
Injustice Quotes

There are 2426 quotes

"He's not just a man that had been dealt a hand; he had to deal with a life sentence for a non-violent crime."
"Transforming anger into constructive action is a powerful way to deal with injustice."
"What's unfair is Jesus had to be tortured, beaten, and crucified for my sins. That's unfair."
"If this was happening to your loved one, you would not be okay with it."
"Belisarius, the general who conquered the world for Emperor Justinian, was blinded and stripped of his assets by his envious peers."
"They killed everyone, the guilty, the innocent, didn't matter."
"There's going to be no accountability, no anything for these lives ruined."
"What happened to Julian Assange is one of the most corrupt and overt displays of evil that we have seen."
"This had resulted in an innocent man being murdered."
"The brutality that she endured in those last days of her life is just incomprehensible."
"I still have this feeling of injustice, like when you feel like something wasn't right, wasn't just."
"This is where the moral dichotomy is made pretty clear: most of these villains we face in the story have felt injustice in their lives, with no heroes there to help them."
"When the world learns of a horror, there's a community of conscience that bands together and says this Injustice cannot stand."
"It was virtually impossible to disprove charges of witchcraft in Salem; defendants were convicted with no evidence other than personal accusations."
"It's amazing how many people can have trouble truly comprehending this: one, Alice Sebold was beaten and assaulted; two, the wrong man was sent to prison for it."
"We're not race-baiting; we're not whining, but we are dying in an unfair, unjust society."
"Injustice is the refusal to equitably and impartially apply God's moral law in society."
"Nobody deserves this, nobody deserves to go through what he went through."
"The case of Annie Lay: a horrific tragedy that shouldn't happen in the world to anybody."
"You asked, 'Are they happy with what they're doing with their life or are they not?' And if they're happy, then what injustice has been done?"
"There's so much clear misconduct here and lying that they should not have ever been convicted of these crimes and imprisoned for 20 years like that should have just never happened."
"Kaepernick's cancellation bars him from making a living at a skill he has been honing since childhood."
"Poseidon...decided to take advantage of Medusa right then and there...instead of punishing Poseidon for being a major slimeball, Athena turned her rage to Medusa."
"The definition of oppression is really quite simply prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control."
"He made it clear that he felt the police were targeting him because he'd gotten too close to a truth that they didn't want him to expose."
"This nightmare has been going on almost 17 years for me, please help end this injustice."
"Sounder, Cicely Tyson, awesome movie about the love between this man who's wrongly jailed and his family."
"Julian Assange will be punished not for a crime but for exposing crime, and that is what's truly criminal."
"Some people are rich and many are poor, some are fortunate and many are not. On the very face of it, that is wrong and unfair, and something must be done, or so you might think."
"The scapegoat can spend a lifetime paying for sins they never committed."
"Injustice is injustice regardless of your race."
"Atrocitus is a new introduction to the Injustice mythos, and probably one of my favorite characters."
"Injustice was a philosophical story, and in fact, a lot of people misinterpret who exactly it is that Injustice is critiquing."
"The United States government forced them into this position by preventing them from building generational wealth, stripping them of their culture, and confining them to patches of land they themselves deemed to be a barren waste."
"How could you not? Why is it that when we do it, it’s an honest misunderstanding caused by a few bad apples. But when they do it, they’re uncivilized, bloodthirsty savages."
"Allow yourself to be angry at the injustices that you've faced."
"I don’t know about you, but I don’t think the punishment for rolling dice on the sidewalk should be hard manual labor until death."
"Stop thinking that injustice going on in the world isn't to an extent our fault."
"Trump is yes the most striking example but it should be seen as an attempt to wage war against all of these injustices."
"You're punishing them because of the color of their skin, that's racism."
"They're tearing families apart with no proper reason, and there's no recourse."
"The most tragic story is the worst possible thing happening to the person who least deserves it."
"The Brianna Taylor thing is even worse. I mean, she was sleeping in her own apartment, and the police offered a no-knock warrant and then shot her in her bed."
"When suffering is not heard, it is by implication silenced, and thereby injustice ensues."
"Islam teaches that the greatest injustice is polytheism, or shirk, and the greatest virtue is strict monotheism, or tawhid."
"Life is ultimately quite short, and if your whole life is in fucking jail for something you didn't even do, what exactly is that? It's crazy."
"He's been present in that prison, it will be four years in April and he hasn't been convicted of a crime."
"The blatant double standard is at the heart of it."
"From the very beginning, we think it was an unjust situation."
"It's vile, it's horrible, it's cowardly, it's usually sexist and racist."
"Civil asset forfeiture is also the government stealing more than criminals, hardened criminals, from anybody and everybody in the state of Georgia."
"What they're doing to these folks is just despicable."
"We were always taught that if you need help to ask the police. So, the way this case has been handled from the beginning is heartbreaking, it's an injustice, it is a slap in the face."
"It's basically a Salem witch trial kind of stuff that is happening right now."
"They didn't even treat Cassidy like a human after her death."
"What has taken place there is a travesty of justice."
"It's all of our responsibility to challenge that injustice."
"For me it's more about like why do why am I being you know kicked out for the things that are not a big deal."
"No matter where they put you or for how long, it will never be enough."
"What's happening to people of color in this country right now in 2019 is wrong."
"You framed me and killed my girl!" - Harley Quinn
"The Dreyfus Affair underscores the dangers of wrongful convictions and the influence of prejudice in legal proceedings."
"If we are against injustice, we must be against injustice for both our friends and for our enemies."
"It's our right to protest, and the fact that they're trying to stop us from doing that is crazy too."
"Countless people have suffered and starved due to The Baron's actions."
"She shouldn't be dead right now. My family's devastated."
"The Squats have been dealt one of the rawest deals of any 40k faction."
"All these big fortunes were made of the blood sweat and tears of slaves."
"The system profits from people being unjustly locked up."
"We're going to have to not just talk about the Injustice of Palestinians but really look at how the Injustice faced by Palestinians is part of a world order that is crumbling."
"They've made this woman a prisoner for 13 years. She's been in jail for 13 years for no crimes."
"The greatest injustice is that the government made an enemy out of one of its citizens."
"What the conservatorship can do and how wronged Britney was."
"The Jewish people suffered for many, many years... don't worry about the unfairness."
"The layers of injustice in the criminal justice system must be fixed. They must be repaired."
"I feel sorry for people that, you know, when you build a 5,000 store chain out of a broom closet and you make all these people multi-millionaires and you know you have something like this happen. It's untruthful and not fair and it's not right."
"Trauma and the lack of action against Christian, this protection that was being given to him while the actual victim was basically being left to struggle."
"In order for spiritual justice to come in and balance out the situation, there has to be a physical injustice that has not been reconciled."
"There is such a thing as unethical wealth creation, there is such a thing as greed and there is such a thing as economic injustice, and those are important topics for us to be aware of at this time in our history."
"Social change is achieved by forcing an issue of injustice into the public consciousness for debate."
"Sometimes it seems like people really do get away with murder."
"This just feels like Trump is going to get away with everything. What a terrible precedent this will set."
"Trump is defending a white supremacist who murdered two people in cold blood."
"Slavery and genocide are immoral, and not even you deserve such a fate."
"Any thing that deprives you of your rights even in the smallest way, shape or form is just completely wrong."
"The ultimate cry bully: murdering a man over nothing and then complaining and saying that you're being persecuted when people criticize you for it."
"It just makes you physically sick to think about how this family has been denied Justice at literally every turn."
"Janice didn't deserve this. She wasn't a selfish brat who made bad choices."
"It's not fun because it's like this Goofy story people like you we're genuinely happy that they went to jail."
"They took advantage of this situation and they denied export permits for Jewish families."
"It was my dad's way to meet one of his idols, Reuben 'Hurricane' Carter, the legendary boxer who was incarcerated for 19 years for a crime he didn't commit."
"It's pretty much proven that they plant evidence on individuals."
"Saudi Arabia ranks as one of the worst countries in the world for freedom of the press. One female journalist, Nuf Abdulaziz, was sent to prison for three years for reporting on women's rights."
"Black lives matter. Brianna Taylor's life mattered. What has been announced in Kentucky is not even remotely in the realm of anything that even begins to approach true justice for her murder."
"Ricky Jackson was locked up behind bars for 39 years for a murder that he didn't commit."
"The most grievous injustices are those imposed upon the innocent victims of their crimes."
"The wealthy can brazenly commit crimes, brag about it, and face no consequences."
"It's a slap in the face in so many ways. It feels very intentional."
"The horror of what was done to women like Agnes Sampson has given us the term witch hunt as a shockingly vivid description of the worst kind of injustice."
"Imagine living in that world. You could be accused, tortured, and executed on the basis of nothing more than gossip and superstition."
"There are horrendous, unfair, unthinkable, unspeakable acts and behaviors and perspectives that are going on all around the world."
"Even the pictures speak for themselves, my sister's injuries. Why nothing has happened, nothing that's what gets me, nothing at all."
"Inflation is a wealth redistribution scheme... you're taking from everybody else and giving it to yourself. There's something really wrong about that, right?"
"Is there no redress, no peace, nor justice for us? Teach us what to do, for I am sorely, bitterly disgusted." - Ida B. Wells
"The state sought to put an innocent kid in prison for life, and that was all thanks to the police."
"It's messed up... it's not fair, it's not right."
"You cannot just rob people out of billions of dollars and then host a beauty pageant."
"The story of the radium girls is one of the most horrifying in recent history."
"Dying women and some guilty verdicts couldn't stop the radium paint industry."
"They could have done this to anyone's child, but they did it to mine."
"How unfair it was that he chose to change Morgan's life and how unfair it was that Ryan chose to negatively affect so many other people's lives including mine."
"Dreamcatcher should have received was one thousand four hundred and seventy two points higher than what they were actually given."
"Those that play that rigged game only to change the rules when they lose, they are worse."
"This by comparison this was a huge crime and yet again the kind of old white rich man gets away with it."
"I think the pendulum has swung so much injustice on this particular issue."
"To know that what they actually did was plant a weapon and frame an unarmed black man in our city and say that he had a weapon when he didn't... tells me all we need to know about the Kansas City Police Department."
"I'm arguing that they did not provide reparations for the harm that they caused because... they completely parroted exactly what police say."
"They didn't deserve to die because they were coming up here."
"The USDA is trying to strip that away from us and they're willing to lock up an Amish farmer uh in order to prove their point and bankrupt them in the process if they can."
"We've seen nothing that justifies Mike Hickman being murdered."
"Countless thousands of men are about to lose their lives."
"For years he got away with it, but it's almost nonsensical as to how that occurred."
"The prospect that more innocent people will be executed... is an injustice that we really have passed over too casually as a society."
"There may have been some kind of conflict between you, some kind of injustice. Something needed to be cut out, some sort of negative pattern or dynamic."
"They realize their actions created injustice, and now they're in a stage of wanting a fresh start."
"It's just totally true. It truly makes my blood boil. It makes me so angry to see this because they have ruined people's lives."
"It's absolutely shocking that this was happening lives had been destroyed."
"Draco's name gets inserted into the conversation surrounding this murder because he had a flashy Mercedes."
"It maimed the lives and reputations of those involved."
"I just can't believe that I'm going to be stuck here for 40 years for something I didn't do. I mean, I just have to believe that that's not going to happen because if I do, I might as well just die."
"The burnished are more or less normal people with the ability to control fire but they're treated like criminals just for being born the way they are."
"They're getting away with murder, they're getting away with murder."
"Ms. Holgate was denied procedural fairness and natural justice by the government and Australia Post."
"Melanie did not ask for what happened to her."
"I am shocked that he's getting away with it."
"This man's supposed crime was merely operating his business."
"It's sick, it's sick. Deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote."
"We need to do better. A black man hit a dog and he's going down, believe that."
"People are being rewarded for larceny, for crime, for robbery."
"The church punishes the victims more than the victimizers."
"What they did to so many people is just absolutely unforgivable and should never be forgotten."
"Biggest lesson is that someone is always profiting from injustice."
"Here's a faithful Army Wife who raised her boys... they've reached into the account... how utterly Petty."
"Reparations were promised to black people but were never given to black people."
"This whole thing was a tragedy and people's lives were ruined over this."
"We are witnessing extremes on the one hand of injustice and iniquity, but we also see very promising signs of radically new ideas about humankind."
"Someone has literally gotten away with murder."
"That's wrong. You've had something taken from you as a result of that."
"It's one of those cases that make me so angry."
"It was one thing to mistreat and even kill peasants and servants, it was another thing to mistreat and kill the daughters of lower-level gentry and lower-level noble families."
"Cops just attacked me in my own home, time to get rich."
"This is so wrong, so tyrannical, there needs to be a hill that you're willing to die on."
"The green players can't keep getting away with it."
"What seems as injustice is actually a blessing."
"I have a lot of family members that still reside in the occupied territory. I know what I've seen firsthand the Injustice and the inequality that goes on there."
"The greatest social injustice is the education system."
"It's a complete assault on the people who have paid to protect the citizens."
"People are still in jail for the crime of exercising their right to free speech in defense of black lives."
"Her candid statements struck a chord with a wide audience, igniting a broader conversation on the responsibility of public figures to speak out against injustices."
"It's so infuriating that this happened, and the very people whose lives were at risk were being protected by these police officers are downplaying it, dismissing it."
"The victim, 16-year-old Micaiah Bryant, was innocent, unarmed, helpless, not a threat to anyone, and had been gunned down randomly by police."
"Imagine just not having enough evidence to convince everyone and then you have to die because of it."
"They'll kill babies, they'll execute women, they take passports and tear them."
"If it isn't true, and you buried this guy... that still is terrible for him because forever a huge percentage of this country is gonna think that he did it." - Cenk Uygur
"You died through no fault of your own, so even better."
"Utterly incomprehensible for a five-year-old boy who's done nothing but inspire, that these cowards and most of them would be anonymous, these cowards would do something like that."
"Our existence is unacceptable to the people you are dealing with. The fact that this was not enough to act is shocking."
"Life is just not fair and when life's not fair you have to fight back."
"Luna wouldn't allow her memory to fade away as another statistic."
"If your New York judges don't like your politics, they will destroy your business, the livelihood of your employees, and you personally. This commission cannot let this continue."
"Personally, I hope they find justice for getting fired just for being pregnant because that's just not fair, and I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
"That is ludicrous and Harry Kane's face says it all."
"We don't ask a man to do the dirty work and then let him do 15 years hard time."
"This is beyond evil. I think it's a sickness. And until you stand up and fight back, they're going to run you over, folks."
"Hundreds of thousands of colonists left to drift out here forever just to keep from damaging the board's bottom line. Disgraceful."
"They're making all this money but the families who are losing their loved ones, they're not seeing any of it."
"That's messed up and that should never happen."
"The murder of Floyd in Minneapolis was horrific and had no remote justification."
"This is like telling a rape victim they had it coming because they dressed the way they wanted to. Maybe check the rapist instead."
"He's on death row right now for a crime he did not commit."
"The NCAA will tell a kid your mama and daddy's lights and water gotta just be turned off because this $3500 that you're about to make from signing your own damn name is illegal."
"He got arrested for doing absolutely nothing wrong."
"Enough is enough of them tormenting, torturing, enslaving, oppressing people all over the world for more power and money."
"A lot of people who have died have died because of actions other larger names have done."
"I can't even imagine the numbers of people in like the 70s 80s 90s that were literally just thrown in prison or harassed by the police for years because they failed a freaking polygraph."
"It's always the little guy that ends up getting screwed."
"That is a person that is paying a huge price for a political show."
"When a man is treated badly, it lands with a double sense of burning injustice."
"You didn't deserve this, none of you deserved this."
"He knew and they did nothing. That is unacceptable."
"That's not what happened, that is not the respect that we got. Instead, we got put last, I got [ __ ] around."
"My sister is such a great person, she is so kind, she's empathetic, she's very smart, and she doesn't deserve to feel bad and feel like she did something wrong when someone else took advantage of her."
"Amber was wrongfully accused for an incident."
"You think it's odd they slave you if the slave master you serve the same God they gave you."
"Massachusetts, you are not forgotten. It was absolutely disgusting what happened to Massachusetts, that was downright disgusting."
"So like a Shakespearean tragedy, the king, feeling betrayed and hurt, sentenced the queen that he loved to death for a crime she didn't commit."
"James was appalled by the execution of his mother which he denounced as Preposterous."
"They had to get closure and I was a political activist, so they picked me up and framed me."
"Abuse has been my birthright. It shouldn't be anybody's birthright."
"The government enforced discrimination in public accommodations, discrimination in school, discrimination in credit, it was a long and spiteful list."