
Value Alignment Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The most important question to answer, the fundamentalist discipline: How can I allocate more of these chips to the things that are in line with my values?"
"Why would you want to keep people in your life that don't support or stand with your value system?"
"Setting healthy boundaries allows us to allocate time and energy to activities that align with our values."
"If your value systems line up then you can figure almost anything out. You may need help, a pastor, a counselor, a really trusted friend that you can, you know, share stuff with that's constructive."
"Go beyond just thinking someone is good and kind to you, and align your values. Understand how you envision your life and your future ambitions, and see if they align with your partner's."
"If in order to succeed, that group must allow people whose ideas and values are in direct contrast... of what use is this thing?"
"Stand with you since 2012. Patriot Mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider."
"I allocate my money towards the things that I care about."
"Compromising in the right way but not compromising who you are or those core values."
"Honor means to be seen for who you truly are and to be rewarded to match the true worth of your person."
"When your heart is in the right place you will be offended by such an offer."
"May make a spectacle of it and do it in a way that aligns with your values and gets out the message."
"Pursue relationships with people that share your values, and you'll be a happier person because of it."
"With each new morning, we have the chance to decide what truly matters, to focus on our relationship with God, and to align our actions with our values."
"Help employees find the intersection of passion, skill, and value."
"End where you're like, 'Hold on, I know what I think and value,' and also the conviction to stick by it. And it's okay to have a differing value."
"Love is a function of priorities and values."
"Wait for the one that is going to reciprocate, that can really make you happy, that is in alignment with your values."
"If people don't align with your values, you're going to say something."
"Authenticity involves being genuine in your actions and words, staying true to your values."
"Aligning values with actions for a happier, calmer life."
"Start to bring the energy back to you and realize, what do I want? What is my frame? What are my values?"
"So many times when I met my partner there was no spark there was no excitement it was no chemistry what there was was a mutual appreciation for our values and morals and comfort."
"Presto instant success - living in integrity with your deepest values."
"To never feel drained around other people, only choose to surround yourself with people deep divers who share the same value system as you."
"Alignment with human values is crucial to remove bias from the training data."
"Surround yourself with people who think like you as far as your values and morals go."
"It's a value misalignment that I worry about a lot actually because the fact that there is a reward at all is."
"A meaningful life is in a purposive relationship to a value you not only appreciate the value but now you're ordering your life toward it."
"Attraction has to be more than physical, if you're truly looking for a marriage then you need to be focused on shared values and you have to let attraction grow."
"In April of 2022 I believe we felt as though we had ended enough things in our lives... aligned more with our values from which we could build from."
"April of 2022... we felt as though we had ended enough things in our lives... aligned more with our values from which we could build from."
"The value system will determine the success of your impact. If you are truly aligned, you will be able to sustain momentum."
"The first major bookkeeping fail: your service is not aligned to what's really valuable to a business customer."
"Good price, good people, alignment of interests."
"Posting or consuming content without considering your why could cause misalignment between your values and actions."
"I hope that in many scenarios we will be able to understand how to align AI to our values which means also being able to trust it more and to use it more to our beneficial."
"Am I living by that value in every aspect of my life? In my personal life, in my professional life, in my social life? Again, if you're not, that's okay, but you're bringing a bit of awareness now and intention to what's going on."
"I felt convicted that I needed to make a very clear decision of aligning myself with people that follow my vision and my values and my faith."
"I am actually a bit shocked by these numbers, so I'm glad that I did track my spending because it really did show me that some of my spending is not going towards my values."
"Are you living in a way that aligns to those values?"
"We accept ourselves as soon as our actions align with our values."
"Integrity is about alignment between our values and our actions in the world."
"Key activities should be directly related to your value proposition."
"If there's a good match between an individual's values and the organization's values, there's going to be higher levels of engagement."
"You buy what speaks to you, what matters to you, and what resonates with you."
"You really need to define the right community for the values, the right values then for the job, the right software for the value."
"They agree with our values: American values, family values, free speech."