
Emotional Turmoil Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"After a fierce battle, Rasra falls to the ground, crying over her loss to Ry once again, highlighting the depth of her defeat and the emotional turmoil behind their conflict."
"Love is not supposed to be painful or devastating. The lack of stability in these relationships is addictive for audiences because we're always waiting to see what will happen next."
"I'll be lying awake counting all the mistakes I've made, replaying fights. I'm gonna be all right, but I'm not tonight."
"That night I literally could have been in an insane asylum... It was pain inside me that nobody know."
"Moral values have been bent into an L-shape, crooked and passive-aggressive, vengeful and suppressing emotional rage."
"My heart had just dropped out of my body. I just felt like getting in the car, driving to the end of the road, and ending my life."
"They're losing their mind, obsessing about being with you."
"Many will be offended and betray one another and will hate one another."
"I really like him. I wish he liked me. Got him, he's fucking broken."
"The sensation was so strange, my mind was caught in a vicious wrestling match between feelings of terror and the comfort of coming home."
"There's a lot of them in there... and one of the things that happens is when... something is wrong something's profoundly wrong..."
"There's definitely something tied up to love that's kind of stressing you out here."
"Even if you don't allow people to know exactly how you feel at the end of the day, you sleep with you, you look at you early in the morning, you know when your emotions all over the place."
"I'm addicted to the high of being obsessed with someone I have convinced myself is Out Of Reach."
"All reason left Broly at this point, only rage and sorrow remained."
"Remorse is a powerful negative emotion that causes turmoil in those that feel it."
"They feel like you're trying to pull out the worst in them, Pisces, or you're trying to manifest some form of upheaval with them."
"She has to become a vicious killer... consumed by rage and fear and a ferocious will to survive."
"The year of jealousy and hate" - a tumultuous period in online relationships.
"I've lost myself for a little while, swimming in my emotions for you."
"A lot of you guys are in this position sagittarius of knowing very well you have feelings for someone but at the same time it's like it's very tempting to just end things rather than to go through this turmoil again."
"I can't keep the fucking secret, it tortures me inside."
"He needed to be with the affair partner... set off that insane mix of rage and lunacy that led to one human being to kill another."
"There is a nervous restlessness, a hunger, a thirst, a yearning for something unknown."
"Your person's going through a lot of turbulence because this is an extremely profound awakening."
"It's amazing how destructive love can be, how it can actually make you crazy and ruin your life."
"It's like the perfect storm of horribleness."
"Gigi is very upset that Damien brought Francesca to the party especially because it's been two years since he jilted her at the altar."
"You're not used to feeling your feelings... it's such a roller coaster of a time."
"I was in communication with them because I had so much anger and resentment towards them, Wow."
"Fine, let the storm land. What am I doing? What have I become?"
"He yells desperately at Rawling Christine to leave him because he's so ashamed of what he's put them through."
"Love gone wrong, he's so distraught, he gets in a personal attack and then he can't live with what he did."
"Sometimes love can be darker, it can be a powerful force but when it becomes twisted and distorted it can lead down a path of Destruction leaving Devastation in its wake."
"Resistance is hell for it places man in a state of torment."
"This man is a mess, he's crying for his queen of pentacles."
"The villain in this damn story is Marie. I'm done feeling like I should feel guilt for anything I feel right now."
"You don't just stick something out here just because you're embarrassed of quitting, bro. Admit that you know what? It's not going well and give up. There's nothing wrong with giving up sometimes."
"Everything sucks. I didn't just betray my friends, I didn't just betray my family, I betrayed myself."
"When things come undone they come apart you can also say I've come undone which means that you're coming apart inside like your feelings are all you're very confused and you're not sure about things and you're just not feeling good about yourself."
"Revenge stirs around inside you like an angry critter."
"I just have this like fire inside of me this anger and I don't know what to do with it like I just I want to do something but I don't know what."
"Out of sheer insanity with my son, I spent years living in his chaos, crisis, and drama."
"How do you just wake up one day and your whole world is wrong and it's upside down?"
"I just barely got through the day... I don't remember being happy."
"A man like Travis is a walking contradiction, a ticking time bomb of angst and anger just waiting to be unleashed upon the people he believes deserves it."
"This love is crazy, why can't I get over you?"
"Known as the being of emotion in legend, this pokemon was feared as any who showed disrespect would have their emotions thrown into disarray."
"I feel everything I do, I can't control my actions, my mind yells for help, but my body does not agree. I wish the world would understand."
"He thought that Alex probably wouldn't want to go on without his mother either, and so Andre spent most of that car journey on the way to the hospital thinking of the different ways that he could end his own and his son's lives."
"They really want it to happen... but they're torn because these feelings are making them lose control."
"As long as this game of torment continues, happiness will never be had here."
"It's been rough, okay, trust me, I'm just as mad as you guys, I'm just as upset."
"It felt crazy, like I went back and forth, I think it was only like three or four times."
"We were pretty well counting on the fact that they were going to show up or call, that they were desperate for the money, and we certainly reassured them we wanted Amy back." - Unknown speaker
"When you bury a dream, that [ __ ] haunts you like a nightmare when you're awake and it definitely when you sleep."
"They feel guilty and nervous because they fear judgment and rejection."
"You don't even recognize who you are anymore."
"They fear rejection and don't want to make false promises. Their life is in flux."
"I really feel like I'm like 10 again. There's some childhood trauma there, definitely. Maybe not. It's not that deep. Maybe it is. I don't know."
"Demons tend to lash out right before they're cast out." - Unknown
"Your whole life just changed and your hormones are going like this. They're doing like a crazy dance of chaos."
"Toga wants revenge and she has completely lost it."
"If Robin was anywhere halfway conscious she would have found a way to reach us." - Veronica
"They're really feeling like their world has kind of been turned upside down."
"But at the same time, he can feel something inside him falling apart."
"Constant, unlimited hate for oneself and for everything."
"Find out who you are and if you don't, then join the recycling of panic, stress, and suffering."
"I just felt like I just I can't I feel like I know I've got a good heart and I would feel bad doing something like that if it's not true."
"The next day was like some kind of hellish nightmare."
"It's a thin line between love and hate, someone's flipping."
"Their thoughts of you today: heartbreak, shatter, obsession, social media, reunion."
"I feel like I am no longer in control, I don't know how to control myself."
"Funny, set my wheels in motion. I'm going crazy, the ocean changed before the sun."
"Someone definitely likes you guys right now but they're going through it like straight up going through it."
"Nobody suffered like I did. Nobody ever hit the ceiling. This is a forever thing that you have to figure out."
"Your heartache kills me but your love and it thrills me."
"It's like the pot is being stirred in your emotions and behaviors."
"Yesterday was like an emotional roller coaster."
"It felt like the sinking feeling when the love of your life tells you to piss off."
"If they are all real, then she doesn't want to be alive anymore."
"There was a year of emotional torture, which I've never experienced before. I went from loving him to hating him and loving and hating him at the same time."
"I am devastated and I don't even want to look at her right now."
"The reason your person is being cold not only because they're away from you but also because they're going through so much crap."
"twisted and bending under the cruelest tragedy of his life."
"Their emotions are a little bit all over the place right now, causing confusion."
"He's still alive," she said out loud, almost heaving. "My dad had appeared to me to say goodbye, as did the cat. There was no stopping that. But this boy, Tom, he's still alive."
"Letting you go was the toughest choice we ever made, I'd give anything, man, anything."
"This album is a heartbroken but moving pasted woman who is kind of like trapped in the confines of a room and she's going insane and everything she's writing is adding to it."
"The worst pain in my life was a friendship breakup and I'm like oh my God I lit I want to die."
"Frustrated by the inability to elicit a response, Parker realized Stark was dying and grappled with overwhelming guilt."
"I just feel like I'm like a disaster."
"I was dying like inside for sure."
"It was like I was stuck in a nightmare and I could see the tears rolling down my face."
"Under pressure, God, soul fire, I've been feeling under pressure."
"You are healing right now, even if it feels like you're in the middle of an earthquake or a roller coaster of emotions."
"I'm in a glass box of emotions right here trying to figure out how I feel about it."
"...and I would have moments where I would I would I would stop crying for a moment and just you're just in disbelief."
"Did something die inside? I was broken."
"I came up here to find out who killed George and the only thing I've learned so far is the fact that the guy I loved used me but yet for some reason I still want to find out what happened to him."
"I felt like my whole world was falling apart."
"My world went upside down when you walked away."
"When that happened, my whole life felt like I was living in darkness. No matter how bright it was outside, it was very dark."
"Feeling cornered and emotionally drained, Sarah found herself grappling with a torrent of guilt and confusion."
"I cried every night because I was like I'm deceiving people."
"I couldn't ignore it anymore. Now it's all exploding, and I'm trying to handle having all of these feelings."
"I feel like my entire world has collapsed."
"I felt my world was crumbling around me."
"And you're absolutely obsessed with this person. It's the most desperate situation you've ever been in."
"You secretly miss that person, and that's what's fueling the rest of the anger."
"I had a breakup that like definitely put me on a bit of a tail spin."
"I have never been through a breakup like this before. Why am I acting like this? I'm going crazy acting desperate and you know that it's different this time."
"He makes me feel like I can't actually rely on him in any capacity and that he is able to flip the switch at any point in time with my emotions and now at this point with all things considered I seriously don't know what to do."
"I went on my way and and it was a very rough time you know I was focusing on my career focusing on work focusing on on success and uh but at the same time there was this this emotional turbulence this gnawing sense that that something was not quite right."
"I kept a stiff upper lip but inside I was a complete emotional wreck."
"I was devastated, I stayed in bed for about a week, I couldn't move, I couldn't talk to anybody, and it was just a really sad and depressing experience."
"I'm tryin' to stay calm right now, but there is so many emotions runnin' through me."
"I miss my husband, you know? I just, I don't, I don't know what changed in him."
"Tears of frustration filling her eyes, Diana turned to flee herself, to find some private place if she could before the dam broke and everyone saw her crying."
"But eventually he is completely pushed to the brink by sudden circumstances, witnessing something truly terrible, acting on impulse and pent-up emotions, finally awakens."
"...sobbing and crying my eyes out after she'd called me a piece of for I don't know how many how many million times she'd call me that."
"Do you ever really crash and don't even make a sound?"
"I lost my mind, it's somewhere out there stranded."
"I was very emotional for a little while, confused, and you know, I didn't know how to make sense of things."
"Just a complete mess emotionally. I was like, 'What the [ __ ] is going on?'"
"It really was more an existential shattering of a human soul."
"I can't stop thinking about you despite the fact that you killed my whole family. Tonally these two things do not make sense."
"I'm numb, heartbroken, my mind is all over the place."
"Please Marcus, don't leave me," she begs, fresh tears spilling.
"This person feels lost adrift without you, you know, they feel left out in the cold, they feel anxious, they feel like their whole world has ended, and they feel confused and afraid."
"He's perfectly happy throwing tantrums and trying to keep the status quo, but for you, this seems to be tearing you up inside."
"My dearest Wallace, I think something in me quietly died when I closed the door of the flat for the last time this evening."
"Walking away from you was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life."
"I meant it with every fiber of my being I just didn't want to be here anymore."
"I felt like my heart couldn't take it anymore... my husband wasn't all mine."
"He feels lost here, all these conflicting emotions boil up inside of him."
"I didn't get to talk to Heath like I know I just felt like it wasn't until today where like the room was spinning for the past few days"
"He cried and begged for help. The worst was his youngest daughter, my half-sister of 24 years old."
"Losing a loved one is the hardest thing that you can ever go through here in this world."
"It was like somebody went into my guts and... just was kind of turning things around."
"An enraged Scythe re-watches the moment of his mother's murder"
"There's a war that's raging in his soul."
"The evacuations are not only a physical upheaval but also an emotional one."
"Breaking up with the narcissist is the same as skinning yourself alive, it's that onerous, it's that tumultuous, it's that torturous."
"I mean emotionally she's been [ __ ] bro."
"I have truly never felt more adrift than I did while I was watching my beloved pet die."
"I miss you. I miss you. And everything in our world has blown up."
"It'd be one of the worst breakups of all of our lives. Imagine you're engaged to someone and they just break up with you."
"It really is like a fine representation of the chaos and pain of a relationship."
"I think that was a convenient argument for me at the time because really I was pretty broken and hurt and angry and lost."
"I miss her and I don't know what to do because I can't have her."
"You're avoiding that cry in the shower, you're avoiding that cry in your pillow, you're avoiding the one minute things are great so you're on this high and then the next minute things are, 'Oh my God, it's a burning house.'"
"You're clearly not good for me god doesn't want us to get god doesn't know what's going on leave me like wow no man if you if you crying for babe she might be worth it she probably is if it depends on reason it was in the first place."
"Now this energy knows they screwed up because you're not wanting to give in, you're not wanting to talk to them yet this energy is wanting to vent about it."
"I felt trapped during the affair, in this weird haze, it's hard to explain, it was like an out-of-body experience."
"Again, the most powerful scenes in this movie involve Tree's hard decision to say goodbye to her mom."
"This is where she finds out that he sold the house for her. Are you ready, hon? I know this is hard for you. It's easy. One last something to remember. Oh my god, no, no, my [__] heart."
"Somebody's feelings are eating them alive."
"There's a definite line in the sand, a lot of emotional turmoil, triggering deep beliefs."
"I didn't play with him even, but I was like in an emotional place it was during the pandemic and maybe because I knew what it felt like to be dying in a hotel room alone because I've been there before."
"When my daughter disappeared, I couldn't think about anything else. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep."
"Please understand, everyone's feeling it. You tell me you're okay right now, really? After two years, we're not okay. I'm not okay."
"I literally felt like a light was out in me and that's the worst thing that could ever happen to you."
"...especially if you're not together this person could have been really overwhelmed by like what are we what are what are this what what is this connection like does pile two not have feelings for me..."
"If you haven't had the tragic luck of experiencing deep anger before, I pray to God you never do."
"I couldn't take it anymore. You being with her when all along you knew I wanted you first."
"The evidence of emotional turmoil could easily be misconstrued as passion."
"Let's be honest grief is messy and infertility grief for me was very messy."
"Ren Ashton collapsed next to the wolf, feeling everything was terrible."
"I felt it have you ever like been through something like going through something and like you feel the the like the energy of coming on you that you feel a breakdown like you're finna cry that's that's literally how I felt today."
"Being cheated on is an extreme experience for a lot of us."
"Well, broke Kirk's heart. I guess I better go break Danny's. Can I do it?"
"It can be a really tough time 'cause you feel everything, and you feel every death around you."
"i still love him but i told him that i didn't so that he wouldn't try and keep things going," she suddenly blurted out, hot tears flooding her face as she said it.
"I have felt extremely emotionally unwell and fragile since this whole experience and have not been able to eat much or sleep. I keep having frequent nightmares and have had flashbacks which have literally made me break out in pools of cold sweat."
"Living with both isn't fascinating, it's more like having two different sets of forces in one psyche that recurrently create turmoil and emotional pain."
"Hope Is A Dangerous Drug, takes you higher than you want to go and lower than you want to go when it's ripped away from you."
"Helpless, afraid, angry. I felt the same way the second that Valerie had appeared with those demonic wings."
"The tears that poured from my eyes were filled with despair, not being able to fathom the reality that surrounded me."
"I am mostly writing to try and get some relief since I have no one to tell and I feel like my body is turning inside out."
"Never in my life had I endured such suffering and remorse."
"I cannot tell you the hundreds of hours I've spent as a wreck thinking about Ben."
"I feel so many things, so much anger, resentment, yet I'm utterly crushed."
"Lifeless days and sleepless nights, so tired of it, I can't get you off my mind."
"Lovesick and spurned, I got carried away."
"My heart was beating out of my chest; I was a wreck."
"Being alone is peace. Loneliness is a mixture of all the feelings that come with rejection and abandonment."
"Loving you, darling, makes me so confused."
"Demons in my mind, demons pushing all my triggers, losing my pride."
"His muscles ached, his head hurt, and he felt hollowed out inside, as if someone had scraped away at his soul until there was almost nothing left."
"She's a roller coaster, oh she's so, I'm burning open inside but I can feel no pain."
"He goes from being sweetly romantic and genuinely heartfelt to violent and domineering as his emotions are rocked by his turmoil."
"Feelings of anxiety, anger, feelings of isolation, a need for a purpose, a need for control, especially when the world feels out of control."
"I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't get you out of my head."
"From his homeland, from the woman he loves, he lives constantly with the insufferable feelings of disillusionment and betrayal."
"I shall throw myself into the sea and relieve myself of this misery forever."
"It's just been such a roller coaster."
"Bullies have no internal peace, they have no internal calmness to draw upon."
"Under the surface, I feel berserk as a tightrope walker in a three-ring circus."
"There's just so many things that I can't touch, I'm torn."