
Inner Wisdom Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"Your soul knows your truth, and the more you are aware of how you can let your soul come through, the more you'll recognize that you've had all the answers within you all along."
"This is healing codependency, regaining independence, regaining trust in yourself and feeling connection with your inner light, inner wisdom."
"Every time you tune out your inner wisdom, you are robbing the world of the gift that you have to give."
"God's word is not so hard that you've got to send someone above the heavens to go find it for you or through the seas to go and get it for you, God's word is in your own heart."
"Spiritual awakening and inner wisdom are crucial for your journey."
"Your intuition and your inner voice never tell anything other than the truth. Quiet your minds, push doubts out of the way, and act on your wisdom. You hold the power within you; you already know what to do."
"This is a year of recognizing our spiritual authority, of recognizing the truth and wisdom within our own souls."
"The kingdom of God is within you, a kingdom of intelligence, wisdom, power, and beauty."
"Listen to the ancient wisdom in your soul. The ancient ancestors speak to you through you."
"You're recognizing your power, developing this inner wisdom, and finding yourself."
"The answer you're seeking is already within."
"I believe there is a center of wisdom within each one of us."
"Tap into your inner child's wisdom and break free from conformity."
"Surrender is the way that letting go that releasing control is the way that trusting specifically trusting in the inner wisdom of your higher self of your soul is the way."
"The answers are within, and this angel of wisdom is really helping you discover that."
"Beings who've mastered the art of presence do not need to teach."
"She believes in her intuition. She believes that truth guides her from within and she can see and hear below the surface."
"The answer is within you, you already know what to do."
"There is a five-second window between the moment that your inner wisdom tells you to speak up and your mind killing it."
"The most important thing is you have to learn to believe in yourself, believe in your vision, trust that inner knowing and that inner wisdom, because it truly is a gift."
"Intuition is an inner knowing, an inner wisdom that transcends logic."
"Return to a deeper knowingness in yourself that you can always trust."
"You literally have all the information inside of you."
"Step into your inner feminine energy, let the inner wisdom shine through."
"The intelligence of the universe lies within you."
"Activate your soul's purpose, tap into inner wisdom."
"Trust your inner witch, trust your intuition, trust your inner wisdom."
"The heart is the gateway to our souls' intuition."
"To trust a self that is rooted in ego will be folly. But when you truly know who you are, you can trust yourself from the soul level."
"You have all the answers that you need within yourself."
"Your heart always knows and when you know that it's a heart it's always so accurate and it always knows because it's connected to a greater source from above us."
"Your soul knows what is good for you and what will change your life."
"Trust that your heart is wise and it is leading you on a soul healing journey and the right spiritual path."
"Your gut will always know what's right and what's wrong."
"We've all got a knowing inside, you know, that resonance to truth."
"Quietly ask your heart, it already knows the answer."
"You're going to really be tapping into... your inner being, your inner knowingness."
"Your answers are being given to you... quieting external voices and excessive noise will give you the chance to hear."
"You have an incredible light body, an incredible very wise, very old soul."
"Listen to your intuition; the perfect answer is within you."
"The outer pleasures are much more temporary than the inner wisdom."
"Listen to your gut and your heart, because, no matter what any expert tells you, your wisdom inside needs to be paramount."
"Embrace the wisdom within you, trust your intuition."
"Let the heart wisdom silently and constantly broadcast its pure and true intention."
"Flashes of intuition show the way, open your heart and third eye."
"Heart wisdom always has a simple, kind way to move."
"It's like your highest self... you hear your higher self clearly." - Encouraging connection with inner wisdom and intuition.
"You're trusting your intuition, your inner wisdom, your inner knowing."
"Activate your soul's purpose; tap into your inner wisdom."
"Connect to your inner wisdom, time to choose a new path or Direction."
"You can make it through; your higher self is guiding you. What wisdom does your higher self have for you?"
"Listen to that inner voice; it will never lead you astray."
"The direct path to our essence and the answers we seek are all within us."
"We all have a high priestess, the gatekeeper to our knowledge and wisdom."
"The true self knows, and the small self thinks."
"You have so much ancient wisdom built up within you."
"Cultivate your core wisdom, the inner knowing that pushes us to tune into ourselves in any situation."
"Your soul knows the way through the storms, through the conflict, through the confusion."
"You have the wisdom within your soul, the secrets of Earth, the secrets of life."
"Trust your intuition, you have sacred wisdom inside of you."
"Intuition acts as a deep resonant voice within us offering guidance and insight that transcend our everyday conscious understanding."
"You have the wisdom of lifetimes within you."
"Just keep following your heart, you have the wisdom within you."
"Trust that the answers are inside, the advice that you are seeking is inside."
"Listen to your intuition. It knows everything."
"Imagine your higher self as the wise Sage dwelling within the innermost chambers of your being."
"The most profound shift of focus in the new era is that the answer is inside of us instead of outside of us."
"Now is the time to call upon your inner fairy wisdom to help you with a challenge."
"Your inner guidance is like a compass guiding you towards what feels right and authentic for you."
"Our inner children have so much wisdom for us."
"There's value in trusting your deeper intuitive senses and the whispers of your heart."
"Your innermost wisdom, your guides, your totems, your spirit guides... who's with you?"
"You need to trust your intuition."
"Practice listening to following your intuition just one day at a time."
"We do not have to get this key to the inner life from any other source than the inward part of ourselves."
"Embrace that inner fool, for in its embrace lies the promise of a life lived in technicolor, rich with dreams, drenched in passion, and driven by purpose."
"You have to go inward to hear the intuitive truth of what you should do next and trust it."
"Improving your confidence requires a healthy amount of self-esteem, enough positive feeling about your essential worth that you're able to like yourself and value your inner wisdom and judgment."
"You don't have to worry about finding the answers to the universe. They're already inside of you, especially when it comes to this connection."
"Get your head out of the clouds and listen to what that inner wisdom is really telling you."
"The answers will arise, they are already within you."
"You are not as confused as you feel. You're not. All of the answers are inside of you. You have an incredible intuition."
"There's a strong message that all the answers are within you."
"That term intuitive refers to the teacher within."
"You have all the divine information locked inside of you."
"In silence, we realize that it has so much to say."
"Trusting yourself is trusting the wisdom that created you."
"Deep down inside you always know exactly what you need. This is your intuitive knowledge."
"How does the most wise and loving place in you respond to the small place in you?"
"Your inner wisdom is a beacon that not only guides your steps but also offers hope to those still caught in the Demiurge's grasp."
"We all have an inner teacher, an inner guru, an inner god within."
"Any question that you have about your life, the answer is already there waiting inside you."
"Always listen to your inner voice."
"Your wisdom-guided will and God’s will for you are one and the same."
"Meditation to me is creating the space where you can sit down and listen to your own wisdom. Because remember, all of us have all the answers within us for all the questions we're going to ask."
"All of our spiritual quests are about giving us opportunities to reconnect to that place which is our birthright."
"Trust this thing, you have so much wisdom in your body."
"Honor that part of you, it is an intelligent part of you."
"Once you walk through your own heart, you have a wisdom that God opens up into your spirit."
"There's a hidden code inside of us, and once we tap into it, we become wiser, we become better."
"Being really in touch with your inner knowing and like following your gut."
"You know deep down what you need to do."
"There's so much wisdom in listening to the wisdom within yourself."
"When you quiet down your mind, you begin to hear your own inner teacher, your own inner guru, your own inner wisdom."
"Every single one of us, every one of us inside of us has wisdom and capacity and calm."
"Our inner self is wiser than the outer and when it speaks, it always tells us something we do not objectively know."
"The answers are within, so trust your intuition."
"You are blessed with a brilliant intuition."
"There is a remarkable wellspring of wisdom within you; take a breath, slow down, and delve into that inner knowledge."
"Masters have told us from the very beginning of time the answers are within."
"The Source indicates that the answer is already within you."
"Trust in your higher self, speak less and listen more."
"The cloak of wisdom, you already know the answer that you seek, trust what you know."
"There's a hidden code inside of us, and in that hidden code, once we tap into it, we become wiser, we become better."
"Your soul is always waiting to give you the answers; it has the map back to love."
"The more you can tap into this inner wisdom that's always there, gently talking to you throughout your day, throughout your life, the more power and happiness you're going to find."
"Wisdom within us will tell us which is the right path."
"All I really need to do is look within myself."
"The answer is inside you when you are in Christ."
"Watch how my mind behaves; your guidance is a pointer to our wisdom deep inside."
"Your heart is the guru; it is the master."
"The number one thing that I did to bring more joy and ease and peace into my life is cultivate what I call my core wisdom."
"Listen for that quiet voice of wisdom that speaks to you from the heart."
"It's inherent. This is all about recognizing the truth that's inherent in all of us, and outer teachers point to the true inner teacher."
"Wisdom is coming from the heart and from the soul."
"The true teacher is the inner, however, if we could fully surrender into what we know in the inner, then we wouldn't need an outer teacher."
"There is wisdom inside you... it's the power that is in you, it is talking to you all the time, it is pushing you forward, it is calling for your greatness."
"Every sorrow, every suffering, every obstacle in life should be an indication that we have within us a person who is cleverer than we ourselves are."
"I honor my inner being, bowing to its magnificence and allowing its wisdom to be the compass of my journey."
"Begin to trust the secret that sits in the center and knows."
"Intuition is the treasure of a woman's psyche."
"You're a metaphysical alchemist; you take on pain and turn it into light and wisdom."
"We have an eternal guide, that's why we have an inner teacher."
"Our purpose is to make ourselves smaller than that great mind that exists within all of us."
"You have all of the answers within you."
"You have within you innate wisdom, you have within you innate well-being."
"What lies inside you is a Divine wisdom."
"Intuition, heart song, telepathy, and inner knowing."
"There are no teachers; the teacher is Christ within yourself."
"Our best ideas come from the wisdom within."
"In the hearts of all who are wise at heart, I have put wisdom."
"The best ideas will come from this vibrational reality where your inner being knows every piece of everything that you've ever asked for."
"I'm tapping into my intuition and I know what's right and I know it's wrong."
"Your higher wisdom is at play here, and you just know."
"The wisdom and messages of the Divine are within you."
"There is a sense of comfort and stability that's what you're seeking right now, and it all comes with that inner wisdom."
"Your divine inner wisdom is always available to you."
"I embrace the wisdom in my imagination."
"Heavenly light opens my crown and brow chakra; I resonate with the eternal wisdom of my soul; I am divinely guided."
"The greatest teacher is within you."
"Your inner wisdom is always with you, always."
"Deep knowing talks about intuitive insights, listening to your intuition."
"Learn from spiritual experiences, trust your inner wisdom."
"In the Sacred Circle at the core of who you are, there's a knower within you who knows the truth."
"Listen to your intuition in these and all matters, this wisdom is alive in you and ready to advise."
"I trust my inner knowing even when the outside world doesn't make sense."
"You already have all the answers within this connection."
"It's about your body listening to your own internal cues, respecting your body's inner wisdom, not relying on external factors or influences to guide you."
"Trust your intuition above everything, some things are meant to be understood with that intuition only and not with a logical mind."
"Finding inner wisdom, it's like the sting card, the advice here is find the wisdom from within yourself."
"Using your intuition, go, it's time to go within, you have all the answers you need within yourself."
"Your soul knows the way, your soul is directing you through the darkness."
"All paths lead home, inner authority, intuition, and turn your gaze within."
"Draw on your inner wisdom and move on yourself."
"Your inner wisdom is telling you exactly where to go... you have insight into what's best for you."
"The wisdom and the knowledge that you seek is all within you."
"You hold all the wisdom of the universe within you."
"It's about feeling confident about yourself and knowing you have that deep inner wisdom."
"The sacred wisdom in your heart has magical power for your spiritual growth."
"Trust your intuition, it can speak louder than words, ultimately all the answers lie within you."
"There's a wiser, older, more badass ancient force within you that says, 'Listen, little child, I know you think this is the best you can do, but it's not. You have no idea who you are.'"
"Within you there is an oracle consciousness, a higher and deeper knowing that transcends the machinations of the smaller thinking mind."
"Accessing your inner wisdom and listening to your inner voice."