
Gifts Quotes

There are 3242 quotes

"Instead of feeling guilt and shame about that, your soul is asking you to be more open to receiving this because there's so many beautiful gifts that the world wants to give you."
"Tiny acts of connection are the most powerful gift you can give yourself or someone else."
"If you have a gift, use it. This is a big deal."
"The holiday season has officially started, and we are getting all types of gifts today."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from God, and if this isn't from God, it's not good."
"God's marvelous grace imparts to each one of us varying gifts and ministries that are uniquely ours."
"You don't have the gifts. The Holy Spirit possesses these gifts, and you have the Holy Spirit."
"You're using your gifts to help other people this year."
"It's possible that God has given to you a gift of healing, and you may not even know it."
"The greatest gift you can give children is self-esteem."
"The greatest gifts I've been given have come from pursuing curiosity, just trying to understand the thing you're curious about and going with it."
"There is no greater joy than giving and also receiving gifts, especially when it's literature."
"Your dreams tie into your purpose; your dreams are one of your great gifts."
"An unwelcome gift, oh lovely. This is hideous, a crappy statue, thank you for that, much appreciated."
"Don't mistake this love language for materialism. The receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift."
"The greatest gift that you can give someone is self-knowledge."
"A queen self-actualizes when she uses her gifts in the area of her passion."
"Self-actualization always starts with knowing your gifts and using your gifts to satisfy the hunger of your inner passion."
"When you use your gift in the direction of your passion, your passion will always produce the profit."
"The greatest gift a man can give a woman is consistency."
"You guys are getting surprised with some sort of gift for sure."
"Those born under the balsamic moon are very spiritually gifted."
"Life tends to give us our greatest gifts brilliantly disguised as our worst nightmares."
"Presents for your parents and experiences to share with them...that is the thing that will make me happy."
"Not everybody has the gift of beauty, not everybody has the gift of intelligence, the gift of whatever. That's what makes it a gift."
"Everybody has their own unique gift, and it's one of our responsibilities in this life to find out what that is and cultivate it and to be as true to it as possible."
"Every single one of us is born with a unique set of gifts and talents that only we can give the world."
"I'm gonna make that $500 stretch because you can get a lot of gifts for $500. That's way more than enough."
"Every single person was given a gift and gifts come in all shapes, sizes, and forms."
"Hey Carter, thank you so much for Z's gift. I see something fuzzy, and it's oh, a bunch of Team Roar plushies."
"When God wants to send you a gift, he wraps it up in a problem."
"Grace empowers you to walk out the gift on your life."
"Not every gift has to be a grand statement of wealth, smaller things can make a far greater impression as long as they're chosen well."
"God is going to give you a gift out of this very difficult season."
"Please accept this gift as an act of random kindness."
"I got you a bazooka. This is amazing, thank you so much!"
"I gave him all these balloons, like I had to blow up all these balloons individually with my air, so technically I did give him something."
"As the married man, what would you say? I would say absolutely do not get him clothing for his birthday."
"You are giving them a piece of that memory they can never lose and they will always remember exactly what it meant and where it came from."
"Thank you, Peppa, and you can have this. It's my most favorite plastic crown because you are so special, and so you don't forget me, and you must keep it."
"That's the biggest gift you've ever given me."
"Should you send him gifts to soften his heart? The fact what you said soften his heart leads me to believe no."
"Celebrate the moments that matter most. Paint Your Life. What a fantastic gift."
"Our first Christmas gift today is from my favorite sister Safiya Nygaard."
"May we take the time to get to know you, help us to truly celebrate the gifts you have graciously given us."
"I cry when I'm happy girl I was messing with bought me a rain the other day I cried for that [] nobody never gave me no [] like that you know what I'm saying..."
"One of the gifts I think that she gives to the people that she befriends is simply that friendship."
"Now I can look always and remember what he's gifted me, and also money from the video, that's always good."
"The best gift you can give this Christmas is Surfshark to all your family."
"I love how there's two big holiday things with gifts right in a row. It's wonderful."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from the father above."
"Thank you so very much to everyone who sent some amazing gifts and sweet letters and books and so many cool things. Thank you, thank you!"
"You guys had some type of responsibility here with your gifts because it says responsibility."
"Wow, if my fiance gave me this, I would love her forever."
"Taking something that's so easy and oftentimes written off as a lazy gift and makes it really special."
"This is life-changing. This is a great Christmas present."
"You're never gonna have to worry about survival... just go out there and use your gifts."
"Giving is one of the greatest gifts in the world."
"Always help your friends, and give people lanky box plushies."
"Salvation is a gift, answered prayer is a gift, your spouse is a gift, your job is a gift, everything you got is a gift."
"I set out to bring presents to my Kerbals on Ilu, but really I brought a present to all of us in a way."
"The Amish think of children as being marvelous gifts from God."
"I love playing in the snow! Mom, did you get a Nintendo Switch Light? What do you have, Mom?"
"The greatest gift you will ever get is the gift of our savior."
"Sent the mask for everyone. She also sent nerf guns. Oh Logan and Freddie are so excited about that too. Actually I'm excited."
"I bestow upon thee the gift of divine power."
"Plants as a gift is such a subtle gesture to say that you care about someone's mental well-being as well as their physical environment."
"Books are such great gifts to give whether it's a traditional book, a magazine, a manga, a reference book, an art book."
"Gifting someone a candle is a fantastic way to bring the holidays to life for a friend, a family member, or a partner."
"Air tags or if you don't have an iPhone, tile is something that's so amazing to have especially if you lose your items often."
"A curated snack basket is a really fun gift for a friend or for a family member."
"It makes beautiful gifts. Or if you just want to keep it for yourself, it is super warm and super soft."
"Sometimes the greatest gifts come from when you wait."
"Who doesn't love to receive hot cocoa as a gift?"
"This is the most thoughtful gift I've ever received, actually my favorite gift that I've ever received."
"It literally feels like your birthday because you get a present that you get to open and it's a book."
"It's the biggest gift, it's the biggest hint I could give you. Eventually, when you get that, you'll realize."
"It's the best gift, it's that lovely thing inside the kid in me."
"God gave you a gift, He expects you to steward your gift."
"Let's bear Christmas presents away and keep them a while. They're too nice to use."
"Oh my word, this is so gorgeous! Thank you so much Kathy!"
"Embrace what's being given to you... it's a gift or it's adding something to your life in some way."
"I stopped buying like birthday greeting cards and stuff like that. People just gonna throw this away anyway. Absolutely. You might as well just give the electronic one."
"The cuteness alone makes this a genius gift."
"I think this is fun, I think this is sweet, I think this is cool if you want to help me surprise Trisha with these boots."
"Express love through gifts, show this new person how much they mean to you and they want to show it right back to you."
"These make nice gifts. I mean, these make really nice gifts."
"It was the best early birthday present ever."
"A gift is yours for the taking, just don't forget to open it."
"He did all the things right, he had a compelling speech, an irresistible gift."
"More and more and more and more of this stuff drip drip drip drip drip like a gift that keeps on giving."
"Oh, I'm overwhelmed here, you know, it's like that, I mean, you've got a drone and I've got all these sweets, personal gifts, t-shirts, messages, all sorts of stuff, and I appreciate every single one of them, guys."
"Literally every gift, I appreciate it so much."
"Number one, they'll think of you every time they wear it, and number two, it's kind of like a memory thing."
"Merch is always, always an easy gift that people are gonna love."
"This is truly a game changer and it really lets us make thoughtful personal gifts."
"Everybody has different gifts. Just honor yours."
"If you desire a spiritual gift, it's because the Holy Spirit put that desire in you."
"Remembering that you are but you have been given a lot of gifts."
"There's no gift so small that it doesn't count."
"Even if you don't know someone that well, they'll appreciate a candle."
"Thank you so much to Sonic Seb and his mum for sending me this. The amount of detail is just insane!"
"This is a hundred percent what my Dad's getting this upcoming Father's Day."
"Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! And with Christmas comes lots of gifts and presents and things."
"There's one gift that rises above all the others and I'm talking about underwear."
"Choose your gifts... I choose the gift of healing and prophecy."
"Therefore, you do not lack any spiritual gift."
"A medal is not a bad birthday present for 21, Scotty."
"Buying lottery tickets for a friend is like giving them a bit of hope."
"Y'all just getting presents on top of presents!"
"Give a holiday gift that will be appreciated literally every night."
"Jesus gave these gifts to men first, apostles second, prophets third."
"Christmas is the time of giving and unwrapping presents. Players, time for receiving gifts from World of Tanks!"
"The gift reflects the giver's heart, which is God."
"By gifting your residents a special souvenir from paradise planning, they may become interested in the archipelago."
"He realized that he now understood why he hadn't received any gift; he already possessed the gift."
"When you have dietary restrictions, a food item becomes the most exciting gift."
"Mrs. Claus needs some nice things too, actually this smells fantastic."
"But she asked for a vanilla coffee candle, I said man you are a child after my own heart."
"Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father."
"The gift of time is so much more precious than a $5 coffee gift card."
"The universe is answering you like a beautiful birthday gift."
"Friendship is absolutely the best possible present you can give."
"There's literally no better gift that you can give yourself than the gift of health."
"These gifts are manifestations, not toys - they're tools in a tool shed."
"My girlfriend is amazing. Got me FSU Florida State floor mats for my car."
"Okay, did this just get too real? In the new garage, here's your first gift: gift tanks. What a gift!"
"Thank you so much - no pun included for giving us this, yes absolutely what a gift, what a sweet little gift."
"Anyways, what the fans suggested was either like music equipment to get you, or a PS4 game."
"There's lots of stocking stuffers at Dollar Tree for so many different types of people."
"I feel like this is such a lovely personal idea to gift someone, it really shows how much you care."
"Every good and every perfect gift comes from above."
"God gives us these gifts so that we can help others."
"God gives you these gifts so that you can help them."
"The best gift we could ask for is the Holy Spirit."
"Everybody's been given very special gifts and has the potential to accomplish a great deal in this world."
"He's already giving you presents? Well, yeah. I'm like you, actually."
"Crows bringing gifts to a girl who feeds them, including shiny trinkets and lost items."
"Just realized I don't really ever get people presents do I."
"Personalized Starbucks cups are the cutest gifts to give."
"The kids will not know which type of gift they are opening."
"Some of you guys might be getting a gift; you might be getting a blessing of some kind."
"So it's the gift that keeps on giving, you get better at basketball."
"It's the thought that counts, not the price tag."
"Buy them some books by their favorite author."
"I wish my boyfriend would get me a Chanel, he's a keeper."
"Book them a family photo session for a truly appreciated gift."
"Am I the for wanting to give my special girl her special bear?"
"A watch is a luxurious gift they'll get a lot of use out of."
"If you know someone who really needs some slippers, get them these. You will not regret it, they are so comfortable and they're just the best."
"Everyone loves a gift basket. If you give one to someone and they don't like it, something is actually wrong with them."
"The thought and the love and the energy that you put into it will mean so much more than maybe some other gift."
"My love language is gifts... I like thoughtful gifts."
"From a scale of 1 to 10, what do you rate this gift?"
"Guys, if you're gonna be investing in a large diamond rock to put on a lady's finger, make sure she does the right thing and get you a decent watch in return."
"I can make a list, you can buy it for me, you can tell me you bought it for me, I could watch you wrap it and then open it five minutes later and I have forgotten what's inside."
"Sometimes good things come in small packages."
"You are receiving many gifts from the Angels right now."
"What's the worst gift I've ever received? Socks, yeah, that's right."
"Sometimes gifts are so great because you get things that you don't even know that you want."
"This is the best gift I've ever had in my whole life."
"Nail files are something I just never buy myself and they're great to receive as a gift."
"My dad got me this really cute Patagonia crossbody."
"Nostalgic gifts like I Spy computer games and Carmen San Diego."
"Period underwear, practical and thoughtful gift."
"Kindle case with strawberries, a thoughtful surprise."
"Everyone loves a good candle... you can never go wrong getting a candle as a gift."
"Those difficult situations are actually Allah's way of giving us the most valuable gift we could ever earn - His way of guiding our hearts."
"My friend Rachel got me a goldy face mask, this is amazing!"
"She loves running, so I got her winter running gear."
"That's a unique gift, Vivian. Nobody gives tea bags for Halloween."
"The best gift your heavenly father could give is the Holy Spirit."
"But that's what she got me for Christmas. And she said it was the best... She was like, 'I'm gonna give you the best gift that you've ever gotten.' And it was very, very much so the best gift I've ever gotten."
"Sentimental gifts can go a long way on a budget."
"Kane thanks them for all the time they've been with him so he hopes that the magical bags he's created for them will show them how grateful he is."
"Over the course of the anniversary they gave out like 60,000 Chrono crystals."
"It's one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever gotten and probably will ever get."
"This is from Carlin in Ohio, we have something small, a bracelet and an Eeveelutions poster."
"Look at this sweet necklace that Anna sent me!"
"That's awesome, thank you mystery Canadian for all these amazing gifts, it's like an okay superhero, mystery Canadian."
"There might actually be something that the universe is sitting there... with the perfectly wrapped present."
"There are so many amazing gifts coming your way."
"Whatever God gives you as a gift, He also gives you His ear."
"What does the worst mean? That like somebody paid a lot of money to get you something cool and it turns out it sucked?"
"The best gift I'm leaving behind is the Quran and the Moon."
"Give away one as for a friend or one for yourself, one for your wife."
"You're going to be handed a gift, it is going to hold the most benefits."
"That would be my gift to thank you for everything that you've done for me."
"I love SpongeBob so she got me these two things for fun."
"You don't get to boast. It's a gift that I gave you by grace."
"I love getting presents, but I love giving presents as well. It's fun."
"The beauty of the EP is that it really is the gift that keeps on giving."
"Thank you so much royalty living let me see what that say thank me oh they sent me some candy girl I haven't ate these in so long oh my goodness shout out to royalty living thank you so much."
"The greatest gift that everyone gave me over the weekend... was that genuinely everyone loved the pony."
"I mean, who doesn't like receiving flowers? It's the thought that counts, yes."
"They've given you the whole thing, no strings attached."
"I'm going to take my Islander sword and send it to PewDiePie as a token of appreciation."
"Spread happiness and joy with my gifts for you all."
"From now on, no more gifts for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."