
Aviation Quotes

There are 9492 quotes

"It's unfortunate but she was a great one. She had a vision of flying, in which she made a drawing of wings and how steam could be used to power an engine that would help her to fly."
"I think it's super awesome and I can't wait for each flight."
"A passenger plane capable of flying at Mach 5, two and a half times faster than the Concorde ever flew."
"Moscow now has lost one of its most vital airlinks to the outside world for air cargo."
"But the greatest change lay in the advent of air exploration, with much of Antarctica charted from the sky in the years to come."
"I think it's pretty obvious I'm winging it. Get it? 'Cause planes have wings."
"The captain had accumulated over 17,000 hours of flying experience."
"They were attempting to do the ILS to Runway 25 left under visual conditions but instead came in much too high and much too hot."
"Talon went past Mach 5 as planned, becoming hypersonic."
"You don't see planes diving on departure. That was baffling."
"The DHL Pilots have managed to fly and land a plane without any flying controls."
"At 24,000 feet, with very little to breathe up there, the passengers become incapacitated; that's called hypoxia."
"The bottom line is, the 'Queen of the Skies' has lost their way."
"It's a very training-heavy field. Becoming a pilot is an enormous accomplishment in itself."
"Manned fighters are not obsolete; it's not the plane, it's the pilot that makes the difference."
"When an engine quits in an airplane and you've got one engine, that is the loudest quiet you will ever hear in your life."
"The A4 is more powerful, the A4 is better than one to one thrust ratio at 1300 pounds of gas... it could turn on a dime gave you nine cents change."
"We wouldn't be able to land these planes in time if we hadn't used the shortcut of breaking that rule that every number is positive."
"Every time I get on an airplane, it's incredible to me that human beings have actually been able to achieve this... It's incredible that humans are able to get into a box and fly in the air safely."
"Private jets produce a ridiculous amount of carbon emissions."
"Concorde is the greatest civilian aircraft ever built; in the aviation Hall of Fame, Concorde stands second only to the Wright brothers' maiden flight."
"It cost Boeing six aircraft, which, being conservative with the pricing, cost roughly $90 million each. That's a minimum of $540 million paid back in insurance, all because of some basic failed maintenance."
"The mysterious disappearance of the L8 crew has become known as the ghost blimp incident and remains one of the most puzzling aviation mysteries of World War 2."
"The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 is one of the most perplexing and tragic aviation mysteries of the 21st century."
"This video is kind of insane, but we have Amelia Earhart's final flight."
"A black hole illusion explains the crash of Ares 8250."
"It's important to communicate really early when you got a problem so the other pilot can understand what's going on."
"People who love airplanes really, really love airplanes. It's their number one passion in life."
"Dad was a great guy, one of the best pilots I ever saw."
"No matter how sophisticated the latest computer flight technology becomes, it's the image of one individual using brains, skills, and guts to conquer the skies that appeals to the adventurer in all of us."
"Electric technology also opens up a host of new efficient designs for future aircraft."
"Honda even makes private jet aircraft, the HA-420, powered, of course, by Honda engines."
"This revolutionary technology allows a fifth-generation aircraft... to have a radar cross-section of just 0.0001 meters squared... about the size of a bumblebee."
"A lovely sound of a Merlin engine powering one of the beautifully restored aircraft based here at Duxford aerodrome."
"The sea hurricane is unique in that it's the only aircraft the museum has restored to flying condition."
"The slogan that we've used for many years, 'Time flies at Old Warden,' applies just as much to the people who work there as it does to what happens."
"You'd rather be on the ground wishing you were flying than flying wishing you were on the ground."
"This is to a large extent the key to the fact that the plane can fly so fast."
"According to Otto Aviation, the Solera flies 18 to 25 miles per gallon, very modest given that its jet competitors burn several times more fuel."
"The Solera 500L could potentially start a real revolution in the air travel industry."
"In our crazy times, this is also a good bonus: in fact, passengers will have access to business aviation services at mass aviation prices."
"These aircraft are as good or better than any other aircraft in the world."
"And thus ended, in a quiet and undistinguished way, the story of one of the most unique units of the Soviet Air Force: the Air Base 1521 Maryy, the Soviet Top Gun."
"Concorde, often considered the pinnacle of airliner technology."
"Business aviation is not just a luxury item but also an instrument for the implementation of tasks."
"Elon Musk is absolutely convinced we'll be flying in long-distance electric passenger planes in the future."
"Norway recently required that all domestic flights go electric by 2040."
"With compact, precision-tuned electric motors, the future of passenger aircraft is streamlined, optimized, and will follow true form-to-function principles."
"We are in the embryonic stages of electric aircraft, with over 200 electric aircraft programs in development worldwide."
"Transport yourself to the dawn of the 20th century, a time when dreams took flight and the skies beckoned with endless possibilities."
"In an age of innovation, nothing seemed more wondrous than the airplane."
"Planes were going to get faster, they were going to go farther, they could lift more. They were also going to be more deadly and more maneuverable."
"Imagine being on a plane and looking out your window to see this."
"It was a new high-tech airplane which involved quite a change for the crew and the maintenance personnel."
"In the cockpit, the crew is fighting for control of their jet."
"The storm that entangles Southern Airways 242 is one of the worst to hit the United States in three years."
"What is completely and irrefutably damning is that the Japanese tested Vought's prized aircraft and concluded it was inferior to the A5M and the Ki-27."
"The overwhelming body of evidence is against any notion the Zero was a foreign copy."
"Do you want your airplane to be powered by chanting and prayers or do you want it powered by physics and engines?"
"Every plane crash makes the next plane crash less likely."
"The objects that are being seen by commercial pilots are performing maneuvers that are unexplainable due to our current understanding of our technology and our capabilities as a country."
"These sightings are not routine military aircrew and commercial pilots. Trained observers whose lives depend on accurate identification are frequently witnessing these phenomena."
"The Wright brothers did not defy the law of gravity; they actually worked with it."
"It's a very important part of the aircraft; it takes roughly on touchdown probably about half the load of the aircraft."
"This system depends on the dedicated team of professionals committed to taking care of these 21st-century masterpieces, planes so well built that they could fly almost as long as we're willing to take care of them."
"Planes so well built that they could fly almost as long as we're willing to take care of them. They're built tough and should be able to last forever if they're maintained properly."
"The investigation threw a spotlight onto the operations of Colgan and raised questions about pilot qualifications, training, and pay."
"As a pilot myself and having reported on aviation for more than 20 years, I knew that accidents most always involve a chain of events, a series of underlying causes."
"Safety is the number one priority, and there is no airline, no matter what the business arrangement, that would ever operate any aircraft and risk the safety of the passengers and crew."
"Commercial travel hasn't been safer than what it is today."
"Unbeknownst to pilots on this brand-new aircraft, the Boeing 737 MAX, a computer flight control system called MCAS, hidden in the plane, suddenly activates."
"This is now one of aviation's greatest scandals and the subject of two criminal investigations."
"This is one of the most remarkable flying events in history."
"This is not about two pilots; this is about an industry that just slid away and no one was watching and monitoring enough until you have crashes and you have loss of life."
"The story of the Boeing 737 MAX would end up exposing corporate deception and a broken regulatory process."
"All of us at Boeing are deeply sorry for the loss of life."
"The fact that the instructor managed to land this plane after losing control of the elevators as both engines failed is nothing short of miraculous."
"Aviators trust maintainers categorically. That's why I learned to love the guys who kept me airborne. They taught me about the airplane."
"Both Grundy and Reb got Air Medals for their saving the airplane and their airmanship. Reb went on to be an astronaut."
"The Prime Minister would have had access to that radar data that showed the plane was not in the South China Sea when it was last spotted."
"Next time you get onto one of our planes, just make sure all the screws are there."
"I'm Trent Palmer. I fly drones for a living and bush planes for fun. Follow along as I journey off the beaten path of aviation."
"This is aviation at its finest. Open cockpit flying, biplane flying... It's invigorating my entire aviation life."
"All flights across the United States were grounded."
"This airplane will cruise at 200 miles an hour. It's pretty badass."
"I've been flying forever and I have 19,600 flying hours. I have taught over 3,000 people to fly."
"100 years ago, men believed that man could never fly."
"It gives you purpose for flying from point A to point B because...you're going to be a virtual pilot for various aviation jobs, which is really neat."
"These are the planes that won wars, proud veterans of the days when heroes fought in the skies. They're like time machines."
"Their mission: to return historic military aircraft to the skies."
"Watching a seven four seven, fully loaded seven four seven, taxiing to the fresh home... It was very romantic to me watching that plane, you know, taking off, a full hundred tonne metal bird, taking off Hong Kong, and carrying probably, four hundred people, four hundred stories. Four hundred reasons to travel."
"The era of the four-engine mammoths is becoming a thing of the past, and their heirs, the twin-engine giants, are starting to reign the skies all over the world."
"Top of the line wide-body twin jets that embody the most advanced technologies and solutions."
"To say that the Triple 7 family is a success is quite an understatement."
"The major innovation of the Boeing Triple 7X is its new wing."
"The workload is really, really high for every pilot, not only the pilots in trail but for the leads as well."
"I heard a really cool story about Amelia Earhart... a guy next to her was like, 'That's why women shouldn't fly planes,' and she was like, grabbed a plane and just like start doing all these tricks and shit."
"Believing in God doesn't help me when I'm up there flying. God's not flying my jets."
"Yeah, a working plane in this place is going to be the cherry on the cake."
"Pilot Edge net: an air traffic control platform with live controllers, absolutely worth it."
"We're flying a 757 from San Diego to Las Vegas using the Pilot Edge network."
"Very very stable airplane, I love the 757, that wing is just an amazing design."
"One other strong safety recommendation Dr. Stapp pushed for, particularly in aviation, was to turn passenger seats around to face backwards, as this is drastically safer in crashes."
"You care about how your actions affect other people."
"Aviation is full of unsung heroes who deserve a lot more recognition than we give them."
"Boy that was a hairy approach with all the AI wasn't it, she just stuck to our approach but I was worried about that MD-80."
"We're looking good right now, we'll just do our best and land the airplane."
"Welcome aboard folks, your pilot is the most diverse pilot."
"Short approach means various things. Most power off 180s are short approaches but not all short approaches are power off 180s."
"This flight data recorder is going to hold the key to this entire investigation."
"This is phenomenal time Del go go Delta go what a beautiful machine."
"We need to know what happened with MH370 and how we prevent that in the future."
"Solving the mystery of its location requires Clues from what transpired during the flight."
"He truly was the best of us, an amazing dude and an even better aviator."
"For approximately 18 million euros, the aircraft conversion specialists have transformed an outdated passenger jet into a modern freighter."
"We have a good living, we have great kids, we have built for ourselves a wonderful life."
"Clear communication is extremely important not just in relationships not just in real life but also in aviation in everything that you see okay."
"Don't overlook insurance... it'd be extremely expensive insurance wise for a low hour pilot."
"Thanks guys for joining on that flight...become a better pilot just by being able to lower your workload and increase your threat their management."
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly."
"This flight takes only 39 minutes compared to the 15 hours a conventional airplane needs."
"In the future, you could get from New York City to Los Angeles in 3.5 hours."
"Our airline industry needs some serious updates."
"He believed in the speed and power of mechanized armored force, and that military aviation would be critical."
"The j35 is claimed to have a maximum speed of 2.2 Mach, which not only exceeds the F35 and Su-57 but also approaches the 2.25 Mach of the F22."
"I sort of maintain that I don't think GPS is necessary for this type of flight."
"Name the German aviator in a red Fokker triplane shot down over the Som River on April 21st, 1918 in World War I. That'd be Orville Reddenfokker."
"By 2021 technem has delivered over 5,000 aircraft of various models worldwide."
"The notion that an airplane will wear out or there's some kind of age limit on an aircraft doesn't really make much sense anymore."
"Michigan's Elite... they're on the tarmac... first in line for takeoff."
"Known as the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, this revolutionary stealth fighter would go on to fly 1,250 sorties and drop more than 2,000 tons of bombs on Iraq without a single aircraft being shot down."
"Commercial aviation is one of the safest ways to travel, according to statistics measuring passenger injury and fatalities."
"German plane charred and crumpled and scattered across the good earth of England."
"Tesla foresaw the development of the flying machine exceeding that of the automobile."
"The world’s most technologically advanced reconnaissance aircraft."
"Pilots especially commercial pilots military Pilots should be taken serious as credible observers."
"Each aircraft we've encountered has permanently altered the landscape of Aviation."
"Fortunately, all of my landings equal my take offs."
"This is one of the goofiest ways to fly but it's stable and super easy to set up."
"Sadly not, the flight data recorder contained no information besides one simple phrase: 'TO BE SORRY.'"
"At the heart of all these programs is a new manned aircraft: a 6th generation fighter."
"The United States government released footage of pilots encountering something unidentifiable while flying."
"Aviation brings people together and this is my mission that's why I go to places such as Iran Israel Afghanistan to show you a different perspective of traveling to those countries."
"My goal was to make the landings as safe as possible."
"What we need to do is make sure that industries like the air industry become more environmentally friendly."
"But you have to fly us home," she says with a giggle.
"It was just an incredible experience to crawl around inside the innards of a Boeing 747."
"Remember that it replaced the 707 which was only as wide as a narrowbody 737 which we see zipping around at domestic routes today. You can really understand why something this big was just mind-blowing when it was introduced."
"Check out this view as we step off this planet with the iconic red flying kangaroo tail and then we spin around and there you'll see the boeing 747 400 badge which I have no doubt will go down as an iconic site in aviation."
"The pilots... that's very straightforward... they're the most credible reports because they're done by professionals."
"The WLKY sky crane Erickson antenna lift is a remarkable achievement in engineering and Aviation."
"Situated just off Norman's Cay, a small island off the coast of the Bahamas, lies a corroded Curtis C-46 Commando."
"Mikey boy our 787 Boeing pilot that was awesome man."
"Integration of diverse components poses significant challenges for China's aircraft industry."
"Seeing that thing actually fly in real life with my own eyes is something I'll never forget"
"Across the globe, whenever clandestine operations compromised enemy effectiveness, the airplane was as essential as the radio in the waging of unconventional warfare."
"He'd actually been working on designs for a large jet transport since 1944."
"We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour."
"I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination, until then, sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the flight."
"We have just landed at ABC airport, the outside temperature is 25 degrees centigrade, 77 Fahrenheit."
"Good afternoon passengers, this is the pre-boarding announcement for flight BD 370 to Sydney."
"The courage of those guys on the C-47's and the DC-3's, piloting those planes was great."
"The sheer number and variety of warbirds that gather at Oshkosh every year gives the organizers a chance to tell some incredible stories in extraordinary ways."
"According to all the laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly."
"Not only are the six aviators awesome so are the maintainers that they have on the team."
"The shortest flight in the world: '...between the islands of West Ray and Papa Westray.'"
"Aviators make literally anyone on the planet cool."
"There's a bloody good reason why anytime you fly an American historical battle half the team consists of Corsairs because they're well-armed and they're powerful and durable aircraft."
"The wide-body A5, very loud and powerful, fun to watch."
"I've always been a big fan of the Corsair. I think it's a sexy looking aircraft that gold wing configuration just gives it a real rugged good-looking shell."
"Never ever get into a turning fight when you're flying one of these things. Never try to dogfight a Spitfire or a zero because they will hand you your ass on the silver plate."
"Since the replacement of the 737 servo valves there hasn't been a similar crash of the most popular most profitable plane in the world."
"An achievement often ignored in our fascination to try and find something special about this aircraft."
"The wheels of the Memphis Bell come back to the soil of England for the 25th time."
"The SR-71, a highly sophisticated reconnaissance aircraft of the 60s, still ahead of the state of the art in the 70s, was first announced in February 1964."
"There's kind of a lost art form of flying heavy turbine airplanes as much as we do in this platform."
"They're actually the heroes of the pre-flight."
"Aviation is one of the pillars of the modern world."
"Boeing had become a near-monopoly in aviation."
"The Boeing 737 is the best-selling jet airliner in history."
"While the electrification of aviation has been slow to start, the technology is starting to look more feasible."
"Urban air mobility is really a new era in aviation."
"The Boeing CEO...designed the plane to act this way...followed their standard guidelines."
"I'm having the time of my life, I love to fly, I love a challenge. I'm learning so much."
"The P61 proved capable against all Japanese aircraft it encountered."
"The P61A takes off like a homesick Angel, but flying the P61B is smoother and even more efficient."
"Flying is a lot like life, the more you learn, the smoother the journey becomes."
"Welcome on board the world's longest commercial flight."
"A civilian pilot isn't going to do that, okay? Do you understand that point?"
"Airlines will come back, it's just not right now."
"Building just 194 new F-22s would cost about 50.3 billion dollars in 2017 money."
"The a340 500 perfectly suited the new wave of ultra long-haul operations."
"One of the best landings I ever did was landing on the side of the mountain and getting those guys, and actually they survived, everybody survived."
"Fantastic job, man! I'll fly over one more time."
"Ingenuity changed the outlook for Mars exploration going forward, showing that flying machines are absolutely viable."
"Something needs to be done. The FAA needs to streamline their process."
"So you're bored and how did you get back airborne?"
"We've flown 74 flights this year. We learn from every one of those flights." - Bill Gersen
"Experience has shown that if you don't fly the airplane when you're experiencing an abnormal situation... you must fly the airplane."
"Flight trajectory is going northeast out of Florida."