
Gender Quotes

There are 3015 quotes

"I may never be a man," I tell him, "but I won't always be a girl either."
"By not treating its female empowerment angle at face value and instead dressing it in a smarter, more universal form, the enjoyment of it is made non-dependent on what the audience has or hasn't got between their legs."
"It's not men versus women; it's men plus women versus the problem."
"The expectations and stereotypes we have of males and females are very largely due to socialization."
"The basic question: Are women funny? Yes, of course, some women are funny."
"Ideas of sexuality and gender, they're all very nuanced."
"We want to get away from making everything a race or a gender or whatever issue and just treat people like individuals."
"Sex is the parts that you have... Gender refers to those social aspects that are attributed to each sex."
"My views on gender are very simple. I think that we're slightly different, but together we're ultimately powerful."
"When you get to broken women, broken society, it's not just broken women. It's broken men. It's broken people."
"If we didn't have gender, I would probably still face body dysphoria, but social dysphoria wouldn't be a worry. So, trans people would still probably exist, except they would have less dysphoria."
"Gender and sex are correlative in the sense that we are taught that characteristics associated with sex are also associated with the gender."
"Drag is just a form of performance art that's about pointing out and heightening our ideas of gender in that performance in a comical or over-the-top way."
"Women control 51% of all personal wealth in the United States."
"Samus as a woman was the big reveal in Metroid."
"Remember women, we rule. We got what they want."
"Men and women are probably equally emotional, but it's going to be expressed differently in different ways."
"Why isn't it weird that there's a bunch of old white men sitting in a room making legislation about what I can and can't do with my body?"
"The bill that we're doing today will ensure fairness for women athletes for years to come in the state of Florida. It says that athletic teams or sports that are designated for females are open to females, and we're going to go based off biology, not based off ideology when we're doing sports."
"I've had many, many women, extraordinarily competent women in my clinical and consulting practice, and we put together strategies for their career development that involved continual pushing, competing for higher wages, and often tripled their wages within a five-year period."
"Girls get better outcomes when they are taught by females, and most teachers are female."
"Sex is not a social construct. That is fact. That is biological. Gender is a social construct."
"The overall experience is what makes or breaks a game, not only about gender."
"Men can be fragile too; men have feelings too."
"Gender is the characteristics of women, men, girls, and boys that are socially constructed."
"It might be true that men are more often the perpetrators of acts of physical violence, it's also true that most boys and men are not physically violent. In fact, most of us are trying to get through life as good, decent human beings."
"No man has the right to lay a hand on a woman for any other reason than self-defense."
"I think once we start to celebrate the differences between men and women again, you're going to see a lot more sisterhood, a lot more brotherhood."
"Men can be perpetrators and victims of intimate partner violence. That's well established in the research."
"A woman in the dictionary is an adult human female, which is a good and sensible definition."
"I think that male and female social roles are pretty malleable."
"Allah created the male and the female the way He created the night and the day."
"The most powerful weapon that a woman has is equivalent to a nuclear bomb. It's the thing between her legs."
"The fact that they're women, it doesn't matter. The fact that homelessness is the problem."
"Gender is not the same as sex. Biological sex refers to the anatomical and physiological phenotype of an individual. Gender is a category assigned by the individual or others based on behavior and cultural practices. One's gender need not coincide with one's biological sex."
"For women, at least here in the US, it's expected. Both are naturally occurring, but one is considered gross because it's on a woman's body."
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles."
"Men and women are both equal under God and then valued as human beings."
"It's shocking how men playing women's sports has become accepted, ignoring the clear disadvantages."
"If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."
"Being a woman itself is not a role or a relationship; it is by definition a physical, biological identity."
"A person identifying with another gender without distress or disability does not have a mental disorder."
"Whether or not I like someone isn't based on their gender."
"The biblical biological requirement for office is you must be male. Civil leadership should be conceived of as an extension of the family and God's created order."
"Justice is the right of every individual regardless of their gender."
"Femininity and masculinity, they are regarded as sexes and genders, but there are energy systems available to all genders."
"The most successful leftist movements have had holistic messaging on gender and sexual ideology."
"The Holy Spirit in Hebrew is also feminine and was depicted as a woman 900 years ago on a chapel ceiling in Bavaria, Germany."
"Fashion is all about trying new things and genuinely wearing whatever it is that you want to wear, kind of despite whether it is a male piece or a female piece."
"Can you be comfortable enough to let me tell a story without feeling like I'm attacking your masculinity?"
"Estrogen is the group of female sex hormones."
"Men are sexual beings and therefore automate with multiple women throughout their lives because that is truly what men want."
"There's a legend suggesting that the Vatican's archives also contain records of the female pope."
"What is a woman? A woman is someone who claims that as their identity."
"Women change their mind at the drop of a hat instantly for usually no reason. I know it's crazy."
"So today we're going to be talking about a female live streamer and you know what that means kids."
"This is about targeting women of color in the United States of America."
"Not all heroes worthy of historical recognition are men."
"Gender functions differently from race... it ain't the same thing."
"Because I'm a woman with opportunities, I've been able to do everything and anything I ever wanted to do."
"What if they're not afraid? What if they just disagree? And they think, you know, because gender has no basis in biology, about sex?"
"Biological sex is determined every single medical field that involves human biology or animal biology. It revolves around this."
"Women voters and their political power saved the night for the Democrats."
"Should we refer to all single parents as women for example? Should we refer to all couples as heterosexual?"
"Our job is to think critically about gender stereotypes." - Educator
"Our students are inundated with gender stereotypes." - Educator
"Women unemployment, the best numbers in 71 years."
"In my opinion, the world would be a better place if we slowly made steps towards delegitimizing gender as a construct."
"Gender is a matter of identification, so the number of genders that exist is arbitrary. It's as finite or infinite as we want them to be."
"Before I am anything else, I am a Black woman and a proud sexual being."
"Biological differences in strength and speed between boys and girls are massive and real."
"Boys are playing life on hard mode from the second they are born."
"Believe all women? Why would we do that? I don't believe all men."
"It's just an attractive quality in a woman to a man."
"Only women can give birth. It's a factually true statement. Only women give birth. There's only one type of human being with uteruses and vaginas. Yes."
"Younger does work in favors too, you know, I definitely see a lot of men spending and saying kind words when the woman's younger."
"What does it mean to say that a man can really be a woman?"
"I think women are capable generally speaking of having babies and they have female genitalia and they have an XX chromosome and I think the biological markers are relevant."
"Women are more empathetic and that's a good thing."
"Women's empathy is a very powerful strength."
"Republicans like Ron Johnson have been smearing women workers who haven't been able to go back to the workplace as a result of not being able to afford childcare."
"She is very endearing... she is indeed a man amongst all the people in Bollywood."
"Man is man, woman is woman. You can't transform yourself into the other."
"The world's lost its mind around gender and identity."
"To be trans, your gender identity is only one aspect of the broader self."
"Women need to open up about stuff, men need to open up about stuff."
"She is one of the strongest if not the strongest woman in this country."
"Men and women are the image of God equal from the starts."
"Women are stronger than men, biologically proven."
"Is it sexist to vote for Hillary Clinton because she's a woman? According to... the answer's no."
"Jesus had more women followers than he had men."
"You can't say that biological males can't menstruate."
"In Christ whom in whom there is no male and female."
"Why on earth are we now going out of our way to create more of it by purposefully weaving in the possibilities for gender confusion at ages where literally there's good evidence to back this up?"
"Feelings are justified when I say a man is a man and a woman is a woman, but feelings are not justified if I were to accuse you of gang rape in a public setting."
"I think the stuff that he says regarding women is like a hundred percent wrong."
"Pam, you're the cool girl, you're one of the boys now."
"Men do live shorter lives and that's because of a repression of emotions."
"We all know that women are just as equipped as men for cognitive abilities."
"I'm a small, petite female in my early 20s and I can hardly stay upright."
"Athens is the beginning of democracy, but let's remember, if I was a woman, the last place I would want to do well in."
"Gender expression is socially constructed, but sex itself is real."
"Identity is identity. I'm a man, there's no sexual element in there."
"Why is it that as a black woman's education and income goes up, her marital prospects go down?"
"I actually have had this conversation with another woman and it's the idea that just because a man may be physically stronger than us does not mean they cannot be abused."
"I identify as non-binary because some days I feel like a little bit of shit and sometimes I feel like a dude."
"Biological men and biological women are just different and that's okay."
"Do you agree that it's funny how they're cool with people changing genders but when it comes to race that's where the buck stops?"
"I think at this point, um, in our world, uh, we've got to really confused, uh, idea of the way gender and sexuality works."
"We're surrounded by so many strong women right now."
"If gender despite its anatomy and physiology is just a human creation and not a Divine One, well then it's not much of a stretch at all to think that morality itself is too."
"It was meant to be about victims and it shouldn't have been genderified."
"The more that we define people by race and gender, the more that people are going to be defined by race and gender."
"I'm okay with being wrong because I'm a woman and I'm confident."
"According to the legend, this female pope known as Pope Joan for all time was born in Mainz Germany and traveled to Athens as a young lady with a boyfriend."
"Just because Melanie is a girl, it doesn't mean that she can't assault another girl."
"Lita became a favorite with teenage boys and girls alike."
"It's great, she's the only girl in the competition, and she did very well."
"So much of feminist thought over the past decades has been based on this premise that gender is a social construct."
"I don't need to identify with someone to be able to be entertained by them if you write a strong female character that is Well written."
"It was the best feeling in the world. I can't even tell you how good it felt to beat boys."
"There's more women on the planet than there are men on the planet."
"A human being can be a man, a human being can be a woman."
"Removing that from packaging isn't erasing women. It isn't taking any power away from women. It is a little bit more inclusive."
"You're not necessarily trying to sell this to women, they have to buy this regardless."
"Sugar, spice, and everything nice is much closer to what a woman is than two x chromosomes."
"The goal then is to create that alienation between the genders."
"These aren't women killing men over being rejected. When will society start encouraging men to be and do better?"
"Confidence is the sexiest thing in females and males."
"The turfs are losing this battle so badly it honestly looks like within the next couple of years the terms that the turfs used to describe gender and women and who is and is not a woman may well start to be interpreted as hate crimes or something."
"While gendered social structures are ancient, a binary framework of biological sex didn't actually exist in Western culture until the late 18th century."
"I was really surprised by how much emphasis they put on female leads."
"I got elected just fine. I have plenty of support. I'm a woman."
"A big thing in five to ten years is being genderless."
"Seduction is a psychological process that transcends gender."
"What does it look like when women run the world? What does the country look like? What happens to the defense? What happens to the military?"
"At least we have a black woman as vice president. We're set."
"Women run finance ministries in 16 countries and 14 of the world's central banks."
"Men don't give birth. If men give birth, why do we only know this now? Why didn't all the scientists of history know that?"
"Treat women like you treat men for the most part."
"Loki is not consistently referred to in any specific gender term. The gender association appears to be consistent with his shape-shifting."
"The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be rather than recognizing how we are."
"Just because a female movie character has a special skill doesn't mean that moviemakers are saying all women have those skills."
"Anger is how you demand to be seen. It asks what you deserve. Use it accordingly, especially and unapologetically if you're a woman."
"My testosterone was just low enough that if I identified as a female, I could compete as one at the Olympics."
"Diversity isn't just in color, it's also in gender."
"Even for self-identified female fans of Star Wars, a sense of belonging within the fandom can be highly conditional."
"It's too easy really to just say well dudes are bad or something that's ridiculous that's half of all of us."
"According to Google Analytics, most of you aren't ladies."
"Androgyny is an occultic term trying to undo the division God made."
"Androgyny makes people go the complete 180 opposite of what God has designed the genders to be."
"The Mummy's brow is very male, whereas its pelvis shows both male and female characteristics."
"That divine intelligence of a woman, no machine could ever compete with."
"Woman is a gendered term, and female is a biological term, and neither one of them mean what a lot of people think they mean."
"A woman in a Democratic primary automatically gets a five-point bump."
"The way to solve it isn't to normalize sex work and it isn't to eradicate gender."
"Not just women, trans men and non-binary people can also menstruate."
"Meet people where they are in their understanding like for example if you use Sports analogies with women soon as you do they quit."
"Gender is something that develops over time."
"Neither gender has a monopoly on vice or virtue."
"Envy was an androgynous non-binary, not existing as either a woman or a man."
"Gender is a fact. Every human being on this earth had to pass through the legs of a woman to be here. That is a fact."
"Every child born as a woman is the cross on which Jesus Christ is crucified."
"Girls seriously, and boys, girls and Trevor. Holy smokes."
"Male and female are biological terms so using terminology like male and female to describe a self-describe a self perception of of maleness or femaleness is sort of a bizarre way of arguing whether a thing is a man or a woman."
"It definitely vindicated this idea that, oh look, you know, there's this kind of chromosomes for a female and there's this kind of chromosomes for a male..."
"Society can't keep up, and that's why definitions matter, that's why gender matters."
"I feel so empowered as a woman in this game."
"I think they want to nominate a woman, I really do."
"Men are getting better that way too... understanding that women are human."
"We should stop segregating sports by sex in general."
"Your clothes always earn you, officers pay attention to that."
"Anyone can wield femininity, masculinity, any entity."
"At the end of the day, a young man is a human being just like a young woman is a human being."
"Gender is the behavioral manifestations, the personality manifestations..."
"Some men still think they should be the king."
"The Vikings are very influential, women in the north and the West Scot in particular."
"A person cannot change their sex, it's determined at conception and it remains unchanged throughout all of natural life."
"I think it'd be hard to find a person who hasn't been sexually harassed in some way shape or form whether you are male or female."
"I think the women's division is so much better than the men's at the moment."
"Barbie's being attacked as anti-man and Femme trash. Like, no, I don't think you understand, that's what the positive reviews are saying about it."
"He decided that he was going to hire more women from now on."
"Women boost the economy, we are the biggest consumers so it's only right."
"Gender differences are one of the chief joys of most people's lives."
"Regardless of our feelings, there are only two biological sexes."
"Labels don't really matter when we're talking about queer coding."
"Biological sex is immutable; you can't change it. There are only two biological Sexes."
"Frieza is voiced by a man but Goku is voiced by a woman, isn't that crazy?"
"If women ran all the countries in the world, there'd be no more wars."
"Gender is very much used as creation. It's a part of the generative force within our reality."
"Women almost never kill a stranger. In 99.99% of the time, the woman has a relationship with the victim."
"There must be some social understanding of what gender is."
"The greater variability of the male most likely grants him the greater diversity of aptitude."
"I identify as non-binary meaning that I don't identify as entirely male or entirely female."
"So that makes it very unfair to have male-bodied athletes in female events."
"A woman is an adult human female, that's it, beginning and end. The percentage of women with penises is zero."
"Men are more capable and better at loving women."
"For me, just growing up, I always would wonder why all the women, whatever color, in these period pieces were always seen as subservient..."
"Boys just need to be around boys, and girls around girls."
"Being trans is about, for most trans people, it is about, 'I was born as a boy, born as a girl, and I identify as the other.'"