
Preaching Quotes

There are 2085 quotes

"I promise you, I'm never going to preach what just feels good. I'm going to preach what grows you."
"Those who preach the most have the most to hide."
"I do not want to be known for prosperity. I want to be known for someone who preached the cross of Jesus, salvation."
"You don't hurt that when someone asks you to preach and they give you their pulpit. That's their Holies of Holies. You honor that."
"Preaching should never supersede thought; it should make you think."
"It is the truth that's going to save both you and I as individuals, and Lord willing, if there's any hope for America, it's got to come from the pulpits who will not speak and preach opinions but the truth of God."
"Get plugged into a good, doctrinally sound local church that is committed to expositional preaching."
"He admitted that he has not been preaching the gospel rightly."
"Every one of these messages is honestly, y'all know, I told you, I can't preach anything that God's not doing in my life."
"With these words, Jesus began the most famous sermon in history somewhere in this region."
"The point of preaching to the heart is to take abstract truth and to make it real to people's heart, so that they are changed."
"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching."
"The resurrection was first preached in Jerusalem."
"This could very well be the most important message I've ever preached in my life."
"I'm not called to preach trends; I'm called to preach truth."
"If you're not in the word, you have no business preaching it."
"The truth is the truth, and we're ordained to preach it and teach it."
"Let Souls hear the word of God preached according to what you have outlined in the scriptures, that men and women's hearts might be pricked and repent."
"They speak as the Spirit gave the utterance. That's it, not some preacher get up and say, 'When I count to three, everybody gonna speak.'"
"Without the anointing, you are a motivational speaker; with the anointing, you have a preacher with a difference."
"Preach, teach, and heal, and healing will open up people's heart to the reality of Christ. He is the Living God."
"I stood in front of a mirror and preached to myself for 45 minutes, spit flying, gave an altar call, and answered it. Praise God."
"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound."
"He brought races and denominations together toward a common purpose as he preached in 185 countries around the world."
"You have to learn how to preach the grace of God to yourself."
"I'm more concerned about what a man preaches than I am by what a man owns."
"God is looking for those who will not just hold on to the sound Doctrine but also preach it."
"Preaching the truth sometimes angers people."
"The greatest need in the church today is for strong biblical preaching."
"I'm an independent preacher, not tied to the shackles of manmade religion."
"Good preaching notices that and proclaims what God is about now."
"Preaching like Peter might not serve you tea but you'll cut them to the heart."
"Authentic Christian preaching is always apostolic."
"There's only two possibilities: Reformation in our preaching or fierce, horrifying persecution."
"Preaching is a very dangerous thing, it's dangerous for me."
"Our response to it is to preach the word, be instant in season and out of season, be ready to convince, rebuke, and instruct."
"No speech is better than to call people to Allah and to do good."
"Why is that, viewers? Because this is the message that's given the devil pain. That's right."
"I'm not necessarily involved in politics. I'm involved in prophetic preaching."
"Preach to others and justify sins within the community, and we draw the line."
"Boldly and without hindrance, he preached the kingdom of God."
"We're not called to hide... we're going to be called to preach the gospel during this time."
"We need preachers and teachers who are not ashamed to say 'Thus saith the Lord' with love and compassion."
"Imagine if Jesus didn't get me then, you know? That gives me so much boldness when the Holy Spirit prompts me to preach."
"The game is dirty, real dirty, but I always try to preach the gospel."
"We are going to preach the word even if it makes people uncomfortable."
"Preach as if Jesus Christ was crucified yesterday, rose from the dead today, and is coming back tomorrow."
"Christ and him crucified, that's it, that's the essence of our message."
"I feel like he would have the answers and would and accept me, and if that's the end feeling then we have preached repentance, yes is what I would say about that."
"Our confidence is in the person of Jesus Christ, the word becoming flesh and dwelling among us, that's who we preach."
"Whitfield preached with an evangelistic thrust: 'The whole world is now my parish.'"
"The best preparation for preaching on Sunday is to preach every day of the week."
"George Whitfield is beyond any question the greatest English preacher of all time."
"He is my all-time all-time favorite preacher and dead or alive."
"Remember, now is the most important time to preach the gospel."
"Spurgeon's sense of spiritual reality gripped me. This is a man who's speaking to my experience and my heart."
"Preach Jesus... because of Jesus it's how we're gonna get through this, how we're gonna heal this and mend this."
"When you preach the gospel, you're basically preaching the kingdom."
"Our future is going to be determined if we have the common sense enough to come back to preaching and teaching what's in this book."
"Don't divide the community, don't preach hatred, don't foment sectarianism, don't teach a Muslim to have in his heart hatred looking down upon another Muslim."
"You're here, you're a preacher, it's time to be a witness with more than just being a good preacher."
"Your preaching and teaching must be backed up with power and Grace."
"Read the rest of it and it goes into great detail about how the gospel is being preached."
"We preach Jesus Christ the Lord, not ourselves."
"Everybody ought to stand on their feet and thank God for the man preaching the word of God."
"Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and teaching."
"The message of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
"God purpose that repentance and remission of sins be preaching His name according to Acts 2:38."
"I've been preaching for what 38 years you know and just little Misadventures I remember."
"Christ preached all the virtues from the cross."
"This is happening, this is the end times, I've seen things over 34 years of preaching the gospel I never dreamed I would see."
"Show my people their sinful deeds through preaching."
"Preach the word, even though they may not listen."
"Expository preaching and teaching, the sufficiency of God's word."
"When I preach the word of God, I'm preaching a spot-removing message."
"I number myself among the healed. Hallelujah, amen, amen."
"There's no substitute for immersing yourself in the word and preaching the Word of God."
"Jesus did that. He went from City to City casting out demons, Healing The Sick, preaching about the kingdom."
"Preach the gospel and the lost will be saved, but you have to preach the gospel."
"People have to wake up and people have to pray and preach the gospel again."
"If the world loves you, you are not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Invite all to the way of Allah with wisdom and good preaching."
"Imagine by 2022, hundreds of pastors preaching with the bold conviction of Jack's."
"I will go wherever you call me that'll preach."
"I'm more good with fighting demons and preaching to the people."
"I truly would not be able to preach if it wasn't for what Jesus did in my life."
"When the word of God is rightly preached, the voice of God is truly heard because in his word he meets with his people."
"Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season."
"God spoke to her actually through a message that was being preached at her local church."
"We as Christians want to avoid those things but we want to live in a way that's consistent with the preaching of our Lord Jesus Christ which helps us to grow in a relationship with him."
"Call to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching."
"The financial well-being of all these guys are intimately intertwined. They're all compensating each other for preaching at different churches and conferences."
"Jesus: preacher of the coming kingdom of God."
"Jesus was quoting from Isaiah 61... the spirit of The Sovereign Lord is upon me he's anointed me to preach good news."
"Being a preacher is a divine act of God, and you're not preaching unless you preach the word."
"Enjoy the journey, even if you're preaching to an empty room."
"Thank God for all the pastors around the world that preach the unfiltered truth of the Word of God."
"He saved America, he preached the gospel. He was indeed a great man."
"Keep preaching even if people are angry... because you never know who might change."
"This is not taking place no place in America or the world where Holiness is preached in this manner."
"It's not just about preaching Jesus, but preaching what Jesus preached."
"I heard you preach that the Rahm is when they heard that divine ultimatum."
"There is no way you could fall asleep through this guy's sermons. I appreciate guys who are excited and passionate about what they're saying."
"Father James Altman is a fantastic preacher. Everyone is talking about him."
"Every pastor of a church should cause hearts to be troubled when he preaches the law so that the troubled heart will run to the cross and cling to it for protection."
"What a priest should be doing is thinking to himself, what can I say to these people that they might not already know or might not fully understand? What is it that they actually need to hear?"
"Purge, purge, purge. It hurts. God's purging you right now. It hurts. God's pressing you right now. God's cutting you. I know you don't hear this preaching in the average church, but God's wounding you right now. It's called anguish."
"I'm just excited about really being all that God has called us to be. I think sometimes we kind of just cut it short and limit God, but we're all about preaching about the fullness of God and all that he has."
"Every time is the right time for the Word of God to be preached."
"The object of preaching is to bring the beauty of Christ to you so that you marvel at who God is."
"You inspire me, may you be a great vessel all the days of your life."
"Your preaching was so good, I thought you were going to start floating."
"If you don't preach the Bible in its entirety, you don't preach the gospel."
"Let us aggressively pursue the peace of God through the preaching of the word of God to the nations of the world."
"Paul the Apostle reasoned with the Athenians, proclaiming the God who made the world and everything in it, urging them to seek and find Him."
"We need to preach the power of the word of God without compromise, and that's the only way we're going to get through these prophetic times."
"Jesus Christ died because he was preaching the gospel."
"No one forces me to preach. I do it because I want to."
"You cannot be a great preacher and be petty."
"I'm not a Democrat preacher or Republican preacher. I'm a holiness preacher here. That's right."
"Everybody needs a preacher... They won't just make you feel good, they will also challenge you."
"I thank God for being able to stand up here before you this morning and bring the message that God put on my heart."
"I am more concerned about what a man preaches than I am about what a man owns."
"The ultimate purpose of preaching is to get you to a place where you have to make a decision."
"Preaching is about life and death, in heaven and hell."
"Preachers have got to start getting the fire of God back in the pulpit, commanding the Word of God. For in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"You Don't Preach something like that unless you've lived it."
"Our assignment is not only to prepare sermons but to be discerning enough to see what God is saying and to understand what He is doing."
"I preach with love, but I come to hit you and cut you with the Word of God."
"We're just gonna keep growing. The gospel must be preached in all the world."
"I remember, I'm not trying to sound preachy or anything, but it's just facts, man."
"Good preaching notices what God is doing now."
"Good evangelical preaching names sin clearly and unambiguously."
"But if the truth offends, I can't take it back. I am undeniably Christian, a preacher of the gospel."
"You better be really sure that you can stand up at the pulpit and preach on whatever you need to preach on because if you don't you know you could end up losing your soul over the process."
"Preach the word, spend time praying with God."
"Our job is not to make people comfortable in sin. It's to preach spiritual regeneration."
"As a Christian, my biggest concern is preaching the message of Jesus."
"There are over 80 passages in the New Testament that warn Christians not to lose what they've got in Christ. And most of them are ignored or overlooked or not preached about." - Unknown speaker
"Jesus ministered from place to place throughout all the province of Galilee he taught in the synagogues preaching the hope of the kingdom realm and healing every kind of sickness and disease among the people every kind."
"Preaching soothes the soul, but preaching frees the soul."
"We preach nothing but Christ and him crucified."
"Paul's message about Jesus and the gospel is the same message we find prophesied in the Old Testament, preached by Jesus and his original followers."
"Preach the Bible and watch your church experience revival."
"What fixes the problem is when preachers stand up and faithfully preach the good news."
"Preaching the word of God is the only thing that can change people."
"I see you preaching the word with boldness with a demonstration of power. You'll be like Paul the Apostle says God."
"We come here for one purpose only, and that's to hear the words of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The spirit of the Lord is upon you and he's anointed you to preach the good news and to break the bondages."
"From barely knowing the Bible to preaching with giants - God's plans are beyond our comprehension."
"For months I would go to bed and wake up preaching full-on sermons."
"Preach the word, even if it hits me and it does, because it is written: preach the word!"
"There must be far more teaching, far less preaching."
"Preach the word, preach the truth, tell the gospel because it is the power of God unto Salvation."
"We should never drift away or be afraid to preach the simple gospel."
"God called you to preach, but he called you to preach the truth."
"He's preaching the gospel in a way that's so composed, gentle, kind, and loving, but bold at the same time."
"If that's all you hear about the cross, that He was beaten, that He was nailed to a tree, then you have not heard the cross preached."
"Don't just practice what you preach, preach what you practice."
"Priests are not getting protected by their own or their bosses. We need about 3,000 priests like Father Altman, Father Altier, Father Nolan to come together and preach on these truths."
"Praise the Lord! Don't get me started, y'all. I'll start preaching up in here."
"If you're going to occupy well number one, keep the Commandments, number two, preach the word of God."
"Preaching on the blood of Jesus is so important because that's the way of salvation, that's the way of redemption through his blood."
"Don't teach a good sermon, teach the truth of the passage."
"We need a prophet in every pulpit in the land today."
"If you don't have a strong theological backing if you're not preaching the word now and then and you're not calling people to repentance that could be a danger as well too."
"Preaching the gospel is the most important thing."
"The doctrine of Jesus Christ is built around... preaching of holiness and godliness."
"I want to be known for someone that preached Holiness."
"A false prophet is a false messenger, compare their preaching to the Word of God."
"When he preaches he never opens the Bible and he can quote every scripture from memory from Genesis up to Revelation."
"Preaching that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven is not a side trail."
"Surprisingly, Mary Magdalene was one of the first to preach the message that would become known as Christianity."
"This isn't for everyone, and I don't want any of you to think that I am preaching."
"This will be the greatest opportunity to preach the gospel."
"What Jesus is getting ready to say is that whatever it is I'm applying it from the pulpit to the Pew."
"God's Word never returns void, share God's word."
"Repentance is wrong? No, Jesus said go and preach repentance."
"They going to feel it when I preach, every time I speak, let's get it."
"What about the actual preaching of the word of God?"
"We preach Christ crucified; it's not about what we've done, but what He has done."
"Sometimes preaching can be a delight, but then comes that moment when you know you must stand before God's people."
"The preaching of the word, the preaching of the word, the preaching of the word."
"It's not just what he preaches on the platform, it's in the decisions he makes behind the scenes."
"This next, you know, however long it is, it's... I'm not going to stop preaching and proclaiming what I believe to be true and what the Lord has put on my heart."
"My prayer for this book has been that this will be the most fruitful sermon that I've ever preached."
"I guess that's why I do this. It sounds like I'm preaching, but please know that I'm just trying to solidify ideas."
"Its preaching led to the salvation of millions of souls."
"Preach decent behavior and be better people."
"I've been pastoring for 37 years. I have been preaching for about 43 years."
"Christ is preached and I therein do rejoice and will rejoice."
"He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead."
"Every one of us has to be involved in dawa, but in your capacity."
"As a little girl, you wanted to preach the gospel to the Nations; I'm giving that to you right now."
"Let's get a 30-piece band and then preach!"
"The three steps of the Negro preacher are the secrets of spiritual power: think yourself clear, pray yourself hot, and then just let go."
"What more would I want if only this gospel could be preached in Samaria and to the ends of the earth."
"When I preach this gospel, I want them to repent and to become obedient to my Lord, then God can indite them to the Book of Life."
"It's an amazing journey to do this for as long as I have and see the grace that has continually extended to me to be able to keep preaching the word of God. There's no greater joy for me."
"We should go, for what? To preach the gospel of God."