
Future Focus Quotes

There are 1012 quotes

"There's no point in beating yourself up about the past... you can't change the past but the present and the future are yours to determine, yours to act on, and yours to be who you want to be."
"My happiness doesn't exist in the past... I'm much more interested in what's going to happen next."
"The whole point of investment is to look forward, not backward. That's where the opportunity is."
"Your future should always be bigger than your past."
"I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future."
"It's time to let go of things that are no longer serving you, only take forward what is going to help you in your future."
"You're worried about the past. You need to start looking towards the future."
"You're overthinking and you need to start looking ahead instead of backwards."
"Be obsessed over your future, be consumed by the possibilities."
"Regret is a heavy burden—learn from the past but don't let it anchor your future."
"We have a greater issue than what happened in the past, and if we don't address that, we're shorting ourselves."
"What we've done is horrible. It's about what we're gonna do next that matters."
"Ukraine is very future-oriented; Zelenskiy does a very good job of keeping the narrative focused on the future."
"Allow yourself the freedom of the mental body to just be present in what's working, the blessings, where you're headed, what you're excited for."
"The 2020 election in Georgia wasn't stolen, and the future of our country is at stake in 2024. That must be our focus."
"Don't spend your energy thinking about tearing down the old. Think about building the new."
"Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize."
"The best is ahead of you, stop looking back."
"The past is gone. What are you going to do about it now? What are you going to do to change the present and hopefully preserve the future?"
"And instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future."
"We cannot afford to spend our time and strength in regretting our past mistakes. There is too much in the future."
"Now is the time to move forward. Because if you don't look forward, you might miss the opportunities looking backwards."
"Focus on the future, focus on financial freedom, focus on life-changing wealth."
"Focus on the future, focus on investing and holding, and focus on the bigger picture."
"Focusing on the future works. It's just better."
"If you're putting out some positivity, you're looking at the future, you're not looking backwards, you're not a victim, you're taking charge."
"Is not finished. We must end this once and for all, for the sake of the future."
"It doesn't matter what you've done in the past; it matters what you're going to do in the future."
"Tell the story of your future more than you tell the story of your past."
"The only way that you can repair the past is by focusing on the future."
"The future of digital night vision devices needs to lean much more heavily into their strengths."
"I know better than to make my whole life hinge on the future because even when I get to the Future, I'll still be like, 'yo, what's next?'"
"There is no going back... you have to be moving forward."
"It's all about the present taking care of the future."
"We’ll be looking more at advanced applications of biotechnology."
"Our work is going to be more essential than ever."
"It doesn't matter where you are today, it matters where you want to go."
"Stressful work, stressful relationships, stressful finances, mindset hanging on to the past... stressing about the past does not serve you in the future."
"Let's stop telling the story of your past and start telling the story of your future."
"Starting your day by changing your brain neurologically and neurochemically... to live in the future instead of the past present."
"You are in a future that is so far down the road it may never show up."
"Forget about the past. Make the rest of your life the best in your life."
"We're not looking back, we're looking forward."
"What's happening now is going to be meaningful, so meaningful in the future, more importantly than it is in the short term."
"Remember you're not defined by your past the future is what you make it."
"We will no longer allow the fossil fuel industry to put their short-term profits ahead of the future of our planet."
"Purposeful dating is about making sure that I date my future and not my past."
"Anyone can deal with a tough today, if there's a compelling tomorrow."
"Let's stop talking about the past and start talking about the future."
"The present may seem brighter, but the future is where true importance lies."
"I have no rearview mirrors in life. I just keep looking forward and I'm always thinking about how much bigger it can be."
"All my moments are special, but I always say my best moment is still to be the next moment."
"I'm always looking at the future... but I truthfully think that everything in the fight business is up to time and circumstance."
"We are absolutely focused not on the past, not on the collapsing scenery, but on creating New Earth."
"Forget the past and press on toward the future."
"Stick with your gut feelings with everything you do and try not to have many regrets and keep your eyes forward."
"Not on the past, not on divisive culture wars, not on the politics of grievance. But on the future we can build together."
"It's time to press the gas and embrace your future."
"Tomorrow solutions today, that is our motto."
"Everything starts with a thought. You have to decide: are you going to be defined by a vision of the future or are you going to live by the memories of the past?"
"This new moon is really about planting seeds that will grow in the future."
"Regardless, everything now is in the past and it's time to move forward to the future."
"Your apology is accepted, good sir! Let us not obsess over the past. We will look towards the future!"
"We need to be in the 21st now. It's not a case of on the 21st of December some huge thing is going to happen."
"He was trying to deliver them from yesterday because He has a different tomorrow."
"Do you want to live in the past in what was, or do you want to create what can be?"
"Focus on what you do want, think about moving forward."
"Planetary sustainability coming into sharper focus now and in the months to come."
"We are giving our lives to help the future of this planet."
"The past can't be changed, but the future can."
"I'm kind of obsessed with it and really want to talk about it... this is about the future of how we construct a Counter Culture push back on the establishment."
"As a nation and as a people, we need to go forward and not backward."
"Nothing is gained by holding on to past disappointments."
"Whatever this is, needs to be torn down, and they've want it to be like they're looking towards the future."
"It's not a matter of where you come from, what matters is where you're going."
"Do not go through this life worrying about what might happen tomorrow."
"Let's put it all behind us." - Commentary on moving forward from drama and focusing on positive outcomes.
"I care about your future more than you do. Care about your future and show it with actions."
"He doesn't throw up the past. He brings up the future of what He's able to do and can do with you."
"The future is where we live. The past is where we die."
"As much as it's very important to remember the past and to be cynical of our mistakes, it's also more important to keep an eye on the future."
"Cutting out negative energy and focusing on your future."
"We're worried about Stanley Cups next season."
"Living in the future means that you're going to miss out on the present."
"Work is sacrifice, sacrifice of the present to the future. It's delay of gratification, it's maturity, it's sacrifice to something as well."
"I don't have any regrets and I won't look in the rearview mirror... If there are going to be endless echoes choose the good ones."
"Current pain for future gain, so I gotta just work hard."
"2023 will be remembered as the year the great AI race began."
"Our work is not done. We've got plenty of work to do for many years to come, especially right now at this moment."
"Successful people will plan for what's going to happen not the moment that they're in."
"Always prioritize the future over the present because the present is a gift."
"Tomorrow can be great and let's focus on making it that."
"There's no going back, and I have to look forward."
"Don't let the past hold you back. It's time to move forward, you have so much to look forward to."
"Rich people get rich because we think well. It's not about what's going on right now, it's about what's going on in the future."
"We may not be able to change the past, but we can learn from it."
"Don't look back on mistakes, don't look back on the past, don't doubt yourself."
"This is the time where you're going to be very focused on your future and progressing in your life."
"The future is going to be better than anything that may have happened in your past and there are no limits."
"Focus on what you can do for yourself now and make a better future for tomorrow, and hopefully those ripples will be positive ones."
"Hope and glory and just one day being away from all of this."
"If you live in the past, you die to your future."
"Innovation is the key to solving social challenges."
"Nothing else will count a hundred years from now except the harvest."
"I feel like you don't appreciate life when you think too much of what's to come in the future."
"No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you can still have tomorrow."
"Good, why go to the past? What go to? Let's go to the future!"
"It's about letting that go and embracing the future."
"Keep your eyes on where you want to be going."
"Putting the past in the past and focusing on where you want to go for your future, either reconciliation if you choose to do so but there could also be this other energy here where maybe going on towards something new."
"We're really trying to focus on all the positive things that will come out of this."
"It doesn't matter where you are what matters is your trajectory."
"Your future is never predicated on what you lost, it's predicated on what you have left."
"Focus on your future, think about your more than anything and don't get too caught up in the things that don't matter."
"If you want real equal opportunities, stop looking at the past. Let's look at the future."
"This really is the time for people to be getting serious about what can I be doing today to put myself in a better position."
"Improving the quality of life for future generations."
"2023 is a big focus on that things that are happening things that are changing are aligning you to Greater to better."
"I'm moving forward. I'm not always focusing on the past."
"Perhaps a push will be needed one day, but what's way more important than tearing things down is building to have something beyond that."
"Shut the book on your past and write a new future."
"My mind is always trained to plan for the next moment."
"We must focus on what excites you about the future."
"Maybe that just don't matter, my love. Maybe all that counts is where he's headed."
"Look forward, not back. It's now time to look forward, refocus on your path, Scorpio, because it is time to follow your dreams."
"Don't repeat your don't weep don't repeat it don't keep punishing yourself just do better in the future."
"Don't be a prisoner of your past experiences."
"That's the future of humanity, the children."
"Healing is going to be a big theme for you in the near future."
"No mud, no lotus" - embracing the future while letting go of the past.
"We can't change the past, Alice, we can decide the future."
"Our job is to number one protect the next generation because the children are the future."
"The future unit words and can you that need healing."
"You cannot go back to whatever you came out of; you can only go up."
"We don't tear down our past, we build our future."
"The past is forever, but the future, even if it has been written, can be changed. So focus on the future, not the past."
"We have to plan for the next 20 years, not just the next five."
"We need to face where we are today but we also need to move forward with hope."
"Now's the time to be putting your financial future at the forefront of your plans."
"There's a roomy quote about pining for something before when what's ahead could be so much better."
"We've got to change the way we see politics... until we have leadership across the board that is ready to think in terms of the next generation and not the next election..."
"This too shall pass and in the meantime you need to focus on your future."
"I try not to focus too much on the future because it doesn't add any time to your life."
"We need to move forward, make new things, and new ideas."
"What we've done all over those years is leading up to this season and what we're gonna do beyond here."
"Experimental livings... you don't really know what is the best way until you actually test it."
"Nothing from my past determines what's gonna happen in my future. I'm done with that."
"Solutions to climate change are projected to become the number one focus of new technology in the next 20 years."
"It's a constant ethereal wave of sin that the mix of melancholy while still looking to the future."
"I'm all about what's next, what's the challenge."
"There's more for you ahead of you than anything that's ever behind you."
"We're focusing on the future, and that's what's coming up next."
"Space assets are going to be getting a lot of attention in the near future."
"Spending and wasting time dwelling on the past just keeps us back from fulfilling a better future."
"We need to move to that kind of economy rather than an economy based on rents."
"So glad you've been keeping up with the future."
"Elevate your mind elevate your thoughts see the blessing and all the struggle that you've had and you can't change the past but you can change the future."
"They just want to get over their stuff once and for all, they want you both to just put the past behind you and move forward with this new life together."
"Justice is about tomorrow and the next day and the next year and the next hundred years."
"The energy that we need is going to be mastering this fusion."
"You gotta take a bet on the future, not the now."
"I am here not to talk about the past, I am here to tell you about our future."
"My money's so long like... the work I'm putting in now is for the future generations."
"Leave the past behind, make room for what's ahead, and focus on your legacy."
"It's better up ahead. Some of y'all been looking at what you lost, and God said, 'Would you follow me out here in crazy faith?'"
"Don't let your fears because your fears are going to be based on what's happened in the past, and that's not what you want to project into the future."
"Ukrainians are future-oriented because when you are focused on your past you're not able to change, evolve or do something."
"Lead from the future, don't chase the future."
"Black economic power is the key to the future."
"But what's everybody else gonna do? People are going to have to let go of the past and start looking at what do we need to do to create a more positive organization. And I hope they give him a chance to do that."
"Be present, dream of the future, and remember that everything is possible."
"The history of the football club is important, but I think looking forward is important as well. It's so important now."
"The ultimate moral injunction is to sacrifice yourself in a manner that makes the future better."
"Don't spend all your time trying to fix what's behind you."
"The moment you feel connected to your future, no person, thing, or experience will stand in your way."
"It took a lot to get here and I am not looking back."
"And find a way to focus on the future, not dragging that anchor of your past behind you."
"The main thing is not looking in the rear view mirror but looking forward out of the windshield."
"You can't change the past, but you can change your future. That's good advice."
"You're not looking back, you're looking forward."
"Don't look in the rearview mirror anymore. Let's keep our eyes going forward."
"We have to keep our eyes on the prize and keep our eyes on where the crypto market is going to move into the future."
"Failure is only permanent if you choose not to get back up, and what you do today will determine your future."
"You will be planting seeds throughout this day like there is no tomorrow."
"A bold plan to build an economy of the future, not an economy of the past."
"If you dwell only on the evil that might come tomorrow then that means what we're doing has no purpose."
"Forward is the direction we need to go, not backward."
"America must choose to move forward or to move backwards, to build a future or obsess about the past."
"The situations that got you to where you are right now are not going to benefit you going forward."
"Don't look to the past and think 'what if'; focus on your present and future."
"Remember, this isn't about what you're leaving behind, it's about the journey ahead."
"I'm just so optimistic, and it's predicated on just more time and time will go away."
"Let it happen because everything is pointing to what happened."
"Arc Invest buys things that they think are going to be the next big thing."
"Don't remain fixated on the problem, look beyond it to where you want to go."
"Nuclear is the most forward-thinking technology that's the most evolved technology we have."
"What's important is your past, it's your future."
"Ethereum will be the next big focus for large institutions and corporations."
"What's important isn't your past, it's your future. I mean, you're the reason this happened to me in the first place, Jimmy guy. So fix it."
"We believe that the opportunities are in the stocks in our genomic revolution fund which is all about the future."