
Future Aspirations Quotes

There are 302 quotes

"You were right; I was in love, but with something else. Racing. I have my future now."
"Let us dream that our children will grow up to be artists, musicians, writers, scientists, doctors, and engineers instead of fighting each other in wars."
"Now is a good time to plant the seeds for all the things that you want to experience in these next few months."
"Be proud of who you are, where you've been, and where you're going."
"I'm scared about it, but I think I do want to have children. I don't want to look back on my life and be like, 'Oh my God, I wish I would have had kids.'"
"Strengthen your inner fire and ignite the driving force into your future."
"No one who wants to come to the future need be left behind."
"My hope and prayer is that they will heal and move forward to have beautiful lives."
"I pray for two things: that my mom is close with my future family's family... and that my wife gets along with all my other friends' wives."
"Every day is a challenge... but eventually, I do want to see where I can go and see what the future holds."
"Americans will keep on fighting to victory and we will secure the glorious future that our citizens so richly deserve."
"Moving forward, that's not what I want to keep doing."
"Our future is to be together living together in peace and friendship."
"I hope we can do more stuff in the future Fantastic Four look all my work is for naught if there aren't people out there like you in the trenches actually doing this and spreading the word"
"I could see myself waking up to this view every morning."
"Everyone counts. We want a better future for everyone."
"Maybe the big ambitious stuff will happen in a few years."
"There's a sadness as we give birth to other humans, but we want things to be better for future generations."
"You could be in school right now and you could fly on a starship one day."
"We want to be on track to become a multi-pass species and a space breaking civilization."
"We went from 2020, 2021, 2022, and in 2023... I would love to do 2024."
"I think we should go see the film just for that, to have more women in better films in the future."
"Eliza intimidates the bully by introducing herself and declaring that she will be a great magician someday."
"I want to show people that I will become something good. I am going to make something of my life."
"I just can't with a good conscience... I just hope that there's gonna be a day when standards will be recognized."
"Some of you fell in love with their potential. They weren't yet who they were destined to be, but you could see how they were going to be that person."
"America will not have the future that we want if we're not willing to clean up this original character defect of racism."
"There is still a future to fight for even though somebody made fun of you on Twitter."
"Every tear shed and every moment of fear was worth a better future."
"You're moving on to bigger and better things."
"That's life, that's the way it moves on and you know pretty soon I'll start getting ready for the next chapter because believe me I'm pretty excited about."
"They really do want to be able to experience more with you one day."
"Colonizing Mars and dominating space might be the next economic and geopolitical frontier for humankind."
"You're going to have it all, love and money in your future."
"The elites have realized that the people have stopped listening to them, that the people want to determine their futures."
"Ultimately, the goal is for there to not be firsts in the near future."
"This keeps happening, this miracle out of this miracle pack artwork, yo D Hollow Card crushing it with the one pack magic."
"I feel like we're going to be in stadiums one day."
"They want to move into a brighter, harmonious future."
"Let's go Brandon! 2032: The authoritarian moment."
"Try to make this thing work out in your best behalf try to make it where you can see your daughter's graduation from College from high school first baby."
"Believe in yourself and know that you're going to make it there one day."
"My dream of the future is to solve the energy crisis. If I can generate tons of energy without causing countries to fight, that would be a success."
"Step three relate it to yourself and something about the future, 'Man, I really hope I'll be able to go bowling like you did one day in the future.'"
"Hope and glory and just one day being away from all of this."
"That's what I hope for, that's the future I want for this country and for the world."
"I think entertainment is important to people's lives, and so that gives you a lot of pride in what you've been able to do with it and what you want to do in the future."
"Where do you hope you are a year from now? In my own home with my grandkids."
"You want to be great at anything, you gotta forget what you are today and think about what you want to become."
"Manifesting a really lovely relationship with your future child, if that's something you're wanting."
"I'm set in a high bar on the few for the future though."
"I make it happen, you know, it might not have it right there and then but it's gonna happen."
"But we can equip ourselves to know better and hopefully we will know better in the future."
"You are moving towards your ten of cups towards a happy place, happy zone for you."
"This platform has aspirations for the future."
"Show them who you are, show them who you're going to be, and most of all, kick his ass."
"I'm having a ton of fun. I'll be happy to do more of these if you guys enjoy them."
"The courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future."
"Here's to the next 250k, catch you next time."
"It's like you projected into your own future, glimpsing an ideal version of yourself."
"Never give up on your dreams, the future is yours as long as you keep to it and you know, like, it might be in you, you should just keep going."
"You're not willing that any should perish but that all should come to eternal life."
"I hope you'll meet many more trainers and have many more matches in the future. May every one of those encounters nourish your spirit."
"Everyone's gonna want to be their own boss, everyone's gonna want to be free, everyone's going to want to be treated as an equal."
"Crafting a future that resonates with our deepest aspirations for security, independence, and fulfillment."
"Most people in life are just on this planet are just trying to leave a better world for their children."
"My future is an ideal projection of what I envision."
"Hopefully this year will be the year that I get married."
"You helped me find a new path. You might make a fine priest yourself considering how good a listener you are."
"I learned how to appreciate the job. I miss us working and I hope that we get to do a reunion or something down the road."
"I hope more journalists ascribe to that in the future because I think it would bring some credibility back."
"Hopefully, the next decade we can press on and make even better content, have even more laughs, and go to even more great events."
"We're going to meet in unity consciousness at some point."
"You're dreaming of a better future and there's news coming your way to make it happen."
"Just having clarity of identity and sense of self, I think, is the ideal future."
"I'm the same person I always was, Ash. And I want you with me wherever this takes us. That's what I needed to hear."
"My future is an ideal projection of what I envision now."
"I want to move into a beautiful future with you."
"Live your dream, go towards the future, the life that you have imagined for yourself."
"Five years from now you will have everything that you want right now."
"They do see a future with you, they do want to come together with you eventually."
"We should be focused on building superhero level machine intelligence."
"Tanjiro would dream of a shining future one in which everyone could wear a smile proudly and lead happy lives."
"I think for a vital functioning democracy, which I would like to live in, which I would like my kids to live in, a world that has these things, I am willing to do this."
"I want our country to be strong, I want our future to be strong."
"I'm just gonna live my life so the things I really hope for the next five years is my kid being absolutely happy."
"The idea that things like pluralism and equality and cooperation are necessary, and just, and powerful — powerful enough, even, to take us to the stars."
"Regular season of 20205, I want to make the playoffs this year, baby."
"I definitely wouldn't mind seeing something that is totally fresh in the future, independent of anything that's happened in the past."
"Justice will be served. This woman will get her justice when it comes to this past person and when it comes to this future person she gets what she wants."
"That's worth at least me robot's alright now. I want to trigger a utopian future, I'll [ __ ] that non-current tree soon as well."
"Whatever he chooses to do, I hope he continues to share his passion for engineering with the younger generations."
"Welcome to what I think will be the biggest adventure of our time."
"Next year, I think, is gonna be the best one ever. It's my goal, make that one better than this year."
"You're about to get somewhere that you used to think was only possible as a dream."
"I know that I'm nowhere near ready to be a wife again, but I know that when that time comes I'm going to be so great at it."
"I'm here now, and inshallah, I want to be here again."
"Speak the language of the person you seek to become."
"One can dream though. A better future is possible."
"We will be stronger, we will be far greater than this."
"You've got to keep dreaming... about the future and never stop."
"I hope that keeps up, I hope that's the energy we get going forward."
"Nothing matters except the fact that we will be in space, and when we're in space, all our dreams come true. It's true, all our dreams."
"Can't wait till hopefully many more milestones."
"I want to be 40 years old and at Disney World with my eight-year-old."
"When you lose your cool it means you have become angry."
"SpaceX was founded on the belief that a future where humanity is out exploring the stars is more exciting than a life where we're not."
"It has to make it into the Olympics one day."
"Having civilization and life as we know it extended beyond Earth to the rest of the solar system and ultimately to other star systems."
"Jeremy, you wanna you want to G want to tell him you want to know what you want to do when you're older?"
"I look forward to the day where we have a health-conscious movement started by women, for women."
"We are going to create a way better world than this that's going to be loving, healing, compassion, etc."
"Black lives matter enough to black people to where we want to make sure that we build a better world for black children."
"This year is going to be a word that's going to be Beyond you."
"Someday I hope to move out to the beautiful places you show on your channel. Until then, thanks for making people aware of the dangers of tick-borne diseases."
"Jared is not going to accept this future; instead, he has decided to carve his own better future."
"Enjoy your life the one you have right now, not the one you hope to have sometime in the future."
"I would like to do something innovative in the future."
"Your future is different from anyone's vision; it's grander, it's beautiful."
"All I'm hoping for is a brighter future and hopefully Bethesda will kind of have some inspection about all this and do what's right."
"I hope that I will build something even better and provide even more healing and motivational content for you in the future."
"Be brave and reach for the future because it is going to reward you with wonderful gifts."
"Someday when we are wiser, when we all can do this together, we can make this world a better place."
"Siri is the most important person to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to have a happy future with her."
"He believes in Anthem and would love to see its world grow, evolve, and thrive for years to come."
"I know in my heart that I am gonna be married and I'm gonna have kids."
"I see myself to do it when I'm retired, to speak to millions of people, give advices."
"Your dreams and the things you love will be manifesting in 2020."
"A vision is when frustration with what is creates passion for what could be."
"Your person really likes to fantasize about the life that you guys could have together."
"Maybe one day we all can be friends. And when that day arrives, I know it will."
"They just seemed like they knew they were gonna get married they knew they were gonna have children they even discussed children's names."
"Your dreams are worth having; they are going to grow into something real, something very beautiful."
"I really don't know what the future holds I really want to travel some more live in some other places."
"You're headed in the right direction. Imagine your whole life mapped out with bigger numbers. What would it feel like?"
"I hope that I can play some role in ushering in a bright and beautiful future."
"I like to fantasize about the future and desperately try to achieve it."
"Make today the joy of living, and tomorrow will be a greater joy."
"It gives us a place to put our fantasies and our hopes for the future."
"In 2020, I hope we see Hyuna further grow and flourish with whatever she does next."
"In my humble opinion there is not too much time on the couch playing video games with Jay if that is what I would do for the rest of my life."
"Absolutely terrible... that's not the last of us, we've got the World Cup coming up, we'll push again."
"So here's hoping for better things in the new year."
"In five years time, we want to be making feature films."
"Perseverance is the aspect that takes you towards the future worthy of your strength, worthy of your progress."
"Thank you so much for making this event one of the best events in the world. Thank you so much and hopefully see you next year."
"Starship is the world's largest vehicle, and its most important mission is to help Humanity reach Mars."
"I 100% would like more kids maybe next year so not like right now but it's definitely like something that Mike and I would love to do."
"This person really hopes to have a lot more with you."
"I think eventually, hopefully you find your forever."
"I have a good feeling that this time next year we could have the majority if not all of these in our collections."
"This is the future I've always imagined for myself."
"They call us Dreamers for a reason because we dream of a better life and I know that we're going to make it a reality."
"I speak and I prophesy that every dream of our world of tomorrow is going to come to pass."
"It really been something special for me and I'm so glad that we got to do it and I'm so glad that we're going to continue doing it."
"They want a new ton of pentacles with someone, and they see you as their hope for a greater future ahead."
"We want peace and that's really where we're heading with all of this."
"You deserve a beautiful future, and you owe that to yourself."
"I do see myself having another child and I think I asked Clarence did he want to have another child in a couple of years."
"This present is really because I'm hoping that our love for Pokémon is going to grow old together."
"It's been 30 years since a human last set foot on another world. If space exploration is to become a reality not of the past but our future, perhaps it's time to set our sights on Mars."
"The queen marks 70 years on the throne with a nod to the past and a wish for the future."
"What I hope for for Collin in his future is the same that I hope for my neurotypical son."
"Acceptance of who you are, acceptance of where you're going, of what you want, what you dream of, what you hope for."
"Have courage, the enemies are smaller than you think and the future you want is closer than you can imagine."
"Focus on enjoying the time that you have, and then you'll be able to reach that part of like, 'Oh, I'll get my own house, I'll have my wife,' and all that stuff."
"Congrats on doing 10 years on YouTube and I hope to see many more."
"You're moving forward towards something greater."
"If someday I can make a living off YouTube, then sure I'll tell them."
"In five years time, I'll be 29 years old by the grace of God... I hope to be happy, made up, and established within the career that I want to be in."
"I'm excited to be an old seven year old animator who walks around with an apron and glasses."
"Here's to 2024 being a great and amazing year for us all."
"Many of you asked what him just like I was, you're gonna get your own houses, you're gonna get married, you're gonna settle down."
"You want to have children, your husband's telling you he wants to have children..."
"Next season man we're coming back stronger man."
"It's time for you to move on, think bigger, reach further than expected."
"Someday you're gonna come back here, you're gonna defeat Big Mom, aren't you?"
"What doors will I open for myself to become who I've always maybe wanted to be or what do I want to do next."
"I don't want to change the past, but God, you can hope for the future."
"This is a powerful connection, culminating in what it is that you actually want and moving on to the next level where it just gets better and better."
"But you need to want it for you and keep in mind the person you want to become and act as if you are that person."
"It's time to move forward towards something greater."
"Thank you so much for still being here with me, here's to another year of good things happening."
"You will succeed and you will make it big time."
"This person dreams about you a lot, they're very hopeful for the future with you."
"It's like trust me I'll be back next year for another couple nominations because guess what this is a lifetime now we're married."
"Love, joy, abundance, and fulfillment are on the horizon."
"I'm a mature man, and I realize that I do have time ahead of me to achieve that dream with someone I love and am happy with."
"You deserve better stability, coming, moving to the next level, a sense of ascension and, of course, moving forward."
"One day when the world is ready we will talk about the moon."
"I'd like to thank you all again for a hundred thousand subscribers and here's to whatever more may come."
"Arrive with a dream and leave of the future."
"I want to look at my 16 years one day you'll see very good ones."
"I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up."
"Davey Boy Smith Jr. is the real deal, and I wish him luck with whatever comes next."
"Black Lives Matter offers answers to the why. It offers a new vision for young black girls around the world that we deserve to be fought for."
"It's not about where you started, man, but it's about where we're going."
"She was excited for her future, finishing her degree at Ryerson and starting her life as it should be."
"And I hope, I hope at some point in time, Marine buys herself this Audi RS4 back when I'm 45 years old in 10 years time so yeah."
"Hello future Lewis. You're destined for greatness, man."