
Personal Tragedy Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Then he meets her, and then she just sucks in and just takes him from me, and then with that, I lose my son, I lose the money, I lose my house, I go to jail."
"In the glittering tapestry of Hollywood's history, few stories shimmer with the same mix of fame, love, and heartache as that of Robert Urich and Heather Menzies."
"Brazenly refusing to salute the arrival of Adolf Hitler at his place of work, despite the blind compliance of his colleagues, this powerful act of defiance part of a deeply personal tragedy."
"Gojo's story is one of great tragedy and even greater loneliness."
"She continued to hang on tight to her love for life and, unfortunately in the end, she was failed by so many that were supposed to protect her."
"Tragically though, the next dreadful months of Lake's life would make even her most bitter enemies shut their mouths."
"Our thoughts are with his wife Lisa and his kids at this extraordinarily difficult time."
"His name will forever be tainted by what happened to him and that's really unfair."
"For 40 years I have suffered heartache from the horrific loss of a beautiful girl whom I was falling in love with."
"The greatest tragedy in your life is not to fall down, the greatest tragedy is to stay down."
"It's actually quite a tragic glimpse into the psyche of a man who doesn't feel like he has all that much to live for."
"Do you still love your son? I love the person I knew to be my son before this happened."
"Roxy ended up passing away from breast cancer when she was only 66 years old."
"After 18 years of agonizing over Tamara's disappearance, her father tragically passed away without ever finding out the truth."
"This man took my child, my everything, that was my world right there."
"Joe Ranft, known for voicing characters in Pixar films, tragically died in a car accident just two years after the release of Finding Nemo."
"Unfortunately, on March 14th, 2017, Felicia suffered a heart attack."
"Why did he destroy a life and his children's lives?"
"The loss of his son and the forever reminder that he's responsible can never be explained or forgotten."
"But for Renee and her family, it was a devastating loss and an unjust sentence."
"At the end of the day it really looks like this is simply just a sad girl who didn't get the mental health care that she needed whose life completely fell apart because honestly it seems like nobody cared when when she was insane."
"He walked away a free man, but Henry knew the truth in these murders, he saw his daughter Charlie all over again."
"I'm so sorry to hear you went through that, that's terrible."
"The suffering is immeasurable, but Sonia decided to turn this experience into something meaningful that can help other girls like Carly."
"Through tragedy, Vincenzo's garden was born, a beautiful space of healing and love that I needed in my life."
"The paradox about Joni's life is she wanted to keep her boys safe so she gave them money and things that they wanted but in truth, nobody was saved, people's lives were destroyed."
"A mug shot is a visceral representation of the Criminal Justice System, a symbol of lost Freedom. It permanently memorializes one of the worst days of a person's life, a moment not meant for a scrapbook." - Associated Press
"Peter was the future... losing Peter feels like it's the thing that kills him."
"Just remember that there are real people that are affected by this, not only are they Shannon's family and her friends, don't forget about her friends."
"I started using when my oldest son was shot and killed 13 years ago."
"Her story could easily have become one of tragedy, but instead she chose to stand up and use her spotlight for good. Today she's widely considered as one of the most influential people on the planet. Now that's a legacy."
"Frida Kahlo's life was rife with tragedy, a devastating 1925 bus accident left her with spinal problems that lasted throughout her entire life. But Frida's traumatic life and physical pain were the secret to her genius."
"I'm sending good vibes to Lil Marlow's family and friends."
"Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe, who not only physically resembled Eliza Poe, but shared her name, died from tuberculosis in 1847 at the age of 24… the same age, and from the same illness as Poe’s mother. He was reliving his earliest trauma."
"Even though his family confirmed the tragic news, they didn't reveal much information about how he died."
"Christine Collins continued searching for Walter until her death in 1964."
"He was actually slaying a bunch of murderers who killed his family."
"All of this culminated in April 1930 when zelda finally broke down."
"We don't know who Ahmaud Arbery voted for, but what we do know is he's dead."
"Despite the death of my son, I still love people."
"Brenda Leyland was killed by the mainstream media for having an opinion."
"The Lechs suffer emotional pain and a severe disruption to their lives as a result of the sudden and disastrous loss of their home."
"His daughter relapsed, a recovering drug addict relapsed because of the coverage her father received in the media and went into a downward spiral and almost died."
"There was something kind of tragic about her."
"Sadly, Ray Rivera would never leave Baltimore, Maryland..."
"Maybe she just wanted to start afresh and get out of there, and maybe 9/11 for her would have just been a good distraction."
"Now completely and utterly devastated by his collection of newfound insights into the fragility of the physical body."
"He suffered a heart attack and died hours later."
"Lessons could be learned, but they're going to come too late to help Sebastian."
"There was no way that I lost 20 of my 24 rabbits all in one night, all perished."
"Annie was a wonderful young woman with infinite potential and a very happy future ahead of her, but that future was taken away from her by one selfish person for seemingly the most selfish and senseless of reasons."
"Chris Farley's death... he was just killing his genius."
"It's hard enough that it was my father, but on top of that to have my sister committing such a horrible crime."
"In this moment where Torres lies mortally wounded, we learned that he hasn't fired a gun since his daughter was shot and he couldn't even bring himself to do it to save his own life."
"She lost her husband, she lost her child on the same day in the same accident."
"He lost his parents and many friends at a young age due to an event known as the tragedy of Duscur."
"Something happened that night that was so catastrophic that Tamar didn't want to be alive anymore."
"My son and I our lives were stolen and you never ever gave her back ever."
"October 17th began the nightmare for Morgan's parents."
"You don't realize the pain until it actually hits your home."
"Despite knowing he will never be a free man again, he has refused to disclose exactly what happened to April that night or where her body is."
"Tragedy that I've experienced in my life... I just want to live each day to the fullest."
"Tywin's story is the tragedy of a man completely unable to accept anything about himself."
"She won't have served a single day in prison."
"I don't hate you, Ivan Simpson. I hate with all my soul what you did to my daughter." - Hector Black
"Mackenzie Shirella murdered my son Dominic as well as Davion."
"What if your daughter was Natalie? What if you were me and someone bludgeoned her body and then got off scot-free? What would you want to do to that person? I would want to kill him."
"I've been to almost 20 funerals in the last two years. Everybody that was in my close inner circle is now gone."
"Gun control laws didn't fail my daughter, perfect people did."
"It's the worst day I've ever experienced and obviously the first chapter in my book."
"My life ended the day they took my children away from me." - Yvette Toledo, a mother from El Salvador
"Alexander Jackson dialed 9-1-1 and the world outside the Jackson home learned of the unspeakable tragedy."
"I do hope that Jody's Family has some peace."
"Apparently her friends were like killed in like a car bombing and she was crying about it."
"I even took my son alone. I led, my son followed, he died in my arms. After that, I washed my hands of England, the Empire, and the legend of Allan bloody Quartermaine."
"This was a murder that happened in the home of a lovely young woman, minding her own business, starting a new life with her fiance. It happened in broad daylight."
"Monroe lost her baby after these pregnancies that went wrong, which saddened her enormously."
"It's not a victory, it's not a reward because the bottom line is my wife isn't here anymore."
"On May 29, 1857, the child died in Sisi’s arms."
"Someone murdered my baby, they killed my baby!"
"Poor Patrick Bronte didn't just bury his two daughters, he buried every one of his children, and his wife."
"Lost memories of Edgar Latulip... vanished into thin air... his family feared the worst had happened."
"A single vehicle crash that killed a father of three."
"He did abuse his wife and had the last two years in jail..."
"Henry's grief isn't just a father's loss, it's personal devastation. The death of the young king has destroyed all his plans for his legacy."
"Nora's done. She was my mother and she died because of you."
"I'm responsible for her death... I'm sorry for the grief I've caused them."
"Few things are more devastating than a loved one going missing."
"If the FBI or CIA or ATF can just stroll up to your house and kill your wife and your only son, what else are they capable of?"
"Putin is responsible for Nal's death. Putin is responsible for what has happened in Nal me. It's yet more proof of Putin's brutality."
"Just the relationship between dior and his dad is so sad. It's sad to see because bro, it's mindable bro, it's mindable dawg."
"We were just devastated. We never thought that anyone from our family would be murdered, especially on a holiday for something so stupid."
"Caleb's murderer wrapped his giant hands around Caleb's neck and strangled him to death."
"Her unmistakable laugh and deeply woven care for children were cut short by an unexplainable, unsolved disappearance."
"That star shone bright but unfortunately it burned out way too fast."
"As a father who have lost his beloved son I have investigated every aspect of the car crash which killed my son body they are a basis of Wales and the driver Henry poor the evidence is clear."
"I want them to find the people that did this and to explain to me why they had to kill my brother over $50,000 or $60,000. And I want to know why that happened."
"Edward Collins, the owner of the Collins Line, had just lost half of his family in the sinking and would never be the same again."
"He made a bad decision and snuffed that girl's light out. That is unforgivable."
"Dan did not die immediately. He suffered terribly in the hours after being shot in what certainly were the most painful and terrifying final moments of life."
"Melissa was a gorgeous young girl who had so many aspirations in life, and she didn't get a chance to achieve any of her long-term goals."
"Growing up, mom died when I was four, aggressive cancer riddled her body with tumors, stole her stride, her smile, her laugh, everything in just 18 short months."
"I woke up and I had a bunch of messages from people including the father of one of my friends growing up, 'Please God please tell me this isn't real.'"
"The final word here is Abby and Libby. This is about these two wonderful little girls who just went out for an afternoon to take a walk in the woods and take some pictures for social media and have a good time."
"Nikki would have been 37 now and who knows what her life could have been but her future was cruelly taken away by David Boyd."
"You took a beautiful moment of my life and twisted it for your own sick pleasure."
"Seeing your daughter die did something to you."
"Bringing an end to the search for Brian Laundry, he, at the age of 23, is dead."
"In the life of Mary Shelley, 'Frankenstein,' the story of a resurrection gone wrong, finds yet another meaning: that of the agony of the irretrievable lost of one you love."
"Travis never got the chance to live the rest of his life, to learn and grow, to explore the world, to experience marriage and children, something he deeply wanted in his life."
"Damon Presswood died of a likely meth overdose on April 5th, 2017, he was 48 years old."
"I'm tracking a murderer, the bastard who shot my wife, took my son."
"I am absolutely broken with what's happened over the last few weeks."
"It marked a year since the death of Abby and Libby, and at the year mark, Libby's mom actually spoke on camera for the first time about her daughter."
"The justice system gave him a free card to go and harm another person and eventually murder my sister."
"Thank you for all the good work you do, and my heart goes out to Kylie's family."
"I think it's such a tragedy that our much-loved mate felt so alone at that moment to do what he did."
"It really is so sad to think that a person can slip through the cracks like that and seemingly vanish altogether."
"There's also another allegation of child abuse in 2018. What makes this even worse, Noah would have turned 13 today."
"Instead of celebrating Alicia's 15th birthday with her friends and family, Jessica had to celebrate that day without Alicia."
"It was hard to imagine what the state of her mind must have been in those days."
"Everyone's freaking out like 'oh my god I lost my life savings'... That's a tragedy but it's just as much of a tragedy when someone says I went to a casino and lost my life savings."
"I've lost my father and Here I am about to lose my mother supposed to be the justice system that it's just completely broken."
"I believe that the person is still out there and I believe that we're going to find closure one day for my mom and we're going to find justice."
"JC Duggard was abducted while she was walking to the bus stop in South Lake Tahoe, she was only 11 years old when she was imprisoned in the home where she would remain for the next 18 years of her life."
"Remember Athena Strand" - Athena's mother's plea for her daughter's memory to live on.
"Ren vows that once he becomes a mythal class Adventurer he will defeat the monster that took away everyone he cared about."
"Malia deserved so much better and they will have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives."
"Pat's a handsome blond boy vanished on the first day he was allowed to walk to the school bus stop alone."
"You have no idea how it feels to want to delete your own life, man. My little brother took his own life, man."
"Planted on the sides of roads were signs claiming that school superintendent Gordon Massey and Ron and Mary's 12-year-old daughter were involved in a sexual relationship."
"Ron died on the spot when his truck crashed into a tree."
"After 14 years of fighting for the custody for Ty Lee Ryan, in 2018 Joseph Ryan Lori's ex-husband is found deceased."
"The tragedy is not just the three years he spent in prison, but that the people who loved him turned on him."
"Through his art, Utam Molan has transformed his personal tragedy into a powerful statement about the resilience of the human spirit."
"Juice World's friends and family, this is a living hell being reminded anywhere they go that they just lost a loved one but to the label this is a blessing in disguise."
"A little bit of us all died," said Michelle, Genesis older sister.
"It takes a great tragedy to break a great man."
"The pain was unbearable, especially for Valerie's mother Michelle."
"If you think about it, before he even got to the United States Senate, he had had one brother die in a plane crash in war and a sister die in a plane crash, and another sister be taken away because of a failed lobotomy."
"Ryan actually has a lot in common with his dead dad uh Ryan's dad succumbed to cancer and Ryan sucks come for money."
"Marked by personal tragedies including a severe childhood accident."
"Jeanette and this guy broke up she actually dumped Paul because her mother was passing away in 2013 and she needed to handle that on her own."
"My father died very tragically in a fire."
"Summer Shifflet's world came crashing down in 2019."
"Sergei Magnitsky was killed because he worked for me. He was killed because he was my lawyer."
"All those plans, my happiness, and my hope for the future came crashing down in a mere moment."
"The tragedy with Grisha was that he wasn't concerned with Marley and Eldia until his sister, someone individually close to him, was brutally murdered."
"Imagine loving Taylor Swift so much, but then also all of her concerts seemed to coincide with like tragedies in your life."
"My heart absolutely goes out to Katie and her family."
"I have nothing but compassion for the Goldmans and for the Browns, but I lost just as much as you got, lost more than you did because I lost the person that I loved."
"Part of me died with him, Raja, the day they killed him, and I think you know it."
"His death kept secret from the public, his lover Ezzy Kovach didn't find out about his death until her release four years later."
"Something that causes the world to fall apart for a person does not stop the rest of the world from spinning."
"The economic and social turmoil that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union has resulted in untold numbers of personal tragedies."
"When you lose a child, you die yourself."
"The victims were my two brothers, the two youngest."
"Leaving behind a legacy marked by success and tragedy within the Music Industry."
"We never thought that this could happen to us... I was just absolutely devastated."
"This song has such deep roots coming from the death of Dorsey's wife in childbirth."
"The death of his brother would haunt Elvis Aaron Presley, shaping his outlook for the rest of his life."
"I watched her die and we didn't believe in medical care... my mom died in her home."
"For Gary Danielson to do what he did not even 72 hours after losing his 9-day-old daughter was nothing short of inspiring and remarkable."
"It's someone's hell, and it's a lot of people's hell today."
"I almost lost my only child; it's just horrible. I still don't even want to think about it."