
Emotional State Quotes

There are 872 quotes

"Creating a compelling peak emotional state of doing what you need to do is the most important part."
"Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving emotionally."
"Your ability to make good choices that will quickly move you towards what you want in life is directly proportional to your ability to keep yourself in a peaceful and relaxed state and get yourself right emotionally after something traumatic or disconcerting has happened or occurred in your life."
"We are all but especially young people are really tied to our emotional states."
"It's probably the best work of my life and also was probably the saddest I've ever been."
"The addiction to unhappiness is actually addictive."
"If you're lonely and sad like me, maybe it's a great product."
"If I had to sum up everything you just watched into one sentence, it would be: I'm overwhelmed."
"Being a black American male is to live in a condition of suppressed rage all the time."
"How you think and how you feel creates your state of being."
"Loneliness... is not being alone. Rather, loneliness is the feeling that you do not matter to anyone on this Earth."
"You can't be an angry peace activist. You have to be a peaceful being in order to create peace."
"The word 'closure' means nothing to me. It's just a word, um, because nothing—nothing is closed."
"The moment you move into a state of gratitude and you open your heart, you accept, believe, and surrender to the thoughts equal to that emotional state."
"Stress and emotional state can affect how we respond to certain conditions and therefore affect the dose of a drug we need."
"Loneliness doesn't just come from not being around anyone else. It can come if you don't feel connected with anyone."
"Love is a state of being, a vibration frequency, a beautiful space that you can tap into."
"Whenever we have the Nine of Cups here, though, it could be that you guys are having a really good month where you guys are feeling really great."
"How many times have you ever made a good decision when you've been panicked, desperate, or felt stuck?"
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."
"It's more about the vibes. The vibes have been extremely low in this card over here."
"Those who suffer loss live suspended between a past for which they long and a future for which they hope."
"Loneliness is not an emotion. Sadness is an emotion, but loneliness is a spirit that creates a sense of emptiness."
"Being alone and feeling lonely are two very different things."
"Loneliness is about the scariest thing in the whole world."
"Instant physical manifestation occurs when we have raised our dominant emotional state to such a high and consistent level of happiness that the door to our vibrational vault remains constantly open."
"A lot of emotions are temporary and...the grass is always greener on the other side."
"Laurel never really let herself go... she was still very clean... But she was dead inside."
"I'm looking everywhere for hope right now, and I can't find it."
"Desperation and neediness will make you unhappy."
"Depression feels like a type of all-encompassing different feeling that becomes like the foundation of all of your other thoughts."
"It probably wasn't a good idea for me but I like to pretend like I'm doing just fine when I'm not."
"They seem to find life affirmed by being furious all the time."
"The place where I have landed emotionally is pure, unadulterated rage."
"A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ."
"It's impossible to be scared and creative in the same moment."
"At the end of the day, I'm so happy in this very moment. I'm so happy, like scary happy."
"Accept ecstasy, bliss, and belief; embrace the euphoria awaiting you."
"A trigger is defined as something that affects your emotional state."
"It's almost like you feel tranquil, you know? You feel untouchable."
"Your current energy is suffering in silence."
"I am. I feel like there is a bunch of stuff."
"Abuse comes from a place of darkness, from unhappiness."
"What happens in real life and what is actually going on are a completely separate entity from how you feel at any given point in time."
"Physically I was miserable, but emotionally I was triumphant." - Narrator
"If I've been honest with you guys, I feel like a bum today. Like, I feel so ugly today."
"I don't choose to be sad, it's something that happens to you."
"Your tears don't taste as good as your blood."
"Fear and excitement are the exact same physical state."
"Um, it's a good feeling. It's quite liberating."
"I had gotten to the place where I didn't care."
"I think any nerves I've got at the moment are low."
"Being alone is different than feeling alone."
"Thinking about him is you leaving your life. It's like the world of the dead."
"You have that energy of complete completeness or completion."
"It's not about being alone - it's about feeling alone."
"Being angry for the sake of it isn't going to change anything."
"Can't even say I'm pretty sad anymore, just 'pretty sad.'"
"It was probably the best I had felt in a moment."
"Alone is a state of being, while lonely is a feeling."
"Whatever is going on with her, I think she has probably been unhappy for a very long time. I hope she finds happiness."
"Are you being a gentleman, or are you just trying to avoid the problem?"
"I think I'm the happiest I have ever been in my entire life."
"Permanent indignation is not a healthy emotional state."
"There's an energy of being bittersweet, but I feel more that it's something that you're either cooking with right now or you were."
"Chilled means you are very relaxed, while uptight means you are anxious or upset about something."
"I swear on my fucking soul, when I didn't have it, but I knew I was going to get it, it felt a lot better than this feels right now."
"I don't know what are you up to are you crying in here no he's just he's chillin done some research."
"This LP sees Kanye in a moment where he, at least in terms of like energy level, emotion and attitude, he feels like he's less in a moment of crisis here."
"It's absolutely not what we need right now. But a lot of people are really, really angry."
"If you're trying to be happy all the time, you're gonna think and be preoccupied in such ways that you are less likely to be happy all the time."
"They are so much afraid of this repression, they're really literally scared."
"Every day feels like dying now that I'm back in the States."
"That made my life, it was great. I'm walking around here I'm not swearing not yelling at anybody everything was happy."
"I was miserable. I was completely unhappy." - Angelina Jolie
"In these next three months, it shows that you are going to be happy, you're going to be kind of like at ease."
"You should never make a change to a spiritual commitment made while in consolation when you're in desolation."
"This depressive state essentially post-breakup is where we find Hulk."
"There's a difference between being alone and being lonely."
"I couldn't be more glad. It's like I'm tied up but at the same time I've never felt more free."
"I'm not mad, I just miss being hyped about Halo again."
"Compassion is a very high vibration... feeling that for other people."
"It was euphoric, simply put it was euphoric."
"Unconditional love just floods in automatically."
"Happiness is not a natural condition exuding misery."
"Are they even happy in love right now, that's what matters."
"This world has come undone, our hearts have come undone."
"That's why she is carrying the ten of swords energy. She has been betrayed."
"Laughter of course, you're going to smile, you're in a very happy space right."
"If you're gonna be in that mindset, I guarantee you're gonna be in a bottle of frustration."
"Expressing how hopeless their situation feels."
"Loneliness is something that happens in your heart."
"You feel like a damn king, okay? That's just the bottom line."
"My heart is pure gold. I have nothing but love in my heart these days."
"It's very crisp and clear, like clean fresh air. You must have been feeling very foggy, very numb."
"I started moving, you know, and that was in this amazing energy that felt, I guess, like bliss, peace, serenity, happiness, no stress, no struggles, no worries, no nothing, just beauty."
"Happiness comes from happenstance, but joy is abiding and pervasive."
"I feel so much better right now, dude, so much better."
"Your person's just bummed out, they're bummed out."
"Hyper competitiveness stems from discontentment."
"He was furious with the state of their country."
"We're broadcasting coherent loving frequency as opposed to you know terrified frequency or whatever so these months we're going into are massive evolutionary months massive."
"You're just, your heart is filled with [__] joy."
"It's always some variable brand of miserable, I'll put it like that."
"Ted Mosby was too in love with the idea of being in love..."
"Loneliness, fear, and panic engulf your heart."
"Behind it is a very sad soul a very pathetic individual."
"Maintaining a high emotional state and unwavering focus can be difficult, especially when faced with setbacks or external challenges."
"Propaganda makes its way into your head much much easier when people are in an emotionally heightened state."
"I'm lonely. I've been stuck here so long, others are free to leave, you know. But old Hoodwink must never go."
"Joy is a vibration, it's a very high frequency."
"Loneliness sucks, and I felt alone for so long."
"She is Emma Chamberlain, she is laying in her bed, and she is sad, that is what it is."
"When you’re going through it, it’s hard to remember what it feels like to be okay, but how you feel right now is not how you will always feel."
"This was little tay the last time she was happy."
"Sometimes it's okay not to be happy, but not in this game. You have to be happy."
"Driving downtown LA, I feel like a piece of [__]."
"He’s an unhappy man, as long as he can remember."
"Would you describe yourself as a happy kid or a lonely one?"
"It's very hard to be hopeful without expectation."
"So for you guys, the month of June you're just gonna be very happy."
"Love is the highest vibrational state that you can experience."
"It's a film you gotta be in the mood for, and I was in the mood for it."
"Suffering is a conscious state that we want to stop."
"I'm not too angry like that, I don't know the schedule."
"It's just been pure madness. It's insanity intensified."
"Humans we always chase happiness and happiness always lies in the thing that we currently lack"
"A total lack of concern, a total lack of urgency."
"Healing yourself lets you let go of lower vibrational states and raise your vibration."
"When you're in a state of joy and happiness, you're unstoppable."
"From fear to fuel, go into passion. Do you feel it? Because if you do, then you're the queen of cups."
"When I heard him say that he was suicidal, I didn't know whether he was a drama queen or telling the truth."
"Maintain your peace, uninterrupted peace for real."
"Zachary does not appear stressed or concerned in the clip."
"Feeling good and feeling great is transformational."
"I've never felt so depressed in my entire life, that was embarrassing."
"I ain't scared, no, I ain't scared, that's the difference. So I'm free and you're not."
"Is it really over you know? Um, or maybe they're waiting on some form of change that they're making. I don't know but this is someone that is waiting to see something change here."
"I'm the happiest I've been in at least three years."
"Loneliness is one of the hardest things in the world. You can't see it, you can't smell it, and you can't touch it. You can only feel it when you've got it."
"You cannot have your heart hardened and still place your faith in Christ."
"If you are vibing at the frequency of love, then you are attracting exactly that."
"Some people just kind of revel in being in that dark place and it's weird."
"Stop being cold and angry, it isn't a personality trait."
"It's either you live in love or fear. Yeah, it's... this is the state of humanity."
"Exhilaration is not meant to be an endured state, a sustainable state over a long period of time."
"Gratitude is a profound state of being, a way of experiencing life."
"Following your excitement is a high-frequency state."
"I've never felt so helpless and vulnerable in my life."
"This entire cycle is really frustrating and depressing."
"Home was not a place, it was a state of being."
"Where you bring your attention always determines how you feel."
"Katie is not just some dead soul behind her eyes, she genuinely seems okay and happy."
"Are you still smiling? You're still smiling."
"Hulk's the saddest one there is. Sadder he gets, the sadder he gets."
"I'm very unbothered, excited, and full of joy."
"Disappointed, beaten, smashed up, but never broken."
"The thing that was wrong was that I was the heaviest while also the saddest and most lost and least confident I'd ever been."
"I'm in hell, this is the seventh layer of hell."
"Everyone is experiencing a dark knight in the soul."
"Depression is the past, anxiety is the future, and happiness is the present."
"Either you can sit in the seat of sorrows or you can stand in the presence of joy."
"Joy is an internal thing... joy is something that doesn't just go away."
"That transcended the sport man, you'd start seeing Paris tops dropping up in East Manchester 12 year olds rocking it like that's in that if you get Man United and Jordan brand that could do an absolute bit Madness."
"All things flow to you when you're in that state of being in love and around love."
"I'm as happy as I've been in probably a year."
"Their inner world when it comes to you is extremely positive."
"Uncertainty is always a horrible place to be."
"I am feeling so many things and I'm completely irrational."
"It really does feel like everything is falling apart."
"No thoughts, I have no words at least I have lots of thoughts but no words."
"Tremendously overwhelmed, incredibly appreciative."
"There is a nervous restlessness, a hunger, a thirst, a yearning for something unknown."
"I'm just blind and dead... it's really sad sometimes."
"If you still feel resentful as hell, you didn't forgive them."
"You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now."
"I gotta admit, I feel as bored as Amber does right now."
"You don't understand, I feel horrible today."
"I just wanted this album to feel like happier and just like free."
"Delusion convinces them they're over it, but they're not."
"Hope is a word of optimism, cheerfulness, expectation."
"It's sort of a weird feeling where I feel like you haven't really felt that like happy before."
"You don't even feel like you have to guard yourself against people, you're just like, 'I'm me, I'm free, and I'm open.'"
"This person is hurting... Tired of feeling in prison... They want to become whole."
"It feels like relief. Relief. It's happiness, but it's really more relief."
"We're in a very jumpy time, it's jumpy because the sun is in Cancer."
"Your heart is overflowing with happiness and joy."
"I've worn this darkened armor for so long now there's no motive light left in me, not even in my heart."
"Five seconds earlier they were happy men, teenagers."
"And it's not only we are feeling the peace; they, too, are feeling the peace."
"It was like a spiral staircase, a bottomless pit."
"We're not okay but... I'm hopeful that we're going to be okay."
"Please don't ever forget to tell those in your life how much you love them and how grateful you are for them."
"I think I'm losing the will, Olivia. I'm really tired."
"Everybody has a boiling point that I've reached mine."
"That person that's [ __ ] with you is way sadder than you way sadder."
"I am exhausted and happier than I've ever been in my entire life."
"I feel like I'm actually in a good place where I still deal with the grief and the guilt and missing him but I'm in a good place."
"That was the lowest, lowest, lowest, lowest point of my life at this moment."
"Some of you are in this very benevolent mood."