even though Akaza is alive and Reengoku is dying, Akaza is running away while Reengoku stood his ground and fought with honor until the very end."
"Even though he couldn't talk or communicate, he was fighting."
"He fought that round like every round was his last round."
"I ain't giving up, I'm not gonna give up. I'm a born fighter till the day I die."
"my back is up against the wall 100 it has been in every single fight"
"Dustin Poirier was gonna find a way and he was going to fight to the bitter end."
"Ignore what he has to say, ignore what everyone else has to say. This is a case when you fight for this title."
"I'm not going down without a fight, I am a fighter."
"He's got a lot of fight left in him."
"Ever since I was little I always fought."
"We do not kneel and die, we stand and fight."
"Tina Turner: 'God, it felt good fighting back. I didn't care if it hurt. It might not have hurt, but I was fighting back anyway.'"
"If you're gonna go down, go down swinging."
"You don't walk off the island, you come swinging."
"You don't have a coasting type Spirit, you know what I mean? You fought your whole life, you're going to continue to fight."
"He really showed that he was a warrior, a fighting champion with that match."
"He said that being the best is about fighting spirit, and Punk ran out of it a long time ago."
"Fight like a warrior and die a legend."
"I just want the fight, the experience and that's it."
"I either win victoriously, and I do it in the Paul Craig fashion, or I go out on my shield."
"You've got to give him 10 out of 10 for fighting for his corner."
"Yara oh what the prino this is my fight oh damn."
"I've always been a fighter. There is nothing I do better in this life than fighting."
"We weren't going to go down without a fight."
"Our God is a fighting God and he fights for us."
"I'm a fighter, I have to be. I have no choice but to be a fighter."
"Pantoja always finds a way to make the fight a war, and that's what I like about him."
"I'm a warrior. I'll step up there. I'll take a loss. I don't care because everybody else are [ __ ] and they don't want to fight."
"Zorro was completely outclassed, and even though he was near death, he got up and tried to fight the real Kuma."
"I'm so excited, I feel like fighting like hell."
"Soldiers do work that civilians can't do, or we would hire civilians. Civilians are like beans; you buy them as needed for any job which merely requires skill and savvy. But you can't buy fighting spirit. It's scarce. We use all of it, waste none."
"Mercer has been holding on, holding on but coming on also he's really getting himself back into this fight."
"I will fight for my life like would fight for my child's life because no one takes my life including me without a fight."
"You could not have two harder fighters than Brian Sellers and Frederick Chandhok."
"He's a fighter. He doesn't want to give up yet."
"You are a fighter and you're more powerful than you think."
"Gamera has a fierce will to fight. No matter how much pain he's in, he'll keep pushing forward for the win."