
Israel Quotes

There are 692 quotes

"In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles."
"This is the most perilous time perhaps in the Modern Nation of Israel's history since Israel's miraculous birth in 1948."
"I think that Israel's mission to destroy Hamas is good."
"The only time Israel will no longer exist is when the sun, the moon, and the stars will no longer be there."
"If the Saudis recognized Israel's legitimacy, there's no telling how much further their heavyweight would have carried with influencing even more Arab and Muslim countries around the world to recognize Israel next."
"For some, the promise of 'never again' for all peoples is a slogan; for Israel, it is the highest moral obligation."
"What Israel seeks by operating in Gaza is not to destroy a people, but to protect a people, its people, who are under attack on multiple fronts."
"The stakes are incredibly high. If Israel continues to follow Netanyahu's disastrous path, Israel risks becoming diplomatically isolated and a pariah state."
"I kept my promise, recognized the true capital of Israel, and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem."
"Israel has what they're calling vaccine green cards...if you'd like to go to this restaurant, if you'd like to go to this bowling alley, if you'd like to go to this crowded scenario, get the vaccine."
"United Jerusalem is Israel's eternal capital. We have a full right to build in it."
"How much of this (dislike of Israel) is driven by policies of the Israeli state, and how much is a cover for age-old hatred of the Jews?"
"Criticism of Israel's policies, robust criticism, is entirely legitimate. But anti-Zionism is different."
"Israel's intelligence has actually helped to foil a lot of those um over the years."
"We know that the Bible says that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed."
"Israel has a right and responsibility to defend itself."
"The place on Earth where Palestinians live the best life in terms of a quality of life perspective and as civic participant citizens is in Israel."
"Israel will never cease to exist. God says so."
"Israel is a land where strong history and faith intertwine, creating a remarkable spiritual tapestry."
"The heart of the problem here, the core of the issue, is our unconditional support for Israel and our unwillingness to push for a ceasefire."
"The revitalization of the state of Israel is a glorious thing and, as an Orthodox Jew, we pray every day for the restoration of a temple."
"The story of the Jewish people and the destruction of those two temples demonstrates the ever-present commitment and connection between Jews and the land of Israel."
"I think America's future is intertwined with Israel's future."
"I stand here with all my faith in the God of Israel."
"I know the whole world hates Israel, and I want to say as a group we love Israel and we stand behind you."
"The Kingdom of Israel was established in the 10th Century before Christ, with the rule of King Saul, followed by King David and King Solomon."
"Israel's victory was a defining moment in the 20th Century's history, having national and international significance."
"Despite its size, Israel is an influential country with the potential to impact global politics."
"Look, I'm 28 years old. I've had to defend my country in two wars and in many battles. Nobody wants peace more than Israel."
"To cast Israel as the world's Jew, that's the kind of new form of anti-Semitism."
"Nobody says America doesn't have a right to exist because of Abu Ghraib, but every day, multiple times a day, the second anything that Israel does is perceived to be wrong, we no longer have a right to exist."
"Israel shall make a very sharp maneuver that will ruffle and upset those within the table of Nations."
"The development of the Merkava tank takes us through multiple wars and a unique period in Israel's history, telling us a lot about how Israel's domestic military industrial complex became the powerhouse it is today."
"For the first time in over four decades, the entire Israeli armored corps has been called up. This hasn't happened since 1982 with the war with Lebanon."
"In order to stay in power, they rewrite Israel's Basic Law. Democracies have checks and balances. The key aspect of that is independent legislature, executive, and the judiciary."
"They have to abide by their treaty with Israel. That is a red line for us, because not only is Israel’s security at stake, but our security is at stake if that unravels." - Barack Obama
"Israel is breaking records when it comes to knocking the crap out of the covid pandemic."
"Israel's missile program is highly advanced."
"As Christians, we need to stand in solidarity with Israel."
"The rebirth of Israel coincided with heavenly signs, showing God's hand in their history."
"Your love for Israel and your heart towards them, like Paul's heart for their salvation, is still available through the mercies of Jesus Christ."
"What if Putin challenges Israel in the skies?"
"You couldn't be around Marcus and not pick up how much he loved Israel. He loved the Jewish people."
"Last trip to Israel, this November, I had the opportunity to chat with Elder Don Esposito. He's an elder there in Israel, been there for many, many years, and he believes in this theory that the temple was not on the Temple Mount."
"This is a game changer for Israel, the Middle East, and the world."
"Israel as an apartheid state neatly falls under the legal definition of the crime of apartheid."
"Israel is one of the smallest nations on the planet. It's the size of New Jersey."
"They plant more trees. They have planted, since they've been in the land, they have planted 250 million trees."
"Kirby's words not only convey a dedication to supporting Israel but also express a cautious awareness of the challenges."
"Immediate sanctions against the state of Israel."
"Israel has not been united as one nation since Solomon's son a thousand years BC so three thousand years Israel hasn't been united but look what it says in 37."
"The whole purpose of what God is doing with Israel is to show the world that He is the Lord."
"The return of the Jews back to their land and the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, can a nation be born you know in a moment at once, yes a nation was born immediately."
"God not only brought the Jews back to their land but he sustains them in the land up until today so that is a huge thing."
"There's no peace, no future for Israel without this transformative deradicalization taking place."
"Criticism of Israel is not tantamount to anti-semitism. It's just not."
"There is nobody on this stage that has done more for Israel than I have."
"Folks, we are seeing some change in Israel that should not surprise any student of Bible prophecy."
"He wants to grow closer with Israel to make sure that it gets the full respect that it deserves."
"Israel can't be a democracy and apartheid and occupation at the same time."
"The agreements were made to recognize Israel's right to exist and to stabilize the tense relationship between the two nations."
"The future belongs to those who innovate. Israel is the preeminent innovation nation."
"It is my firm belief that the establishment of the State of Israel is the greatest political achievement of the 20th century."
"A central part of Messianic Judaism is the belief in the physical and spiritual restoration of Israel as taught in the Scriptures."
"The fact of the jewishness of the state of Israel though it is crucial to Israelis and to zionists is certainly not what matters to Palestinians."
"We've worked with Israel long and hard for many years, many decades. I think we've never been closer than we are."
"The majority of evangelicals believe Israel's existence is fulfilling Biblical prophecy."
"Israel is one of those rare political issues where everything just lines up to make it a great nonpartisan issue to support as a politician."
"Shall a nation be born in one day shall a nation come back to life in a day and everybody would read that and go what does that mean and then on May 14th 1948 for the first time in human history the church in Israel existed the exact."
"The name of Israel with a Divine element of Yahweh."
"Israel is for the revival of the Jewish people."
"I recognized Israel's true capital, and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem."
"BDS is a an anti-semitic tactic that is designed by actual terrorist groups in order to undercut Israel's economic system."
"There's never been a red line that any American president has enforced against Israel."
"Israel's most challenging days are yet ahead..."
"Justice can no longer wait for the day Israel has an epiphany and suddenly decides to reverse course."
"When you're wrong about Israel, you're wrong on so many other issues."
"Israel is not a political issue, Israel is a Bible issue."
"If you believe the Bible, you will support Israel and the Jewish people."
"Israel can be either a democratic state or a Jewish state. It cannot be both."
"I reject replacement theology, God still has a prophetic plan for Israel."
"Tulsi has been one of the most outspoken critics of Israel."
"Eventually Putin or perhaps one of his successors will invade the land of Israel."
"Israel is the only country in the Middle East that categorically allows freedom of worship."
"The government of Israel is trying to become the developed world's first zero refugee nation."
"So, 70 years after Israel became a nation on the very anniversary day of May 14, 2018, we moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem..."
"The establishment of modern Israel was strongly influenced by the displacement and persecution experienced by millions of Jewish people during World War II."
"From a religious standpoint, the establishment of modern Israel is viewed by some Believers as a spiritual Revival for the Jewish people."
"This is simply about the Netanyahu government trying to create more power for themselves by undermining the Judiciary."
"Israel's rebirth is a critical sign of the end times."
"It's a miracle how the Lord worked it out with Israel becoming a nation."
"The best evidence to believe there is a God? Look at the nation of Israel."
"Israel miraculously won this battle in the incredible time of just four hours."
"There's so much of a Divine hand that happened with Israel."
"It's such a miracle how the Lord did it. They went through so many wars."
"It's not de facto anti-Semitic to criticize some aspect of the Israeli government or even to question giving aid to Israel."
"Churchill's views on the creation of Israel were not always consistent."
"The pro-Israel propaganda machine is crumbling."
"Israel is the only country in the history of mankind that has had a second birth."
"Israel has become the first nation in the world to be water independent."
"Every time Israel is attacked in war they win and they get land... What country in the world takes the entire Sinai Peninsula in a battle and then gives it back?"
"The Jew that God has assembled will not perish from off the earth... Let God do the math."
"Israel is your insurance policy that God is a God that is keeping company."
"When you see Israel back, we know that God is real and you see Israel, God is prophetic. This is the time we're in."
"I'm loving Israel packaging. It's got to be up there with one of the best countries for packaging ever."
"I've never met anybody who blessed Israel and wasn't blessed."
"Israel is the focus of the Bible, whatever happens in Israel touches the world."
"After 25 centuries of slumbering, becoming a nation is something that has never happened to any group of people in the history of mankind."
"A nation could survive as a distinct nationality, regain its homeland, and be recognized as a viable nation once more after being completely destroyed as an organized entity by an invading army as Israel was by the Romans in AD 70."
"Israel will develop the ancient ruins and make the desert bloom."
"The reality is you know um Israel's not going to have an economy to speak of for the foreseeable future."
"Israel's goals in the '48 war was essentially to defend itself... the survival of the new state which had just been created."
"In preparation for the return of Israel, the land is required to shoot forth its branches and yield its fruit."
"The enemy's eyes on Israel are also in the future; Satan will move to eliminate them during the tribulation."
"We saw soldiers all over the place that's the most probably the most divided City in Israel."
"Israel is fully prepared to face any potential aggression from Iran and will respond with appropriate measures."
"Sirens blared across Israel and the country came to a standstill earlier this morning for Holocaust Remembrance Day."
"Our commitment to Israel's security against these threats from Iran and his proxies is Ironclad."
"Joe Biden has transformed into an anti-Israel president... he's more concerned seemingly with placating the anti-Semitism in his base than standing with our historic and vitally important Ally."
"There's more biblical prophecy about Israel than any other nation."
"Israel is the thorniest place on this planet."
"Israel is a unique nation, the only nation God went to redeem for himself."
"If Israel is unrestrained and they go against the best wishes of the US government, all hell could potentially break loose."
"People ought to be able to criticize Israel, and I don't think it's anti-Semitic to criticize Israel."
"Israel has just handed Iran a major victory."
"Israel has a right to exist in peace and security with its neighbors."
"Ezekiel 37 prophesies the restoration of Israel, even from the valley of dry bones."
"This guy is like a rock star right now in Israel, he's becoming really, really famous."
"You cannot fully understand the Bible unless you know something about Israel."
"God's purposes for Israel will not be thwarted."
"The modern state of Israel is the single most important time stamp regarding the future."
"This kibbutz, Tirat Zvi, is very unique. Founded in 1937, it is the first religious kibbutz in Israel."
"I think it's very reasonable for Israel to be worried."
"Israel will never allow a real Palestinian state to exist."
"Satan has one goal he wants to destroy Israel because God made a sovereign election of Israel and a Satan can destroy them all it ruins God's plan."
"One of the AKC's oldest breeds, the Canaan Dog is the national dog of Israel."
"Hungary condemns all terrorist attacks against Israel and believes in the right of Jews to defend their state."
"Israel predates any Palestinian connections here to this land."
"The nation of Israel's miracle and living proof that the Bible is true and our God reigns."
"The nation that tops the league table for vaccinations is currently Israel. So they have already vaccinated 1.7 million people which is almost 20 percent of the country's population."
"Israel is a very firm center-right majority country." - Alex
"From the moment the Jewish state of Israel was born in 1948, it has been a hotbed of destruction and conflict."
"Israel has devolved into competing authoritarianism."
"Israel is consistently ranked as the world's eighth most powerful country."
"The rebirth of Israel is the cornerstone of Bible prophecy."
"How Israel deals with this dramatic turn of events today and in the coming weeks months and years will determine both how we emerge from the present crisis and how we manage in the new world taking form."
"Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him."
"The rebirth of Israel is in many ways a fuse for everything else that's happening in the prophetic arena."
"We stand with you; we stand with Israel."
"This atrocity was an existential strike at the very idea of Israel as a safe homeland for the Jewish people."
"Israel needs to do more to allow distribution inside of Gaza."
"Israel has a right to defend itself."
"I'm one of those who believes that Israel's ultimate security rests in a two-state solution."
"Both Israel and Iran have stated that there is not going to be any more retaliation on either part, and that is excellent news for world peace as a whole."
"God loves Israel, he loves Israeli people, and I'm so blessed to visit this amazing land."
"Israel will serve as a Redemptive sign, proof positive that God is faithful to his Covenant."
"Israel, Israel, God is calling, calling thee from lands of woe."
"Sephardim are treated like second class citizens in Israel."
"As Israel changes, its values and the values of liberal democracy are completely incompatible."
"We have to end the endless, unlimited checks to Benjamin Netanyahu in the most right-wing government in Israel's history."
"Do we want Israel to continue existing, do we want the Jews to have their own homeland and do we want them to be safe?"
"If there's no God, there should be no Israel. It's that simple."
"Our focus has been on, of course, making sure that Israel can effectively defend itself but also de-escalating tensions, avoiding conflict, and that remains our focus."
"Israel does actually focus on what is really urgent for it to address. Its soldiers have a saying: they try to kill us, we won't let's eat."
"I won't send Israel a single dollar... I would end all funding to Israel as they have massacred civilian after civilian."
"It's just appalling and what concerns me is it's been seven months since Hamas attacked Israel there are no signs that situation is getting better."
"Why is Israel first? Because it's fighting a war for existence."
"For the sake of Israel and its security, for the well-being of the Palestinian people, there must be a two-state solution."
"I remember I came out with my dad in the garden in Israel. We took all different bits of garbage and we knocked it together because we didn't have any money to make a proper sukkah."
"Our president has done more to bless the State of Israel than all the presidents combined since 1948."
"In Israel's government, it was Yahweh's word that was law."
"Israel has a right to exist and to secure its borders."
"Every anti-semitic person is anti-israel. Every person who is anti-israeli government is not anti-semitic 100%."
"Africa is filled with the tribes of Israel and they've been there for thousands of years."
"Albert Einstein declined an offer to become the second president of the State of Israel."
"So all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the Lord with shouts, with the sounding of ram's horns and trumpets and of cymbals, and the playing of lyres and harps."
"The gospel is the good news for Israel."
"Those who once captured Israel will now be captured by Israel and the people of Israel will rule over those who once oppressed them."
"Israel is not separate from the church and the church did not replace Israel."
"The nation of Israel is the only institution the prophets mentioned that God would restore and build back up."
"Israel is basically planning at some point over the next few days for Iran to invade or do something."
"Telling these Ashkanazi Jews in Israel to stop slaughtering actual semites is anti-Semitic."
"When our enemies put down their weapons, there will be no war. When Israel will put down the weapons, there will be no Israel."
"Imagine the Majesty of the Third Temple rising in Israel."
"The modern return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel has been called The Miracle on the Mediterranean. Such a return by a people group that had been scattered among the Nations is unprecedented in history."
"For these events of the end to take place, Israel must be back in its Homeland. And after 2500 years, that took place in 1948."
"The 70th week requires a need for peace in Israel. Isn't it striking how the nation of Israel, that small little country, seems to have remained at the center of hostility since its inception?"
"We are already living in what the Bible refers to as the times of the Gentiles, but in the end, Israel's clock will be reset."
"Israel is the first instance in world history of a literate populace."
"They all went to Israel in the 1970s."
"When Israel will see Jesus, they will understand that they were wrong."
"When our Torah-keeping friends say things like 'We’re not Christians, we’re not Gentiles, we’re not Jews, we are Israel,' they’re not using the Bible’s definition of those words."
"We could maybe say that 'we are Israel' in the sense that we’re grafted into, or adopted into, the family or house of Israel."
"Ultimately mankind will see that Israel was carrying this burden for everyone's benefit."
"Israel is very important, the construction of a holy family and a holy people because the responsibility of Israel is to bless the people of the earth."
"It's being billed as a struggle for democracy in Israel... half the population has no rights."
"If Israel is really seeking reconciliation with the Middle East, it will have to seek reconciliation with the people of the Middle East, not the governments of the Middle East."
"The purpose of Israel is not Israel; the purpose for Israel is to be a blessing to the world."
"How you understand Israel turns not only on how you understand some proof texts but how you understand Israel as a theme running through Scripture."
"No matter how many bombs they throw or what military comes against the nation of Israel, they will never be removed from their Homeland because God said so."