
Defeat Quotes

There are 2087 quotes

"After a fierce battle, Rasra falls to the ground, crying over her loss to Ry once again, highlighting the depth of her defeat and the emotional turmoil behind their conflict."
"Wear your defeat proudly. Self-abasement comes with a profit if you let it be processed. You will become stronger."
"Courage is the key to life itself. It takes courage to be part of being hungry when you've been defeated. It takes courage to start over again."
"You're never going to beat the internet, man."
"The whole event could be spun into a positive one if the focus was on the bravery and courage of the soldiers, glorious in defeat."
"I shall admit defeat. You are much too strong."
"The new story seems compelling, the idea of being defeated in our own city, losing all our powers, and having to fight against the Red Legion to regain our space magic, all sounds epic."
"If you cannot defeat what is controlling you, what is controlling you will defeat you."
"Sasuke admitted defeat for the first time in his life."
"The Dragons are flawless; the coalescence comes out, New York Excelsior falling one by one."
"We've been defeated. Put it simply, China is winning."
"The moment of [Jesus'] perceived victory [by the devil] actually became the moment of his defeat."
"As the sun rises, The Sovereign is defeated."
"There is honor in defeat and there is honor in fighting fair when your enemies engage in foul play."
"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still come out of it."
"Our humility defeat in the hands of our enemies is forced to open our markets."
"Kaguya was defeated by Naruto and Sasuke, who used these Six Paths Chibaku Tensei to eject all the tailed beasts from her and seal her away inside a newly created moon within her own dimension."
"Every battle is a lesson, and the real defeat is in failing to learn from it."
"Feeling defeated, I turned and left without them seeing me."
"This is a stunning defeat for Vladimir Putin, who's supposed to be the head of this mighty war machine."
"Collapse with this Axe has collapsed on RNG's dreams."
"Rome's greatest defeats... are often the most profound because of all the changes they signal."
"His actions, including saving this family, directly led to Muzon's eventual defeat."
"That's snatching defeat from the jaws of victory."
"There's absolutely nothing Batman can do to prepare for Bug's Bunny. The more seriously he takes the fight, the more research he does, the more he'll find himself hoisted upon his own petard."
"He's in a state where he can't fight anymore."
"Ruined or die, like this is just it started here and it's ending here as well, I don't make the rules, it's just how it is."
"We're all defeated and he's got the actual charm now. You happy?"
"Looks like Freddy just didn't have it this weekend." - Accepting defeat gracefully.
"Democrats are going to get their asses handed to them in November."
"Proving the story of Elizabeth Holmes to be one of extraordinary aspiration followed by crushing defeat."
"It's game over, friend. It's a big old game over for you."
"A tough loss for c9, a great victory claiming one spot in the finals."
"Oh no, he's giving up, visa, if you're watching please, mate, absolutely dusted, this is done, what is going on?"
"Trinity kills the analyst again and again each time with him snapping back until he finally seems to admit defeat."
"Time Stretch from Odyssey: Just sitting there doing nothing while your opponent has all the fun is one of the most deflating experiences."
"It's time and again good people losing to those evils."
"Just leave, guys. You're not going to win this fight."
"This is one of the few fights in the trilogy where Spiderman loses completely he's beat and almost killed by villains of his own making all hope is lost."
"He's trying to get sure to recognize when a fight is over and when to accept defeat."
"Make it an overwhelmingly crushing defeat for Democrats make them regret every psychotic policy they've ever pushed force them back into reality."
"Everything that I put my heart and look and a ton of work into is always stolen by somewhere else. I feel so defeated right now, it's insane."
"Admitting defeat, the emperor sits back down all innocent as if he's not the reason for this whole mess in the first place."
"Bravery is essential; those who dwell in sorrow doubting they are cherished will find themselves stuck in a cycle of defeat."
"This is a game of chess. You have been checkmated a long time ago."
"The only way for Ukraine to be robust, free, and developed is if Russia is defeated."
"I did everything I possibly could to win a game and yet I still lost, that's demoralizing."
"No matter how hard I tried, they were still going to find a way to destroy me."
"There is no possible way to win if you are the competition."
"The cries of protest and fury grew airy and weak, eventually dying into faint hisses as the thing started to wither and dry."
"Kaufman's bravado finally got the best of him as Lawler destroyed him with a back suplex and not one but two devastating pile drivers."
"Sometimes he'll absolutely decimate you and then there's jack you can do in return."
"The certification of his defeat interrupted."
"Only in defeat can you understand your weaknesses and learn from them."
"Steelers fans after losing 29-17 on national TV."
"Over oh Brazil try to just block some of these punches and by the time the seventh round came around Joshua's first knockdown would quickly lead to a second"
"They're done. They're done. I don't see how they can come back from this."
"The devil lost again, he's a loser and he's defeated."
"Prepare to face death. Man, he did not stand a chance."
"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is only finished when he quits."
"Bernie Sanders is on track to lead the Democrats to a resounding defeat."
"I won this fair and square and you gave it everything you could but you still lost."
"SCP-3247 stopped its performance, throwing up its hands in a gesture of defeat."
"With inevitable defeat looming on the horizon, many of the defenders began to lay down their arms."
"There's no path for victory as far as I'm concerned."
"When you lose the struggle, when you lose that path from point A to point B, when you're already there, there's something about it where there's just... it's lifeless."
"We lost. I mean we're dead but yeah we did it."
"Even if you don't win the war, you die in style like come on."
"When the devil can't cause you defeat, he makes you feel defeated."
"Hot dog Jones comes in, wow, he just destroyed us all with that!"
"Few years ago the wandering swordsman Venom managed to summon Olivia but he lost to him."
"I got killed by the weakest item in the game."
"The desperation has set in. Ukraine's counteroffensive is essentially over, a continuous rolling defeat."
"I did not have fun. I was lost. I was getting my ass beat all the time."
"Once somebody's got their guard up and all punches are going straight through the guard, it's pretty much over at that point."
"Yamcha only died in a lame way because he was too strong to be defeated in a fair fight."
"Even in defeat, there's room for growth and learning."
"A stark demonstration of his vulnerability against a strength level that swatted him aside like a mere insect."
"It was started by the fascist parties in 1939 who thought they could fight and win a war in a year and they were wrong and they overextended and got the stuffing beaten out of them within six years."
"That's it, man, game over, man! It's game over!"
"Chelsea have been eliminated by the Hammers."
"You may have to face many defeats but you will not be defeated."
"I believe fighters become better when they taste defeat."
"Creek takes big fat L, yes, Creek does take big fat L."
"There's a lot of personal growth that happens after losing."
"Do you accept defeat or make a blind leap of faith into the darkness?"
"Satan's lost. He's the biggest loser there is."
"Even though he was a tank and received all kinds of upgrades, Ain killed him in one hit."
"Despair is a self-fulfilling process to see if you've despaired you've already lost."
"Our defeats in the past won't define our future."
"I know what it's like to lose, feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail nonetheless."
"Not victory. The shroud of the Marley has fallen."
"The United States absolutely lost the Vietnam War."
"Give up, boy! I would cry my little eyes out."
"It's a story where the heroes essentially lost, and it was awesome."
"Many times you will gain more in defeat than you do in victory."
"You learn more from defeat than you do from victory."
"Frieza's ego is still unwilling to accept that he lost to a filthy monkey."
"He's done for, he's actually done for. He's cooked, bro, it's actually cooked."
"Man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated."
"Oh my goodness, he's green. Look at that, they got Ben Simmons out here green in threes. It's over, the game's over. We lost."
"It's the nail in the coffin. The waves there otherwise trying his best he's gonna fall."
"Hooray for me, we get a hundred thousand subscribers. It's now time to lose by 27." - Unknown
"Legacy is not just about the financial side of things, but it's also about the mental health side of things."
"Manchester United are finished. We're finished. We're... we're... we're [ __ ] done."
"I feel defeated, but in a good way, in a happy way."
"It was Hannibal's tragedy that his long feud with Rome would end in his own city's humiliation and the greater glory of Rome."
"Defeat is nothing to be scared of. What matters is if you can get up after."
"My goal is to defeat and humiliate and demoralize them. I want to destroy everything they stand for."
"He took all of the things that you believed in that you worshipped and that you idolized and he used them to defeat you."
"Nobody likes that taste for sure... there's always a lot of lessons that can be learned from losing."
"western Native Americans were all defeated by 1890,"
"It's not enough for Ukraine to hold on and to win, but Russia must be defeated."
"Everything that could go wrong for Norman Osborne did and basically the superheroes ended up winning. Norman Osborne was defeated and thrown in jail."
"The raid on the Medway remains the single most disastrous defeat for the Royal Navy."
"Damn, Duma! He just lost to a YouTuber. But hey, it could have been a lot worse."
"After everything, finally, with a thud that was heard across the totality of space, the king fell to the ground and the welks were no more."
"The one reborn is sent back to the void from which it came."
"They've lost two, they've lost three, RTW tears apart Zai."
"Four dead on Liquid as the last one left standing is soon to fall as well."
"I know what it's like to lose so desperately that your eyes get to fail."
"The loser does not get to build statues or fly their flag."
"I love the fact that Roman Reigns was on the microphone and he addressed losing last week on this week's SmackDown."
"The Pirates were forced to leave the ship and surrender."
"Facts are Donald Trump lost everywhere and bigly."
"Epic fail on that dumb thing, super tight, super hard, I give up on them."
"Make a few more items like that, they're fun and exciting."
"Sometimes your greatest defeats are your greatest teachers."
"This is what defeat looks like. It's when you no longer have the choice after how to help."
"Swerve is heartbroken, hangman taps out, and S Joe is still the AEW World Champion."
"When you have no excuses and you give everything you have and you lose."
"She wouldn't want dude my pinky finger should have been able to beat Donald Trump."
"He'll never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
"Finally, after nearly 500 years of life, Upper Moon One Kokushibo falls down in defeat."
"You've just been humiliated in the Manchester Derby."
"If Leicester lose tonight, it's over for them in the relegation battle."
"Utter victory for the French and just complete defeat for the allies."
"Sometimes you learn a lot through defeats as opposed to winning every week."
"Everybody got destroyed by Khabib, okay? Dustin didn't do [ __ ]."
"The French are breaking and I think that's safe to say that this battle is over."
"Saitama: the strongest character, defeats all opponents in one punch, unmatched power."
"Every defeat is just a stepping stone on the path to victory."
"This is really bad, we're out, we're dead, yeah, oh shoot!"
"The embarrassment of defeat prompted a major push for modernization."
"Justin Trudeau is going to lose the next election in the most epic fashion possible."
"Every real Hooper has been cooked at some point in their basketball career."
"The single most important thing we have to accomplish is defeat Donald Trump."
"What if Rocks hadn’t been defeated at God Valley?"
"The idea is the party in power is going to get defeated very seriously because of just how bad things are going."
"I truly been defeated by a set, if there was ever a set to be defeated by, it's this set."
"The major political task that together we face in the next five months is to make certain that Donald Trump is defeated and defeated badly."
"After a long battle, lizard overpowers Spider-Man and knocks him out with a massive tailwind."
"We've overtook them already, you are screwed."
"You can't defeat someone with no strategy, it's impossible."
"What a mensch huh, so gracious and respectful in defeat."
"Cancelling is admitting defeat as well, like you're essentially saying I give up."
"You cannot win. The Emperor is our greatest weapon. This is our day for victory."
"Roman Reigns has tapped out with the BDSM lock applied."
"Despite a Staunch defense the Garrison Was Forced to surrender a Little Over a Week later."
"I think this is what the end of this looks like: she loses, she owes a bunch of money. That's it."
"It's been a cavalcade of defeats for the left in general."
"French-backed southern forces were defeated."
"Once I got down to my last life, I realized I was screwed."
"It's game over for them, they can't compete, they just can't."
"It's like the cycle of life for curvy's reach to full stop, because he just got destroyed on the mic."
"If they breach your wall with any significant force it's probably gg."
"It's how you come back from defeat that defines you."
"We need to understand fascism and national socialism in order to defeat them."
"That was the mistake. It's impossible to beat that water."
"It is entirely possible at this point that Mihawk exists simply to be defeated, that he is so utterly bored with this world, that he is awaiting that moment of new power springing up to overcome him."
"Three inhibitors down, that is a death sentence."
"She has nothing more to say so she leaves the castle to go on her walk of shame home."
"And in the end, the Guardian of Alola wasn't enough to stop our boy, so Tapu Koko takes the fall and Ash wins the exhibition match."
"It's better to lose fighting than to lose giving up."
"At least he'll have plenty of time now to recover from his brutal loss at the Battle of the Office Door."
"Sumail dies there's nothing to say, gets the Swashbuckle in towards it."
"Roman Reigns' music hit, that distracted Kevin Owens, and he lost after a big splash."
"Literally, someone passed. It's that one face down, pass."
"Richard has lost, the king is forced to surrender."
"This war seems to be all but lost for the United States."
"In protecting players' psyches from the feeling of defeat, we might lose something else as well."
"And the spirit answered: 'He who frustrates me is he who is to become the Saviour, a man god whose name, if written on anyone's forehead, will defeat me, and in fear I shall quickly retreat.'"
"I'd rather get swept because when I was down 0-3 mentally before we just went home."
"He killed us... I mean it was... I mean how fast did we collapse? Two days, three days."
"Putin has suffered major defeats in the last days of the Russian-Ukraine war."
"Justin Trudeau can be beat. He was beaten today."
"Golem actually does lose to the tesla double cycle. If you have mirror, you can break through anything."
"That was really pathetic, he got straight clocked."
"Echo VR will never see the light of day if it goes boz's way... putting it in the casket and sending it straight to the goddamn core of the earth."
"If they can lock you down spiritually, then by default, they need no more effort. You will just fall in line to be defeated physically."
"If history has taught us anything, it's that these people lose and they lose bad."
"The Democrats are sore losers; they would rather flip the board, flip the table, and scream than accept defeat."
"He lowers himself to the ground defeated, pondering his failure and then slowly fades into dust as well."
"Everyone needs a bit of humbling, huh? We lose as well. I need that one."
"To die is nothing. But, to live defeated and without glory is to die."
"Losses make you humble. If you lose, you shut up, you get humble."
"He miscalculates, he overplays his hand and he snatches defeat from the jaws of Victory."
"Sometimes you need to feel the pain and sting of defeat to activate the real passion and purpose that God predestined inside of you."
"The sad loss, man. Vicente Luque gets knocked out for the first time in his career."
"The Master has always been beaten by the Doctor so this is finally his chance to win and he wants to make sure he beats all hope out of our hero in the process."