
Long-term Investment Quotes

There are 557 quotes

"I like finding exceptional talent, paying them very well, and then sticking with them over a long period of time."
"Manage your money with the right mindset, because you want to be investing for the long term. This is a long-term wealth building play."
"Over the long term, long-term investors always beat the short-term traders."
"When it comes to real estate, this isn't a six-month play or a one-year play; you're investing in real estate for a long time because you're going to own this property and you want this to pay you rent for years into the future."
"Asparagus is not a quick investment...but it will provide continued harvesting for a good 20 years or more."
"You save and invest for the long term in good companies; you could do very well."
"What really affects a stock's price in the long run is its fundamentals: how much money the company is making, its profits, revenue growth, management quality, and innovation for the future."
"The best way to build wealth in the stock market is to leave your money in the stock market for the long term because the people that make the most money in the stock market are the people that invest for the long term."
"If you believe in the American economy, then you should not be really scared about investing your money for the long term."
"Long-term investment strategies involve planning to hold for at least a full year, ideally a two to five-year timeframe or longer."
"Over the long term, I still firmly believe that Tesla stock is headed to Mars."
"You really can't go wrong with just dollar cost averaging and buying for the long term."
"If you're a passive investor who invests in the broad market, you have time on your side if you're a long-term investor."
"Over the long term, stocks tend to reflect the value of the businesses they own."
"Invest for the long term. Um, and a lot of investing, the principles are really easy, but to do it, it's hard."
"Long-term investing mindset works because it's about investing in growth and companies' futures, not just short-term market fluctuations."
"Basic science never goes out of style and ultimately, it usually does pay off, but you have to play the long game."
"Stop spending money on short-term pleasures because they could potentially be worth multiples more in just a few years if you simply control your impulses."
"It's been proven through history, no matter what market you look at, whether it be a new emerging market like cryptocurrencies or something like the stock market, that you will benefit as an average individual much more in the long term investing rather than trying to time the market through swing trading or even day trading."
"Ignoring short-term movements and stock prices and instead focus on the long term."
"It's very difficult for a near-term profit-obsessed capitalist entity like corporations to justify that very expensive, uncertain long-term investment."
"The beautiful thing about this is I believe this will provide me with more dividend income long-term because those high yielding dividend stocks wouldn't be growing their dividends, but Louis Vuitton will do a great job of growing those dividend payouts moving forward."
"Education is the best equalizer, education is the best investment, education is the best inheritance."
"Happiness requires cultivation, long-term cultivation."
"The moat that a company has is more important for long-term ownership of that stock over a two to five plus year period."
"One of my favorite things to do as an investor is to sell enough to cover your initial investment and let the profits ride for the rest of your life if you want them to."
"They are willing to take a loss or two if it means giving them the long-term strategic gains."
"It's not about timing the market it's about time in the market how long you are invested in the market."
"Over the long run we know that we will get the average return in the stock market and we're okay with being average."
"Buffet speaks frequently about the merits of investing in companies for the long term."
"Bitcoin will always be worth more over the next 50 to 60 years as inflation returns."
"Audio is one of the most important aspects of video."
"HODL through and think long term; history shows that prices are likely to recover eventually."
"Long-term sustained investment is crucial for preparedness."
"Solar panels will last for 30 years, making energy. This entire house, this entire building is entirely solar powered now."
"These are good quality tokens, these can only go up in the long term."
"What is your generational stock? What is the stock that you will hold for a generation?"
"Aces bring new and when you get pentacles that is about someone who is solidly investing in a future with you."
"I'm staying invested. I'm not selling anything. I'm here for the long term."
"If I had to pick one stock for 15 years, it's Amazon."
"Long-term investing is a great option for a lot of people."
"You could safely spend four percent of your portfolio every single year without running out of money."
"If all you did was just buy into a well-diversified index fund on a regular basis over 20 years, you would outperform the vast majority of actively managed funds."
"If you want to have a long-term investment, bitcoin's absolutely perfect."
"Real estate builds wealth over a long period of time."
"Investing in Lordstown Motors: not a sprint, but a marathon."
"Putting in the work now is going to set the table for the next 30, 40, 50 years of your trading life."
"This is a blue-collar blueprint for American competitiveness and it's a generational investment in every sense of the world."
"Become an investor, and you will own Johnson & Johnson, and you will enjoy owning Johnson & Johnson, really, over the long term."
"Cardano is a really good alternative to this and I see it being a strong long-term hold."
"I started buying Tesla stock at the beginning in 2016, haven't sold a share and I'm going to be saying the same in 10 years time."
"I do think long term over this bull run this one is going to crush it."
"Remember that time in the market always beats timing the market in the long term."
"Time in the market always beats timing the market."
"The average worth of a client over time is worth a lot more than a quick flip."
"For younger investors, if you don't have to access the capital, don't access the capital. Just leave it there."
"Time is your best friend when we talk about growing your money."
"The stock market behaves like a voting machine but in the long term it acts like a weighing machine." - Benjamin Graham
"I prefer waiting for long-term capital gains. It's much more cost-effective."
"The best trades are gonna be ones where you buy them... put them in the drawer you never think about them again."
"I think we see a million dollar Bitcoin in 12 years, three cycles from now."
"Ultimately you want to get to that 10 000 share point in a company that you believe in."
"If you wait over time, time in the market is more important than timing the market, okay?"
"Fully funding early intervention strategies like nurture groups is difficult politically because the full impacts can only be seen in the long term."
"The economic growth and resulting tax revenues would take time to catch up with the expense of UBI, but would eventually hit a tipping point where the economy has grown enough to pay for UBI."
"Young Generations also have more opportunities to spend during their earliest years where savings have the most time to compound over a lifetime."
"Which material is better over the 25-year lifetime of a composite deck? The maintenance savings versus wood is in the thousands of dollars."
"Money that comes fast is no good, wealth built over time and that's honest wealth."
"Find a winner, back them, scale them up, don't sell them. Ride the winner, keep investing with them as long as they're innovating."
"If you're able to survive whatever we may approach, holding long term, you are still going to be very, very profitable."
"This is a emerging multi trillion dollar asset class that's going to come into fruition over the next coming cycles which is going to be over a matter of at least a decade before this becomes well known mainstream and owned by a lot of people."
"Holding Bitcoin and Ethereum... put it in a vault or in a hardware wallet and leave it for three or five or ten years. That is the correct strategy."
"I think a lot of people will be willing to just stay long and sit through the volatility." - Nick Reese
"I expect Bitcoin to put in a bottom probably around mid-year... although the bull market will take years to develop."
"We want to be building up to 100 shares of a company that we really want to own, that we believe in, and that we think long term is going to go up in value."
"Spend a little bit more time finding the right horse, takes years."
"V chain has been a project I've supported for a long time."
"It's very hard to go wrong with investing in AAPL for the long term."
"Turn those cards you have no interest in playing into something that will be part of your collection for years to come."
"real money and real wealth is based on a lot of work and a long time horizon and that time horizon tends to grow the wealth on people who's just stick with things and get really good with a skill or trade there's no real shortcut to this stuff"
"Successful investor takes time, discipline, and patience."
"If you aren't willing to own a stock for ten years, don't even think about owning it for ten minutes."
"If you put a million dollars 35 years ago in the stock market, it's worth $26 million today. In private Equity, it's $39 million."
"It has a naturally aspirated V8 engine, so if you're looking for something that's going to be bulletproof in terms of reliability, especially long-term reliability, the V8 in the GX is going to be an excellent option."
"Ethereum is probably the only other asset that you probably need to hold as a crypto investor if you're thinking about making a long-term bet on the industry."
"Ether is probably the only other asset that you probably need to hold as a crypto investor if you're thinking about making a long-term bet on the industry."
"Consistent investments over decades can compound to large amounts."
"The simple way to become wealthy is to live frugally and then consistently invest for long periods of time in quality companies you understand."
"Chainlink is the big daddy. This is one project that everyone should just hold permanently."
"Cycles are a function of the space; if you're in this for the long run, accept them."
"It's often not the people who are buying and selling stocks on a consistent and frequent basis. It's the people who buy stocks and then simply hold on to them and allow them to trend upward."
"The perfect example of this, of a long term investor, is actually Warren Buffett."
"I think this sector has a lot of growth actually left in it long term."
"If you're serious about positioning yourself for the longer term, then infrastructure plays are much more interesting."
"If you're looking for the long term, then there's a different way to invest."
"But people are hyped on Tesla when it comes to the long-term future."
"Bitcoin is going to make you a ton of money. That's the long-term utility."
"Kimberly Clark is a boring company that will generate consistent and growing cash flow for decades to come."
"Don't just buy your kids a bunch of toys, buy them some shares of stock."
"Instead of going for lottery ticket Investments, you can now invest in conventional markets and still achieve a pretty good long-term return."
"If you just put away 15% of your income for 40 years and it appreciates at 7% annually..."
"The amount of bitcoin that has not moved in over a year has reached an all-time high."
"Stay away from penny stocks, buy stocks that have longevity."
"This strategy is implemented well, you can absolutely get rich over a 5, 10, 15 year span. It's life-changing."
"I believe in cryptocurrencies for the long term in the future."
"Content marketing isn't exactly a fast process. It's an ongoing one."
"If you want to build your wealth, do long-term investments."
"The biggest lessons in investing: Invest in protocols that will change the world and then sit back and give them enough time to do their thing."
"Better off supporting them in the long run, not only because it's mom and pop, because it's better for you."
"The price of Bitcoin is overvalued compared to the demand for it, but when it comes to the actual value of Bitcoin over the long term, it's way undervalued."
"Investors should think about allocating an amount of their portfolio they are willing to lose, and keep it in for three, four or five years."
"I want cards that win the game or are going to be super valuable in the long run."
"Samples aren't cheap... It's worth it in the long run."
"Buying a really good asset, holding it for an extended period of time, and only risking what you're willing to lose."
"They have strong confidence in the long-term growth."
"Putting solar on the roof of your house might not make sense for the first two or three years but then it'll play the long game it will totally Stack Up totally."
"If you invest right now for the next 50 years, you'll probably make eight or nine percent. But are you okay losing 50 or 60 several times along the way?"
"You have to make the decision if it's worth it to you. 500 is a lot of money."
"Bitcoin will be worth a half a million dollars, it'll probably take four to five years, the ride will be rocky but certainly worth it."
"This is definitely something that will grow towards the long term."
"Tools like this in my opinion are way better value for money in the long run."
"VXUS has had a one-year return of 11.4%, three-year return of 10.5%, five-year return of 9.5%, and a 10-year return of 7.3%."
"This could be a 1400 stock in a matter of eight years."
"Just like Microsoft, I will likely hold this core position well into the future."
"I still like Tesla in the long term... a lot of these companies that you guys are referencing I still think they're still solid long-term opportunity."
"Investing is a long game people who buy and sell multiple stocks over the course of a day are not investors."
"Long term, I'll be surprised if anyone here doesn't think that bitcoin 2025 is significantly higher in its price to where it is today." - Raoul
"If you're planning to buy this house and hold it for 5 years or more, you're gonna do fine."
"I think if you're a long-term holder, a lot of kind of the metrics that I look at are pointing to this being a good fantastic time to average into BTC."
"Thinking strategically about what pieces that you want in your closet that you really wear again and again and again and you'll have for years to come."
"Kate is a character that I've been invested in for a very long time."
"Public investment crowds in private investment, provides long-term certainty."
"We're investing in companies that we think will continue to generate long-term free cash flow per share growth, and I want to buy those future free cash flows for as cheap as possible."
"Buy a hard asset that appreciates and never sell it."
"Mithril is a long-term play for Cardano inclusive accountability."
"Stay with the plan and that is to invest long term, invest for the future, invest for financial freedom and life changing wealth."
"Just being able to save twenty thousand dollars by the time you graduate college just by living at home is potentially worth about two hundred and sixty one thousand by the age of sixty."
"Investing in good projects that have a bright future and just continue to buy and hold."
"Cost effective in the moment but it's going to pay dividends long term. That's brilliant, I love that."
"If you can just DCA along the way, everyone that I've talked to that DCA'd over years upon years, no one is in the red."
"Literally, you're putting in some work upfront to create these digital products to then make passive income for months, years to come."
"I'm gonna be holding for 20-plus years. It's gonna be a long game, but I love that strategic, long-term thinking."
"Ether is the equivalent of the web; it makes the ether blockchain work. We are 10 years long on ether."
"Would I buy this stock at this price and hold it for the long term? Definitely."
"Lock it up, forget about it for 10 years, and come back when you're a multi-millionaire."
"Accumulating for the long term is your best bet in the crypto space."
"Take a very long term view so you don't care what happens to the price in the short term."
"You're not in it for the short term, you're in it for the long term."
"I like Japan as my favorite all-weather market for the next two or three years."
"In the end, by being consistent, time is on your side."
"The minute something gets inherited, don't cash out. No, you hold on, that's still bringing in revenue. Hold on to real estate, hold on to assets for generations."
"Let the money work for you. If you own the LA Lakers right now... would you own it for one day and trade it or hold it for 10 years?"
"A hundred plus billion dollars over the long term, probably multiple trillions of dollars."
"Don't worry too much about where Bitcoin is right now, when in doubt, zoom out."
"Reliability is the most important factor in long-term fun."
"Lock in a rate for like a 10 or 20-year policy."
"Trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with dedication, you can succeed."
"Gold has held its purchasing power for like a long long time. It's very good."
"Buffett doesn't like to trade in and out of positions. He's looking for long-term companies that he can buy and hold and let that growth compound from over time."
"The board ape mutant yacht club is one to stay, that will be like crypto punks in the long term."
"Never buy an altcoin at a peak price unless you're willing to hold that all coin very long term."
"If you're holding for 10 years, that's like two and a half cycles. I think by then, you know what Kathy Wood says about Bitcoin being at $500,000. I think that'll definitely happen in 10 years."
"And I know it doesn't sound like a lot of money. But it's going to turn into a two-year project for me."
"Gold's money...it will probably be money for thousands more."
"Over 20 years, there's never been a negative 20-year rolling period for the S&P 500."
"Invest in those key items and pantry items that are gonna last for a while and really pay off over time."
"Dividend Aristocrats: companies paying increasing dividends for 25 years."
"You don't need to start with a lot of money to end up with a lot of money by doing the exact opposite which is holding for the long term and relying on long-term compounding and reinvesting dividends and making small contributions along the way."
"You can build this asset that will continue to pay you for years into the future."
"Anytime you do invest it just invest with the long-term outlook, a buy and hold."
"Don't get into it for money, because at the end of the day you're gonna have to work for free for maybe three years before you're gonna earn any money whatsoever."
"There's never a good time to sell Amazon or Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is an engineered network to offer people a decentralized, permissionless, open, ethical way to store their wealth over long periods of time."
"This PC has everything you need to game without upgrading for a very long time."
"It's been hard to spend money on this house when we know we still have a while left in it."
"I see this stock minimum 275 to 300 in under five years."
"A bed like this... is going to be able to stand the test of time."
"The only way you make money over a long period of time is being very strategic and also betting on trends."
"So Uber is a business that if I'm looking at on a long term basis, it should be a company that has a market cap someday of 150 billion dollars, 200 billion, 250 billion if they can get there over let's say the next five years."
"In my 10 plus years of holding Tesla, you know, seven and a half years or even eight years was a completely different experience."
"Bitcoin is the only one guaranteed to be here in ten years."
"Make sure that you're investing for the long term."
"Real estate still gonna be there in my opinion."
"The economics of renewable energy and EVs are going to win over the long term."
"We're in it for the long haul, generally speaking, Bitcoin tends to lead."
"The way that you win as a passive investor is you invest for multiple decades."
"You gotta have a long-term mindset when it comes to crypto."
"You're investing in a business because you believe that the people behind that business are incentivized to create wealth over the long term."
"Don't spend... at the gas station or 7-eleven... make the investment."
"Look at the big picture. If you really have conviction about what this technology is about, just hold."
"Teams who have focused on developing youth have seen the fruits of their labors."
"Long term, they have to deal with this inflation. I 100% as an investor get it. You don't want to get into the point of stagflation and that could just crush the economy long term."
"Take these red days as an opportunity to add on if you're long-term."
"One cannot predict the short-term stock value recession people panicking Etc but long term I'm convinced that Tesla will be the most valuable company on Earth" - Elon Musk
"It's not too late to DCA there's plenty plenty more to go."
"But understand that you know what happens at the long end of it it's a joke like I'm long 18s and rope makers."
"The longer you're invested, the more money you're gonna make, the higher amounts of dividends you're going to get paid."
"You only have to buy these staples once, but they'll last a lifetime."
"So in my experience when investing in something like bitcoin it's just best to buy it, hold on to it and just check it once a year especially if you believe in it long term."
"The ultimate secret: if you can hold for long term and run a business... there's not a m on earth that can stop you."