
Emotional Coping Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"I put a Band-Aid on that hurt that was within me because I didn't have anybody to talk to, to tell them how I was feeling inside."
"I have a habit of bottling things up and dealing with things on my own, such that in the past I was prone to easily isolate myself and dismiss any uncomfortable emotions."
"Writing this book was a welcome distraction, a way to put all of these emotions into something that could help other people."
"It might be easier to ignore your problems but it's okay to cry about them too."
"Deluding myself into optimism is better than just dwelling in negativity."
"Fear is a little term undermining sensation but if you deal with it day by day a minute-to-minute do what you can you can that's a way of coping."
"It's fine. It's fine. I meant to lose. I'm so happy."
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
"There's even a theory that Madame Foster is actually Frankie's imaginary friend dreamt up to cope with the loss of her grandmother when she was young."
"People are always gonna hurt us. We're always gonna get burned a little bit by people's actions. But it's about how we handle it within ourselves."
"The solution to dealing with strong negative emotions is very, very simple: it's to allow yourself to fully feel the emotion. That's it."
"It's like a consolation party. He lost everything."
"Sometimes you got to laugh to keep from crying, y'all."
"Sometimes you have to laugh when you're about to cry."
"Find the humor in your day because if you can't laugh at some of this [__], it just becomes emotionally insurmountable."
"Honestly, my kids are always nice 'cause I'm like you guys I biffed on the Foo Fighters and they're like, it's gonna be okay and I'm like, it's not okay."
"You know I got it, you gotta take what GN I'm a sad sad man just acquire his happiness in all sorts of different ways."
"We're deeply involved with death": Veterinarians navigating grief without proper training.
"I had to spread some love and positivity otherwise the gravity of the situation would be too much."
"All you can do is hope that as time goes on, it does get easier."
"We process it with like, 'I'm gonna cry, but then I'm gonna fucking figure out a way to laugh at this shit.'"
"So much shame today, too much. You need a shame umbrella because it's raining shame. Bye Felicia."
"Please don't cry, if you cry just eat donuts, guys they make everything better."
"It's more about dealing with grief, dealing with loss rather than getting revenge."
"Sometimes I forget about all the bad [ __ ] that happened... That's how big the harassment [ __ ] was."
"It's okay to be bitter about stuff. You have to eventually work through it and get over it."
"Feeling helpless... be willing to make a sacrifice."
"I realized how bad it was until I kind of started going out, and I didn't tell anybody that, but I was kind of just drinking just to, like, kind of just like fill that void."
"Being realistic with those expectations makes those blows easier to deal with."
"Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened at all."
"I'm just trying to convince myself that whatever pain I'm in Natalie is experiencing the exact same kind of pain."
"But what happens when someone can’t accept the death of their beloved animal companion? When the unconditional love of their pet is suddenly missing from their life, how far will a person go to recapture that feeling?"
"There's not enough sage in the world, there's not enough sage in the world."
"She fought her melancholy by striving to bring hope and joy."
"She's trying to make herself feel better by spinning positive traits as negative."
"She's trying to fill the void, the loss of her father."
"That's why you're laughing, you know? I just wanted to not show pain, so I laughed."
"It's gonna feel chaotic. It might even feel a little overwhelming, but you're gonna be fine. You can handle it."
"Laughter is a windshield wiper. It doesn't stop the rain but it makes it where the rain doesn't stop you."
"You did the best that you could and that food at one point in your life was something that you felt like you needed to use to survive."
"But it does give me hope you know that life after may not be as difficult as what I'm imagining it could be."
"It's not all just like down or downer like this is just such a hard thing to deal with... for it to be dealt with kind of like a humorous lighthearted way at some points I think is a really nice way to kind of push past it on your own end as well."
"Lonely nights and sad days where most relearn to pray."
"Crying about this [ __ ] ain't gonna help at all."
"For people going through a breakup, you need to treat a breakup like an addiction because it is an addiction."
"If we couldn't laugh about it, we would cry. We have a Mad King."
"Part of growing up and moving into new chapters of your life is about catch and release."
"It's just so much easier to just go focus on something else."
"Take your opinion, stick it up your ass, and go into a safe room and just cry and watch Steel Magnolias all day with a box of Kleenex."
"Be a happy person, maybe it must just be pretending to be happy."
"Cinderella wants to water the garden with her tears."
"Loneliness is a challenge in marriage, but it's what you do to fill up those spaces that count."
"There's only so much like crying and things that you can do in mourning and thinking about it before you like even during portions of that mourning period you're like I need these moments of like laughing and remembering."
"We preserve ourselves through truth rather than this fear and this denial of what this thing really was."
"Laughter is good medicine or will cry but come laugh."
"I went from having a big Last of Us party every Sunday too I don't want to watch this with you guys I want to be alone with my feelings."
"What if we just took our old tools and throw them out the window for a little bit, break the mold, and see what happens? You might be able to come up with a better way to do stuff."
"It's really hard to just see all the news and people that haven't been able to understand what we've been dealing with... I don't ever feel like projecting fear on a situation is going to help it... there's hope."
"Bravo six, going dark 'cause I'm single now. I shouldn't laugh at that, why am I laughing at that?"
"It feels good to eat and consume, it takes away some of the pain, it takes away some of the emotional challenges that people face."
"Developing coping skills and getting better at relating to life's ups and downs is what I prescribe to most people."
"You're only feeling okay when you're eating, just like the only person who is only feeling okay when they have a cigarette going."
"Sometimes we self-sabotage not because we hate ourselves, but because we're trying to give something to ourselves in a less healthy way."
"Are you livid? Are you angry? Are you upset? Are you fearful? Take deliberate intentional actions."
"Joe makes me want to be more funny, right? Like every time I'm reading I'm like, it's just like... and it needs it sometimes because you do go to dark places, right?"
"All through Survivorman, I was going through a fairly nasty and dark divorce."
"You're going to make friends with sadness and grief, acknowledging your emotions fully."
"Laughing to keep from crying, it's been a rough day."
"Once we accept that laughter and pain are related, we are less likely to be shocked when people laugh in all sorts of painful, even tragic situations."
"Pain does not last forever. It's going to be painful, it's going to hurt, but I'm just going to use the tools..."
"I'd rather laugh through feelings than have an uncomfortable moment."
"This person could be burying themselves in work to take their mind off heartache."
"It all comes down to the art of doing as little as possible while still getting enough likes on the video to not cry myself to sleep every night."
"If we can get 10 000 likes on this video nothing will happen differently because I'm gonna grind videos anyway because I need money but if it gets 10 000 likes at least I would cry myself to sleep every night."
"How did you deal with that emotionally?"
"Cope with your emotions with kindness; food can act as a way to comfort us, to distract us, to numb us, but it doesn't fix the underlying issues."
"Give a name, name your fear, identify it in the dark and invite it in for dinner."
"The answer to problems of the heart does not lie in the bottom of a bottle."
"The power of anger or hatred is what we use to hide our real feelings of despair."
"She couldn't think about her sister's illness, had to push it out of her head until she could deal with it on her own at home."
"They don't know how to cope with their emotions."
"Stay patient, and cry if you have to, but also do other things to keep yourself distracted."
"As long as we remember that it's not going to be like this forever, I feel like that helps me push through and get through and not like get down or sad or overwhelmed by it."
"It takes time for people that are victims of emotional abuse or any type of abuse to cope with what they've gone through."
"I'd rather cry it out there than eat a thing of spicy nacho Doritos, if that makes sense."
"You split a part of yourself at a young age to shape the virtual personality of Mei Ling so that you could fill the absence of emotion; you were helping yourself."
"When I'm sad, I just look at it and I'm like, ah, life is good, everything's fine."