
Concerns Quotes

There are 317 quotes

"I'm fully committed to understanding and addressing her concerns."
"Deus Ex uses unproven conspiracies to explore very real concerns, and the result is something that’s managed to stay surprisingly relevant to this day."
"They see you as the ultimate prize but beneath that, they have very strong concerns over your single situation."
"I worry less about computers that think like people and more about people that think like computers."
"The most common two words you hear when people are talking about electric vehicles are range anxiety."
"Invest in quality across the board and you won't have many of the concerns that most people do."
"My biggest concern is all the people who did not live in our city... those who decided that it became too much, all this technology."
"Death and taxes: the only two certainties in life, but only one should be something you worry about."
"If my son or daughter wants to be famous, I'd be heartbroken."
"I always do worry when you open the floodgates of censorship."
"Your fears, your worries, your concerns are not silly, and we all care about it."
"Remember, we have some concerns and we've got some recommendations."
"Is it something that you guys are concerned about still or not?"
"But don't claim it's ridiculous for people to have serious and sincere concerns about what is happening."
"They have some sort of a safety concern with the weapons."
"They really did have their own valid motivations for their concerns."
"That basic ignorance still today is something that worries me."
"Not to mention the drugs, not to mention the gangs and the criminals."
"Hopefully in 10 years from now nobody is really worried about it."
"My biggest concern from day one till today with crypto has been regulation."
"There are legitimate reasons that people have to be concerned about SJWs taking over entertainment that they enjoy."
"Intelligent people like Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk seem to be very very worried about the rapid advancement of AI."
"What I'm worried about is what is currently breaking."
"I'm genuinely concerned about free speech issues."
"I'm more concerned about people in leadership having integrity."
"The role of artificial intelligence is a new concern for Hollywood writers and actors."
"The age of the internet has brought out a whole new dimension of concerns."
"All eyes are on what's next from Rockstar after this... concerns about GTA 6..."
"But the way that a lot of these people are going about it, where they're almost romanticizing this completely fake life is honestly really scary."
"The headline is definitely not good news here."
"The notion that privacy is an illusion, that what we say is in some way being monitored, is a concern many of us in the digital age share."
"I was just thinking about how small we are in relation to the whole universe, and we worry about the stupidest littlest things."
"The failure rate of the rabies vaccine, though rare, raises concerns about the potential for a chemically induced zombie apocalypse."
"We reached out to people that know him and they're like, 'He's kind of withdrawn right now.'"
"I'm not saying that there aren't some weird things out there."
"What worries me the most is we're moving towards darkness and ignorance."
"If you're worried about giving out magic items because you're afraid of making your players overpowered, you are not alone and you're not crazy."
"This is net neutrality on steroids, it's genuinely horrifying."
"Almost nobody feels like a carbon copy of their parents, and it was definitely my biggest concern going in."
"The coffin contained the remains of a female whose hair had never reached full growth and was probably 15 or 16 years of age when she died."
"The safety people down here don't feel safe."
"You see all these orgs leaving Counter-Strike to begin with, and then we sit here and complain that all these orgs are leaving Counter-Strike."
"I've shared with you the article if you need it I can I can email it to you."
"How close are we to a police state? We're closer now than we've ever been in my lifetime."
"But it's also all right to have your legitimate concerns."
"What is there to worry about when your child is in school? Well, let's take a look at the following scene."
"Women who have been in that situation only a small minority of them say this is what worries me."
"Jurgen Klopp concerned about extended transfer window."
"Can we just remember the two AI Bots that Facebook had to shut down because they were making their own language? Yes, I heard about that. That's scary stuff."
"It's kind of nice having like a winter birthday even if mum and dad are kind of a bit more concerned with arguing with each other then they are about celebrating birthdays."
"I don't like concerning myself too much with things that aren't in my control."
"Supply chains are the biggest concern that people have."
"People don't want to interact with strangers due to COVID-19 concerns."
"My concern with fishing is that it may turn into another Serenitea Pot."
"I hope it doesn't mean we're going to be playing a back five."
"How many of you in the chat are worried about whether Eric Ten Hogg is the man?"
"It's like where do you go from there other than, 'Okay, we got some serious tyranny here'?"
"It just feels wrong like we're throwing full power shots against each other no gear no protection whatsoever."
"I hope the wind though doesn't pick up too much."
"I'm scared that they're going to Destiny-ify the single player campaign, which is a very profitable thing to do."
"A full-blown mutiny on their hands with legitimate concerns."
"This level of censorship and de-platforming is very scary."
"If your concerns can't exist on their own without ruining lives, then how legitimate are your concerns?"
"It's worth mentioning that one thing that keeps coming up when you read about young people and their worries is climate change."
"Your ability to focus is hindered by the fact you have a nagging concern."
"I do fear that we're going to return to some kind of uniparty consensus."
"We've got bigger and more important things to be worried about."
"Do you want any blogger, news outlet, whoever, to be able to have this kind of information about you to use against you or even more nefarious characters than that? I don't think any of us wants to live in that world."
"Silent Hill is officially back and there are a lot of reasons to be excited but there are also some concerns too."
"Often our concerns are minimized or ignored or dismissed."
"You're either tripping out about your family or you're tripping out about a past love that you think is the one."
"Privacy is probably the number one issue that we have with our current crop of browsers."
"If you're committing to live with somebody and move across state lines and they can't say a four letter word that would concern me."
"These are definitely worrying times of censorship."
"The only real thing that concerns me about outriders."
"There's a new moral panic in town...about our failure to have enough kids."
"Pay to no play to earn ethereum based video games and the prospects of this literally keep me up at night."
"Where the biggest problems lie at the moment is in the diet."
"Right now we have a climate crisis, student loans burdening our youth and our economy, health care costs to deal with."
"It's worrying...criminal groups with greater or lesser associations with a nation state conducting attacks against organizations."
"The principle on the face of it seems concerning because it suggests that the Horizon system can, albeit rarely, lose transactions."
"Employees are reporting low confidence, low optimism, and a lot of anxieties about their careers and finances."
"Your paycheck should be the least of your worries."
"Technology is getting very scary too."
"China's growing naval might is worrying not just the United States but many of the world's nations."
"There are growing concerns over the role that AI will play in shaping humanity's future."
"There are two things that Donald Trump fears more than anything: going to jail or being broke."
"The world is sinking, look at the health of the human population skyrocketing rates of obesity, diabetes, and mental disorders."
"I'm terrified that people are going to pull up all your search engines of what you Googled in porn and they're and look mine's pretty pedestrian but I still don't want anyone to know what I'm Googling."
"What I really want to focus on today are the very real, concrete, well-evidenced current risks of generative AI."
"There’s a HUGE difference between Ralph wrecking Vanellope’s kart because he thinks he’s saving her life, to Ralph trying to ruin 'Slaughter Race' so that he doesn’t have to say goodbye or talk about his concerns."
"It's kind of a big irony that now it's the white guys who are worried that the tribes are going to break the treaty."
"There's no doubt about that. Look, there are deep concerns within the United States, South Korea, and Japan about China's increased aggressions."
"An individual has not started living fully until they can rise above the narrow confines of individualistic concerns."
"Certainly there has been raised some concern about the genetic modification of our food not only directly how that might be threatening but in terms of what that might pave the way for in terms of things like herbicides and pesticides, etc."
"Is this really all they had to worry about?"
"If you are truly worried about AI's future, you should worry about who is making A.I. today."
"I wonder if Hyundai have also fixed some of the security issues that means that quite a few people are thieving ionic 5s."
"I'm very concerned the Biden Administration has an allout assault on the oil and gas industry..."
"The Panic about Job losses through automation has become rampant in the last 10, maybe the 15 years."
"The big concern at this point is just the body."
"Don't make this worldly life our greatest concern."
"Many also express concerns that Musk might be hedging his bet in case the robo taxi couldn't be launched for some reason."
"Worrying about evil AI killer robots today is a little bit like worrying about overpopulation on the planet Mars."
"The pursuit of immortality, and the pursuit of 'I will stay alive until I can upload my brain into the cloud,' that worries me."
"But people were concerned about this because they were saying that um they were using the slippery like a slippery slope type of argument that if you do this that it's going to lead to this and lead to this and lead to that right."
"I think we all can agree that we all would like to feel safe putting products on our skin."
"I didn't want to scare my girlfriend, and there was a chance the two were gone."
"How can it top Endgame? How can you replace Tony Stark and Steve Rogers? Well, it seems like my worries were in fact justified."
"I'm trying to get married to this man and if I'm not expressing concerns to you and you're trying to sell yourself that I gave you love I kissed you twice like it was like he was digging in his pocket for you you know receipts you know what I mean."
"What's an issue or a concern that keeps you up late at night?"
"...you still have concerns that he still has feelings for his ex though don't you?"
"Mozilla keeps making decisions that show that they don't care about privacy as much as they say they do."
"Just how expensive things are right now."
"Of course Alice has issues she's 28 marrying a man who's 14 years older than her."
"We need to be very concerned about internet access for these tools when they can start making requests both of people and internet things."
"What are you going to do a CT scan for? And she said that she wanted to check for colon cancer."
"I don't want the baby crib to turn into one of them."
"As I've gotten older my skincare concerns have shifted."
"I hope they don't have any issues in the future."
"When a man deeply loves you, one of the things that he will share and say is, I'm worried about, I'm stressed about, or I'm scared about."
"Oracle NetSuite is a pioneer in cloud solutions but has seen concerning trends in implementations."
"The balance was restoring, the shortages were healing, which meant it was time to panic about something else."
"Most concerns about capitalism today are less about capitalism versus some other ISM and more about distribution."
"Consumers Reports tested turmeric and echinacea and they had concerns over at least one third of the products."
"Our religion profoundly is the perfect balance between two extremes. And those two extremes are two concerns we're supposed to have. We have to have a concern for this life and we have to have concern for the next life."
"...when you're new to EVs, you're always worried: are you going to find a charge stop? Is it going to be working? Is there going to be a car plugged into it?"
"Risk awareness: the process of educating employees to increase their risk awareness and to encourage them to identify, review, and report concerns."
"If there's any concerns that they have, like 'Oh, I'm worried it might end up being like it was before and I'm gonna end up fighting again or things might get weird again or whatever,' talk about it."
"I'm not someone who likes sharing their problems because I don't want to worry people."
"I seriously worry a lot about how there's too much of a media hype around AI capabilities."
"I'm just worried that I might have exhausted every way we can advertise our product."
"I love the power coming from this team, I'm just worried about the chemistry."
"That's the last thing that you should be worried about, no."
"There's some serious kind of weird issues going on with GM."
"That's still January is just around the corner so all of that is deeply concerning about his long-term prospects."
"One of the reasons I have kids is because, you know, there are people out there trying to depopulate the freaking whole world. I don't want to let them win."
"We share concerns about what might happen under another Trump Administration."
"My concerns aren't only about the money, Mr. Hawthorne."
"We're simply having way too many threats here."
"I just feel like that's a realistic thing and I like how the show kind of tackles that like even if you're in a solid relationship like Monica and Chandler it's normal to have those thoughts to worry about things like that"
"Nothing matters but then also getting upset because everything does."
"I was becoming increasingly concerned about the way in which women were being shut down."
"I was troubled by that activism because... I think I have a very realistic view not a scaremongering view on what may happen when you lose some boundaries around Single Sex spaces for women and girls."
"I see this message and your now mainstreaming this set of concerns as one of the most important things going on in American life."
"This exemplifies the problems of legality."
"We need to worry about the MCO more than we need to worry about the rank just because the mentality of the two different"
"It's a good omen because we see a lot of moving forward and progress in people's lives in a cycle like this. However, nines bring up some things, you know, typical worries and concerns and issues that we may need to let go of at the same time."
"I've been so nervous about Warner Brothers screwing this up and turning the next game into like a live service mess or trying to do some BS with that."
"I fullheartedly believe in religious freedom and people being able to practice whatever faith they have, I had some concerns regarding looking at this particular institution."
"Can we stop AI? That's the question a lot of us are asking ourselves right now."
"It always worries me when you come up against the secrecy and that's the most frustrating thing of all."
"Everybody is tremendously concerned with the things that matter that they've been taught to value."
"What if there's a drought and all the food dries up then what will you eat huh huh?"
"I think most Americans still want a secular society but this theocracy business is really scary."
"What sort of world are they being born into? Are there now issues with health that are going to mean they're going to be less well off than the generation before them?"
"Despite good intentions of using their powers for the good of humanity, Batman fears that their powers could easily be used for ulterior motives."
"Moreover, from what I have heard from critics who have praised 'Hogg,' who have actually read it, it seems that those concerns are fully present in this book as well."
"AI is seen as a huge threat by many current workers."
"Certainly some concerns for the seven car going forward."
"They worry that they might be in competition for your attention or that someone else might be meddling in the connection."
"I get worried about people majoring in the minors"
"The number one thing people are worried about is both harassment and losing their job."
"That's what's killin' the kids. That's the real monster."
"I remember she was talking about it at one of the dinners with the rest of the couples that she basically vocalized those concerns."
"To think that a device that's EOL or end of life, you know, does not get any updates, running Windows Embedded, and basically taking the brunt of the entire food supply chain, is quite concerning to me. Well, I hope to you as well."
"I found a lot of people who were kind of level-headed. They were blue-collar and they were worried about jobs."
"Worry about the singularity I don't think helps with that."
"Generative AI should give us concern as well as hope."
"God hears what's in your heart so tell them your concerns."
"The timeline that I just described provides little detail but it does show that this area is developing very quickly and raises further concerns about federal agencies undertaking dragnet surveillance."
"It's always interesting to hear the Americans say that, particularly at this phase where they're worried that their partner from another country is just considering them to be a meal ticket or that, you know, their green card, they're just a walking green card."
"You have nothing to worry about. He doesn't want to be just friends."
"What is it that we should worry about most that might bring an end to this remarkable expansion?"
"It was like, oh this is gonna make it so that we can't have gendered bathrooms anymore and so women and you know can will not have any privacy."
"The only thing about getting older that stresses me out is the reproductive side of things."
"Despite the trade, there's still some serious concerns about the relationship."
"As we move forward in this list I think my concerns with robots get more serious like the battery thing is just like a problem with technology like we will fix it we'll have better batteries in the future it's fine."
"Some of the risks I foresee... we won't have enough support from the government or trust from the local community."
"You know, what's on my mind is the same thing that's on their minds. I'm thinking about the same things they're thinking about: global warming, alienation, this world we're living in, and how we got to wake up and change a few things before it's too late."
"I'm a bit worried about labor at 41."
"When you sign up for something, why do you have to give them all your information?"
"Especially, like, factoring in everything that's happening in the background, including climate change, is this the kind of world that I want to bring my child into?"
"There was a lot of time to bring these concerns up."
"That'll be the biggest concern for the Dallas Cowboys, your big three right now."
"Unfortunately that's not what was the issue in law enforcement right."
"I see us moving more and more towards just disposable technology, and I don't love it."
"This is the insidiousness of transphobia. It's never quite often it's never like, 'You're a disgrace.' It's very like, 'No, we just have some concerns about you living and trying to earn a living.'"
"I think we do well to worry about the latter before the former."
"This baby has the problems of a possible blowout."
"Enjoy your travels; the stuff that you have in your bag shouldn't be one of your biggest concerns."
"I worry about the social conditions of the western world. I worry about the state of the western economy or Eastern economy. I worry about the state of water."
"The parties before us have raised real concerns with our past president."
"I can understand the benefits, but I still think there are a lot of details we need to work out."
"I want to drop the kid off at college at 18, not rehab."
"Instances like these raise concerns about the direction of online communities and the potential toxicity within the audience."
"...there's some trust issues popping up here."
"One of Will's primary concerns was the flood of girls to Hollywood."
"What keeps me awake at night... is wondering how many more storage facilities are out there."
"Demand for action is warranted. It is based on real concerns, not confected ones."