
Intervention Quotes

There are 3723 quotes

"There's one central point which can actually disarm the cycle, which is our ability of perception."
"Even a one-day-old embryo is killed or something, especially if it's done through human intervention... even if it's a future person, I think that still counts."
"Miracles happen when a herd of buffalo appeared and came to rescue his friend from two adult lions."
"The zebra was about to give up... but at that moment, the hippos step in and rush to push the zebra closer to land."
"Shamu steps in and knocks the man down to protect the student."
"Quality adjusted life years, or QUALYs, and what we do we for every intervention, for every drug we have, for every treatment we're going to offer, we think about how many years of life they are going to add on to a person... and then we weight that based on how good the quality of that time will be."
"I'm not meddling, I'm helping. Helping by meddling."
"Use whatever interventions you need in order to allow yourself to continue moving forward in the world."
"No contact has actually been shown by data to be the single most useful intervention for dealing with a narcissist."
"Why do we need the police involved in mental health intervention?"
"I believe that God is in the business of touching your situation."
"If you want God to intervene in your circumstances, you must understand repentance."
"46% of people in the U.S. are exposed to adverse childhood experiences, so there is a lot of room for early intervention."
"If you see something wrong, you better do something."
"Every time human beings intervene in a complex system, we're trying to do accomplish A but we end up creating unintended consequence B, C, D, E, G."
"There's an interesting question as to whether we should intervene in cases where an animal kills and tortures another animal because although the lion isn't committing a wrong, it's still bad there's suffering and we could prevent it."
"Just listen to us; you really don't want to pick that up."
"My sister-in-law was standing there, and she goes, 'This has to stop. Like, we have to find a way to get you help. I can't stand by and watch somebody that I love hurt themselves like this.'"
"It is imperative that all involved parties work diligently to offer necessary resources and assistance to help JoJo navigate the profound trauma she has endured."
"I went in and I go, 'Gosh, was I out of line?' And she goes, 'No, you probably saved his life.'"
"We've got to ask ourselves the question, how long are we going to keep interfering before we realize we're creating our own problem?"
"Lady luck is on your side; fate and destiny intervene in your situation."
"American intervention is appropriate when it serves American interests unambiguously."
"When is humanitarian intervention justified? Not based on dollars and cents or based purely on self-defense concerns."
"The only people who could intervene to keep the media truly free benefit from the way that it is biased."
"We have a moral obligation, we have a geopolitical obligation to the safety security of the world to intervene if necessary."
"Broly being here actually helps; he wasn't sure if he should have intervened before, but now seems like a good time."
"If your goal is to prevent the creation or the operation or the resurgence of a specific type of militancy, you will be there forever."
"A person's not born homeless; a person eventually gets there, and we're still not spending enough time figuring out how to help that person before they get to that endpoint."
"Haru immediately goes up to the chief priest and begs him to save man."
"Intervention begets more intervention, then begets US occupation, some far-flung outpost, militant attack on said outpost begets greater escalation, and yet more intervention. It seems the cycle never ends."
"Our intervention has done nothing but make things worse."
"Prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference."
"So in a last-ditch effort to save his family's legacy, Mike has decided to pull back the doors, bust open the books, and make the call for help to Bar Rescue."
"The actions I've taken today represent an unprecedented economic intervention to support the jobs and incomes of the British people."
"One of the most important things people can do is to vote policies and people that are aware of what's happening and who are able to truly intervene." - Sophia Noble
"Autopilot applied the brakes, and Oliver took over, swerving into the median before autopilot automatically disengaged."
"We decided to act when he brutally berated mommy one night after she reorganized the linen closet but missed one minor detail among Tim's specific convoluted instructions."
"Maybe America needs some tough love. Maybe America needs an intervention."
"We actually do know enough now that we can intervene and we can stop these attacks, but it requires effort and it requires education."
"Did all this happen as a result of massive geological events triggered by nothing more than nature, or were they caused by divine intervention?"
"There is something that has to be done on a higher, more systemic level to be able to compensate and help meet people where they're at."
"And it's time to say something, and it's time to act. If you see something, you say something."
"You can't help the butterfly out of the cocoon because if you help him, he's not going to develop the needed strength in his wings to then fly, and then he'll just die because he can't fly."
"The mystery of our faith is that God enters the messiness rather than just fixing it from the outside."
"Thanks to those visions, many lives have already been saved."
"He's a God who comes into our story, he's a God who pursues us...he's a God who will do unexpected things to rescue us."
"The show suggests that suicidal individuals can be saved by kindness alone."
"It's important that those feelings be addressed because if someone is making their feelings known, it's because they want to be talked out of it."
"Your job is to figure out who is about to break the golden rule - and stop them before they do it."
"Please step in to defend us, don't just watch while someone throws a fit."
"If we can interrupt the thought before it becomes the deed, then harm... can be if not undone, at least interrupted and diminished."
"Dabi tells Deku not to interfere in family affairs, but Deku insists that he will because Shoto's his dear friend and Endeavor is his mentor."
"We're going to start with a law enforcement led program that intervenes at the time of arrest."
"Interrupt the cycles of poverty and violence."
"Blaming misheard for taking this picture of him for trying to help"
"You have to actually stop these people from taking over your workplaces."
"One black man one time looked at a peanut and did so many things with a peanut."
"We can prevent these actions from happening and not have to be here after the fact."
"We could tweak the spiritual world for victory physically."
"This poor kitten had no chance of survival unless these young men noticed him."
"God doesn't send anybody to hell. Mankind is on its way to hell. God intervenes by love and says, 'Get off, I've made a way.'"
"You cannot explain the appearance of life on this planet without the physical intervention of actual offworld beings."
"It's nothing personal. I think your dance moves are awesome but they're hurting a lot of people so you have to stop."
"I still think she could have saved Chloe even if she saved the town. Like, she could have just literally attacked Nathan, like, just jumped on him, like, ripped the gun out of his hand and saved her."
"The hope though, lies in Jesus Christ, Who appears near the end of the account as a fifth horseman riding a white horse and intervening to end the horrible period of war and suffering."
"You cannot wait until someone hits rock bottom because rock bottom is literally their death."
"It's better to catch them on that slope rather than at rock bottom."
"We cannot turn our heads. We have to stop it."
"Unprecedented targeted intervention to combat human trafficking."
"Someone has to come along and break that spell."
"President Joe Biden can stop this right now with an executive order."
"If proper steps had been taken to take Asia seriously from the start, she would probably still be here right now."
"I'm not watching no female get beat down like that bro. I'm not letting it happen." - Caller from Tampa
"I'm 45 bro and I'm not watching no female you beat down like that bro. I'm not letting it happen." - Caller from Washington
"Wow. Imagine that. Imagine if you are that delivery cyclist lying on the ground, you look up and you see Sherlock Holmes coming to the rescue."
"She saw and she took action, and the courage and bravery to do that in spite of knowing that Smith is with some kind of violent nightmare of a partner."
"You are there for one reason only. To make this stop."
"All this study did was prove the necessity for early intervention and outpatient treatment to prevent people from getting to the hospital."
"Someone here tried to seriously hurt if not kill Maddie. You need to help me solve the mystery of who did this to Maddie."
""Standing between them and the researchers they intended to kill was SCP-343, also known to some as God."
"If you don't intervene with children, the vast majority of them grow out of it."
"There's an argument to say that there is such a thing as the Sudetenland moment... you intervene at a point where they realize that okay we're not going to get away with this."
"Ning intervened stopping the weapon with his arm."
"We need Candyman to defend us and kill them."
"He's instantly concerned for the woman who he's talking to safety and he just goes straight over and approaches it."
"Noah heard the rumble and ran in to help me. I ran out the back and just ran. He killed that girl."
"And I'm here to serve as her intervention. This is James Mansfield, here to tell Trixie to please stop."
"Prayer is divinely authorized access for heaven to invade earth for heavenly intervention into historical circumstances."
"If something awful started, they would stop it."
"I think probably some benevolent ETS are in that mix somewhere saying, 'If you don't do it, we're going to do it for you. You won't like that.'"
"The default should never be the intervention without strong evidence."
"People who have no intention to change and are fully intent on perpetrating greater evil in the world, they need to be stopped."
"Witnessing abuse or suspicious behavior could save a life; speak up and report."
"We're gonna have to have the government get involved as much as that bothers me, it's the right thing to do."
"I've started to think about it this way which is when one recommends an intervention one has to think very carefully about the side effects."
"Archer got the Chinese guys all taken care of in DC."
"Thank god this person took it upon themselves to get involved."
"Pale Rider is definitely almost a biblical figure that comes in the answer to a prayer."
"What the [ __ ] is going on where we let people get to that point without stepping in and trying to help and do they have anybody that even notices do they have anyone around them that knows that this [ __ ] up and this far gone."
"If you're coming across something that looks not to be right and I have a camera on my phone, do I record as a citizen? Absolutely."
"If you do that a population level then we would see much differences very quickly."
"The morally correct thing to do...is to jump in and save the child."
"All it takes is a third party who has not been indoctrinated into these cycles to break the cycle."
"Benevolent though is pretty much by definition someone who does get into other people’s problems."
"If this little girl had not appeared, I would most likely have been a corpse."
"He needs an intervention along with the family."
"If we're lucky, maybe we can help a few people get out of violent relationships or maybe even save a life."
"If you know that you have a friend, a co-worker, or a family member being abused... do your best to sneak a phone to the victim."
"It's always the cops who take down these folks by the way. It's always people with guns who take down mass shooters."
"I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician, I observe things about these chemicals."
"Regime change is about destabilization, not the success of a country after intervention."
"Eventually a United Nations emergency airlift was required at the eleventh hour to bring 27,000 Ugandan refugees of Asian descent to Britain."
"What gives a Dei program the right to come in and try and alter the nature of things to create a quality of outcome?"
"This is insane, bad! Yo, we can't just interfere with whatever the hell's going on because we need more answers." - Contemplating their next move.
"It's time to stop. It's time to stop okay, no more."
"The CIA rolls up its sleeves, it's time for another coup."
"You know when a woman steps in, we're 'bout to fix shit up."
"You can't help someone who does not want to be helped."
"I just wish that I could have intervened sooner."
"These interventions matter. They're important."
"Stevie Ray accidentally invokes the evil white bull and winds up being helped by the black bull."
"If you let bad countries do bad things without any meaningful consequences..."
"Lee Tang Witnesses one such incident and he can't keep himself from putting out a smoke on the lady's car's windshield."
"When you look at the people who are having these encounters... and they call on the name of Jesus... something happens."
"This is a massive humanitarian catastrophe that needs to be stopped by not guaranteeing that the Russians get to keep the land that they've taken and continue to brutalize this population in perpetuity."
"They just don't want to have it break so that they have to come in and intervene with a rescue."
"The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency."
"When Secret Wars does happen... Doom can step in to create a patchwork Universe called battle world."
"Ninja brought up the situation again when people were in his chat begging him to help to Dion get unbanned."
"The only person that could stop this individual turned out to be a very brave courageous policeman."
"He is in control and he is preparing to intervene."
"If there was some sort of military conflict between China and Taiwan, the U.S would have to step in."
"Most likely outcome is someone taking action on this because it's toxic, a lot of toxicity there."
"Father, we ask that you would do what only you can do."
"Intervene into their lives and break the shackles."
"The results of surgical intervention our catheter intervention are very, very good for the vast majority of patients."
"I love you, but I can no longer stand by and watch you destroy yourself and your future."
"When various missing-nin attacked the meeting, Shikamaru saves Tamari from being killed by an enemy puppeteer."
"I needed someone to step in and tell me themselves, 'Nicole, this is not normal.'"
"I just wanted to press the button to stop that chaos."
"It is vital that we stop that rabbit who integrated himself with the super merge before he creates any more atrocities."
"Monica believes Wanda had trusted her on at least some level, letting her be in Westview for a reason and wants to help."
"If we can detect it early, we can intervene early and maybe drastically change what we're doing."
"What that woman in that restaurant did was save this child's life, absolutely no question."
"My interventions are never about attacking individuals, it's about attacking ideas."
"If you hear a woman being accosted violently in a dark alley, you can either be the person who pretends that you didn't hear her crying and keep walking or you could intervene."
"Kazuma stops her and tells her there is no time for her to go."
"If mental health is something that you maybe need to think about or one of your friends or family members need to think about, it's serious stuff. You can't ignore it. It might be life and death."
"This genocide of the Ukrainian population must be stopped."
"Release it, how can God touch your situation when you're holding on to it?"
"The church must not simply bandage the victims under the wheel but you have to jam a spoke in the wheel itself."
"Should a God that sees so much suffering intervene?"
"The best of the black freedom tradition comes in and rescues this sickness of American democracy."
"If you think something's wrong, you know, decided to do something about it."
"It's a pretty crazy plan, but right before they're able to put it into action, the player shows up to stop them."
"He reached out his hand and used the dispel curse on her."
"The economic repercussions of intervention can be severe."
"Obviously what we're trying to do is a massive government intervention."
"She stepped up because she blocked it, she said no, this is wrong and she went to war."
"We need to hold ourselves accountable and say something when we see something."
"If that's really true, then we step in with grace and with love and we help humanity now."
"Call the authorities right now. He's right now what's happening."
"We need to reach out to those who need it the most and take matters into our own hands."
"I'm so grateful the boy realized something was off and stepped in. Who knows where I'd be if he hadn't."
"Being a criminal is not [ __ ] cool so any of you guys out there right this is uh this is intervention."
"There's times in this world you gotta stand up, you can't sit in the background your whole life and let others be victimized."
"You don't stand by and let somebody be victimized. It's my code."
"God rarely answers prayers of those who do not do mental prayer."
"When a left-wing dictator takes over and wants to do good things for people, we do everything we can to undercut them."
"If the day were to be saved by say the Revolutionary Army popping up because Sabo wants to help Luffy, I think that would be a problem."
"We have the capacity to INTERVENE in that process!"
"Once you understand the 'How-process' of suffering and the 'Why that process is occurring within you', you have the CAPACITY to INTERVENE in that process!"
"I truly feel in my heart if she was arrested she would have called her parents, they would have intervened and once she was away from her abuser she would have came clean with the abuse and gotten help." - Angela
"Prayer is earthly permission for heavenly intervention."
"We need to be careful about throwing stones at those trying to intervene and protect families."
"Three Lions chased away her abductor and his friends, protecting the girl."
"Incidents like this only embolden the Russian interventionists even more."
"It is absolutely responsibility of every US service member if they see inhumane treatment being conducted to intervene to stop it."
"Deep down where Moses live, he'll go fix it."
"We're repeating a cycle, and if we don't stand flat-footed and actually stop it, we're going to give the devil a foothold."
"Mindfulness is actually one of the best interventions for attention problems."
"Somebody needs to say something, do something."
"I am very excited that Dr. Phil offered mom help with a brain scan."
"This operation will help to choke off the funds that go to that corrupt regime."
"What does it take to bring him out of this mental state?"
"Russia intervened in 2015 and... Russia is diplomatically bringing it to an end."
"To try and make people into better people, more empathetic people, you do have to intervene."
"Shaggy needs to be helped, he needs to be saved right now."
"If there's a problem get help if you notice any of those warning signs do something about it."
"The central conservative truth is that culture determines the political life of a nation, but the central liberal truth is that politics can intervene in the cultural life and change the direction."
"We're in a deep dark hole that will not resolve itself without some massive intervention."
"Other nations are already jumping into this ugly situation."
"Reading Lawrence has taught me much about risks and challenges of trying to intervene in a culture that is so alien to your own."
"Nature is probably going to find a way, as it always does, you know, even if sometimes it needs a nefarious Silurian to help it on its way."
"I'm an unrepentant proponent of government intervention, intelligent government intervention."
"I trust you, Lord, to intervene in every situation I face."
"Operation Legend is not to harass, harm, or hurt. It is to help."
"Many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen that took action very quickly."
"This is seriously messed up, and the therapist should have intervened."