
Relationship Management Quotes

There are 337 quotes

"It's imperative that you don't burn bridges."
"Talk about it, understand it, express it, let it out. But it's really important that you don't hold that emotion against each other."
"I think it's good for our friendship. We need some healing."
"My primary interest in life is to figure out ways that we can infuse these skills into the way leaders lead and all of us are in relationship."
"The four pillars of emotional intelligence are understanding your own emotions, controlling your emotions, reading emotions in others, and managing your relationships."
"I've done a really great job of maintaining and managing long-term relationships in my life with my family, with my friends, with business partners."
"So even if you're able to forgive your parents or whoever we're talking about here, doesn't mean that you have to accept them as an active relationship in your life."
"Relationship management is not just relationship management; it's life management because there's no area of your life that's not affected by your relationships."
"Make sure that the other person feels super empowered to play a card if they think that it's now getting out of hand and beginning to damage the relationship."
"You cannot make holistic, secure choices about your relationships and your future if you are unable to access your emotions in moments of high stress."
"When negotiating with people you care about, reputation trumps an ultimate win."
"When they are feeling more at peace and ready to communicate and have a conversation, it's just very important to talk about and hear like, 'Hey, was that okay what I did for you? Would you like me to show up in a different way next time? How can I properly love you better?'"
"It's not about being right. It's about making sure that we have a culture of peace within our relationships."
"I'm making a conscious effort not to hurt you."
"It was so important for me, one week, it was like a couple weeks in, and Vincent really was having a rough time... I apologized to him and said like, 'I'll try you know I didn't mean like be so hard on you'."
"Marriage is not this horrible disaster if you, first of all, choose the right partner and, second of all, if you are both working at it."
"A real effective apology has three parts: 1) Acknowledge, 2) Say you're sorry, 3) Describe what you're going to do to make it right."
"We create emotional safety within ourselves through integrity. We create emotional safety in our relationships through consistency and compassion."
"It's about not just how you look but how you treat them how you talk to them the energy that you bring to the table all of that needs to be maintained."
"Set and agree financial goals and targets and have a plan for what you're saving for."
"We're committed to our family, committed to our kids, committed to Jamie as a co-parent."
"It's about that communication, that's kind of my best advice."
"It's important that we decide we're going to try this a new way for a specific amount of time."
"To build a very good network of people you also have to be very careful not to abuse this relationship that you have with someone."
"You have to just step back, say you're sorry, and move forward for the betterment of that relationship."
"I can't explode, I gotta separate [ __ ], sometimes I just gotta let relationships go."
"We actively do couples therapy. We're big believers in being proactive with our relationship."
"There's a big difference between 'I cannot do that' and 'I do not want to do that'... what you need to do is communicate honestly with people."
"You need to anticipate the next moves of the narcissist; the more intimate you are with the way the narcissist thinks, the more likely you are to get it right."
"Make sure you always maintain the frame in the relationship."
"Cultivating emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence is a priority for them."
"Just because we don't agree on something, it doesn't mean we have to fall out."
"How do you not see it? Here's the compromise: I agree with you, it doesn't make sense for him to be a groomsman, but he can be an usher."
"They want to make sure that they are treating you right."
"It's about collecting yourself, understanding each other's differences, and really communicating in a way that is effective for your relationship."
"You're okay with taking your time you're okay with you know divine timing just letting the divine you to work in this connection and your patience with your person that seems like you know because you your usual like go with the flow."
"You guys are gonna be able to work through those together."
"Distancing yourself from draining relationships is a way to preserve your energy."
"I've cut out everybody out of my life that's not bringing value."
"Holding grudges breeds toxicity and dysfunction."
"Communication was necessary, we had to stay on the same page."
"No for real I do, I respected how you guys handled it and I'm glad that we can sit here today and talk."
"Moving on gracefully: 'Leave with a clean conscience and keep that bridge open.'"
"Communication is so, so, so important, otherwise it runs into misunderstandings, it can lead to abuse."
"The communication is so off, despite efforts to express and take action."
"Things only get better when you set and enforce boundaries. If they comply, good. If they don't, it's goodbye."
"For many people, it depends on the type of relationship whether engaging with a low-grade narcissist is sustainable."
"We do have to honor our needs and someone else's and create the space in us and in the relationship for both."
"Have a safe word and a de-escalation plan. Establishing communication protocols helps prevent misunderstandings and reduces tension."
"It's actually been awesome to just talk through any issues, feelings, et cetera."
"Trust is a confident relationship to the unknown."
"Identifying where you can pick up and create balance in that relationship makes you extremely valuable."
"You need to be selective of who you allow in your life because if you're not selected when you just letting anybody in your life that will fuck you up."
"Relationship Theory... it's just as hard to maintain a relationship as it is to build a successful company, maybe even harder."
"The quality of your life really comes down to the quality of your communications and your relationships."
"Conversations are needing to be had here, I do feel like someone needs to honestly express how they feel."
"Some of your relationships, personal or business, may need adjustments or removal, but for now, it's the initial stages, the stage is being set."
"Communication and respect have to come into this whole thing."
"This person wants to fight for this, there's definitely going to be communication."
"This is someone that is actively trying to make something work with you."
"Dodging energy vampires: evading relationships that drain you."
"Develop a healthier relationship with technology, even if it's super challenging."
"You're not abandoning love or a relationship, you're just putting yourself first."
"Physical touch is their love language so it looks like we're going to have to make some concessions and get creative here."
"Super duper handy if you have big relationships that you don't want to sell up and create sim because honestly I've done it in the past it's a big big hassle like humongous hassle to completely create them."
"This person is very sensitive, if you're not romantically into them, let them down easy because I feel like you might have closed the gate on them but you know it's still nice to hear from them."
"We built this from scratch. We don't need to force relationships."
"Step one, take deep breaths. Step two, repeat what I like about this person, what do they remind me of, why am I even in this conversation in the first place."
"Repairing ruptures in the relationship is crucial for maintaining emotional connection."
"North Node in Aries shows letting go of outdated relationships or habits."
"Really starting to your point about kind of small promises starting with setting the intentions."
"Make sure that you are not only making your needs and expectations explain but also that you're making your appreciation explicit."
"At any point when we're upset with each other if anybody comes and hits that button we must dance for 30 seconds... Party and you got to do it."
"Emotional boundaries: 'I'm not being hard-hearted, I just realize it's not wise for me to over invest emotionally here until this is safe.'"
"Cutting people off is hard, but if you want my advice, just genuinely do exactly that."
"Every relationship has fights, but it's important to know how to say 'I'm sorry.'"
"God will always bring divine and true people your way. Leave the bad ones to save yourself."
"Dig the well before you're thirsty, give without the expectation or attachment of getting anything in return, and do not keep score."
"Let's communicate, let's set boundaries, let's talk about what we like and what we don't like."
"Your financial success may be linked to focusing on work rather than love."
"We don't have to let anger and unforgiveness destroy our happiness and relationships."
"Communication is key, even if it's uncomfortable or uneasy."
"We need to talk... there is no problem, just wanted to touch base."
"I still love you but I need to set you straight right now."
"A man able to keep his relationship straight is better able to get things done."
"Make sure that they include the 9 to 5er in their plans."
"Make sure that all of your relationships understand your crystal clear criteria."
"Sometimes, tough conversations are worth having."
"Perhaps sending Elizabeth away at this time was Catherine's way of cleaning house."
"Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities will speak volumes."
"China focuses on economics... Let's not let politics come in between a successful relationship."
"If you're going to continue to deal with them on any level, you must accept that this is the way they are. The good aspects of their personality cannot and do not exist without the rest of it. It's a package deal."
"And for all that sacred and holy, if she is still bugging you after 10 months, coming up on a year, I think it's high time to get a restraining order."
"Sometimes you have to love from a distance, even temporarily until they get their frequency together."
"Disagreements are important, but they don't have to be big blowups."
"Marriage is not easy it's not the fairy tale it's not the wedding marriage is work it takes discipline it takes responsibility it takes action it takes love it takes all these different things."
"Never forget to compromise and negotiate in order to make the relationship work."
"Establishing and reassessing boundaries in partnerships."
"My husband and I have had to create some pretty strict boundaries right now to protect our sanity."
"Drama sucks. I don't like being in it. I really don't like having bad blood with people."
"You think you have a marketing problem, but nobody has a marketing problem. Everybody has a relationship problem."
"Communication is going to be really important."
"Communicate - be vulnerable and clear about where you're coming from, work together to understand."
"Get to know your followers literally know their names know who they are don't get this ego perspective where you're like oh well they're my followers so they care about me and they just care about me you need to care about them too."
"Stop trying to control the narrative, give this situation some time even if you want your person."
"You're still in charge of what goes on in your head and you're still in charge of the relationships with the people you love. That is what you're in charge of."
"We've had chats over the years... it hasn't been the easiest and most straightforward route."
"All Harlan ever tried to do is maintain control over his family."
"Can you just please get your own Skype account so we can video chat after work?"
"Distancing myself from david and shane and yes i love both relationships was the best decision i ever made."
"The conflicts within relationships can come to an end, taking charge by actually saying how it is, being clear, being open, being honest."
"I thought I was doing everything right by her and by both of you."
"Being straight with people is not an enemy... Bluntness is not an enemy."
"Managing relationships becomes so very important after characters can become both sworn on one end and rivals on the other."
"We are no longer nurturing relationships that do not serve us."
"Have people close enough to be your friends, distant enough to be able to lead them."
"I just want to let him down easy and not have him flip out, be honest with him, because you're about to do things that are going to make things better."
"You're gonna have another option, I get you up in the air whether to let someone go or try it again but I still get some of you taking it to the next level."
"Companies should fall in love with the regime but not get married." - Jack Ma
"Smooth communication is like if you take care of your pennies, your dollars take care of themselves."
"You have the right to determine who has the privilege of being in your life."
"He was getting his life back on track, he was getting his relationships back on track, he was motivated, he was moving towards something."
"One of the skills you need for marriage is getting really good at listening."
"We always put our marriage first... but we had to somehow figure out a way to do it."
"Automate the reminders - make sure everyone who's important in your life feels acknowledged and remembered."
"If they can stick to that, they've got a happy restaurant, happy customers, and more importantly, a happy couple."
"Organization implies structure, creating entities in the relationship between them."
"Protecting your emotional energy... you've got to save energy for each other."
"Trying to change them or to improve them without them asking for it."
"I don't answer the question about the irony for me is I don't discuss my private relationship that way."
"Don't bash your own marriage, it poisons your relationship."
"It's always very quickly resolved, always over something dumb."
"This relationship desperately needs a framework of managed strategic competition."
"I want to make sure this lasts. How do I make sure this lasts?"
"She the only way she can really deal with this is just by changing your actions that's really it."
"The goal is to recognize these narcissists for who they are and maintain a disconnected, healthy position in that relationship."
"Be casual, be polite when your ex reaches out."
"You will remove those who do not fit in your life. It doesn't fit you, doesn't make sense, it ain't adding up."
"Communicate your feelings instead of avoiding conflict."
"We keep creating options and not making choices, which complicates every kind of relationship."
"Sometimes you need to take the action of releasing partnerships and even friendships that aren't fully respectful to your sovereignty and your spirituality."
"You can never keep anything you don't minister to."
"It's all about the frame, you know? The frame that you set at the start of the relationship is what's going to govern the way that it goes."
"Spend time only with people who appreciate and value your time."
"Eventually, you gotta learn to stop doing that because you're gonna burn all the bridges you have."
"The quicker you can identify and eliminate the time wasters, tire kickers, users, and takers, the more easy and effortless your life and relationships will be."
"Sorting out issues before they become huge problems."
"Understanding attachment styles: navigating conflicts, setting boundaries, and fostering healthy relationships."
"Effective communication can patch that up as well."
"Can we talk, please? That's all we asking for. That's all we asking for."
"You don't need to have joint bank accounts... but you do need to have conversations around finance."
"I fully support expressing yourself. However, I also think it is very important that we both come together to find a common ground."
"If you really love somebody, you wouldn't want them to go through the pain of you constantly withdrawing from that bank account."
"One reason that Canadians apologize is that it’s part of their culture of politeness, but it’s also a quick way to smooth over problems and keep relationships positive."
"Don't abandon your friendships, but cut out time wastes."
"You don't have to control a person if you can set boundaries around them."
"I think this emotional health piece of managing your relationships both with yourself and others, it just can't be overstated."
"Communication is key, it's time for healing."
"The decision to distance oneself from a relationship that disturbs your peace is not to be taken lightly."
"You can choose to react however you want when you engage in the emotional tornado that is your girl."
"Healthy conversations and wise counsel are essential."
"I focus on relationships... your words and actions don't line up, I want to do no business with you because I know that I'm pre-approved by God."
"Creating healthy boundaries with people is crucial."
"Identifying their purpose and intention will help us navigate this relationship."
"There was some conversation you could have had to avoid this outcome."
"Life is too short, don't waste your time. You're not gonna change them. Let her be someone else's problem."
"There are conversations that need to be had."
"Some of you guys, it really is like you are dealing with co-parenting and you just want to do things in a real authentic way."
"You have to really forge a family and you have to if people make mistakes you have to forgive them."
"Telling someone how you feel when you feel it is so important."
"You need to let go of some of those relationships as well in Easy flowing way with great strategy CU."
"Reacting versus responding: a crucial distinction in relationships."
"Instead of you looking at how it is that you can Leverage The Best of a person you so busy trying to fix somebody."
"A relationship is always work... There should always be a compromise."
"This was top-notch communication from start to finish."
"Using letters for verbal communication of deep feelings and issues is a very effective method in relationships."
"Do not blame, figure out what happened, move on, and go find another person."
"I apply red pill principles to my life and my marriage."
"You have to concentrate and focus on who deserves your time, your energy, your love, the resources."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was causing you."
"He's really good about being like 'hey it's okay you have all these things you have to do today'."
"We've talked a lot about what happened and we have decided to give ourselves the space we need."
"There is good intentions here to mend things between you two."
"That's the thing, you know who you're dealing with."
"It cuts down on confusion, it can save a deal, save a marriage, save a life."
"You've got to just pick certain things that you can kind of say maybe there's something going on where if the lines of communication are open at least right."
"Respect is the cornerstone for all other categories of this agreement."
"By setting boundaries, you coexist without giving too much to the wrong people."
"You're going to know who to end things with and who to move forward with."
"The moment that you force somebody onto a side or you take something away from a person, you will only push them away from you."
"Be patient and nurture your relationships, your ideas, your projects with love."
"When I'm bringing someone correction, I want to know if I have the currency, the credit, the place to say this thing without destroying the relationship."
"You should be able to read the flags, locate the signs, and figure out if a person is good for you before you let them into your life."
"Remaining mindful, compromising, and being mindful of the other person's feelings and thoughts."
"It helps when you like each other because yeah, you're going to have to have some uncomfortable conversations some days."
"Cut these people off because they're not even respecting your time."
"You managed to stay on top of things, especially when it comes to important people in your life."
"You know, that's why I keep three on rotation."
"We want you to win with your money, win in your work, win in your relationships."
"Keeping his closest and most trustworthy friends satisfied was worth more than any money."