
Actions Over Words Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Maybe words were never really the problem. Actions speak louder, don't they say?"
"Our advice is to just do it. You don't have to say 'I love you.'"
"I started not to listen to what people said but started to watch how people acted."
"Vie with one another in righteous actions...prove that you're better by your actions, not just by your words."
"Words are cheap; words don't mean anything. Look at what people have done."
"Your husband is going to see Christ in you more through what you do than what you say. It's way less about what I say and more about what I do."
"Do not win your argument through your words. Win your argument through your actions."
"Don't say you're sorry, show it with action."
"The only thing that women respect is not words, it's deeds, it's actions."
"Don't believe what she says, believe what she does."
"I judge people by what they've done, not by what they say."
"Don't listen to what these politicians say on either side of the aisle watch what they do."
"Actions speak louder than words, which is why I constantly praise a company like CD Projekt RED."
"Remove emotion, stop listening to what's being said to you, and look at actions."
"Real confidence in each other must be built on deeds, not simply words."
"But don’t pay attention to what he says, watch what he does."
"You measure people by what they've done, not just what they say."
"What you do now is more important than what you say."
"You gotta watch their deeds. Not what they say. Politics is personnel. Politics is outcomes."
"I would ignore their words and judge them completely by their actions."
"It's not about what you say, it's about what you do."
"Your success is not determined by what you say, but by what you do."
"It's actions, positive, good-hearted actions that speak so much louder than words."
"We know that that's not just words that are said but that's actually done. I mean, that's the stuff that really matters to us the most."
"Never believe the words. Just watch what they do."
"Words matter, sure, but actions matter more."
"Actions speak louder than words. This means that it's better to actually do something rather than just talk about it."
"When it comes to men that are romantically interested in you, just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do."
"Being a Christian is not just a matter of words but of actions."
"Instead of quoting Jesus, do something Christ-like."
"Don't love me with just your words, but indeed in truth."
"There is only one thing that's credible and that's your actions."
"Stop listening to the chatter and look at the actions."
"Apologizing and doing all that, but it's also, I think that the thing that goes the furthest is just actions."
"It's not about what they say, it's about what they do."
"Actions speak louder than words when it comes to Redemption stories."
"This is a president that you simply have to judge on his actions and not on his words."
"Don't listen to their words, watch their actions."
"The notion of you coming here lecturing us on your first day before this committee, it's not about words, it's about actions."
"In the end though, I hope to show myself through actions and not words."
"That's what matters, not what you claim with your mouth but your action."
"Love and care are in actions, not just words."
"Let us love not in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth."
"What you do now is more important than what you say. There is only one thing that's credible and that's your actions."
"Actions speak a whole lot louder than words."
"You are what you do, not what you say you'll do."
"Please watch what people do and not what they say."
"You literally subtract the words from the actions, you're left with actions. That's your answer."
"I would say encourage your children by what you do because sometimes what you say is not enough. Actions speak louder than words."
"My actions should always speak louder than my words."
"Actions speak louder than words. You can insult the man, you can claim all these bad things about him..."
"Actions speak louder than words, so look at which progressive media outlets are actually in the trenches."
"Silence is louder than words because your actions speak louder than your words."
"Love does not consist in words or feelings, but in deeds."
"Actions speak far more loudly than words do."
"Again remember ignore what they say and focus on what they do look at people's actions."
"What you do speaks louder than anything you can say."
"Anyone can talk the talk, it's what you deliver. Actions speak louder than words."
"It's never about what they say, it's about what they do."
"Sometimes the greatest among us let their actions speak louder than words."
"Don't ever listen to a person's word only listen to their actions."
"You cannot trust people's words, guys. Their actions are going to tell you a hell of a lot more than they ever will."
"People, they don't listen to your words, they look to your actions. It's very easy to speak but it's very difficult to act upon it."
"Man is rewarded for his works and not for his promises. He is rewarded for his deeds and not for his pretensions."
"Justice is not just what you say, justice is what you do."
"If anything, I'm a little envious. It's kind of a Canadian cheat code."
"No matter what a man says, what he does in the end is what he intended to do all along."
"Champions set the example by actions, not just words."
"Let your actions speak louder than your words and show your love."
"It's not what people say about you, it's what you do."
"Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words."
"My father was a man of few words but he always led through his actions."
"You praised the action, not the person."
"Look for the fruit in people's life and don't believe words that aren't attached to actions."
"If you see someone who's all words, no action like this, then, of course, that will destroy trust."
"We're mostly going to be looking at how you acted and how you behaved and what you demonstrated rather than what you said on your application."
"I value your presence here, and I usually try to show that through actions rather than through words."
"We must always look at and trust a behavior, not the words of someone, even if they sound true or could be traced back to some genuine source."
"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."
"If you're wise, in fact, I think you derive more conclusions from their actions than their statements."
"They're going to prove to you through action that they really deserve to be in your life."
"Ignore a man's words and watch his actions."
"I'm going to let my actions continue to speak louder than my words."
"Kids don't really hear what you keep talking about, what they remember most and what impacts them most is them actually seeing you doing the stuff you talking about."
"I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies."
"Rather than listen to what you say, I'm going to look at what you pay."
"Sometimes these three could do a better job of communicating, but when you get right down to it, we can say that the actions that we’ve seen from them - and the support that they give each other - do in fact speak louder than words."
"Don't be foolish, watch what people do, not what they say."
"Don't listen to what they say, look at what they do."
"Pay attention to their behavior, not their words; you will usually find the truth in that."
"You're a kind of introvert with words but will show love and care with your actions."
"Trust someone's actions, not their words."
"Be careful of people's words, pay attention to their actions, and listen to your intuition."
"She's gotten all your words for years, she doesn't care about your words, she cares about your actions."