
Spiritual Beliefs Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"All these relationships are from past life. You have to marry so that you can finish your burning Karmas."
"I must confess to you, in all honesty, I have absolutely no doubt, on the basis of what my patients have told me, that they did get a glimpse of the beyond."
"Permanent freedom is God’s will for your life."
"What heaven is, is perfect love of God, perfect love of other people, perfect love of yourself. And what is hell? It's the opposite."
"An eclipse symbolised a time when the gates of the underworld, or gates to the spirit world, land of the dead, would open."
"When we unite our sufferings with the cross of Christ, all these graces of the indulgences are available."
"Even saints disagreed on the existence of ghosts, but the church has affirmed that there are good spirits and there are evil spirits."
"Being demonically possessed at death does not close off heaven for you; possession is always only in a physical sense."
"Your guardian angel has every right to appear to you and lead you somewhere."
"Do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."
"Generational sins and curses do not have to have the final word. They can be and should be broken."
"The Christian notion of Resurrection...is predicated on the notion that if you forthrightly confronted the whole pan of the horrors of death...what you would see as a consequence is not so much Eternal Darkness as the Eternal resurrection of the light."
"All religions are the same... no matter what religion you ascribe to, you're worshiping the same God."
"This is not what God has ordained for me. I'm better than this. I've made some mistakes, but it's not too late for me."
"When you believe in life after death, all of a sudden you will live a life of a better standard, higher self-discipline."
"If you enter Jannah, you enter with perfection."
"The entire story of Christ is told in many ways from the cosmic to the microcosmic."
"There's actually a guardian angel of the family. So you can actually ask your guardian angel of your family to protect us, etcetera."
"Your good deeds are what you own. If somebody wants to transfer his good deeds to you, the verse does not negate that."
"It's a season for the supernatural. It's time for God's people to stop being like Moses and trying to limit what He can do."
"Our God is a god of covenants...whatever assignment that person is supposed to do will be manifested."
"If you want to shatter the Western mental structures... the way you do it is you take something that's supposed to be in the spirit world and show up in the physical world."
"It is through this rich tapestry of innovations that Greek religion found its unique expression, intertwining the spiritual, human, mythical, and historical."
"Love transcends physical death; love is the most powerful force in the universe."
"The angelic realm is interwoven with ours; it's all one."
"If you think the kingdom of god has been filled up with that kind of degenerate crap, you're out of your damn mind."
"We're infinite beings and we're here to learn and grow and figure it out."
"God is love, but he is also a god of wrath and judgment."
"The ones who hurt you can actually become your greatest allies and supporters and guardian angels from the other side."
"There are more souls in line for the handicapped bodies and for normal bodies."
"It wasn't by coincidence that this man was killed on Slauson and Crenshaw. If you believe in energy, an energy being released, the energy that Nipsey had was not his own."
"The way we live our lives here on earth will determine where we spend our eternity."
"Law of attraction and affirmations: 'Whatever your soul or spirit strives for most, you'll likely achieve or reach in the end.'"
"We live in a spiritual Universe. Negative entities can strengthen your negative thoughts, positive entities can strengthen your positive thoughts."
"I do truly believe there is another realm, a spiritual realm of some sort."
"Depending on the witch, they may practice their abilities through different belief systems such as Shamanism, Voodoo, or Wiccan."
"It's not gonna matter what your external religious affiliation was; it's about the actions that come from love."
"The ego is the devil... but it doesn't define me."
"God is not withholding financial blessings from you. God is not withholding increase and influence from you. The irresponsibility of allowing prophecy, what in itself seems spiritual, is very dangerous."
"Something as simple as the name of Jesus, they can't take it off of your body."
"When God forgives you, He puts your sins in the ocean of forgetfulness."
"You can have a reliable tradition about someone being taken up to heaven even if that tradition does not preserve specific facts about the person's death."
"What I believe is that Jesus came to show us Christ consciousness."
"Sometimes God looks at the world and says you're wrong."
"The world is our playground to establish the kingdom of heaven here and now."
"Love and do what you will... Love is not a body and love doesn't do or not do those are the that's the conundrum of believing in Duality."
"The power of love is the highest frequency in the universe. It is the currency we take with us when we leave this planet."
"Parallel to you is an invisible realm that is feeding your realm."
"I believe that everything, all the answers, are found within."
"Trauma is a major open door to demonic spirits."
"If you're constantly late, you have a loss of time, confusion. Could be a demonic spirit."
"Jesus offers us a map of the future... a flawlessly accurate guide."
"Love on the other side is so much bigger, so much more full than here."
"They believe that in this way they can contact the spirits of their ancestors and the forest."
"So, is this some kind of spiritual attachment or is it all just a bit of fun for some TikTok views?"
"I believe that God left certain drugs growing naturally upon our planet to help speed up and facilitate our evolution."
"Disturbing their final resting place is not only perceived as a physical intrusion but also a spiritual transgression, the sanctity of the burial site intended to serve the emperor in the afterlife is intricately woven into cultural beliefs."
"I am willing to offend you into heaven but I will not love you into hell."
"You are wealth incarnate. You are health incarnate. You are light incarnate. You are resilience incarnate. You are the god spark incarnate."
"We are light beings literally, and the sun itself as it brings those photons which energize and interact directly with our DNA."
"There's one group of people that they leave alone: bible-believing Christians."
"Even though it may have been offered to a false deity, it is still a creature of God."
"It makes a difference what you and I believe."
"Whatever you do to that spirit I will unleash on you tenfold. Let It Go Now."
"If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
"A central part of Messianic Judaism is the belief in the physical and spiritual restoration of Israel as taught in the Scriptures."
"Everything was created in the mind using the power of God."
"Your angels will tell on you and they will tell of what you've done. They will tell God and God will reward you."
"Forgiveness doesn't let the other person off the hook; it actually places them in God's hands."
"Healing has already been made available. Healing is finished."
"Gay sex does not harm a person's relationship with God."
"The Hindu refuses to call you sinners. Ye are the children of God, the sharers of immortal bliss, holy and perfect beings."
"They're not harming you, they're not saying anything to you, they're just doing what they need to do, and I feel like there's good and bad spirits."
"Laughter just hits the air and it goes right on up to heaven, man, and that's all they hear up there."
"Being Jewish is part of your biological genes... A Jew believing in Jesus is the most spiritually Jewish thing you can do."
"You are using this so that we will not fear death... perfect love casts out all fear."
"Settling is an insult to the one that created you."
"If spirit wants that person to have the experience of spontaneous healing, they will have it."
"Healing is not a miracle, the atonement is the final Miracle."
"We may be in a virtual reality that appears to be real, but we are in fact Eternal Spiritual Beings living temporary human experiences."
"This is not a war of flesh, this is spiritual warfare."
"The idea of cremating the body was that it would be an immediate release of the spirit... There was also a certain amount of cleansing, the idea of cleansing fire as a cleanser is quite a common idea."
"Forgiveness allows the Heavenly Father to make up the difference."
"Only our twin flame will truly fully see us and understand us at all layers and levels."
"Charity is the antidote to bad premonitions."
"Legend says that during the time of Samhain, the veil between our world and the other world is at its thinnest."
"God promises when you honor... I will take care of your finances but most importantly I will expand your thinking."
"Self-confidence is loyalty to the unseen reality."
"I will let this candle burn all the way out to really release that intention to the universe of more money and abundance for you."
"Help is on the way through these light codes, these energies of the Lionsgate portal."
"Words have power. If I got corona, I'ma say I ain't got it 'cause in Jesus' name I'm not claiming anything over my life with negativity."
"With faith, hope, and love, even death can be defeated."
"Speak life, get life; speak death, get death."
"The soul will exit the body like water flows out from a jug."
"Pisces is our own simultaneous inconceivable union and separation with the source of all things and with everything else in creation."
"Even the Bible says a day is like a thousand years to God."
"There is absolute truth, and the concept of absolute truth is very repulsive to all the people on the rapture bus."
"It's not the will of God for you to live your life in a state of female slave conditioning."
"The ultimate global reset... the kingdom of God will endure forever."
"He claims that he can incarnate in any dimension in any time frame."
"Earth is a proving ground for spiritual energy."
"Stay brave, stay wise, stay intellectually curious."
"What we do on earth totally matters in heaven."
"Our freedoms come to us from our creator and they are innate, inalienable."
"God frustrates the signs of liars, makes fools of diviners."
"God has given you a spiritual gift, whether you feel like it or not, whether you believe it or not, whether you think you deserve it or not."
"In my opinion, Quebec Tepe was constructed as a point of easy access into a sky world."
"Why do we allow demons to move things but we don't believe God's angels can come in and move things?"
"My friends and family, though, believe that he is always around me."
"All animals are part of the angelic realm and if you look at things like snakes and tarantulas, I think this person called up bugs but it's familiarity, being familiar with those animals helps you regain some level of comfort and stops the fear."
"Many of us like to think that the spirits of loved ones will visit us once they've passed away to watch over us."
"It all comes from a common spiritual source."
"Allah will not change the situation of a people unless they change what's within themselves."
"Some things you can't explain, man. I do believe in some type of connection with family in the sense that we can pick our friends, we can even, but like, I didn't pick my daughter. My parents were picked for me by some higher power."
"Your power strictly lies in your words as well, pile one. You'll learn how to even bind someone or something with your words and intentions."
"God will keep all of his promises, but he's not obligated to keep our potential."
"Love ultimately is not a feeling but a commitment. To love him is to keep his word."
"You change your vibration, you change the world."
"God wants all men to be saved... but certain conditions must be met."
"The main beliefs common to every faith system: belief in the goodness of God and the sacred part of ourselves."
"Eternal bliss has a price, and the price is to give up instant gratification."
"Understand that you are pure energy, unconditional love, and bliss."
"God wants to fill all things through the church, not just fill the church."
"The Wendigo is the spirit of the lonely places."
"You're listening to the devil when you believe thoughts are yours."
"And there is no Salah, there is no Zakah, there is no fasting in Jannah, all of these are for this world, and the next life we enjoy what we have done."
"Release from the heavy burden of a physical body permits great increase in the rate of vibrations."
"You need to accept healing the way that he wants to do it in our life."
"That's a clear sign from the ancestors saying, 'Hey, this shit gotta go.'"
"Everything that is near and dear to you and to me is in heaven."
"Most spirits within a very short period of time learn how to try to let their loved ones know that they're still alive."
"Psychic attack is not something to be afraid of. It is not something mystical or supernatural that is beyond our control."
"You and I broke the law, Jesus paid the fine."
"We don't believe in magic, we believe in the abilities of God."
"Unclean spirits love to create atmospheres for addiction."
"Because the word of God possesses creative power it possesses medicinal power it possesses healing power."
"You have a right to it, it's laid up in your heavenly account."
"Karma does not go away; it is constantly created, refined, and alchemized."
"Territorial spirits have earned their rights to those places by what goes on in those communities."
"The divine intelligence of our elemental beings is standing in readiness to receive this light, securing it through every heart flame."
"You are worthy to receive, you created all things."
"The myth must be destroyed in order for the body of Christ to be free."
"Having the two together is what's going to manifest."
"If I owe you something I'm not gonna be able to give it to you but if you want it you can get it from god [ __ ]."
"Imagine all the aborted babies in the world... They're in heaven."
"Purpose is to bring love into the world... love is my religion."
"Curses are real. The power of life and death are in the tongue." - Proverbs 18:21
"If you are a married man and you have unanswered prayers, it's probably because you haven't treated your wife right."
"You deserve everything that God outlined for you."
"God responds to your need with a seed, not just a harvest."
"It would be nice to know that there's some sort of soul and that it means so much that these evil little are out there trying to get it."
"Satan has been empowering his children to build kingdoms, while Jesus offers us the keys to the kingdom of heaven."
"Star Wars was a cultural juggernaut... everyone went to see Star Wars."
"The spirit of poverty can come from a religious perspective."
"How do we employ and deploy the angelic host that has been made available to us based on the scriptures?"
"Blessings come as a result of adhering to the laws of the Living God."
"Our expectations, when imbued with faith, become the vessels through which miracles flow."
"Law of Attraction is more about attracting to you a state of beingness that is always enlightening, peaceful, and joyful."
"I heard you preach that the Rahm is when they heard that divine ultimatum."
"I prayed that he remove all the spirits from my room so that I could sleep."
"I truly believe without any hint of hyperbole that Kenneth Copeland is demon-possessed."
"All of these people claim to hear from God regularly and yet they get major events profoundly wrong."
"The gospel does not promise you material prosperity or physical healing."
"The first night of Ramadan, the gates of paradise are open wide."
"Creating miracles in your life becomes a matter of identifying with the power, understanding its characteristics, and learning to use it effectively."
"Water is a portal. We're born through water and we're born again through water baptism, the narrow gate."
"Your prayers are going to be answered because of the star card energy."
"Divine intervention: the Tower as divine intervention."
"Some old culture believed that photographs can steal a person's soul."
"Recognize that you've got a whole body of ancestors and loved ones who were actually with you at every point."
"Does he affirm like attributes... does he believe in a greater power?"
"God reversed a decision. Theologically, God took him; God gave him back."
"Our loved ones always enjoy communicating with us."
"I feel like that's what God's intention was, for us to be able to have more of that."
"Cleanliness is godliness - if your hair is messy, so will your life be messy."
"We have the ability to heal ourselves and others with this manipulation process. It's not exploitive either, I mean, it's beautiful, it's divine."
"Pray lovingly, for what you wish for others may return to you."
"If you're searching and your heart is open, you have this law of attraction almost."
"Dolls in general and what I think is cool about the doll thing is spirits or entities can attach to these forms of objects."
"Magic is just it's very natural and there's nothing dark about it."
"God absolutely hates sickness, and we should hate it as much as He does."
"Sometimes you need to take the action of releasing partnerships and even friendships that aren't fully respectful to your sovereignty and your spirituality."
"You gotta test people's Spirits; you will know a tree by its fruit."
"Anytime blood is shed a covenant is now put in place."
"Without repentance there is no forgiveness of sins."
"Patterns and cycles empowered by spiritual transactions."
"There's a truth around your energy, a truth around your frequency."
"God's will is for it to be on earth the same as it is in heaven."
"Wisdom is a person, it's a spirit, this is a female spirit according to scriptures."
"You need sacrifice nothing to receive the love of God."
"The twinflame journey holds the transformative power to reverse aging and restore optimal health."
"Maybe it's only like the best people that get to be like ghosts and get to hang out and mess with people like, you know that's like the ultimate heaven."
"God laughs at the wicked and he likes that his children laugh. He likes to see them joyful."
"Believers claim that reflections are an easy way for spirits and higher beings to access our reality."
"For centuries now, many have believed it to be a spiritual portal of some kind."
"It's not the having, it's the love of money that's sinful in the eyes of God."
"Faith healers are either knowing or unconscious frauds thousands of seriously ill people report being cured"
"The power of life and death are in the tongue."
"We're ready now to take the next step in evolution and restore heaven on earth."
"Both the feminine and the masculine are divine... the essence of God's beauty and artistry."