
Background Quotes

There are 763 quotes

"This boy from Hackney in East London... I did myself proud."
"You can come from any background and be successful; it's all about knowledge, access, and connections."
"I'm still the [] same person that came right out of the [] hood, escaped poverty, came from a toxic family, came from a horrible background, and I still feel the same."
"It's not enough to ask what successful people are like. It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel the logic behind those who succeed and those who don't."
"I find that a lot of people that I've met who do this for instance had a homeless sort of pseudo-homeless time of their life where they had to risk a lot to get where they are."
"It's really nice to have some kind of a connection to my background."
"He's running, he's six five, he played in the ivy league YMCA."
"Behind most people who've done awful things is a person who's hurting."
"It's auditory shorthand for light frivolous background music."
"In hip-hop, most of the time, their kids from the inner city, they come from poverty."
"They see you as someone that's just quietly doing a lot in the background."
"I want to talk about people's backgrounds and how it's influenced their political thought."
"This is a life-saving message. Never mind what your background was or what your background is, there's not a background that you have that's so difficult God can't save it."
"So unlike Jotaro who is pretty much your model student up until high school, Jolene is an actual delinquent with a questionable past."
"And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from."
"Stay hungry for your goals because of where you come from."
"So this all starts with a woman by the name of Rita."
"I trust that background a lot more than an old money old south corporate lawyer type."
"These pop stars have proven that a person's background is nothing but a life fact."
"I'm definitely gonna have to give Flutter a try. I'm from a React background."
"The thing about zombies is that they're just background, they're just kind of a trigger, a catalyst to observe how humans behave."
"Kurt: 'I have a background in math and physics, mathematical physics. So I've always been interested in theories of everything since I was a kid.'"
"Born in Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden wasn’t some downtrodden underdog who became a terrorist."
"Trump is the first president to be a businessman, not a general or politician."
"Where I come from doesn't have to determine where I'm going."
"Is it possible to be from the streets of Compton and not get caught up in the gang banging like stuff?"
"She must have at least had an intimate knowledge of the home, which indicates that she was telling the truth about growing up there and possibly everything else."
"Westmoreland was born and raised in semi-rural South Carolina."
"Being gangster for me ain't something you get put on, it's something that was born in you."
"I need more background on what happened with her son's dad."
"I appreciate them a lot more, especially how Will Forte never has any lines but he's always in the background just eaten spaghetti."
"Everybody's not coming from the struggle." - Diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
"There's a reason why so many comedians come from painful backgrounds because comedy shifts your perspective away from Pain and Trauma."
"All the dudes who grew up like that poor are the ones who actually did it."
"Your background doesn't define you." - Comparison
"Can't you see that being used in the background of a music video?"
"Never underestimate someone from their family background because everyone's destiny is not determined by their family background or wealth."
"This theme actually had quite a bit of story to go with it."
"But prior to becoming a rap legend, he was a poor child in Bessemer, Alabama, growing up alongside his half brother."
"Working with this, she's apparently former Marine, she badass."
"Trump is a guy from Queens, essentially a working-class billionaire."
"Even before his arrest, Perry had an interest in MMA."
"Anakin defies the council because he came from nothing and knows what it feels like when people are forgotten by the Republic."
"Background, I think of as being kind of like a profession."
"Just retired on top, you know, from a kid born in Jamaica with nothing."
"It's one of those things that's pretty good to have in the background."
"Namaste my beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Queens."
"You don't know where the hell I come from, you have no idea what I've been through."
"I just wanted kind of a warm out of focus background that maybe represented some trees in the background nothing in focus at all just I really just wanted a variation of different colors in this."
"I don't come from a very wealthy family, so I've never been given a huge amount of money in my life."
"They referred to her as the poor little rich girl, a reference to her great fortune and also her troubled family background."
"I come from a very modest background."
"It is the great leveler in life, no matter what background you're from or how much money you have."
"I'm very fortunate to say I'm in one of those jobs where it just seems like all these things come together, all of your backgrounds, all of your experience."
"There is this presence of awareness that lies in the background of experience that's always peaceful."
"I grew up in Spokane, got hired by the sheriff's department, and I'm working graveyard now, which I really enjoy."
"I would like to say that I am a fair boss mainly because I came from little to nothing."
"You can't forget, his parents are educators and he has a degree in kinesiology and physical fitness."
"Actually, Dixon is a very complicated character who's been through a lot of stuff."
"I don't know if you guys know this, but I came from an acting family."
"The oldest member of the group was 38-year-old Seman Zolaria who was actually not listed in the project plan and was added to the expedition at the last minute."
"Elsa Schiaparelli comes from a privileged background, born in Rome in 1890."
"He's had such wonderful background information."
"I wish they would ask me how I was raised and how I grew up."
"If you missed any of those stories or if you like longer videos for you to put on in the background while you're doing something else or trying to fall asleep, this is the video for you."
"She was just a really cool OG head, she's a former educator, she's from the Bay Area."
"I'm just a guy from South Bronx who had the same passion and love as everybody else."
"I come from literally nothing, dirt white trash like me."
"Two years ago Michelle sneaked into UNASA to look at the team from the Bugs 2 mission."
"Helga's Heike always was the best written character in Hey Arnold with the neglectful father and alcoholic mother."
"Sam is a renowned comedian who formed the group Million Dollar Extreme back in 2007."
"Martin zaner had had the Good Fortune to be born the son of a direct of the giant German industrial concern IG faran in 1911."
"This guy was actually educated, he came out of the George Mason University,"
"Umbridge his parents were unhappily married and Dolores secretly despised them both."
"The waitress was Annie Lennox, a Royal Academy of Music drop-out who had become disillusioned by the conformity of classical music after hearing Stevie Wonder’s Talking Book."
"Space Seed introduces Khan Noonien Singh and the background of the Eugenics Wars."
"Euron was the student of Blood Raven."
"He's a legit wrestler, he has a wrestling background you can buy into that."
"Born Tommy Lister in Compton California on June 24 1958 the second of four children and later became known as Tiny due to his massive physique."
"Where we come from, you know, nobody really wants you to have nothing. Geronta's different."
"Not all commands available in Excel have an icon on the ribbons. There are some commands that purely exist in the background, and they're usually commands that you don't tend to use all that often."
"He's the younger brother of Zeref Dragneal."
"Anytime you draw a person, either draw a background or suggest a background, it gives them a little bit more information about what this drawing is about."
"I come from Louisiana, I've been doing this Rap thing since I was like 11, 12 years old... You feel me? I start doing this music [ __ ] around 11 or 12, and it's something that just stuck with me."
"Matrix plants perform a supporting role in the garden, where the more showy plants are set off against the matrix plant background."
"The principal tells Alicia that she has a rare talent for light magic and this is why she was admitted to the academy on a scholarship despite her commoner background."
"If it's for background music, it really doesn't matter, You can still enjoy music on a good pair of speaker even if it's in the background."
"The difference maker is not IQ, college, or background. It's recognizing the opportunities surrounding you."
"Lauren Hill was born to parents Valerie Hill, a teacher, and Mal Hill, a computer and management consultant."
"Just faded it away into that background."
"Robert also attended college-preparatory school at McBurney School and later, private school Rhodes Preparatory School, where actor James Caan also studied."
"So, with compression, we won't often want to see what is in the background."
"He's a real tough guy too, you know his amateur background and everything."
"I love that the collab has a lot to do with her Vietnamese background."
"Her deep and extensive multicultural background."
"For those of you that have dove into my backstory a little bit I used to work in a machine shop, and we did a lot of stuff like this every day."
"Our last contestant did her undergrad from Mumbai, moved to the US for biotechnology, and currently lives in San Diego."
"That is my origin story in regards to that topic."
"Everybody has a bit of history. Jimi Hendrix was a hired gun for Little Richard, the Isley Brothers, King Curtis—you know, everyone."
"The massive run background or even the cut through and we totally truly straight into the race."
"But let's just say, it was a very rough background. And I'll be very polite about that."
"I'm from the 80s I came up with nothing but a 380 and the balls to use it."
"Millers, of course, were quite wealthy in those days, and his father was not simply a miller, but he was in charge of part of the river nearby the house."
"Why would you try to become famous and pursue the love of anonymous strangers if you came from a loving background?"
"Take a little more aware of what's in the background there, what's playing in the background. And sometimes, most times, it's fear, especially if something valuable to us is growing and growing and growing, getting bigger and bigger, you know."
"Political activism of one kind or another... was very built into my background."
"Howard robard Hughes Jr was born in Houston Texas on July 24 1905 to oilman Howard Hughes senior and socialite Aileen Gano Hughes."
"Our own priests in the church that we used to attend was what we call a high Church Anglican in other words he teetered on the edge of Roman Catholicism and Jack of course was born and bred in in Ireland and in Northern Ireland and was a Church of Ireland man."
"Darcy's family fell into the top tier of society."
"these cast members include such nondescript extras as a coffee vendor a jogger and a news vendor"
"I'm a church boy who has family members from all walks of life."
"Star Wars obviously, but the show really wants to delve into the background, the people we don't see, the unsung heroes."
"Now something to know about this family is that they were very affluent."
"I like the power, I like the respect because I came from a place of power, I came from a place of respect."
"Fans of the series might have been too preoccupied with the action that was beginning to ramp up at the time, but the seeds for the Rebel Alliance were also already being sown in the background."
"It's a long story back to 10 years, so the long story short, yes, originally I am a biologist."
"I was the youngest of five, and my mother was 41 years old when she gave birth to me."
"This background is everything right now."
"I grew up in my friend's dad's junkyard."
"You know, I had a background in electrical engineering to start with. Not gonna say it all made sense perfectly because, you know, Richard Kuhn was a genius with the electrical engineering."
"I'm a huge fan of just like stupid stuff happening in the background for no reason whatsoever."
"Walker's time in the Merchant Marine shaped his character and sparked his passion for performing."
"Can you believe that her mother was an atheist from Lithuania?"
"Everything is just so murky and hard to look at, the action in the background. No."
"The more you get involved in narrative storytelling, the more important backgrounds become."
"The clock tower is being unloaded in the background."
"You mean you didn't sit around and say well I don't see why they give him all those lines why can't I be with the parents in the background I was never aware of that myself." - Unknown speaker
"The man's family reported that during his high school years Williams spent time in Rwanda doing missionary work."
"Patrick Swayze came into the world with an impressive family background."
"Born in 175 AC, Brynden Rivers, better known as Bloodraven, is the legitimized bastard of Aegon the fourth Targaryen and Melissa Blackwood."
"I'm Leslie, I'm 64, I'm a retired sales manager from Brighton."
"Do all scammers usually come from a rich family? I wouldn't say all of them, that'd be a disservice to say all of them, but I would argue a good 85 to 90 percent of all scammers do come from a very privileged background."
"Great pass to none other than Madden Williams. He's a four-star receiver, he's 6'2, really big guy. He was actually a former child actor, believe it or not."
"Drawing from his deep experience in the CPG industry and years in the Marine Corps and Central Intelligence Agency... oh my God, no wonder!"
"They just sort of like pulled from somewhere. She was like an assistant editor on the MCU and they just really liked her voice."
"...Kishimoto was born the eldest of twins on November 8, 1974."
"I'm from a council estate, been there all my life."
"You guys are going to be paying more attention to the background than you are to me."
"When you look at the building details in the background, it is super elaborate."
"She don't come from no bum ass family. That's the one question I walked away with, right? Like when I was seeing the dad, I'm like, 'Yo, it seemed like the dad could just squash all of this.'"
"Born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal, Jose Maso's early life was far from the world of professional poker."
"Does it matter if one of them maybe has had contact with law enforcement before?"
"I'm originally from Jersey but I left the island nearly 25 years ago."
"Nolan has told Mark his entire life about the Viltrumite people... They are a benevolent race of beings who evolved through a form of Darwinism, i.e., only the strong survive."
"...using a black V flat I'm able to divide the image left side or right side and create subtle tones in that background."
"Now I can watch classic VHS tapes just in the background while I work."
"The public really liked the fact that Kate came from a normal background. She wasn't an aristocrat."
"The founder of span, Arch route, he's a former Tesla executive."
"Before we get into a lot of the important factors, you need to understand how Ned Kelly was shaped, the sort of world that he was born into. His father was John red Kelly and he wasn't exactly the most upstanding man in the eyes of the law."
"Jeremy Clarkson was born into an impoverished family of humble sheep farmers."
"Value and composition both kind of lurk in the background or another way to say it is like they're the scaffolding that hold up the building."
"Zelda was born in Montgomery, Alabama in July 1900."
"Robin was born in South West London just six months before the Second World War broke out."
"My parents and they Lauren raised in Mexico, they born like very poor."
"Most priests came from exactly the same backgrounds as the people that they were talking to in their congregation."
"This will just be kind of the backdrop for our upper layers."
"I should also explain that although I've researched and written about the history of the CIA for years and interviewed lots of former spies, I don't have a background in intelligence myself."
"My undergraduate work was at Cornell."
"Avoid hard edges in all backgrounds."
"Being from Flint, Michigan, being from the Detroit area, you know, it's very working-class, and you were a band that was beloved and is beloved by the working people."
"Needed it to keep a little bit of momentum going into the back round."
"For those people who don't know who you are, please introduce yourself, say your name, tell us your story, give us a little insight into who you are."
"FFK is not one to be said to have come from lowly or humble beginnings and as you can imagine one exposed to that kind of upbringing you can guess the kind of background and foundation he had."
"Before we get started, let's first take a little bit of a deep dive into the film's behind-the-scenes history."
"Warhol was from the working-class, blue-collar city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the steel capital of the world."
"Anna Paquin: For True Blood fans, you may be surprised to learn that Anna Paquin, who plays a lot of American roles, is actually from New Zealand."
"Both her parents were employed, her father worked on a loading dock, and her mother worked in a piano factory."
"Black Widow is a trained Russian spy from a program that takes very young girls and puts them through something called the Red Room."
"Because your background, I think, is instrumental in why it's important to hear your perspective on this."
"I come from an extremely broken and separated family."
"Every shot has bokeh lights in the background."
"The success blocks are nothing to do with your education or your background or your status. They used to be, but they're certainly not anymore."
"I was brought up in a council state we didn't come from money."
"Background extra look like you're eating and you're just moving your fork."
"I come from a background of sausage makers."
"We all had a similar background, my parents did a good job with me."
"What did he play before pool? He was a dancer, Billy."
"All my content is primarily talking about photorealistic product rendering because I was coming from a photographer background."
"I was born in Newport, Rhode Island. My dad was a Naval Academy grad. By trade, an engineer for a number of different companies."
"It's always nice to put a race on in the background, and that helps with motivation."
"You can take somebody out of the hood and put them in college and corporate, but if you make them mad, all of those MBAs go out of the window."
"I'm a bandobaby, I was raised in a bando."
"Sorry, I know that's a lot of setting the stage there's one last important thing to know about Kevin before we get around to the divorce."
"I let it play in the background as I'm doing stuff, and I'm tuning in here and there, and it's just like instead of watching a show or something, you're just watching someone's show if that makes sense on YouTube."
"You've got a very dark sky. What's going on there?" "Yeah, so I've adopted this sort of signature style of just having a black background, just so you can focus more on what's actually going on inside the painting."
"Sophie Hatta was the eldest of three sisters. She was not even the child of a poor woodcutter which might have given her some chance of success."
"It sort of becomes the background of everything that happens in your life."
"His mother eventually met a French Army lieutenant and over some time they had 4 children of their own, shoving the naughty first child to the back of the line."
"Laney Wilson is just on top of the world right now so how did she get there? Laney was raised in Baskin Louisiana, a town of only about 300 people according to a 2017 profile of her by Billy Dukes."
"You actually get more of the water, and with more water in the background."
"I was born in Seung Nam Providence South Korea, and I was born to a very poor couple."
"He's just a good background character."
"Drugs and killing Ops in my pedigree."
"Bokeh in photography describes the characteristics of the blurred background."
"His origins past this are effectively that at some point he joined the Nilfgaardian military intelligence and eventually became an officer."
"I like it when you can see a little of the background because I think it just makes it more visually interesting."
"A very busy fella if you look up his background."
"Because my background is as a journalist and my training has always been to be sceptical."
"Muu grew up in the hidden stone village in the very early days of its creation."